Anime Characters Fight вики

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Anime Characters Fight вики
Anime Characters Fight вики
Anime Characters Fight вики
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Статья содержит неполную, некорректную либо неактуальную информацию. Это может означать как то, что она имеет проблемы с оформлением, так и то, что информация, изложенная в статье, может быть устаревшей, непроверенной, недоказанной, не соответствовать действительности либо быть недостаточной. Сюда же относятся профили, которые находятся в процессе их ревизии.
  1. Вначале был Свет - неограниченное временем и пространством призматическое море живой, позитивной энергии. В ходе расширения этого моря, часть его энергий угасла и оставила после себя холодное небытие, где появилась темная, жаждущая все поглотить вампирическая сила - Тень/Бездна. Между противоположными, но неразделимыми Светом и Тенью возникло напряжение, что спровоцировало серию катастрофических взрывов, разорвавших ткань творения и породивших ВЗТ. Вероятно, это было частью или прелюдией действий таинственных ПредвечныхTHE FIRST ONES/Прародителей, которые, по всей видимости, собрали космические силы (Свет и Тень, Жизнь и Смерть, Порядок и Хаос) и уравновесили их - поместили в основание паттерна, который породил реальность и меньшие силы, придав тем самым космосу форму гексатерона, вершинами которого и являются космические силы - а также создали ТЗ и иные планы бытия. Свет и Тень являются самыми фундаментальными силами бытия и проявляются соответственно как светлаяHOLY магия и темнаяSHADOW магия. Жизнь и Смерть властвуют над живыми существами ВЗТ и проявляются соответственно как магия природы, что заставляет все расти и обновляться, и некромантическая магия, что порождает страх в сердцах смертных, ведет всё к энтропическому разложению и забвению. Порядок и Хаос управляют космическими системами ВЗТ и соответственно проявляются как тайная магия, что нестабильна и требует для владения точности и концентрации, и магия скверны, что жестока, разрушительна, вызывает зависимость и подпитывается жизнью. Меньшими силами являются стихии - Огонь, Воздух, Земля, Вода, Дух/Ци, Распад. Огонь, Воздух, Земля, Вода служат строительными блоками для материи ВЗТ. Дух является животворящей силой, соединяющей и связывающей все воедино, используемой шаманами для уравновешивания первых четырех. Распад используется шаманами для подчинения первых четырех и превращения их в оружие. Есть некая седьмая космическая сила - возможно артефакт геометрии паттерна, фрактал
    1. Планы бытия состоят из слоев поверх слоев реальности
    2. Планы бытия космических сил имеют Зереты - измерения с расположенными в них святилищами Предвечных, которые являются фундаментально связанными между собой сердцами планов бытия космических сил: Смерть - Зерет Мортис, Порядок - Зерет Ордос. В святилище Зерет Мортиса, Гробнице Предвечных, Зоваал используя связь между святилищами в Зеретах и силу Азерот собирался подчинить и переделать реальность, сделав Смерть главной силой космоса, но успел лишь оставить в балансирующем космические силы паттерне трещину, которая со временем должна расшириться
    3. Смерть, Свет, Порядок это про ритм и структуру, они видят один путь; Жизнь, Тень, Хаос это про импровизацию и возможности, они видят множество путей. Близость к ним влияет на мировоззрение существ, ограничивая восприятие, от чего космологическая карта брокеров, созданий Смерти, отличается от таковой у титанов, созданий Порядка
    4. Вода - фундамент Жизни. [Шарас'дал] позволяет манипулировать как водой, так и жизненной энергией
    5. Дух ощущается огромным, холодным, не враждебным, является невыразимой энергией, что связывает миры. Изобилие Духа на Дреноре привело к росту флоры и фауны. Дух = ци, внутренняя сила в каждом сердце
    6. Магия крови - разновидность магии Жизни, подвергнувшаяся страданиям жизнь
  2. Магия/энергия сил пронизывает мироздание, заклинатели способны призывать ее из иных планов бытия
    1. Свет имеет ярко-желтый цвет, тайная магия - белый и/или фиолетовый, магия природы - зеленый
    2. Жизнь и Смерть связывают душу с телом у живых и нежити соответственно. У нежити часто души с телами слабо связаны, из-за чего они обладают слабой чувствительностью, чувствуют агонию от контакта со светлой магией, не могут чувствовать любовь, радость и гнев как живые и вынуждены причинять им боль, иначе сами будут страдать
    3. Время - концепт Порядка, и чем дальше место находится от влияния этой космической силы, тем нестабильнее там течение времени. В частности, в несвязанных с Порядком планах бытия - Завесе, Изумрудном Сне, и особенно Круговерти Пустоты. Смерть - это про вечность
    4. Стихии связаны с эмоциями, что, по всей видимости, может повлиять на магию находящихся по сильными чувствами существ:
      Магни вложил в создаваемое для Могрейна оружие свои гнев и печаль по гибели родного брата, создав [Испепелитель]; Тауриссан во время чтения заклинания был объят гневом из-за гибели жены и ранних неудач, из-за чего его заклинание достигло Огненных Простор и Рагнароса
      Впав в отчаяние из-за кражи Тиранды Ксавием, Малфурион неосознанно вызвал огромный шторм; Совет Теней в диком отчаянии вместо демона призвал звукового элементаля Бормотуна
    5. Лей-линии - потоки магической энергии(/тайной магии?), которые протекают через изъяны в ткани реальности из Круговерти Пустоты и покрывают ВЗТ сложными узорами, образуя не менее сложные геомантические правила для возведения магических городов
    1. Светлая магия требует большой силы веры и/или воли
    2. Не умеющей пользоваться темной магией Аллерии помогали с этим сущности из Бездны
    3. Тайная магия - язык Порядка. Магия скверны - язык Хаоса, что создается из разрушения чего-нибудь другого, источником энергии служат, в частности, жизни и души
    4. Тайная магия требует самоконтроля и использует как топливо ману, которая образуется из смешения различных сил и энергий
    5. Некромантическая магия использует как топливо аниму - энергию души, образующейся под влиянием Духа и Разложения и чье количество зависит от важности души для мироздания
  3. магические создания привязаны к планам бытия космических сил и могут быть окончательно убиты только там, гибель в иных местах мироздания отправит их туда на перерождение
    1. Создания Света
    2. Создания Тени, темныеSHADOW сущности?, особо могущественных представителей которых можно призвать используемой для усиления ритуалов темной магии, очень мощной, но конфликтующей с тайной магией руной Зиур. Согласно древнему лорпосту, Древние Боги вне цикла жизни и смерти, вне времени и пространства и для их убийства нужно полностью стереть их из бытия
    3. Создания Хаоса, демоны
    4. Создания Порядка, чародейскиеARCANE сущности?, состоящие из чистой arcane energy и обитающие на неназванном плане бытия, один из которых, Алунет, будучи заключенным в одноименный посох, заверяет авантюриста, что способен погрузить целый город в морскую пучину
    5. Создания Жизни, животные?
    6. Создания Смерти, которых пугался Один
  4. Элементалей легче убить - уничтожить души магией скверны или поглотить их: у элементалей Дренора жизненный цикл, в ходе которого они загрязняются примесями, помирают и перерождаются. Души Повелителей элементалей Азерота привязаны к самому Азероту, что позволяет им возрождаться после гибели
  5. Мир Света: нет информации
  6. Мир Тени, Бездна - это ничто. Если скверна - абсолютный ноль, Бездна - энтропия?
    1. Есть некий мир теней, в котором прятались Анзу и араккоа
  7. Мир Хаоса, Круговерть Пустоты(/КП) - линия между Светом и Тенью, астральное измерение, параллельно ВЗТ, своими энергиями искажает ее и порождает странные отражения миров ВЗТ
  8. Мир Порядка: нет информации
  9. Изумрудный Сон(/ИС) - туманного происхождения эфемерное измерение духов, мир спящих, мир до появления разумных форм жизни, где время и расстояние слабы. Возможно является измерением Жизни или перетекает в него, возможно отражением миров ВЗТ
    1. Провал Альн - маленький уголок Изумрудного Сна, излучающее первобытную энергию сюрреалистическое место, что постепенно перетекает в КП и ВЗТ и где возможно возник ИС
  10. Мир Смерти, Тёмные ЗемлиSHADOWLANDS(/ТЗ) - бесконечное измерение, полное бесчисленного количества миров, что олицетворяют всевозможные представления смертных о загробной жизни
  11. Планы бытия космических сил отделяет от ВЗТ Завеса
  12. Великая Запредельная Тьма(/ВЗТ) - постоянно расширяющаяся физическая вселенная, сложная фрактальная структура из одной постоянной истинной временной линии/главной реки и бесконечного множества вытекающих из нее ручьев и устьев/альтернативных временных линий, порождаемых действиями и решениями смертных. КП трансцендентна реальностями ВЗТ и уничтожение жизни демонами постепенно сужает диапазон возможностей, убивает надежду, ибо каждая жизнь есть вселенная. Вариации одного смертного из разных реальностей являются нитками одной веревки, которые могут существовать отдельно друг от друг и могут быть собраны вместе, что требует очень много времени и происходит в Темных Землях, ибо Смерть не связана со временем и олицетворяет вечность

Chronicle 1

  • 18: Before life began, before even the cosmos took shape, there was Light… and there was Void. Unfettered by the confines of time and space, the Light swelled across all existence in the form of a boundless prismatic sea. Great torrents of living energy flitted through its mirrored depths, their movements conjuring a symphony of joy and hope. The ocean of Light was dynamic and ever shifting. Yet as it expanded, some of its energies faded and dimmed, leaving behind pockets of cold nothingness. From the absence of Light in these spaces, a new power coalesced and came to be. This power was the Void, a dark and vampiric force driven to devour all energy, to twist creation inward to feed upon itself. The Void quickly grew and spread its influence, moving against the flowing waves of Light. The mounting tension between these two opposing yet inseparable energies eventually ignited a series of catastrophic explosions, rupturing the fabric of creation and birthing a new realm into existence. In that moment, the physical universe was born.
  • 10: Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in existence. Although contradictory by their very nature, they are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other. Pure Light and Shadow dwell in a realm outside the borders of reality, but shades of their presence are found in the physical universe. Light manifests as holy magic, while Shadow (also referred to as “the Void”) appears as shadow magic.
    The forces of Life and Death hold sway over every living thing in the physical universe. The energies of Life, known commonly as nature magic, promote growth and renewal in all things. Death, in the form of necromantic magic, acts as a counterbalance to Life. It is an unavoidable force that breeds despair in mortal hearts and pushes everything toward a state of entropic decay and eventual oblivion.
    The forces of Order and Disorder govern the cosmic systems of the physical universe. Order is most commonly perceived in reality as arcane magic. This type of energy is innately volatile, and wielding it requires intense precision and concentration. Conversely, Disorder is manifested as highly destructive fel magic. This brutal and extremely addictive energy is fueled by drawing life from living beings.
    The elements of fire, air, earth, and water serve as the basic building blocks of all matter in the physical universe. Shamanic cultures have long sought to live in harmony with, or assert dominion over, the elements. To do so, they call upon the primordial forces of Spirit and Decay. Those who seek to bring balance to the elements rely on Spirit (sometimes referred to as the “fifth element” by shaman, or “chi” by monks). This life-giving force interconnects and binds all things in existence as one. Decay is the tool of shaman seeking to subjugate and weaponize the elements themselves.

Expedition Report A37J-1

  • There are references to forces so primal that we have no frame of reference for them. Roiling and churning, or measured and deliberate? The words here have multiple meanings, I must set them aside for now. What is clear is that great powers took shape. How many? There are numbers within numbers, my friends. At first I thought only two, until I perceived an infinite array - O, the terror of it! - but as of late I have settled on six. Possibly seven, but the last might be an artifact of the geometry. A fractal. I will tell you what I know.
    These six forces existed in strife. Well, not strife in the way one such as you or I would see it. Opposition surely, but whether malignant or benign is unclear. There was imbalance, until there was a need for something more. They came together (or were brought together, depending on how one interprets the fractal) and gave form to their design. Forged? Scribed? Shaped? The exact word is elusive. Each architect gave a portion of themselves, and thus the pattern was drawn. It is from here that the language becomes clearer.
    With a framework in place, all that we now comprehend came to be. As if reality were nothing more than a fungus growing upon the frame. Six forces now in balance, and from their intersections arose others. A simple structure growing infinitely more complex. Now do you understand why my translations took such time? Why they still elude me? It grows! It changes! Glyphs and geometry and fractals everywhere! Forgive me.
    As each emptiness abated and grew fuller, the pattern alone was not enough. Shapes arose within shapes, begotten by the six to beget more. Now it grows clearer. More certain. Each layer more fathomable to a meager mind such as yours.
    Six realms. Many intersections. Countless fractals. In balance? Possibly. But that might be wrong. If six equal one, then what is the other? The one outside the pattern.

Firim in Exile-7

  • The six forces that pointed toward a seventh, and yet denied it. For a long while I considered this seeming contradiction no more than another variable. An unknown waiting to be solved. But the song of the oracle continued to reverberate in my consciousness. And as I allowed my focus to soften, my grip upon the tangible to loosen, the geometry took shape in my mind. It was both six AND seven. The six were one, and the seventh the other. Did they desire union? The song seemed to say otherwise. Both were, yet only one could be. The melody shifted. I shuddered at the shape it took. This was not a variable to be solved. It was a solution awaiting its opportunity.

Devs Talk the New Raid and Mythic+ Score Coming to the Chains of Domination Expansion

  • You learn of this Broker that's on the trail of super-powerful artifacts that were created by the First Ones, the progenitors who created the Shadowlands and other cosmic realms.

Everliving Statuette

  • The seventh covets what the six hold fast. The fulcrum wavers. All will be undone.

Palawltar's Codex of Dimensional Structure

  • Put simply, the cosmos appears as a hexateron. Imagine a four-sided tetrahedron internally extruded to form a multidimensional solid with twenty planes of existence, fifteen transitory pathways, and six vertices where interferon patterns create monopolar expressions of cosmic forces.

The Sundering

  • The Emerald Dream has layers, Malfurion. Levels upon levels. She of the Dreaming discovered these through experience. The Earth Warder likely will not know of them. You may be able to use such a path to circumvent his defenses and keep from his attention for a time.
  • Malfurion retreated from the caverns, from the mountains. As he left the latter, he sought for the unfinished world within the Emerald Dream. Only when he had reentered it did the druid feel any sense of security. That sense of security vanished as he once again felt Neltharion's overwhelming presence. The dragon knew of the Dream realm's layers…

quest/A Shady Place

  • Existence is not a simple thing, playername. It is layers upon layers of realities. The Jailer's traps are pulling our troops into one such rift, hidden from normal sight. I have obtained an Unbalanced Riftstone. It will give you the ability to enter the rift and destroy the traps keeping our troops trapped inside, before they are lost forever. After you've destroyed the Rift-Veiled Traps, exit the rift and pull the trapped soldiers back into our reality.

quest/Covenants Renewed

  • The Primus says: Once, Zovaal stood among us as the Arbiter. Yet he defied the will of the First Ones and sought to unmake the balance of the cosmos.
  • The Primus says: Zovaal pursues the secrets locked within the Sepulcher. Should he find the knowledge he seeks, all that you know will be undone.

Adventure Guide/Sepulcher of the First Ones

  • The Jailer has breached the Sepulcher, the mysterious heart of the Shadowlands. Should he control its primordial power, he will reshape the cosmos with Death at the fore. As Zovaal prepares to dominate reality, champions of Azeroth charge forth to stop him.

Firim in Exile, Epilogue

  • For I have studied the inner workings of the Sepulcher. Seen the powers with which the Jailer sought to remake reality. And these observations fill me with a fear that shakes the very core of my being. It is clear to me now that there must be a Zereth for each force of the cosmos, and within them, an inner sanctum akin to the Sepulcher. And if that is true, then these sanctums must be connected on some fundamental level; a connection that the Jailer sought to exploit. What he began in the Sepulcher was meant to cascade outward from one Zereth to the next, until all were dominated by his power. The heart of the Shadowlands acting as a doorway to the heart of each cosmic force in turn, one after another bound to his will. But if his scheme was thwarted, then why is my mind so ill at ease? Because I have seen how fragile the pattern is. How delicate the scales that keep the six forces in balance. And if the Jailer, in his act of malevolence, left behind but the most imperceptible of cracks in that pattern, then I fear what is tiny now will only grow, until the balance itself is prone to be shattered by another force applying relentless pressure.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • "Then let us begin. You have been a remarkable student thus far, Alleria Windrunner. But you have barely touched the Shadow. To truly understand your destiny, you must become one with it." The ethereal's power pulsed softly. "And that is where the danger lies. You see the Void as an enemy. It sees you the same way. For now. Its very nature is hostile to what you know as life and sanity." The blackness around them seemed to shift. "But without the Shadow, you would have never been alive at all."
  • "You already understand one truth, Alleria. The Light is blind. It cannot see the whole of destiny, because it alone is not responsible for it. Your path was shrouded by Shadow, and thus it was hidden from the Light." The strength of his words gave her an anchor to cling to as the torrents of darkness tossed her about. "Now understand another truth. The Shadow is just as blind. It saw your fate intertwining with its own, and it rejoiced. But it, too, sees only a fragment of destiny. But that fragment is unlike anything you've known before."
  • "You have known the Shadow as nothing but horrors. The Shadow sees the Light in the same way. Neither viewpoint is true. Neither is wrong." The roar of the Void nearly drowned him out. The masters of the Void were clawing at her mind. She barely fought them off. "The Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies. The Shadow seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth."
  • Slowly she began to see the difference between the Shadow's memories… the Shadow's plans… and the Shadow's desires. And from that… Destiny. She saw what the Light could not. She saw what even the Shadow could not, because, yes, it was just as blind. She saw terrible choices. She saw noble betrayals. She saw… victory, in a way she could scarcely comprehend. And among all of that, she saw countless events that would never happen. The lies of the Void were strong, intoxicating, but they quickly collapsed.
  • Perhaps one day she would fall to madness. Perhaps one day she would betray her allies. She was capable of it. But she would never, not in any possibility, not in any circumstance, harm her son. She would never lift a finger against Arator. Even if he killed her for what she had become, she would accept it gladly. The weight of that truth kept her afloat. And she could feel the Shadow's confusion. It did not understand the bonds between mortals. It did not understand that there were some things that could not be corrupted.
  • She searched the Void's knowledge for answers. When none came, she instinctively reached out for the Light. The two forces collided in a blinding jolt of pain. But she glimpsed a truth: Turalyon screaming silently as his soul was ripped from his body. That was neither the past nor the future. It was happening now. She knew it.

item/Aman'Thul's Wisdom

  • Know that there is only one true timeline, though there are those who would have it otherwise.

zone/Zereth Mortis

  • Saezurah says: Mortis. Lumen. Ordus. Rhythm and structure.
    Saezurah says: Vitae. Umbra. Tumult. Improvisation and possibility.


  • Ramaniel says: Surely you can see the similarities, Melinor. The void shows us a winding road of infinite possibilities - just like the various timelines we are charged to observe.
    Melinor says: Your affinity warps your understanding, Ramaniel. The flow of time is akin to the Light itself. It is a central, singular truth that must be preserved against all threats.

item/Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742

  • Remember: Life is chaos. It must be controlled.

item/The Legend of Elun'Ahir

  • Seeking to bring hope and healing, our patron titan, Eonar, carried a gift given to her by Elune--a branch of G'Hanir, the mother world tree. The titan believed that the influence of Life would drive the darkness away. So she reached down her hand and shaped the soil of Azeroth, planting the branch where it could be fed by river and sky. The branch swiftly grew into a tree, its roots extending deep, deep below the surface. Eonar smiled, for everywhere the roots stretched, new life emerged. She called the tree Elun'Ahir, in honor of her great love. When Aman'Thul saw what Eonar had done, he chided her. "This is not Order!" he bellowed. "You have infected this world with uncontrolled chaos!" The Highfather took hold of the world tree's trunk and tore it from the earth.

item/On the Nature of the Dream

  • Yet the very nature of life is one of change, is it not? Things are born, live, and die, but life itself goes on. Perhaps life was never meant to be ordered. To be static and unchanging. The titans' servants do not seem to understand that Life and Death are sisters, bound together in a Great Cycle. Do they not wish to see this truth? Or is it beyond their fundamental nature to perceive it? If we dragons see it, then it can only mean that we are touched not just by Life and Order, but other forces as well. And if dragons are the product of powers great and small being eternally intertwined, then so must all mortals be. Perhaps Azeroth herself was touched by all these forces. Or could she be their true source?


  • 4: It is a necessity that I adapt quickly, given that I provide the very foundations of life.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • This extraordinary scepter can command the rivers and the seas, and even manipulate life itself.
  • Imbued with the Well of Eternity's potent waters, it held sway over the rivers and the seas, aquatic creatures of all kinds, and the life energies that stirred within Azshara herself. One of the first things Azshara did with Sharas'dal was use its power to enhance her legendary beauty. As the years wore on, the queen seemed to grow younger and more mesmerizing.


  • 4: Then he felt… something. Something very different from the other elements. It felt immense: cold but not hostile. And in its presence Nobundo felt very, very small. Then, he felt this presence speak with a multitude of voices, both feminine and masculine, a harmonic symphony within and all around him. And again he experienced that sense of diminution, of insignificance as he witnessed a dark, never-ending expanse filled with myriad worlds. Some like Draenor, some great balls of ice and frost, some covered in water, some lifeless and barren. And suddenly Nobundo understood… something seemingly so simple, yet a concept that had completely eluded his mind: there were countless worlds beyond. This much he had known, as his people had traveled to many worlds before settling on Draenor. But what Nobundo had failed to comprehend was that the power of the elements stretched far beyond as well. Each world had its own elements, its own powers to call upon. And there was more. Out here in the void was another element, one that seemed to bind the worlds together, one composed of unspeakable energy. If he could call upon this one - but he knew immediately that he was far too inexperienced at this stage of his journey to commune with this mysterious new element. This was just a glimpse, a gift of understanding…


  • MickyNeilson:
    Q: Nobundo senses a "multitude of voices" (Life?). Then, an "energy" "in the void" (Arcane/Twis.Neth.?). Got it right?
    A: Yep - primarily, life in all things, life on other worlds.
    Q: So, the "new" element that was in the void, binding the world together and composed of unspeakable energy… is Life?
    A: Life is what he senses on myriad other worlds. The unspeakable energy is what binds all worlds together.

Chronicle 2

  • 12: The fifth element had another, far more extraordinary effect on Draenor. It accelerated the growth of flora and fauna.

Chronicle 1

  • 88: Kang communed often with the August Celestial, learning the secrets of inner strength that lay within every heart.
  • DaveKosak: "Chi" is the Pandaren word for "Spirit" same energy that helps shaman heal, etc.


  • Blood was tortured life, Fel is Chaos

quest/Life Blood

  • Lor'themar Theron says: Blood as a power source - a very powerful form of life magic. The work of the titans, perhaps? How does it work?

The Last Guardian

  • I am nothing but one more component in the great machine, one that has been running since the Well of Eternity was first shattered. The one thing that the original bits of Medivh and myself agree on is that this cycle needs to be shattered.
  • As long as there are Guardians, there is Order. And as long as there is Order, the parts are there to be played. Decisions made millennia ago set both your path and mine. It is part of greater cycle, one that has held us all in its sway.

raid/Emerald Nightmare

  • Il'gynoth whispers: Your coming was foretold in the rings. The long circle is nearly complete.

quest/Visions of Torment

  • Sargeras says: The circle nears completion.

Chronicle 2

  • 22: Still others reached beyond the veil of reality, touching the forces of Light and Void that permeated the cosmos.

Blood of Our Fathers

  • 6: The song reached a fever pitch, and the young priest lifted his eyes and voice to the heavens, calling to the very heart of the cosmos for a source of divine power.

Blizzcon 2016:

  • Holy magic moves throughout the cosmos, its magic travels through everything in the universe.


  • MickyNeilson:
    Q: do draenei get their light powers directly from the naaru or faith?
    A: "The TBC manual states, "the naaru instructed the exiles in the way of the Light". They get their powers from the Holy Light.
  • Loreology:
    Q: “Hello, had a question about warlocks, from where are they actually harnessing their power? From the Twisting Nether perhaps?
    A: “No, that’d be magi, IIRC. They gain power by the destruction of another source (recall the undead warlock in original cinematic)
    Q: “@Loreology But Destro locks have a passive called Chaotic Energy, that says “You drain energy directly from the twisting nether.”?
    A: “Highly possible, I was just providing some info. I’ll have to double check.”
  • Muffinus: Life uses life energy, emerald dream stuff.

Tome of the Ancients

  • To aid in this task, she shaped a mystical realm that would become known as the Emerald Dream. She wanted it to be an unspoiled vision of nature, undisturbed by the forces of evil or external civilizations. She began by creating a single, massive tree, set atop a high peak within the Dream. From it bloomed many different fruits and flowers, and new life flowed outward in waves, sweeping across the land. Freya sculpted pools of life in other locations within the Emerald Dream, but this tree was the first, the tallest, and the most radiant. For millennia, it served as a source of healing and balance that extended beyond the Dream and into the physical world.

Chronicle 1

  • 14: The undead are former mortals who have died and become trapped between life and death. These tragic beings derive power from the necromantic energies that pervade the universe. Most undead are driven by vengeance and hatred to destroy the one thing that they can never have again: life.

Rise of the Horde

  • The shaman said that all things had a life, a power, a spirit. They were deeply involved with the spirits of the elements—earth, air, fire, and water—and the Spirit of the Wilds—and claimed they could sense the life force in earth and even seemingly dead stone.


  • 4: In time, however, Nobundo gained an understanding of the life-energies around him. From the largest creatures on Draenor to a single, seemingly insignificant grain of sand, he was keenly aware that everything in existence was alive with a vital energy, and that these energies were linked and dependent on one another despite geographic location and opposing forces. What was more, he could feel these energies as if they were a part of him, which as he now understood, they were.


  • Canonically, the Holy Light is seen as bright yellow in color.
  • Arcane magic is canonically white and/or violet in the lore


  • 4: The arrow exploded in front of him, and he appeared limned in emerald green light. The color of nature. The color of kaldorei defiance.
  • 4: But all she could feel—as Malfurion cried out a challenge and the green energy of life clashed with Sylvanas’s miasma of barren death—was bitterness. Bitterness and coldness.

Maldraxxus, Shadowlands and Beyond - Interview with Steve Danuser:

  • In life, for a living being, the soul is anchored to the body through the force of Life. It is a living body, therefore Life is a force that’s holding the soul to it. But in the case of a Forsaken, in the case of someone who is raised from the dead, it’s a different force, because life isn’t present within them. And so that is the force of necromancy, that is anchoring the soul to the body. Now it’s a different process than a living being, than someone who is kind of held together through the power of Life (with a capital L, as one of the Cosmic forces of the universe). So that Forsaken person, that undead person is held together by the power of Death, and that can have an effect on the soul. And we’ve seen that being raised can result in certain different circumstances. One person who’s raised may be very much intact. They may essentially be the same person that they were in life. Others are more aggressive, more hateful or more scornful than they were in life. And part of that has to do with the manner in which they’re raised. There’s all kinds of factors that go into that. So I would say that being raised that way is something of an imperfect process. It’s something that isn’t as defined and easily categorized as the living is. But make no mistake about it: Someone who is Forsaken, someone who is an intelligent undead like that, they do have their soul anchored to the mortal realm. Even if for a time it had crossed over in the Shadowlands and was brought back.

Blizzard lore posts/Nyorloth

  • The souls of the undead (Forsaken, PC death knights, ghouls, etc.) are imperfectly attached to their bodies; the dark magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence. The primary exception to this rule are liches, as liches bind their souls to a phylactery and then use the phylactery to generate a physical form; this process is why lich bodies look nothing like their mortal bodies, and also why you have to destroy a lich’s phylactery to truly kill them.

Ask CDev

  • However, some undead, especially those who die in combat or under extreme stress and are raised soon after, enter into a violent, frenzied state. Undead in this state are easily manipulated and their rage is often directed at the foes of those who raised them.
  • If death knights do not regularly inflict agony upon another creature, they begin to suffer wracking pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking hysteria—a far worse fate than that of those who suffer from arcane withdrawal.

We Ride Forth

  • 1: Death had robbed Mograine—had robbed them all—of the vibrant kaleidoscope of mortal emotions. They could not know love, joy, or anger like the living did.
  • 1: We are cursed. We suffer every day. And the only comfort we can find is to inflict death and pain on the living.

Dark Mirror

  • 2: The world swam through a thick, smoky haze. There was no reason, no sense. Only hatred. A hatred rooted deep in the corners of his mind, its tendrils twisting, vinelike, through his fetid core. The man he'd been was murdered, his blood now salting the farmlands he had once called home. This creature might inhabit the dead man's body, but it possessed no will of its own. It didn't need one. It existed only to serve the Lich King. He stopped feasting and waited. He waited because it was his master's will that he do so. A moment passed before he sensed it.
  • 2: He didn't care about the useless notions still lingering in the dead man's mind. Hatred welled up, demanding to be unleashed. He did not pause to reason why the cloaked figures hadn't ended him as they had the woman. He only longed to sink his teeth into the bits of flesh exposed between the pieces of their dark armor. When they rose as Scourge beside him, their bows would be unnecessary. Hatred would become their weapon, as it had become his. He sniffed the air to stoke his hunger, but the scent confused him. His foes were neither humans nor elves. They weren't living at all—they were as dead as he was.


  • A giant animated skeleton rose from the ossuary sea and clawed its way over a mountain of ribs and skulls and thighbones, until its spark of necromantic energy faded and it tumbled back into the mass from which it had emerged.

Interview de Steve Danuser sur l'histoire de Shadowlands:

  • Time is a concept of Order, not Death. The farther that one gets from the influence of Order, the less meaning time has. The afterlives of the Shadowlands are meant to be eternal. What role does time have in an existence that never ends? The force of Order has influenced life on Azeroth, which is why living mortals perceive it the way they do. Without their tether to the mortal plane, the soul no longer has the same perception.

- quest/Voodoo Feathers

  • Are you back so soon? Time is not the same to me any more, perhaps it has indeed been a long journey for you…

Edge of Night

  • 4: Then Sylvanas felt herself being pulled away, her senses reeling. Everything disappeared, and time stopped.

The Judgment

  • 5: A week? Vol’jin, Zalazane… you been gone three months.

quest/Neltharion's Lair: Braid of the Underking

  • Greetings, Deathlord. Years have passed since we first met, but for me it has been mere days.

Dark Mirror

  • 2: Had days or years passed since he'd been raised? It mattered not at all. Time was the burden of mortals, and the master's gift had freed him from it.

- The Sundering

  • Time was a nebulous thing in the Emerald Dream, but it still passed.

- Chronicle 3

  • 132: In all known realms of the cosmos, time flows forward, ever forward. Chaotic energies in places like the Twisting Nether can affect how quickly it flows, but it only flows forward.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The currents of time flow ever forward, but the forces of the Twisting Nether are unpredictable. Look. Another vision came to life. A giant ocean appeared, and Alleria and Turalyon gazed upon a massive vortex disturbing the waters. The whirlpool carried two pieces of driftwood, one at the edge, where the water was calm, and the other near the center. The one on the outside drifted slowly, lazily. The one in the center was violently tossed about, circling the vortex countless times. Storms roiled the waters, jarring the currents, injecting ever more chaos into the system. Turalyon slowly began to understand. The same ocean, the same waters, yet affected differently by the same forces. Azeroth moved more slowly than the turbulent parts of the universe.

Elemental Duality


  • 4: The elements kept their bargain, and aspects of their nature were bestowed upon him. From Water he gained clarity and patience: for the first time in so many years, his thoughts were unclouded. From Fire he gained passion, a renewed appreciation for life, and the desire to overcome any obstacle. From Earth he gained resolve, a steel will, and unshakable determination. From Wind he learned courage and persistence: how to dig deep within and press on in the face of adversity.
  • Nobundo forced his eyes from the gathered assembly to the fountain in the center of the small plaza. From that water he asked for clarity. He felt his thoughts resolve into focus.
  • He knelt and drank from a pool of water and felt immediately rejuvenated. He felt his mind open up, his thoughts becoming a part of his surroundings as the surroundings in turn became a part of him.


Ashbringer1 page14

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • Legend holds that King Magni infused the full weight of his rage and sorrow into the Ashbringer's forging, resulting in a weapon of untold vengeance and devastation.

Chronicle 1

  • 154: He decided to draw the fiery power from deep within the world and use it as a weapon. Thus Thaurissan wove a great spell to save his kingdom. Yet amid his conjuration, his mind turned to the death of his wife and his recent defeats. Anger roiled through Thaurissan’s heart. His rage grew so absolute that his spellwork breached the Elemental Plane and tapped into Ragnaros the Firelord.

- The Demon Soul

  • This storm's birth is the result of your misery, druid! It radiates your despair! You must put an end to it and your hopelessness if anyone is to survive!
  • He reached out and touched it as Cenarius had taught him to touch all parts of nature and what he discovered repelled the druid. It was not the storm that so disgusted him, but that part of it which he knew was indeed himself. He had created this monstrosity, somehow utilizing his sadness and dismay.

Chronicle 2

  • 93: In their wild desperation, the warlocks summoned something far different. An otherworldly elemental creature known as Murmur materialized within Auchindoun, pulled to Draenor from a distant corner of the universe.

Thinking with Portals - A Memorandum on Proper Portal Usage

  • Remember that a portal most used is a portal most efficient: More persons using a single portal causes no further stress to the Ley Lines, and is encouraged.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • All of Azeroth was draped in this complex arrangement of lines of magical energy, but those he currently viewed served a specific purpose. They powered the various wards that acted as the Nexus’s protection. Following along the ley lines, he began to inspect each ward carefully. Kalec quickly saw the weakest of the wards. He put forth a hand, which in this worldview glowed with lavender energy, and gestured at the ley line needed. With his other hand, he drew from another of Azeroth’s ley lines and linked the two where the core of the first lay exposed—

War Crimes

  • It had lain dormant for millennia, until Malygos began to use it to direct surge needles. These needles pulled arcane magic from Azeroth’s ley lines and channeled it into the Nexus,


  • He had visited every location marked on the map and used geomantic sorcery to chart the outflows of power into the Twisting Nether.
  • Huge magical energies flowed all around. Gul’dan had used the mountain as the site of the ritual that had bound the orc clans to the service of the Burning Legion before the First War. Gul’dan’s absorbed memories now told Illidan this was the place to cast his spell. Here lay a great flaw in the fabric of the universe that was connected to the lair of the Deceiver himself. This night the flow of energies from the Twisting Nether would be at its strongest in years.
  • Illidan felt a surge of energy as his soul crossed the borders of the city. It, too, must have been beautiful once, laid out according to complex geomantic rules.

Of Blood and Honor

  • Once again he slapped his hands on the orc’s chest and concentrated with all of his will. “By the grace of the Light, may your brethren be healed.” The phrase wafted through his mind repeatedly as he reached deep for the power that lurked somewhere within his spirit. “In its grace he will be made anew.” The Light could not be taken from him, he insisted. Men could strip him of his armor and titles, they could take away his home and his wealth—but the Light would always been within him. It had to be. Slowly, Tirion felt a searing heat rising within his body. It filled his center with strength and light that snaked out toward his limbs. He almost cried out in joy as the familiar energies raced through his hands and engulfed the orc’s ravaged body.

Blizzard lore posts

  • Q: is holy of prists and paladin is same energy?'/megics?
    A: Both priests and paladins can wield the Holy Light. However, not all wield it through the same means (e.g., Elune, An'she)
    Q:So the end product (Holy Light spells, etc) is the same, just the philosophy that masters it different?
    A:I think for game-related reasons, yes. Examples that come to mind are night elf priests and tauren paladins.

Ask CDev

  • Without spoiling too much, we can tell you that wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one's own ability to do it. That's why there are evil paladins (for example, the Scarlet Crusade and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne). For the undead (and Forsaken), this requires such a great deal of willpower that it is exceedingly rare, especially since it is self-destructive.


  • DaveKosak: To wield the Light as a weapon takes intense focus and a VERY powerful belief. Power isn't stolen the way Warlocks take it.
  • MickyNeilson: Q: What's the deal with goblin priests? Do they believe in the Light?
    A: They use willpower to wield the Light, driven by greed.

Chronicle 3

  • 163: Publicly, he remained head of the church, and through sheer willpower, he retained his ability to wield the Holy Light.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • She reached out for the Void. Dark power flowed into her. She did not know how to control it, but that did not matter. Something else, far away, did the work for her. Something else, far away, wanted her to survive. She could feel its maddening whispers flooding her thoughts.


  • DaveKosak: Arcane is language of order, Fel is language of chaos
  • Loreology: Fel magic is created from destroying something else
  • DaveKosak: Warlocks convert life into fel, draining the victim as a source of power.
  • Muffinus: Real Fel energy consumes souls, yes.
  • Muffinus: Fel uses souls as energy, erasing them from existence.

The Last Guardian

  • Most of the lessons he had learned as a child about non-Dalaran mages always ended in the same fashion—without restraint, control, and thought, the wild, untrained, and self-taught wizards always came to a bad end (sometimes, though not often, destroying a large amount of the surrounding countryside with them).


  • Q: Mana and arcane energy are the same thing, right?
    A: Only as similar as, say, water and steam pressure.

item/Gravity Spiral

  • The existence and mixture of various forces and energies forms powerful vortices of mana.


  • Great souls, good or dark, kind or cruel, have more anima. Ordinary souls, less. Can you imagine, then, Sylvanas Windrunner, the power that a world’s soul—a titan’s soul— might have?

BlizzCon 2019 - World of Warcraft: What's Next:

  • Anima is the mana, it is ironically the lifeblood of the Shadowlands. In this land of death it's the force that makes the trees here grow and rivers flow, it's the source that's drawn upon to conduct the magic of Death and much more.

What’s Next panel at BlizzCon 2019

  • Every living soul bears a vital force—an energy known as Anima. This essential force is the lifeblood of the Shadowlands, allowing trees to grow, rivers to flow, new things to be forged, and more. Great or important souls—like those of Arthas, Garrosh, or Varian—bear more Anima than others.

Interview de Steve Danuser sur l'histoire de Shadowlands:

  • The anima that fuels the realms of Death comes only from mortal souls.
  • Anima is drawn from souls after their mortal lives have ended.

Interview with Steve Danuser and Frank Kowalkowski

  • If you think about our cosmology and the way that creatures of magic work as opposed to mortals, mortals die they go to the Shadowlands. If you fought the Legion, you fought demons. If you kill them on Azeroth, where do they go? Back to the Twisting Nether, which is the place where they come from.
  • So if you think about other magical creatures and think what happens when you kill them on Azeroth, where do they go? There's the potential for things like that to kind of happen. We try to have this cosmology of the way things work, and that's something that you can apply to other things. And I think the old gods are an interesting case where, you know, we've defeated one version of them and who knows if another manifestation will eventually take place.

Maldraxxus, Shadowlands And Beyond – Interview With Steve Danuser

  • As we’ve seen before in the Legion expansion, where if demons came to Azeroth and died on Azeroth, they would go back to the Twisting Nether. Because that is the realm they are from… That same kind of rule applies to beings that are of Death magic. If a Kyrian for example, was on Azeroth and was killed, their essence would go back to the Shadowlands and be reformed there.
  • So that same rule that we established in Legion for a being of an influence goes back if it’s killed in the mortal realm or some other realm, it goes back to it’s home realm, it’s home plane. That’s true for demons and that’s true for other forces as well. So if Naarus are fighting in the mortal realm for example, a Naaru is struck down; its essence would go back to the realm of Light and would reconstitute there. Now there are exceptions to that rule… If a significantly powerful force intervenes in such a way, it can throw that process off, it can either delay it or subvert it in some way. But it takes a significant influence for that to happen; it’s not something that casually happens. For example people have talked about Bridenbrad, the hero who died in Northrend. We saw the Light intervene to save him and pull him away. That’s the case of one of the forces having a direct tie to a character and going out of its way to kind of yank it out of the normal cycle a little bit and do something different with it. Those cases are the exception rather than the rule. So if you destroyed a being of the Light, it would go back to the realm of Light and to really destroy it, you would have to go to the realm of Light and destroy it there.

item/Words of Shadow: Volume IV

  • The rune Xiur can be used to augment many shadow rituals. It is a very powerful rune, and when utilized properly can assist in summoning powerful shadow entities. For reasons unknown, this rune has adverse reactions with arcane magi, and should not be used in rituals combining the two magic types.


  • “They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle.” Perhaps to actually destroy something that lives outside of time and space, life and death, you would have to erase it from existence completely? Maybe that would explain why records of the Old Gods seem to be… inconsistent? Only those on the outside would know for certain… Idle musings, pay no heed.


  • Muffinus: Twisting Nether is the only place where demons can truly die, yes.

Chronicle 1

  • 22: To Sargeras’s dismay, he realized that he had fought many of these demons before. After he had defeated them in the physical universe, their spirits had simply returned to the Twisting Nether. Eventually they had been reborn in new bodies. The only way to kill demons permanently was to slay them in the Nether, or in areas of the Great Dark saturated with that volatile realm’s energies.
  • 13: The demons that fill the ranks of the Burning Legion are highly resilient. Their spirits are tethered to the Twisting Nether, making them extraordinarily difficult to destroy permanently. Even if a demon dies in the physical universe, its spirit will return to the Twisting Nether and manifest in corporeal form once again. To truly destroy a demon’s spirit, the creature must be killed in the Twisting Nether itself, in places where that volatile maelstrom bleeds into mortal worlds, or in areas inundated with the Burning Legion’s energies.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • "How many times did you die for the Legion?"<br.>"I lost count." He grinned at her. "It was pleasant, in a way, feeling your soul drift. And then Argus would drag you back, and you would be punished for your failures. That wasn't so pleasant."

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • The wise and mirthful blue dragons were the first creatures on Azeroth to discover Aluneth. While manipulating the fabric of reality, they tapped into another realm of existence and made contact with the strange arcane entity.
  • An entity of pure arcane energy known as Aluneth is bound to the greatstaff. Harnessing this unruly being and its power requires tremendous precision and focus.


  • Aluneth whispers: My dear child, you hold yourself back. The power is within your grasp to send the entire city tumbling into the sea.

The Well of Eternity

  • Each animal, each being, serves many purposes. They are all part of the cycle of the forest. That includes the necessity of food. You are like the bear or wolf, both of whom hunt freely in my domain. Nothing is wasted here. Everything returns to feed new growth. The deer upon which you now feed will be reborn to serve its role again, its sacrifice forgotten to it.

The Legend of Odyn

  • Helya the sorceress was doubtful of the keeper's plan. "Beings of death are ancient and powerful, great Odyn," she said. "To meddle in their realm is dangerous, even for one such as you."
  • And yet still he saw death. He saw souls in torment, and souls in anguish, and the husks of the dead lay all around him. He saw ghostly wraiths with no face, and others with no form, and all were made of death itself. And as he saw, even the great Odyn, master of the Halls of Valor, chosen of Aman'Thul, was afraid.

quest/Ring of the Reefs

  • Helya is growing in power. What, small one, are you surprised? Did you think she was defeated? <Valdemar laughs heartily.> You cannot kill death.

The Demon Soul

  • And that fate included even the rocks. Those that lay buried behind the Burning Legion lacked any sentience whatsoever. Their life essences had been destroyed as readily as the blades of the Fel Guard killed night elves.

Earth, Wind and Fire… and Water:

  • It is a natural part of our life cycle that impurities are accumulated in the elemental body over time. When enough contamination has taken place, an elemental will become unstable and in some cases volatile. A necessary part of rebirth is pure, living essence which can be found atop the Elemental Plateau, as well as in the body of an elemental spirit. Return to me with the essence and we shall begin the rebirth. Although the Elemental Plateau is no longer stable, the cycle of rebirth will soon take place and the elements will be born anew.

Chronicle 1

  • 32: Although the elemental lords had been defeated, the keepers knew that they could not utterly destroy the beings. The spirits of the elementals were bound to Azeroth itself. If they were killed, their corporeal forms would simply manifest again in time.

Chronicle 2

  • 13: The more Aggramar observed the Evergrowth, the more he foresaw doom in Draenor’s future. If left unchecked, the plant life would consume everything on the world, even the elemental spirits.


  • Void and Fel are definitely different things. Entropy vs. absolute 0
  • Void isn't realm of the dead, nether is where demons go. Void is NOTHING. No demons, nothing.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • In their place was… nothing. No sound. No wind. No ground. Nothing but an oppressive silence. Only the glow of the ethereal provided any light at all. Alleria floated freely. "Until you learn how to survive here, it is best that you do not attract too much attention. Welcome to the Void, Alleria Windrunner."

Chronicle 2

  • 24: As Anzu grew more familiar with his abilities, he shrouded himself in a realm of shadow to hide from Rukhmar forever.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • About the Twisting Nether, the chaotic realm where the universes sparked by the Light and the Shadow bled together. About how it could create strange reflections of real worlds like Draenor.

Chronicle 1

  • 12: The Twisting Nether is an astral dimension that lies in parallel with the Great Dark Beyond. The forces of Light and Void bleed together at the boundaries of the Twisting Nether, engulfing this realm in perpetual strife. At times, the volatile magics that pervade the Twisting Nether intrude upon the physical universe, warping reality beyond measure.
  • 18: The most unstable energies coalesced into an astral dimension known as the Twisting Nether. Light and Void collided and bled together at the edges of this realm, throwing it into turmoil. Although tangentially linked to the Great Dark Beyond, the Twisting Nether existed outside the borders of the physical universe. Even so, the Twisting Nether’s volatile energies would occasionally tear through the veil of the Great Dark, flooding into reality and warping creation.


  • The Twisting Nether is the line between the ebb of Light and the flow of Void. A place of chaos and fragments.

The Well of Eternity

  • The Emerald Dream is the world beyond the waking world. It is the world of the spirit, the world of the sleepers. It is the world as it might have been, if we sentient creatures had not come about to ruin it. In the Emerald Dream, it is possible, with practice, to see anything, go anywhere. Your body will enter a trance and your dream form will fly from it to wherever you need to go.


  • In the Emerald Dream, distance and time were without finite meaning. Malfurion had taught her that much. For him, his captivity might have seemed like centuries, not years. He could be very nearby, yet she might have to run the equivalent of days to reach his location.

Chronicle 1

  • 39: Some believe that Freya wove the Emerald Dream into being from nothing. Others claim that this strange place had always existed in some form , a dream born from Azeroth's slumbering world-soul. It is said that Freya tapped into this realm and molded what would become known as the Emerald Dream as a way to commune with the nascent titan.
  • 12: The Emerald Dream is an ethereal realm of spirits and untamed nature that exists alongside the world of Azeroth. Incredible beings known as the keepers forged the Emerald Dream to act as a map for the evolutionary path of Azeroth’s flora and fauna. The two realms are bound as one: as life ebbs and flows across the physical world, the spiritual energies that saturate the Emerald Dream keep pace with it. Although tied to the physical world, the Emerald Dream is a place that most mortal minds would find alien and surreal. But some of those minds, by channeling druidic magic, can enter a state of dreaming and consciously navigate the Emerald Dream. Their thoughts can also shape and influence portions of this verdant spirit realm, but the imprint that these dreamers leave behind is never permanent. In the dreamways, time and distance are mutable. Spirits flow like living winds through lush tracts of constantly shifting primordial woodlands. What appears tangible one moment becomes intangible the next; seemingly impermeable landmarks transform in the blink of an eye.

Tome of the Ancients

  • To aid in this task, she shaped a mystical realm that would become known as the Emerald Dream. She wanted it to be an unspoiled vision of nature, undisturbed by the forces of evil or external civilizations. She began by creating a single, massive tree, set atop a high peak within the Dream. From it bloomed many different fruits and flowers, and new life flowed outward in waves, sweeping across the land. Freya sculpted pools of life in other locations within the Emerald Dream, but this tree was the first, the tallest, and the most radiant. For millennia, it served as a source of healing and balance that extended beyond the Dream and into the physical world.

item/On the Nature of the Dream

  • It has been said that the Dream was created by Keeper Freya, acting on behalf of her patron, Eonar. And yet. I have noticed that the titans' acolytes do not speak of something as "finished" until it has been ordered. So did they truly create the Dream, or merely discover it, seeing its vibrancy as chaos to which they were compelled to bring structure?
  • We have also been told that the Dream is a sort of framework for life on Azeroth. And it is true that we can see reflections of our world within the Dream. Yet while it is clear these realms share a bond, is one a copy of the other? Or might both be reflections, each informing the shape of its counterpart? Many times I have shrugged off the call of sleep and taken wing to explore the distant reaches of the Dream. The farther I flew, the greater the wonders I beheld. Life took forms strange and unfamiliar. Bizarre, impossible plants and trees. Creatures unlike any I beheld before. Perhaps the Dream is bound not only to Azeroth, but to realms not yet discovered. Is it a reflection of those places, too?
  • Had I reached the edges of the Dream where it flows into the Realms of Life? Are they one and the same? Truly, I cannot say, for as waves of joy and contentment washed over me, I could no longer resist the call of sleep. I awoke back at the Eye of Ysera, wondering if I had experienced a dream within the Dream. It seems clear that the servants of the titans wish the Dream to stay unchanging--at least. unchanged by any hand but theirs.


  • But in one small corner of the Emerald Dream, in a vast, deep fissure, known to the druids as the Rift of Aln and believed to be where the magical realm itself first originated, even the combined efforts of the archdruid and the high priestess could not entirely end the struggle. The Nightmare held firmly in that place, which those of Malfurion’s calling believed bled into the Twisting Nether and the Great Dark Beyond. Gazing into it, Malfurion saw it as a bottomless chasm which radiated with primeval energies that even he dared not investigate. Indeed, the very rift itself seemed halfdream, for it had a surreal quality to its expanse and to the archdruid now and then seemed to ripple as if ready to fade or change.

World of Warcraft at BlizzCon® 2019 News Round-Up:

  • —the Shadowlands, an infinite plane where the souls of the dead go to be reborn, serve, do battle, or endure endless torment.

World of Warcraft: What’s Next Panel Recap:

  • Once measured, the Arbiter sends them off to one of countless realms of the Shadowlands.

How Warcraft: Shadowlands’ Story Unfolds, And Why It’s Not All Guest Stars:

  • There are as many afterlives as you can imagine, for all of the mythologies and religions of our world that have different interpretations of what the afterlife means. All of those ideas are possible somewhere within the Shadowlands. Maybe one person has an afterlife that's all catered around themselves. Or maybe there's a very idyllic afterlife where no one has to do very much except enjoy themselves.

Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond

  • 121: Agents of the Jailer's will forged weapons of Domination and bore them across the veil into the plane of the living, seeding the power of Death and drawing certain mortals to the Jailer's cause.

quest/Through the Shattered Sky

  • Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: When the Banshee shattered the helm, it tore a gaping wound through the veil between our world and the Shadowlands.

quest/Journey Toward Ascension: The Final Rite

  • You will venture to another world, piercing the Veil, and retrieve a single mortal soul. You will serve the grand Purpose, and by your hand the Shadowlands will continue as it always has.

quest/Roles In Bastion: The Bearer

  • Bearers perform the vital task of bearing souls across the Veil to Oribos, where they will be given the fate they earned in life.

Chronicle 1

  • 23: Soon, these energies became so great that they began tearing at the veil between the Nether and the physical universe.

Chronicle 2

  • 44: In the act of reaching beyond the veil of the physical world, a few orcs even found themselves communing with dark forces. These poor souls accidentally glimpsed a realm beyond Draenor— the realm of the Void.

Chronicle 3/132

  • Once an event happens, it cannot be changed. These events and choices, made up of all creatures and forces in the cosmos, join together like a river, sharing the same reality. Different choices and different possibilities naturally spin off the river of time like small creeks and estuaries, ebbing and flowing for a while. If these shades of what could have been are left alone, they will eventually dissipate into nothing. If efforts are made to preserve them (or alter them), they can indeed remain in existence indefinitely. They can even be made to feed back into the main river—dead creatures can seemingly “live again", and the past (or future) may literally come back to haunt you. This is not a natural phenomenon, and the inhabitants of the main time way will often find these experiences to be quite alarming.
    But the only timeway that has a permanent effect on the cosmos is the main timeway.
  • If that main river is disrupted, it could spell doom and disaster. All life on Azeroth depends on time to flow ever forward. Without the surety that the sun will rise and set each day, the seasons would not pass, the cycle of life would become meaningless, and all living creatures would eventually die from being unable to sustain themselves. It is the most sacred mission of the bronze dragon flight to keep that from happening.


  • Alex Afrasiabi: Archimode is a demon whose demon soul is anchored to the Nether. The Nether transcends all realities. That is all.


  • A titanic vision smashed into his brain. This time he saw not just one universe but a near infinity of them, a complex fractal structure, where new worlds were born each minute from the decisions made a heartbeat before. Everywhere the Burning Legion marched, destroying world after world. Every death narrowed the range of possible worlds, till eventually all the multitude of possibilities narrowed to but a few. In every one of them, the Legion marched triumphant, leaving futures stillborn and presents empty of all life.

Prophet's Lesson/3

  • Demonic fires and broken worlds hurtled through a black sky devoid of suns or moons. All the lights of the universe were dark, as if a sanctuary's candles had been blown out by the cold kiss of the wind. And yet—more than the absence of light—it was the silence that disturbed Anduin. A living universe should not—could not—be so quiet.
  • Beyond the silence and the snuffed-out stars, it was the death of possibility, of hope, that was the deepest horror.
  • Beings of Light surrounded Anduin, rescuing him from the dark and singing to him of hope in a chorus that restored the universe. In the midst of it all, the face of one of the refugees appeared, a man the prince had seen many times but whose name he did not know. The beings around Anduin said (sang), "Each life, a universe."
    He awoke, sweating, his hair matted from the intensity of the dream (Vision, it was a vision…), and yet he was comforted by what he'd seen.

Maldraxxus, Shadowlands and Beyond - Interview with Steve Danuser

  • If you look at that rope more closely, you can see there are different threads that make up the rope. There are different twines that pull together, and you can pull off one of these threads if you want. But it’s still a rope, and each of those threads you can think of as one of the realities of the character, one of the streams of time… There is a thread that is the Draka from Draenor we visited in the Warlords of Draenor. There is another thread that is Draka on Azeroth as we know her… And there are many other threads that could be other realities that we never peered into. But all of those threads at some time come together to make that rope. And remember also that, as you’ll see, that there are many characters in the Shadowlands when they refer to time, they usually say that time is not a construct of Death. Time and Death are not related. Death is about eternity, not linear time. The manner in which these threads come together, that can take a very long time from mortal perceptions. Those threads can be separated for a time, but sooner or later, they do combine to make one rope that is that character. You can think of it as the threads of that rope, all the individual threads, are just waiting. And over time, they will come together but they can exist as separate entities for a time. That still doesn’t change the fact that they are part of one rope.

  1. Предвечные стоят на уровень выше Пантеонов
  2. Пантеон Света: нет информации
  3. Пантеон Тени, по всей видимости, составляют Повелители Бездны - обитающие в Бездне с появления космоса темные духи, жаждущие захватить ВЗТ и обратить его в царство кошмаров. Завидуют мощи титанов - возможно, из-за нахождения тех в ВЗТ - и попытались их скорраптить, но остались вообще незамеченными титанами. Самые сильные из них, среди которых Пространствус Всепоглощающий, могут создавать в ВЗТ слабые воплощения
  4. Пантеон Хаоса: нет информации
  5. Пантеон Порядка составляют титаны: Аман'Тул, Норганнон, Эонар, Голганнет, Каз'Горот, Саргерас (бывший), Агграмар. Неизвестным составом имели какое-то взаимодействие с Предвечными в Зерет Ордус. Не то зарождаются в планетах ВЗТ, не то создают их как защитную оболочку. По природе своей близки к стабильности и порядку
    1. Призванные Аман'тулом на помощь созвездия:
      Алгалон вещает о сожженных титанами планетарных системах
      Возможно являющийся созвездием Харбарон был скоррапчен, хотя Ксал'атат/существа Бездны считали его вид не подверженным коррапту
      Ригалон сунул свой любопытный нос в Зерет Мортис, где был задоминирован Зоваалом
    2. Действия титанов могут наносить колоссальный урон и даже разрушать планеты, Саргерас мечом разрубает мир, что вызывает убивший Древних Богов и спящего титана взрыв. В отличии от своей аватары, Агграмар вероятно просто раздавил бы персонажей игроков как муравьев
    3. Титан Смерти Аргус может unmake/end creation в Троне Пантеона, который называют cradle of creation и который находится в измерении, куда силы Бездны не могли найти вход
    4. Саргерас до падения был одним из сильнейших титанов и, научившись манипулировать энергиями Круговерти Пустоты, создал мир-тюрьму для демонов, Мардум. Впоследствии, энергии заключенных там демонов начали прорываться через завесу, от чего тюрьма появилась в ВЗТ как звезда. Чтобы набрать демонов в армию, Саргерас разрушает Мардум, что оставляет шрам на реальности и вызывает огромный взрыв скверны за пределами воображения Саргераса, опаливший и сделавший его демоном. Будучи демоном превосходит своего ученика, Агграмара, отмечается, что титаны уязвимы к магии скверны, и Агграмар под конец битвы используя все силы создает взрыв, который сломал мечи и тяжело ранил самого Агграмара. Возле мира Нихилам, в битве, где увядали и гасли звезды, а также были искажена реальность, Саргерас одолел остальных титанов: Аман'Тула, Эонар, Норганнона, Голганнета и Каз'горота
    5. Темный титан, которого желают создать Повелители Бездны, по заверениям натрезимов будет достаточно мощным, чтобы одолеть Пантеон титанов и со временем подчинить всё воле Бездны
    6. Азерот намного сильнее Аргуса и других известных титанов, титаны считают, что она сможет нейтрализовать Повелителей Бездны. Именуется последним титаном, Н'Зот намекает, что она из Предвечных?
  6. Пантеон Жизни составляют, вероятно, некие близкие по силе титанам существа в далеких уголках Изумрудного Сна, присутствие которых ощутил нонейм-зеленый дракон
    1. Элуна - богиня луны, сестра Королевы Зимы, член Пантеона Жизни, великая любовь Эонар. Является источником сил для своих адептов, которые Тиранда считает близкими к друидизму. Обладает властью над Водой, имела взаимодействие с Нептулоном?
  7. Пантеон Смерти, Вечные - Архонт/Кирестия, Примус, Королева Зимы, Сир/Денатрий, Арбитр/Зоваал - были созданы в Зерет Мортисе и наделены космическими душами
    1. Примус, правитель Малдраксуса, при помощи некоего союзника потратил эоны, балуясь с временными путями и наблюдая за последствиями от малейших изменений в стратегии и тактике. Армии Малдраксуса когда-то с ужасными потерями отбились от Пылающего Легиона

Blizz Devs Hint Spicy New Lore & Major Game Fixes

  • 10:30: …but clearly they were these mysterious and very powerful beings that kind of architected the framework of the universe of which the titans, the Pantheon of Death, pantheons of all these different influences are kind of like the next layer down from those First Ones, these progenitors of the universe.

Chronicle 1

  • 21: From the moment the cosmos came to be, dark spirits within the Void sought to twist reality into a realm of eternal torment.
  • 13: The void lords are monstrous entities composed of pure shadow energy. These beings are cruel and merciless beyond mortal comprehension. Driven by an insatiable hunger, the void lords seek to devour all matter and energy in the physical universe. In their natural state, the void lords exist outside reality. Only the most powerful of these entities can manifest in the physical universe, and only for limited amounts of time. To maintain their presence in reality, the void lords must consume untold amounts of matter and energy.
  • 21: Envious of their power, the void lords sought to corrupt one of the world-shaping titans into an instrument of their will. To achieve this goal, the void lords struggled to manifest in the physical universe. As they did so, their energies seeped into reality, warping some of the unsuspecting denizens of creation. Yet the noble and virtuous titans proved impervious to this insidious corruption. Eventually, the void lords moved to exert their influence over a titan in its most vulnerable state: before it had awakened.


  • Xal'atath whispers: I long for the day our masters can truly pass into this realm. You have only seen fragments, shadows; the faintest of echoes. Ask the Ethereals what one of these manifestations are capable of.

Ask CDev

  • K'aresh was an arid planet, home to a thriving ecosystem and several sentient species before the arrival of Dimensius the All-Devouring. How the void lord found K'aresh is still hotly debated among the surviving ethereals, but the effects of his coming were unmistakable: he opened countless gateways into the void and the Twisting Nether around the planet, bathing K'aresh in arcane and dark energies. Using every scrap of its advanced technology, one of the mortal races hastily attempted to construct magical barriers around its cities, but it was only partially successful; although the dark energies were blocked, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the mortals' corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without a body… barely. Members of this race, now called ethereals, took to binding themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive. This altered state proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill. Over the years, however, Dimensius eventually grew powerful enough to summon armies of fellow void creatures, forcing the ethereals to flee into the Twisting Nether.

Chronicle 3

  • 146: Dimensius had bathed the world in volatile energies that slowly tore it apart, and the K’areshi had desperately tried to shield themselves from harm.

Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742

  • Mortals could not conceive of the wonders that the makers granted to the titans in Zereth Ordus. Thus, learning of the Progenitors would only confuse them.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • It was energy, spinning out into the cosmos. It found warmth near a sun, and a world formed around it to protect it as it grew.

Chronicle 1

  • 19: Their spirits—known as world-souls—formed deep within the fiery core of a small number of worlds. For ages, these nascent titans slumbered, their energies suffusing the celestial bodies they inhabited. When the titans finally awoke, they did so as living worlds. Cosmic winds howled across their gigantic forms, bodies shrouded in a cloak of stardust, skin crisscrossed with silvery mountain peaks and oceans shimmering with latent magic.
  • 19: Aman’Thul and his siblings later became known as the Pantheon. They were benevolent by nature, creatures aligned with order and stability.
  • 19: The Pantheon vowed to maintain and protect all of these worlds, even those that did not contain a slumbering spirit.

Chronicle 2

  • 13: Though Aggramar was eager to continue his war against demons, he could not leave Draenor to such a fate. His natural affinity for order compelled him to take action.


  • Algalon the Observer yells: I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once.

Adventure Guide/Harbaron

  • His connection with the fallen queen of the val'kyr is unclear, but when the breeze catches Harbaron's cloak, an expanse of shimmering stars unfolds beneath. Strange.


  • It was thought his kind was incorruptible. A lesson for my brothers I suppose.

Adventure Guide/Rygelon

  • Drawn to observe the fateful events unfolding within the Sepulcher of the First Ones, Rygelon succumbed to the Jailer's domination. Now this constellar turns its cosmic power against any who would oppose the Banished One.

Chronicle 1

  • 24: With a heave of his blade, Sargeras split the world in two. The resultant explosion consumed the Old Gods and their energies, but it killed the nascent titan as well.
  • 30, 31: They would not, however, take action directly. Due to their colossal forms, Aggramar feared the Pantheon would irreparably damage, or even kill, the world-soul.

Chronicle 2

  • 13: Aggramar considered destroying the Sporemounds himself, but his power was so great that he feared he would irreparably damage or even shatter Draenor.

Gamescom 2017 Interview with Ion Hazzikostas/23:35

  • When you see Aggramar, for example, it's not the actual titan Aggramar, the titan Aggramar would probably step on you like an ant, but it's, you know, an avatar that's been infused with the power of Aggramar's soul corrupted by Sargeras…

Adventure Guide/Aggramar

  • Once the noble Avenger of the Pantheon, Aggramar was struck down by Sargeras and reborn as a titan of destruction. He now stands at the core of Argus, guarding a power that would unmake the universe.

Adventure Guide/Argus the Unmaker

  • Bound. Broken. Eons of existence, knowing only pain. A shattered soul, fueling infinite evil. The master beckons. Rise… Rise! Begin the end of all things.

ability/End of All Things:

  • Argus ends creation, killing everything.

raid/Antorus, the Burning Throne

  • Magni Bronzebeard says: The titans can sever that connection… but not here. They need ta bring the soul o' Argus ta their place o' power… the Seat o' the Pantheon.
    Prophet Velen says: The very cradle of creation!
  • Xal'atath whispers: Long have we sought entry into this realm! To think we have a mortal to thank for giving us our foothold. Your service will be remembered.

Chronicle 1

  • 22: Even among the extraordinary members of the Pantheon, Sargeras displayed unmatched courage and strength.
  • 23: Though he hadn’t yet grasped the volatile realm’s full scale, he had learned how to manipulate and shape some of its energies. Sargeras used this knowledge to forge a prison within the Nether. Known as Mardum, the Plane of Banishment, it would act as an impregnable pocket dimension from which nothing could escape.
  • 23: As Aggramar and Sargeras continued their campaign, the prison overflowed with captive demons and their destructive fel energies. Soon, these energies became so great that they began tearing at the veil between the Nether and the physical universe. The prison appeared in distant reaches of the Great Dark as a burning, verdant star.
  • 48, 49: Over the ages, the prison had become bloated with fel magic and vengeful demons. Their presence had warped Mardum, transforming it into a realm of nightmare. Torrents of fel energy ceaselessly bombarded the prison’s walls, bathing the captive demons in a roiling sea of volatile magic. Sargeras quelled his remaining apprehension and tore the prison asunder, spilling its wrathful denizens into the Great Dark Beyond. The subsequent explosion of fel magic was powerful beyond even what the fallen titan had imagined. Violent energies enveloped Sargeras, surging through his veins and searing his very soul. His eyes burst in gouts of emerald fire. Fel volcanoes ignited across his once-noble form, splitting his skin apart and revealing an endless furnace of blistering hate.
  • 49: In shattering the prison, Sargeras had ruptured the boundary between the Great Dark and the Twisting Nether. A monstrous celestial maw, limned in a storm of emerald fire, had ripped through the fabric of reality. It would remain a scar on creation—smoldering proof of Sargeras’s madness—for all eternity.
  • 49-50: Before the watching eyes of the demon masses, the two greatest warriors the universe had ever known came to blows. Aggramar soon found himself outmatched. Like all titans, he was uniquely susceptible to fel magic. Sargeras’s ferocious assaults shattered Aggramar’s defenses and sent him reeling in agony. In a final desperate counterattack, Aggramar summoned all the power at his command and struck at Sargeras. Their two blades met, igniting a furious explosion of fel and arcane power. When the torrent of warring energies finally subsided, Sargeras and Aggramar saw that both of their weapons had been shattered. Heavily wounded by the blast, Aggramar retreated from the battle and returned to the rest of the Pantheon.
  • 50: With a howl of rage and sorrow, Sargeras struck Aggramar down, his ruined fel blade nearly cleaving the titan in two. Infuriated by this unthinkable murder, the Pantheon launched an all-out assault on Sargeras and his Burning Legion. Stars withered and died as the battle raged across the cosmos, scarring vast stretches of reality. Nihilam, known thereafter as the Doom World, became warped and twisted by the apocalyptic conflict. The titans of the Pantheon wielded powers incomprehensible to mortal minds, yet even they could not overcome Sargeras’s fel-fueled might.

Libram of the Dead

  • He made a promising discovery on Nihilam, the Doom World. Long ago, a war between the Legion's ruler, Sargeras, and his fellow titans had shaken the fabric of creation around Nihilam. Their apocalyptic battle had darkened the world and infused its metal ores with otherworldly properties.

Chronicle 1

  • 24: The broken demons revealed what they had learned about the Old Gods and the intentions of the void lords. If the powers of the Void succeeded in corrupting a nascent titan, it would awaken as an unspeakably dark creature. No power in creation, not even the Pantheon, could stand against it. In time, the warped titan would consume all matter and energy in the universe, bringing every mote of existence under the void lords’ will.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • They found another. It was much more powerful. They wanted to claim it, too. Then they would be unstoppable.

Chronicle 1

  • 30: Nestled within the world’s core was one of Aggramar’s kin — one far more powerful than any yet encountered. The spirit was so mighty that Aggramar sensed its dreams even through the din of activity that rattled across the world’s surface.
  • If brought to maturity, this new titan could exceed even Sargeras’s considerable might, she argued. Indeed, it could become their greatest warrior, one capable of neutralizing the void lords once and for all.

raid/Antorus, the Burning Throne

  • Illidan Stormrage Should they fall to darkness, Sargeras will have the power he needs to claim the final titan.
    Magni Bronzebeard: Azeroth!

raid/Crucible of Storms

  • N'Zoth: She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.

item/On the Nature of the Dream

  • At these far reaches, I felt the presence of entities whose power seemed vast and unknowable, akin to the titans themselves.

quest/Inform the Primus

  • The Primus says: The Winter Queen is bound to her counterpart in the realms of Life. Together, they embody the balance of the great cycle.

quest/Covenants Renewed

  • Tyrande Whisperwind says: Perhaps we can never truly know the ways of the gods, my daughter. But I believe Elune made a choice to aid her sister. Not to cause us sorrow.
    Shandris Feathermoon says: The Winter Queen faced hard choices as well. She and Mother Moon are bound together in an eternal cycle. One of death and rebirth.

quest/The Power of Elune

  • Winter Queen says: My sister's power... in my forest? I will have answers!

item/The Legend of Elun'Ahir

  • Eonar smiled, for everywhere the roots stretched, new life emerged. She called the tree Elun'Ahir, in honor of her great love.

The Well of Eternity

  • Tyrande saw druidism as a kindred force to the abilities her deity would grant her once she completed her own training.


  • Q: so what about Elunites, or are they just the light as well? Is that another lost thematic
    A: Historian input - the power would come from Elune.

quest/Power Over the Tides

  • The Old Gods they worship have granted them power over the restless water spirits… but that power is tenuous. Channel Elune's presence through this orb once the elementals have been defeated. Use the power of Elune to banish the spirits permanently.

item/Tablet of the Balancing Tides

  • The whispers of Elune and Neptulon play on the tides, their words etched in stone are a tribute to the balance of their powers.

quest/Oracle, Heal Thyself

  • Saezurah says: All that is Eternal was forged in Zereth Mortis. Archon. Primus. Winter Queen. Sire. And... Arbiter.

Adnevture Guide/Prototype Pantheon

  • Bereft of the cosmic spirits of the Eternal Ones, these incomplete host bodies can only carry out their base directives without mercy or compassion.

A deep dive into Maldraxxus, the defenders of Death

  • To have the strongest defenders and the best possible fighting force, the leader of this realm, an Eternal One named the Primus, devised a system of great houses, barons and eternal war games that allowed this massive army to continually improve, weeding out weakness and shoring up vulnerabilities to succeed against other cosmic forces. The Primus has used his time to hone his tactical deduction and strategic thinking beyond mortal constraints, thanks to a little help. Danuser details his arduous training regimen: “It is said that the Primus sought out an ally who could show him the infinite timeways, which he used to watch the same battle play out over and over again across realities. He noted how the slightest differences in strategy and troop deployment could swing the conflict toward one side or the other. After eons of such meticulous study, the Primus can instantly assess any situation and devise the most likely path to victory.”

Expedition Report A37J, Part 3

  • I nodded in solemn camaraderie, for we all recall the tale of the Burning Legion's assault on Maldraxxus and the terrible cost of the necrolords' victory.

  1. Ронин, используя кристалл для установления ментальной связи, направляет его на самую яркую из звез. Луны и звезды оказывают эффект на дикую природу, знание о котором используют охотники. Огр из Сумеречного Молота решает спрятаться от "звезды", оставшейся после закрытия портала между Азеротом и Аргусом
  2. Игровые недельные события, в ходе которых звезды оказывали различное влияние
  3. Слухи ходили об Иллидане, что он творил волшебство, когда звезды находились в нужном месте, сам Иллидан имеет необходимость поскорее зачитать заклинание, ибо следующее подходящее для него время будет через несколько лун. Иллидан способен вычислить неизвестные точки выхода портальной сети при помощи астрономических вычислений и в дальнейшем, в ходе своего астрального путешествия, тщательно изучал звезды в незнакомых местах. При подготовке ритуала открытия портала на Аргус, элементы его магического круга отражали звездные маяки в небе над Аргусом
  4. Раз в 547 лет на Дреноре происходит астрономическое явление с участием кометы и созвездий Посох, Том и Провидец. Нер'зул, во время своего рокового открытия порталов, помимо нексуса лей-линий и артефактов, использовал силу этого события через соответствие артефактов с созвездиями - Посох и [Скипетр Саргераса], Том и Книга Медива, Провидец и Око Даларана - но оказавшись недостаточно умелым для таких огромных энергий, потерял над ними контроль, в результате чего открытые им порталы раскололи планету(при этом, не убив на ее поверхности все живое) и перенесли ее осколок, Запределье, поближе к Круговерти Пустоты

Day of the Dragon

  • From a pocket deep within his robe he removed a small, dark crystal. Not the best choice for trying to create communication across miles, but the only one left to him. Rhonin held the crystal up to the brightest of the faint stars overhead and began to mutter words of power. A faint glimmer arose within the heart of the stone, a glimmer that increased slowly in intensity as he continued to speak.

item/Shadowmoon Astrologer's Almanac

  • Details the effects of the moons and stars on the wildlife of Shadowmoon Valley - a helpful reference to hunters and trappers.

item/Ogmot's Dream Journal

  • Da star watchin Ogmot. Too shiny! Ogmot gonna hide from it!

dialog/Seer Kazal

  • The stars shape our destinies, child, granting their blessings to the worthy and shunning the weak.

quest/A Call to Battle

  • The favorite star of warlords and generals dominates the sky, offering good fortune to tacticians everywhere. Some say that the battle star hones the instincts of commanders to the point of near-prophecy. If ever you were going to test yourself on the field of battle, now is the time.

quest/The Arena Calls

  • This alignment of the stars is a dire sign, stirring bloodlust and calling warriors to battle to the death in close quarters. Arena masters turn a tidy profit during these days, likely not understanding why their stands are overflowing. Amidst the excitement, great rewards do await those brave, or foolhardy, enough to venture into the arena….

quest/The Time to Strike

  • This configuration of the stars causes an unusual vibration in the crystals strewn across Draenor, relics of the ancient Apexis. Some swear that the crystals will multiply when left unattended beneath the night sky, but none have seen the phenomenon firsthand. Regardless of the true cause, these crystals should be far more plentiful should you seek them out.

quest/The Very Best

  • This alignment of the stars is truly a strange one, causing the tiniest of creatures to gain unnatural aptitude. None of our sages can explain the phenomenon, but cunning tamers have much to gain, especially by testing their skills against those of their peers.

quest/Emissary of War

  • When the sign of the emissary shines in the night sky, the stars strengthen existing bonds and forge new ones. Friendship is still not cheaply won, and deeds will prove loyalty, but trust comes more readily during these days. Venture deep into caverns and strongholds to prove your worth.
  • When the sign of the warrior shines in the night sky, fortune favors the daring. Powerful foes may yield even greater rewards. Venture deep into caverns and strongholds to prove your worth.

quest/A Burning Path Through Time

  • The blazing star shines upon the land, searing the earth and parching the landscape. This star is relentless, malevolent almost. While its influence holds, new paths may open up, to distant places and even distant times.

quest/A Timely Summons from Shattrath

  • The blazing star holds a peculiar alignment this cycle, calling out across the heavens. Seek out the sage Vormu in Shattrath City, and lend her your aid.

quest/A Frozen Path Through Time

  • The chill star shines upon the land with its cold light as even the spirits retreat to the shadows. This star is unlike any other in the skies, sapping warmth and life. While its influence holds, new paths may open up, to distant places and even distant times.

quest/A Timely Summons from Northrend

  • The blazing wanes in the shadow of a celestial mass, striking fear in to the seers.

quest/A Shattered Path Through Time

  • The Destroyer's star shines upon the land with its piercing light as even the spirits retreat to the shadows. This star is unlike any other in the skies, laying bare the weaknesses of even the boldest heroes. While its influence holds, new paths may open up, to distant places and even distant times.

quest/A Shrouded Path Through Time

  • The shrouded star flickers upon the land with its intermittent light ushering in an eerie mist upon the land. This star and the mists bring deep shadows to the land hiding its secrets and dangers. While its influence holds, new paths may open up, to distant places and even distant times.

quest/A Savage Path Through Time

  • The brutal star shines upon the land, threatening to trample underfoot all who stand in its path. This star is many things: primal, fierce, and noble. While its influence holds, new paths may open up to distant places and even distant times.

quest/A Fel Path Through Time

  • A corrupting star shines upon the land, threatening all with burning oblivion. The star betrays those who seek the light, its red glow obscuring rather than revealing. While its influence holds, new paths may open up to distant places and even distant times.


  • Rumor had it that he worked strange rituals when the stars were right, that he was creating some work of sorcery that would lead them to inevitable victory.
  • If he waited too long, the window in which the spell could be cast would close. Another would not arise for moons.
  • Finally, at long last, he saw the pattern. The old warlock had been right. There were complex weaves of power. A mesh that fed upon itself and drew energy from the land and air around it. It held the portals open against the natural inclination of reality to force them shut. It opened pathways among dozens of worlds. Some of the arcs were incomplete. He knew they must go somewhere. Given what he knew about the forces involved, he could work out their eventual termination points with complex astronomical calculations.
  • He made careful calculations of the position and pattern of the gates that had carried him here, studying the astrological significance of the stars that glittered in the sky; then, when he was certain he had fixed in his mind all the information he had come here to find, he terminated the spell of spirit walking.
  • The tug was almost irresistible and yet he fought against it, studying the sky, noting the position of stars and constellations, fixing them in his mind. Desperately he sought familiar signs in the sky, knowing that he could use them to plot his position in the cosmos. He looked also for magical energy tides, the auroral currents flowing out of the Twisting Nether. Was this really the place he sought? He orbited it swiftly, taking sightings, looking for signs, still fighting all the time the tug of the spell he had created.
  • At junctions in the pattern, he had placed the skulls of demons and sorcerers, each etched with miniature versions of their section of the pattern to help channel the flow of energy. These additions reflected the star beacons in the sky over Argus.

Beyond the Dark Portal

  • "Constellation names," Danath said. "The Staff… the Tome… and the Seer."
    "Scepter, book, and Eye," Alleria said slowly, lifting her fair head to stare at Khadgar with admiration. "So… Ner’zhul needed those artifacts because they corresponded with this world's constellations?"
    "Yes—and no," said Khadgar, barely able to restrain his excitement. "There's much more. Once every five hundred and forty-seven years, there's a celestial event that involves these three stars. see that reddish dot in the middle of the book? That's the first thing that appears. In about a month you'll be able to see a comet streaking through the scepter. And at the next moon cycle, the moon will be full right smack in the middle of the Eye. Apparently it's quite the spectacle, according to these notes."
    "So if Ner’zhul has items that correspond to these constellations," Turalyon said slowly, still peering at the stars, "and he uses the artifacts at a time when something extremely rare is happening in the skies to those three constellations—it augments his power, right?"
    "The harmony so established, the sympathetic resonance—by the Light, Turalyon, I'm not sure it'd be possible to fail at any spell using that kind of energy."
    Turalyon lifted his head from the telescope. "When?" was all he said.
    "Fifty-five days. And the power will last for three."


  • 4: As he made his way out of the cave, he noticed that the others were gathered, staring upward, eyes shielded. He walked out from beneath a giant mushroom, raised his eyes, and was forced to shield them as well. His mouth fell open. A rift had appeared across the early-morning crimson sky. It looked as if a seam had opened, tearing through the very fabric of their world, allowing dazzling lights and some kind of raw, unspeakably powerful energy to intrude. The rift wavered and danced like an immense, slithering snake made of pure light. The ground began to quake. Pressure built up in Nobundo’s head, threatening to explode from his ears. Electricity crackled in the air; the hairs on Nobundo’s body stood up; and for a brief, maddening second it seemed as though reality itself was coming undone. As Nobundo watched, for the briefest second the gathered Broken separated into multiple mirror images: some older, some younger, some not Broken at all but rather healthy, unaffected draenei. Then the illusion was gone. The ground shifted as if Nobundo were standing on the back of a cart suddenly spurred into motion. He and the others were flung to the mud, and there they stayed as the trembling continued.

Ask CDev

  • It is important to note that fledgling magi are routinely cautioned against teleporting and creating portals in rapid succession. The destruction of Draenor (now known as Outland) stands as the most effective cautionary tale for these new students.

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • Ner'zhul was not Sargeras, however, so he could not simply command the staff to open portals. He had to wait until the constellations of Draenor were properly aligned, and he could only use the scepter in conjunction with other artifacts.
  • With the scepter, he blasted hole after hole through the fabric of reality, shredding the seams connecting Draenor to the rest of the physical universe. As he rushed headlong through one of the portals, he could hear the world shattering behind him.

Chronicle 2

  • 195: He and his followers had harnessed the power of the Eye of Dalaran, the Book of Medivh, and the Scepter of Sargeras. Ner’zhul tapped into the nexus of ley lines beneath the Black Temple, but he was woefully unprepared for the amount of skill needed for this ritual. He was desperate to succeed, and his recklessness caused the energies at his command to spiral out of control. As planned, Ner’zhul blasted multiple holes through the fabric of reality, but they were followed by others. Many others. The magic that Ner’zhul had unleashed destabilized Draenor’s ley lines. Unimaginable forces began to tear open rifts across Draenor. With each passing moment, the world groaned louder in upheaval. Fissures erupted across land and sea.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The land of Draenor crumbled. Continents cracked open. The oceans heaved and boiled. Huge chunks of earth were thrown into the sky, and there they stayed, aloft, spinning slowly, refusing to fall back to the ground. Reality itself was unraveling.

  1. Разбросанные катастрофическим рождением космоса осколки Света зародили искры жизни. Люди-жрецы считают, что Свет есть в каждом живом существе, сердце и душе, объединяет жизнь воедино. Светлая магия вызывает эмоции от сердца, а темная магия - от разума
    1. Взаимодействие заклинателей светлой и темной магии друг с другом и их магией вызывает у них боль
    2. Нежить также испытывает опаляющую боль от контакта со светлой магией
    3. Практикующие магию скверны также испытывают боль от светлой магии, но по крайней мере Зе'ра может убрать этот неприятный эффект
    4. существа смерти тоже страдают?
  2. Заклинатели светлой магии способны восстанавливать силы себе и своим союзникам
    1. Паладин Мараад с эльфийкой Лиалией не спали 6 дней
  3. Древние наару были созданы во время великого творенияORDERING космоса(=великого распределенияORDERING Света и Тьмы?), по всей видимости, Элуной. Зе'ра сильнее А'дала, напрягает духовную форму Иллидана, ее ядро при своем появлении на Азероте излучило огромную мощь
  4. Наару - вневременные, могущественные эмиссары Света, существа, состоящие из живой энергии Света и, вероятно, являющиеся его самым чистым проявлением в ВЗТ. Поклялись защищать и оберегать смертных. Когда Пространствус накрыл энергиями Бездны Каркору, Т'ууре пожертвовал своей жизнью, создав волну света, отогнавшую и Пространствуса, и окутавшие планету энергии. Сила А'дала может уничтожить города и сровнять горы с землей
  5. Находясь долгое время при смерти, наару может пасть в Бездну. Велен на харде противостоял падшей К'ааре и вызванной Советом Теней с помощью ее силы массированной атаке на город, в ходе которой большинство дренеев мгновенно погибли, а другие сошли с ума. Альтернативный Велен ценой своей жизни вернул этого наару к Свету
  6. Некоторые наару еще сильнее впадают в Бездну, становясь Богами Бездны, как это было с К'ууре. Руна Иганнок - метка Богов Бездны, начертание которой привлекает их внимание, что может быть использовано для призыва большого количества энергии Тени. Саа'ра была возвращена к Свету усилиями множества жрецов, среди которых был авантюрист с [артефактом]

Chronicle 1

  • 18: The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos also flung shards of Light throughout reality. These shards suffused the matter of myriad worlds with the spark of life, giving rise to creatures of wondrous and terrible diversity.

Tides of Darkness

  • The Holy Light, after all, resided in every living being, in every heart and soul. It was everywhere, the energy that bound all sentient beings together as one.
  • The Holy Light did unite all life, everyone in this world. But not the orcs, who did not belong here.

Ask CDev

  • Q: Is there a reason that many priest spells, especially shadow priest spells, have names that refer to psychic phenomena like " [Mind Spike]" or " [Psychic Horror]"? Are priests implicitly telepaths?
    A: The Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion - hope, courage, comfort - and the like. Shadow abilities are just the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the "heart," whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the "mind." That said, priests and their abilities are not necessarily always psychic or telepathic in nature.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • With a scream of despair, Alleria hooked her arm around Turalyon's throat and dragged him through the portal. She felt him shout in pain as he crossed its threshold. The Light and the Shadow cannot exist together. She could still feel his pulse. Crossing through Void power hadn't killed him.
  • When they touched, pain shot through her. She flinched. So did he. The Light and the Shadow cannot exist together. He let go, looking at his hands in disbelief.


  • It was only the power of the Light, flowing through him with quiet strength and steadiness, that kept him and his men on their feet. The undead seemed to be weakened by its power, although that seemed to be their only weakness.

Ask CDev

  • When undead channel the Light, it feels (to them) as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire. Forsaken healed by the Light (whether the healer is Forsaken or not) are effectively cauterized by the effect: sure, the wound is healed, but the healing effect is cripplingly painful. Thus, Forsaken priests are beings of unwavering willpower; Forsaken (and death knight) tanks suffer nobly when they have priest and paladin healers in the group; and Sir Zeliek REALLY hates himself.
  • Channeling the Light in any way, or receiving healing from the Light, only causes pain. Forsaken priests do not disintegrate or explode from channeling the Light for an extended period of time… though they may wish they would.
  • There are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath. Unfortunately, this may be the cause of the Forsaken priesthood's increased attempts at self-destruction; regaining these senses would force the priests to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies.

We Ride Forth

  • 3: “I would not call for the Light’s aid today, death knight, except as a last resort,” Mograine said coldly. “If you are truly lucky, the Light will answer by burning your corrupted flesh to cinders. Trust me: it is not a pleasant way to die.”


  • Before Illidan could defend himself in any way, a bolt of pure Light blasted from the naaru. It struck his empty eye sockets and filled them with a golden glow. Illidan braced himself for a blast of agony that did not come. In the past such magic had always racked him with pain. It would normally have done the same to any user of fel magic.

An Exclusive Tour Of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' Revendreth

  • The Ember Ward is a stark contrast to the rest of the space. This is the only spot in Revendreth where the light has actually broken through, and hence is the worst nightmare for our light-vulnerable friends. This area is destroyed, and the unfortunate Venthyr that have been sent here as punishment are either dead, driven insane by the light, or battling each other for the scant pockets of shadow that dot the ward. The ruling class of Venthyr can’t torture each other like they would other souls, but they have the Ember Ward to handle dissidents and rabble-rousers. Outside of being burned to death by the light, the exposure also slowly turns Venthyr insane. This isn’t a fun place, but it’s thematically awesome – the Venthyr have even turned their torturous pursuits to utilizing mirrors as weapons with the stray light.


  • He felt a tug of guilt when he saw Jaina chewing on some dried meat as they rode. The Light refreshed him when he worked with it; magi drew on different energies, and he knew that Jaina was exhausted after the superb effort she had put forth earlier.
  • Arthas had no idea how long he had been fighting. He swung his hammer almost ceaselessly, his arms shaking from the strain, his lungs burning. It was only the power of the Light, flowing through him with quiet strength and steadiness, that kept him and his men on their feet.

Before the Storm

  • A golden glow filled the area: no explosion of blinding illumination but a gentle radiance that made Anduin’s tight chest loosen as he inhaled deeply. He had been awake all night, both unable and unwilling to sleep, but as he closed his eyes and opened to the healing energy, he felt renewed, refreshed, and calm.

The Untamed Valley

  • 2: "We work fairly well together," Lyalia said, "considering neither of us has slept in six days."

quest/Goddess Watch Over You

  • I was going through some ancient cosmology tomes when I stumbled upon a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow. If Elune did create Xe'ra, then it stands to reason that we could use the Tears of Elune to unlock the secrets of Light's Heart.

quest/In the House of Light and Shadow

  • I am Xe'ra, one of the first naaru to be forged here during the great ordering of the cosmos.


  • A tingling of his spectral senses warned him that he was under observation. He tried to track whatever spied on him, but it eluded his perception. Alarm pulsed through his mind. The fact that it could elude his powers of observation even when he was alert spoke of tremendous sorcerous ability.
  • He felt as if something vast and powerful loomed behind him, watching him work, studying the way he invoked the spell, observing how the anchor fell into place.
  • He had but a heartbeat to enjoy his victory, and then the attack came. The power of it was astonishing. His spirit form was swept up like an infant being snatched by an orc. He was like a swimmer caught in an oceanic undertow. No matter how much he struggled, he could not break free.
  • If anything, this creature was possessed of even more power than A’dal and its followers. “You are a naaru,” Illidan said eventually, when he wearied of the silence. “I am an elder naaru. Possibly the eldest now remaining in these universes.”

quest/A Sign From The Sky

  • During my expedition to the Broken Shore, I saw with my own eyes an extraordinarily luminescent object emerge from the Felstorm. It fell down towards the coast of Suramar, cutting a swath through the tempest itself! From it I felt an incredible surge of power, before it vanished beyond the horizon.

quest/A Falling Star

  • You say that it cut a swathe through the Felstorm and was emanating power enough that your scout could feel it coursing through their body?

Blood of the Highborne

  • These beings, from what we can gather, are timeless, sentient, immensely powerful. And as you have no doubt felt, they are conduits of the Light. Perhaps they are a kind of emissary of it.

Chronicle 1

  • 14: The naaru are benevolent creatures of living holy energy. They are perhaps the purest expression of the Light that exists in the Great Dark Beyond. The naaru have vowed to bring peace and hope to all mortal civilizations and waylay the dark forces of the Void that seek to engulf creation.
  • 19: When they gazed out across the immeasurable universe, they saw a realm of limitless possibilities. The naaru vowed to use their mastery over holy magic to spread hope and nurture life wherever they could find it.
  • 142: After the Troll Wars, a number of human priests began having faint visions and dreams of angelic beings, geometric forms that thrummed with living light. Although they did not know it, the priests had actually communed with the naaru in the Great Dark Beyond. Through this connection, the naaru guided the hearts of some humans and introduced them to the Holy Light. From their tenuous encounters with the naaru, the priests learned to harness the extraordinary healing effects of the Light. They also formed a religious movement founded on the tenets of justice, peace, and altruistic works. Popular among common folk, this movement flourished.

Chronicle 2

  • 50: These creatures of the Holy Light were sworn protectors of the cosmos and its inhabitants, and they had foreseen the eredar’s corruption.
  • 51: When a naaru was weakened or pushed to the verge of death, its radiant energies would dim. The fading Light would then give way to its polar opposite: the Void.

Chronicle 3

  • 12: The naaru were creatures of Light who often tried to guide and cultivate mortal life.

Word of the Conclave

  • Like other naaru, T'uure vowed to protect all mortal civilizations in the universe from the clutches of darkness.
  • As Dimensius shrouded Karkora in Void energies. T'uure expended its own life force to spare the world from doom. The naaru shattered into fragments and sparked a colossal holy nova. The energy cascaded over Karkora, washing away the void and banishing Dimensius from the world.


  • It was some time before she confronted the naaru. She was grateful. It gave her a chance to become accustomed to its awesome presence. A’dal shimmered like a chained sun. Unleashed, the naaru’s power might destroy cities or level mountains.

Chronicle 2

  • 51: Velen stepped in anyway, using the Light to shield the two naaru from their corrupted kin and cast K’ara away from the vessel. For centuries to come, the darkened being would drift in the skies above Shadowmoon Valley. Velen’s heroics had saved the draenei, but there were consequences. The battle had injured him and sapped much of his strength, both physically and mentally. His ability to foresee future events became unreliable, and it would take him centuries to fully recover.
  • 87: As one, the Shadow Council conducted a ritual that drew out the Dark Star’s power and channeled it on Karabor. A pillar of Void energy ripped through the heavens and slammed down atop the draenei positions in the temple. Many of the defenders died instantly. Others were driven to madness by the waves of shadow magic that engulfed the city. Calling on every ounce of his willpower, Velen narrowly held the Void at bay. He rallied what survivors he could and led them on a daring escape toward Karabor’s harbor. As the Horde renewed its assault on the temple, the Prophet and his people sailed out of harm’s reach.

quest/The Dark Heart of Oshu'gun

  • Cho'gall yells: Behold, a void god is born! (You fools are too late!)
    Cho'gall yells: A pity that I cannot stay to watch you die. (We're going to Highmaul!)
    Vindicator Nobundo says: The naaru... this cannot be!
    Vindicator Nobundo says: K'ure is transforming into a void god... and we are all that stands between it and the destruction of this land!
    Decimatus yells: At long last... my time has come! This world shall crumble beneath the power of the void!
  • The fate of K'ure could not have been prevented. Cho'gall accelerated the naaru's transition into a void god in hopes of bringing destruction upon Draenor.

item/Cantrips of the Void

  • Igannok is one of the many marks of the Void Gods, and using it is said to beckon their attention to you. While most practitioners would prefer to avoid the gaze of these beings, their attention can be beneficial when a great amount of void magic needs to be called upon.

quest/The Light and the Void

  • Prophet Velen says: At last we found a way to repay their kindness. We came upon a terrible sight, a naaru that had turned to the void. There had to be a way to save it!
    Prophet Velen says: We built a prison to contain and study the fallen creature. A place to commune with the naaru and ponder the nature of the Twisting Nether. It is here that I would take you.
  • Alonsus Faol says: Behold Saraka, Destroyer of Worlds! Brought to heel after millennia of wanton destruction.
    Alonsus Faol says: The draenei sought to devise a ritual that could turn the naaru back to the Light. To aid their quest, I called together many priesthoods to work in unison.
    Alonsus Faol says: We are close to success. I believe the weapon you obtained will tip the scales in our favor. If you would step into the main circle, we can begin the ritual!
  • Saa'ra says: The hunger, the rage, they are gone. The Light has welcomed me home.

novel/Before the Storm

  • The very name seemed to set calm upon Anduin’s soul, almost in defiance of the temple’s history as the prison for Saraka, a void lord and a fallen naaru, and its location in the heart of the Twisting Nether. For eons, the draenei had studied the creature. Only recently had they been able to purify it.

  1. Магия скверны доставляет приятные ощущения и со временем обращает существ в демонов
  2. Становление демоном делает смертного сильнее и быстрее (Вандель считает себя сильным как огр, и быстрым как ночной саблезуб) и наделены варьирующимися от случая к случаю звериными чертами, среди которых острые зубы и когти, бараньи и козлиные рога, массивные кожистые крылья, копыта, чешуя
    1. стражи рока способны передвигать то, что не смог бы поднять ночной эльф
    2. инферналы на бегу с легкостью раскидывают смертных, а Брокс с топором Кенария останавливает одного из таких инферналов. Удары инфернала смертельны для ночных эльфов, но лишь немного потрясают каменнокожего земельника. Земельников без проблем нарезали зачарованными клинками
  3. Демоны обладают обостренными чувствами и не нуждаются в пище и сне, но подвержены усталости
  4. Демоны по природе своей страстные, злые и жестокие, движимые желанием разрушать. Какие-то демоны появились в Круговерти Пустоты из смешения энергий Света и Бездны - по крайней мере из таких должны быть повелители преисподней: Маннорот слабее Азшары, Архимонда и Саргераса; Иллидану потребовалась поддержка Вайши и Келя чтобы сковать Магтеридона - цепи, по оценке Майев, могут остановить дрейф континентов, а подчинение повелителя преисподней кажется ей для Иллидана невозможным; Ронокон провел часы в поединке с раненой и уставшей Пеплошкурой(Дикий Бог), которая в итоге убила его ценой своей жизни
  5. Кил'джеден с Архимондом являются самыми одаренными и сильными командирами Легиона. Архимонд в короткой схватке одолевает Дикого Бога Малорна. Кил'джеден слабее Саргераса настолько, что со [Скипетром Саргераса] не может открыть портал даже своей аватаре
    1. На Аргусе есть демоны, способные уничтожить душу Иллидана и немного уступающие Кил'Джедену в монструозности. В видении Велена нонейм-эредар, использовав некие символы вызвал разорвавший поверхность мира на части взрыв
    1. Ксавий после первого поражения Малфуриону, был воскрешен Саргерасом как сатир - и носитель проклятия сатиров, что обращает пораженных в специфичных демонов - после чего излучал сильное присутствие на уровне Архимонда или Маннорота
    2. После второго поражения Малфуриону, его прибрал к себе Н'Зот, сделав Повелителем Кошмара. Ксавий одолевает Изеру, пытается закрыть последний портал в Кошмар, чему мешает Алекстраза
    3. во время начавшегося из-за его действий слияния Изумрудного Сна/Кошмара с Азеротом начали появляться нестабильност, попадание в которые смертельно для равных консортам Аспектов существ
    4. Малфурион, черпая силу от Азерот и Изумрудного Сна, с поддержкой друидов, Тиранды и Туры, которая владела топором Брокса, что содержал в себе жизненные силы Азерот, вызвал сотрясающий как Азерот, так и Кошмар шторм, с помощью которого ослабил и одолел Ксавия

Lord of the Clans

  • These former shamans, these new warlocks, had had the briefest taste of power and, like the barest drop of honey on the tongue, found it sweet indeed.

Adventure Guide/The Maker

  • All creatures who use the power of fel magic, willingly or otherwise, slowly take on the appearance of demons.


  • Q: Do warlocks become physically weaker by using fel magic?
    A: “IIRC, lore-wise, using fel magic is dangerous on many levels. Warlocks are just all ego: nothing else matters.”


  • The surge of evil energy from that artifact had transformed him, changing both his physical form and the depth of his power, but it had put him off balance for months.
  • He felt once more the surge of ecstatic power as he broke the seals on the skull and transformed into a demon.


  • Illidan Stormrage was a demon. Atop his head were huge, curled horns like those of some gigantic ram and massive, leathery wings that sprouted from near his shoulder blades. Illidan’s countenance was now a distortion of its former self, the jaw more pronounced and the mouth full of sharp teeth. The cheekbones were higher. A mass of wild, midnight blue hair draped the face. The demon tromped forward on heavy hooves. He was much larger than he had been as a night elf. His chest was broad, indeed, broader than it should have been.


  • Illidan was indeed changed by absorbing the power of the Skull of Gul’dan; for one thing, he was physically much stronger than he had been.


  • Illidan plunged his talons into the chest of a fel orc. Bone crunched as he closed his fingers and ripped open a cavity to pull the heart free. The fel orc roared and lunged forward, jaws snapping in an attempt to tear out Illidan’s throat even as the creature died. Illidan raised the corpse above his head and tossed it into the onrushing squad of red-skinned defenders. Its weight bowled them over, sending them tumbling to the ground.
  • The tattoos bound the demon within him. It could not escape now. He traced the ink with his fingers, feeling the lines of power that scarred his body. His hand touched something else, something cold and hard. At first he thought it was a piece of metal, but then he realized that it was set in his skin. He fumbled at his face and found it was there, too. He paused, chilled by the realization that his flesh had been transformed. He felt one hand with the other, and it slowly dawned on him what had happened. Every place on his skin that had been touched by demon blood had been altered. He had acquired scales of some sort. This might just be the start of the process. He was certain that while he lay in the hospital, his skin had been normal. Perhaps this was only the first stage of the transformation. Perhaps he was turning into a demon.
  • He rubbed his fingers against his palms. He felt the fingertips of his left hand with those of his right. The nails were long and sharp and dense, like the claws of a hunting cat. His gums hurt, and he fumbled at his mouth. Yes. His canines jutted out, large and sharp. He had acquired fangs.
  • He was glad he was strong as an ogre and swifter than a nightsaber. His appearance reflected the changes. He could extend claws from his fingertips, and did so in moments of danger.
  • He sprang, blazingly fast, uncannily precise in his movements. The ritual had granted Ravael even more strength and speed than it had given Vandel. It had gifted him with huge claws and twisted, circular horns. Now, in the arena, as he drew upon his demonic powers, those attributes seemed even more pronounced. The scythe impacted on Vandel’s biceps with numbing force.

The Sundering

  • Each of the flying demons carried a burden in their arms, a heavy pot from which smoke trailed. The pots were far larger and heavier than any night elf could have borne and even the Doomguard appeared hard pressed to keep them, but keep them they did.

The Sundering

  • Powerful of body but weak of mind, the demon lived only to crush anything in its path. It barreled into a line of soldiers, tossing them aside like leaves. Before Malfurion could act, Brox met the Infernal head on. It seemed impossible that even the orc could hold back such a giant, but somehow Brox did. The Infernal came to a dead stop and, from his roar, the demon found this quite frustrating.
  • The Infernal managed a back-handed slap at his second attacker, but what would have killed a night elf, shattering his bones in the process, only shook the Earthen for a moment. The Infernal had finally come up against creatures with as hard a skin as his.

Chronicle 1

  • 60: Volkhan and Ignis also forged powerful weapons designed to shatter the iron and stone skin of the other titan-forged.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • The Winterskorn's enchanted blades cleaved through the earthen's stone skin with ease, lopping off limbs and sending heads rolling.

The Sundering

  • While the defenders ever needed to sleep and eat, the demons did not have any such weaknesses. They fought night and day until cut down, only retreating when the odds were too great.


  • Illidan was not unaffected by the battle either. Sweat gleamed on the massive, lavender-hued torso.


  • He sniffed the air, smelled soiled bandages, unwashed flesh, and beneath that the tainted odor of demon, repulsing him and arousing his hunger at the same time.
  • Vandel fumbled at the table with his hands, feeling the rough texture of the wood. It came to him then how much he had taken his sense of touch for granted, and how inaccurate it used to be. Now he could feel every grain of the wood, every knot, every splinter. He felt areas that were slightly rougher, as if the carpenter had been sloppy with his planing. It seemed like his various senses were now many times magnified.
  • He was glad he could hear better than any elf had a right to.
  • Illidan sensed a presence behind him, a shadow figure bearing two blades. The poison coating the swords made his nostrils twitch.

Chronicle 1

  • 21: Held in the thrall of unbridled hate and malice, they hungered for nothing less than the destruction of all life in the universe.
  • 21: They had been formed as a result of the Light and Void energies that had bled together at the borders of the Twisting Nether. The demons embraced their furious passions and reveled in pushing the boundaries of their power, heedless of the consequences.
  • 22: The mighty annihilan, or pit lords, took a more direct approach to conquering worlds. These monstrous butchers existed only to brutalize and torture the mortals who crossed their path. The pit lords often enslaved the lesser demons that stalked the Nether, using them as fodder to besiege the mortal civilizations of the Great Dark Beyond.

The Sundering

  • Azshara said nothing, merely gazing imperiously at the demon. With a hiss, Mannoroth reached one meaty hand toward her. His intention was clear; he had no further use for the night elf's existence. But though he came close, Mannoroth faltered at the end. It was not because of any sudden notion that Sargeras might still desire the silver-haired creature to live. Rather, Mannoroth discovered that here was a force against which only his lord and Archimonde would prove superior. Try as he might, the demon would have found it easier to throttle himself than the queen.


  • Illidan’s heart thundered as he exerted his will. He felt as if he were engaged in a tug-of-war with a giant. Magtheridon’s advance slowed. His face twisted as if he, too, felt the strain.
    “You are strong—for a mortal,” the pit lord said. “I am not a mortal,” said Illidan. “Anything that can be killed is mortal.” Sweat beaded on Illidan’s brow. His breath rasped from his chest. He spread his wings and rose into the air above Magtheridon, signaling the others. It was time. Lady Vashj nodded, raised her hands, and began to chant. Lines of fire blazed across Illidan’s sight, forming intricate patterns around the pit lord. Magtheridon roared as he understood what was happening. Illidan fed more power into the spell. The pit lord stood transfixed, unable to proceed. His tombstone-sized fangs glistened, reflecting the light of magical energy. He reared up, fighting against the magic as much with his huge strength as with his own sorcerous might. Illidan strained against him and glanced at Prince Kael’thas. The blood elf licked his lips like an epicure catching sight of a feast. All this unleashed magic clearly aroused something within him. “Kael’thas,” Illidan croaked. His words carried to the elf’s ears. Kael’thas spread his arms and added his voice to the spell. Colossal magical energies smashed down. The spell locked into place. The pit lord screamed his rage and defiance, but to no avail. He was held by bindings so strong, not even he could overcome them.
  • Looking at the cage mounted on the giant chariot, Maiev understood why. It contained the pit lord Magtheridon. He stood many times the height of an elf and rattled the felsteel bars with arms the size of tree trunks. Even from the clifftop, Maiev felt his power. It smashed into her senses like the stench of ten thousand burning bodies. Chains that could have anchored the biggest warships bound him to the chariot. Maiev could see they were wound by spells strong enough to halt the slow drift of continents.
  • What did Illidan plan to do with a captured pit lord? A being of Magtheridon’s power could not be bound to service like some lesser demon. Not even Illidan could be insane enough to believe himself that strong.

Tome of the Ancients

  • And yet even a Wild God could not avoid injury at the Burning Legion's hands. Scorched by fel fire and poisoned by their tainted weapons, Ashamane fought on, thinning their ranks until their leader was forced to face her himself.
  • This pit lord, Ronokon, saw endless rewards in the elven city and wanted to claim them in Sargeras's name. He became enraged by Ashamane's interference and stepped forth to personally deal with her. The Wild God and the annihilan general dueled in the forests of Val'sharah for hours. He was a cunning fighter. He knew how fast she could kill, so he kept her at bay with his jagged, fel-wrought spear, content to inflict small, grazing wounds. After so much war, Ashamane's strength was finally beginning to fade. Her wounds ached. Her pace slowed. But her will was unbroken. With the last of her strength, she leapt at Ronokon, allowing him to drive his spear through her chest. Yet her claws dug into his shoulders, and her fangs sank deep within his neck. Ronokon thrashed madly, trying to pull the panther away, but she held on. Her teeth remained embedded in his throat until he died.

Chronicle 1

  • 52: The eredar settled in as commanders within the Burning Legion. Kil’jaeden and Archimonde would stand as the most gifted and powerful among them.

The Sundering

  • Their collision was marked with thunder and a tremor that toppled fighters for some distance around. Demons and night elves alike fled the awesome fury of their duel. Where the stag's hooves struck the harsh ground, sparks flew up into the heavens. Archimonde's own feet dug deep creating ravines and tossing up new hills taller than his warriors. Bloody scars traced paths of the demon's claws in the stag's hide. Sharp, glistening dots from which burst green fire showed where antlers pierced Archimonde's seemingly impervious skin. Demon and demigod wrestled and no other living creature dared to come in their path.
  • A tremendous cracking sound echoed through the region, one that, just for a brief moment, caused all others noises to cease. And in Archimonde's grip, Cenarius valiant rescuer fell limp and lifeless.

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • At last, the artifact was back in the Legion's possession, and Kil'jaeden would set about using it to invade Azeroth. But he was not as powerful as Sargeras; he could not open a portal mighty enough even for his avatar.


  • Ahead of him lay a city, looming over canyons of fractured crystal. Within it were many presences, all of them capable of blasting his soul.
  • At the center of the great city stood a mighty palace. Within lurked a massive, ominous presence surrounded by those only slightly less monstrous.

Prophet's Lesson

  • 3: This last being leveled the rock sculptures around him, clearing a space where he could kneel in the dust made from his destruction and draw symbols of dread power with his clawed finger. When he finished, there was a moment of perfect quiet as the slaughter halted and the entire world waited in horrified stillness. And then, an explosion. The unleashed energies ripped the world's surface apart, and Anduin found himself crying out and throwing his arms up in terror, but the magics moved right through him without harm. The Legion marched back into the portal, returning to the dark nexus of the demons' dwelling, and in their wake was left… nothing. Nothing alive, at any rate. Even the wondrous rock formations—Anduin would never know if they were natural or carved by the alien life he'd witnessed—were no more. There was only ash and broken matter. Even the sky was clouded, no longer allowing a clear view of the four moons.

Chronicle 1

  • 103: The Legion also bolstered its numbers with a new breed of demon, born from denizens of Azeroth itself. The first of these abominations was Xavius. Sargeras had warped the defeated Highborne’s body into a twisted demonic visage of jagged horns and cloven hooves. This new form became known as a satyr, and it would mark Xavius as an eternal servant of the Legion. At Sargeras’s bidding, he set out to curse many of his fellow Highborne, transforming them into satyrs as well.

Blizzard lore posts/Nyorloth

  • Q: Are Satyrs what night elves would turn into if they gorged themselves on fel or do they deviate from the natural transformation?
    A:IIRC, the satyr curse was specific. It was passed down from Xavius himself.
  • Q: Are Satyr still considered Night Elves, demons, both, or something different?
    A: Demons. They were night elves until they were cursed to become satyr.


  • After snaring what little remained of Xavius’s disembodied spirit and torturing it long for the counselor’s failures, Sargeras had remolded it into something more terrible. Xavius had been reborn as a satyr—the first of the goatlike monsters now so long the enemies of the night elves—and his malevolence had only grown with his new, hideous aspect.

The Demon Soul

  • Though smaller than the demons, it somehow radiated a forceful presence nearly on par with Archimonde or Mannoroth even before it put one foot out onto the mortal plane.


  • Alexstrasza did not stop until she stood before the swirling energies. The Life-Binder stared into the portal. The fiery glow about her body intensified. It shot forth into the portal. There was a flash of flame within and all there were aware that if something had stood on the other side, it would have been utterly incinerated.
    “Nothing will come through and nothing will seal up this last portal from the other side,” she declared in a tone that did not brook disagreement. “The portal will stay open, Malfurion Stormrage…I will see to it. It is that important.”
  • He touched Alexstrasza’s thoughts, but any hope that she might be of aid faded immediately. The dragon was under siege. Fearsome energies assailed the portal from the other side, and for brief moments a part of it sealed off, only to be opened anew by the straining dragon’s efforts as she fought back the attempt by the Nightmare Lord.
  • It was true. No matter where Malfurion sought out some hope, some help, he found none. King Varian’s army was losing. Broll could not be found, and lost with him was the orc. Ysera was unconscious, and Alexstrasza’s control over the one portal was slipping. The Nightmare was everywhere, both in the Emerald Dream and Azeroth. It was all lost—


  • Then… then came something that no druid, not even Malfurion could have expected. The barrier between the Emerald Dream/Nightmare and Azeroth began to break down… and the two slowly started to meld into one.
  • It is you who are finished, Eranikus! Give in to the Nightmare! Let it embrace you! The walls between Azeroth and here are also weakening! Soon, I and the others like me will be able to fly Azeroth’s skies unimpeded… Azeroth’s skies…Eranikus repeated. A glow suddenly surrounded Ysera’s mate. The dragon’s face bore a grim aspect. At the same time, Lethon’s expression grew uncertain. What do you do? he demanded of Eranikus. But the other dragon said nothing. Instead, Malfurion sensed him drawing upon other energies. Only then did the archdruid understand Eranikus’s ploy. And as both titanic figures began to fade, so, too, did Lethon understand…but much too late. You can’t! Do this and you’ll destroy yourself, too! I swear! The instability will take you with me! So be it, then, Malfurion heard Eranikus reply. My mate! Ysera called…but too late. The Nightmare sought to make both this realm and Azeroth one. Then the power of this realm would be impossible to overcome. But that shift had not yet completed…and here, in the vicinity of the Eye, a nexus of the Emerald Dream, Malfurion saw that the shredding boundaries between the two realms were so unstable that to be at the center was to invite annihilation. Eranikus refused to release the corrupted creature. The pair crossed into the instability suddenly existing between the two realms. As Lethon had warned and Malfurion and Ysera feared, the desperate villain drew the power of his master into himself in a futile attempt to avoid the inevitable, but it was too late. The monster howled as he was torn asunder. The fearsome forces that he in turn had been summoning were unleashed. A fiery maelstrom erupted where Lethon had been. That maelstrom swallowed up Eranikus, who made no move to escape it. The wild forces struck out everywhere.


  • The storm. His storm. The other druids were essential to its crafting, to its growth, but it was through Malfurion—with Tyrande’s prayers to the Mother Moon helping to keep his mind clear of the Nightmare’s presence—that it truly swelled, truly took on the epic proportions he needed. A deep rumble shook both Azeroth and the Emerald Dream.
  • The storm unleashed. It struck with a fury with which no tempest ever before had done. Azeroth trembled. The Emerald Dream shimmered. They were two that were one, but not as Xavius desired. He had wanted one realm perverted into an evil mirroring his own and that of the force behind him. But Malfurion instead gave them the purity and strength of nature. The wind roared. It set the mists swirling. Its force made the nightmarish figures and shadow satyrs ripple, then dissipate like so much dust. Stormwind City, Orgrimmar…every embattled place upon Azeroth was suddenly cleared. The rain poured, rivers spilling over the landscape wherever the evil had spread. The pristine waters not only washed away more of the Nightmare’s shadows and other horrific servants, but brought new life, new growth, where the Nightmare had stunted or manipulated it. The carrion bugs melted in the rain, their foulness unable to withstand its force. Those too corrupted by the Nightmare to be saved fled from the cleansing, retreating with the melting mists that represented the darkness’s dwindling hold.
  • Malfurion had known, though, that this would come. He called forth the thunder, stirring it to a rumble. There had been on Azeroth no sound like it. A hundred volcanoes could not match it. All the combined storms throughout history could not come even close to its fantastic power. And no creature, no matter how deeply asleep, deeply hidden in the lowest recesses of any cave or high up in some mountain or behind thick stone walls…could avoid hearing it. The thunder roiled. The sleepers awoke.
  • The storm raged. Wherever the taint resisted, lightning flashed, burning away the darkness. The bolts were not white or yellow, as normal, but the brilliant green of nature in its most lush growth. The ground where they struck was not scorched, but bloomed. Malfurion did not let up in either realm, aware that to do so would possibly give the Nightmare a new foothold. Indeed, as the evil was pressed further and further back, its resistance grew.
  • It took a moment for the archdruid to understand why. The truth lay in the sleepers. They were now awake, but the horrors of their dread dreams were with them. Their fear still fed the Nightmare. Malfurion and Tyrande sensed at the same time what had to be done. His left hand arced. The rain covering Azeroth altered, growing finer, warmer. It even took on a reddish hue, such as a rose might have. As this happened, Tyrande asked of Elune her help. The silver light of the Mother Moon came down, joining in concert with the rain. As the astonishing rain touched the Nightmare’s victims, a sense of calm instantly overtook them. They began to forget much of what they had suffered or made others suffer as slaves of Xavius.
  • The archdruid made no response. He summoned up the energies of Azeroth and the Emerald Dream and cast them at the great and terrible tree. They did nothing. Malfurion turned his gaze to the Emerald Dream and the shadow of Xavius. There he saw what he already knew: Thura impaled and Broll fighting to keep from being snared by the smoky limbs. The gathered energies struck at the shadow… with as little result as against the true tree.
  • Malfurion gritted his teeth. The night elf now condensed the massive storm’s fury on but two places, one in Azeroth, the other the Emerald Dream. The Nightmare Lord’s tree and shadow bent under the added onslaught. The branches buried in the chest of Malfurion’s dreamform were at last ripped away by the wind. Those of the true tree were scorched by lightning. New ones sprouted in their place as the Nightmare Lord sought in turn to seize his foe, but Malfurion’s spell held sway. And in the Emerald Dream, Thura reached the shadowed trunk. She raised the ax, which glowed with the glory of the energies that the demigod Cenarius had ten thousand years earlier imbued in it for Broxigar. Strike here! Malfurion told her, revealing in her thoughts an image of the critical spot. With a crooked grin, the orc caught the shadow at the very point. A shriek echoed over the Emerald Dream, a shriek whose twin erupted from Azeroth. The ax sank deep, as if biting into something solid. The shadow wavered. As Thura struck there, Malfurion increased his attack on the physical tree by a thousandfold. Emerald lightning hit true time and time again, setting vicious branch after branch ablaze.

  1. Древние Боги созданы Повелителями Бездны для коррапта спящих титанов
  2. На Азероте, Повелители элементалей проиграли ДБ, а Хранители титанов бились рейдом с ДБ по очереди, причем самый сильный из ДБ, И'Шарадж, мог одолеть рейд но был устранен ловкими пальчиками Аман'Тула. К'Тун является угрозой для Аспектов. Затвердевшая кровь Йогг-Сарона, саронит, способен пробить практически неразрушимую плоть Сильваны, которая не боялась падения с вершины ЦЛК. Н'Зот - самый слабый из ДБ
  3. Нонейм-Древний Бог с далекой планеты потребовал для своего устранения рейд самых сильных героев, среди которых был Ночной Воитель - боевое воплощение Элуны, наделенный её темной силой смертный, который из-за нее рано или поздно помрет, ибо сила слишком велика для смертных - и без которых другие защитники мира были сметены
  4. Хранители титанов - конструкты, наделенные частью силы и личности титанов: Аман'Тул - Ра и Один; Каз'Горот - Аркедас; Голганнет - Торим и Ходир; Эонар - Фрейя; Норганнон - Локен и Мимирон; Агграмар - Тир, величайший воин из выкованных титанами. В течение недель боролись с Повелителями элементалей и их армиями: Тир и Один бились с самым разрушительным, Рагнаросом; Аркедас и Фрейя бились с Теразан - Аркедас разрушил её гигантов и ослабил шпиль в котором та укрывалась, а Фрейя корнями обрушила этот шпиль на Теразан; Ра, Торим и Ходир бились с Ал'акиром - причем одолели они его же стихией; Локен и Мимирон бились с Нептулоном - пока Локен морозил и разрушал армию элементалей воды, Мимирон сковывал повелителя. Ра создает с колдуньей Хелией мир-тюрьму для элементалей. Хелия в дальнейшем поднимает в небо Чертоги Доблести, угрожает их опустить и по итогу замуровывает в них Одина с его армией, после чего создает себе свое карманное измерение. Для создания [Мощи Титанов] Торим боролся с ветрами и молниями злой бури, после чего сконцентрировал их в энергетической сфере
  5. После победы над ДБ, Аркедас создал для них подземные тюрьмы, в которых машины Мимирона бы их удерживали, а чары Локена нейтрализовывали их силу. Оковы впоследствии разбивал Чо'Галл: для К'Туна он с Сумеречным Молотом провел великий ритуал, по итогу которого ДБ был освобожден, а культисты кроме огра погибли, потеряли дар речи или стали парализованы; оковы Йогг-Сарона он смог лишь ослабить, что однако десятикратно усилило ДБ и его контроль над разумами находившихся в Ульдуаре Хранителей - отмечается, что Локен величайший из них, хотя в прямом бою тот одолел лишь Фрейю
  6. После битв с Повелителями элементалей и Древними Богами, Хранители титанов устали настолько, что сильнейший из них, Тир, оказывается слабее Галакронда. Тир, будучи блеклой тенью самого себя, 6 дней боролся с двумя К'Траккси - Заккажем и Кит'иксом - и в итоге жертвует собой для создания взрыва, что сотряс кости мира, был виден на горизонте с расстояния в 6 дней пути, оставил гигантский кратер(по игровой карте примерно сопоставимый по размерам со Столицей) и убил Заккажа и тяжело ранит Кит'икса, что тому приходится уйти на тысячелетнюю спячку. После спячки Кит'икс вооружился [Ксал'атат], разбудил инсектоидов и пошел войной на троллей, где был ранен неназванными Дикими Богами и добит троллями
  7. Лэй Шэнь - смертный, что сковал приунывшего Ра и украл у него титаническую силу, но не смог обуздать его артефакты. Одолел 4 Диких Богов, причем с Сюэнем он боролся днями, количество которых согласно сказаниям равно тридцати. Разработал способ(который, впрочем, должен осуществить кто-нибудь другой) вернуть свой дух в тело в случае гибели и был способен продлять жизнь смертных, вероятно раскрыв секрет бессмертия завладев всеми технологиями титанов, но вместе со своей армией был успокоен локальным использованием Кузницы Созидания, которая также превратила Ульдум из джунглей в пустыню

Chronicle 1

  • 14: The Old Gods are physical manifestations of the Void. They are nightmares incarnate: mountains of blighted flesh and writhing tentacles that grow like cancers within the worlds of the Great Dark. These malignant entities serve the void lords, and they live only to transform the worlds they infest into places of despair and death.
  • 21: The void lords did not know which worlds contained slumbering titan spirits. Thus they pooled their power and hurled dark creatures throughout the physical universe, hoping some would smash into a world-soul. An unknown number of the void lords’ creations hurtled through the Great Dark. They contaminated mortal worlds and everything else they touched in their blind search for a nascent titan. In time, these wicked beings would come to be known as the Old Gods.
  • 29: These Old Gods towered over the land, mountains of flesh, pockmarked with hundreds of gnashing maws and black, unfeeling eyes. A miasma of despair soon enveloped everything that lay in their writhing shadows.

Chronicle 1

  • 30: Yet for all their fervor, the elemental could not topple the Black Empire. No matter how many n’raqi and aqir died, more and more would spawn from the Old Gods’ putrid forms like larvae from a hive. The n’raqi and the aqir engulfed the land like an unstoppable pestilence, shattering the elementals’ forms. In the end, the Old Gods enslaved the elementals and their lords.
  • 29: The greatest of these bastions was built around Y’Shaarj, the most powerful and wicked of the Old Gods.
  • 36: Y’Shaarj was more powerful than the keepers had expected. It poisoned the minds of the titan-forged, drawing out their fears and darkening their thoughts. The Pantheon grew concerned that the Old God would overwhelm their servants. Despite the risk of harming the world, they decided to take direct action. Aman’Thul himself reached down through Azeroth’s stormy skies and took hold of Y’Shaarj’s writhing body.

Chronicle 3

  • 127: Even the Dragon Aspects, who had lived for so long, did not truly understand how dangerous it had been to challenge C’Thun.

Edge of Night

  • 1: A thousand feet below, shrouded by the clouds, lay a forest of shattered saronite spikes she had scouted out earlier. The fall alone couldn't kill her: her animate flesh was nigh indestructible. But the spikes, the hardened blood of an Old God, they not only would tear the body apart but would obliterate the soul as well.


  • It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, and… well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.


  • Some generations before I was born, the Dark God landed on our world. The impact wiped out an entire kingdom and disrupted the balance of Nature. No one who ventured into the area returned from the wasteland. We druids kept an eye on the borders but we did not anticipate what would come. Monsters. Creatures with too many eyes, too many limbs and too many hunger mouths. They swept across the world when my great-grandparents were children. Thus the Endless War began. Entire generations spent their lives holding against the Others and their madness. It was my mother who discovered the nature of what lived in the center of the crater. To slay the being from another world, she tried to invoke Elune's dark face. She died.
  • Thiernax was successful in becoming the Night Warrior. I fought beside him and the other champions of Fyzandi to the end. We won, but at a terrible cost. The armies of madness killed many while we were away, then scattered when the Dark One died. Some of our people succumbed to the whispers. They disappeared or went mad. We lost friends. Family. The god bled. It will take many generations to cleanse the sickness from our world. If it can ever be.


  • A coalition of champions had formed to kill the dark god who'd landed on our world. To succeed, we needed the power the last Speaker had tried to invoke from Mother Moon.
  • The price of Elune's dark power was my life. Mortals are not meant to hold such things.

The Demon Soul

  • The song he heard was in praise of the Night Warrior, the fearsome battle incarnation of the Mother Moon.

quest/In Darkest Night

  • Maiev Shadowsong says: She is the incarnation of Elune's wrath. Even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: Legend says that long ago, Elune bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure Kalimdor. In a sacred ritual, the strongest among them became her avatar--the Night Warrior. Our victory was swift. None who have attempted the ritual since then have survived. Elune's raw power tears them apart.

Chronicle 1

  • 31: The members of the Pantheon imbued a number of their servants with their specific likenesses and powers to lead the rest of the titan-forged. These empowered beings were called the keepers. Though they would develop their own personalities in time, they would forever after bear the mark and abilities of their makers. Aman’Thul gifted some of his vast abilities to Highkeeper Ra and Keeper Odyn. Khaz’goroth bestowed his mastery over the earth and forging to Keeper Archaedas. Golganneth granted Keepers Thorim and Hodir dominion over the storms and skies. Eonar gave Keeper Freya command over Azeroth’s flora and fauna. Norgannon lent a portion of his intellect and mastery of magic to Keepers Loken and Mimiron. Lastly, Aggramar imparted his strength and courage to Keeper Tyr, who would become the greatest warrior of the titan-forged.
  • 31-32: Tyr and Odyn volunteered to confront the most destructive elemental lieutenant: Ragnaros the Firelord. Their battle raged for weeks, engulfing the land in fire and magma. Yet the keepers’ resilient metal forms kept them safe from Ragnaros’s fiery onslaughts. Through sheer strength and force of will, Tyr and Odyn pushed Ragnaros back into his volcanic lair in the east. In a land of boiling acid seas and skies choked with ash, the two keepers defeated the Firelord.
    Meanwhile, Archaedas and Freya unleashed their powers upon Therazane the Stonemother. To protect herself and her minions, the elemental ruler retreated into the towering stone spire that she called home. Archaedas used his dominion over the earth to weaken the citadel’s foundations and shatter the craggy giants who guarded it. Freya then made colossal roots sprout from the ground to entangle the fortress. They wormed through stone and crystal, buckled the citadel’s walls, and brought them down on Therazane’s head.
    Ra, Thorim, and Hodir waged war with Al’Akir the Windlord. Using their mastery over the skies and storms, they forced the elemental lord back to his lair among the highest peaks of Azeroth. Lightning set the heavens aflame as Al’Akir struggled to hold off his foes. In the end, the three keepers turned the elemental lord’s own power against him, defeating Al’Akir atop his lofty domain.
    Neptulon the Tidehunter and his minions rushed to aid the other embattled elemental lords, but they were waylaid by Loken and Mimiron. The two keepers used their wits to harry and outmaneuver Neptulon’s forces at every turn. Ultimately, Loken unleashed his arcane powers to freeze and shatter the water elementals’ forms, while Mimiron crafted enchanted bonds to imprison Neptulon himself.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • Master Ra and his kin turned Al'Akir's own tempests against him until the Windlord faltered. To seal Al'Akir's demise, Master Ra slammed his fist into the mountaintop. The heavens split wide, and all the fire and fury they contained crashed down atop the Windlord's head.
  • He worked alongside the titan-forged sorceress Helya to create a pocket dimension that would be known as the Elemental Plane. It included four domains, representing the four elements: fire, air, earth, and water. Into this prison realm, Ra and Helya banished the elemental lords and almost all of their servants.

Chronicle 1

  • 32: He set out to imprison the elementals, much as the great Sargeras had done to demons. Ra first called on the aid of the gifted titan-forged sorceress Helya. They worked in concert to craft four interlinked domains within a pocket dimension known as the Elemental Plane. Ra and Helya then banished the elemental lords and nearly all of their servants to this enchanted prison realm.
  • 47: Odyn secured one of Ulduar’s wings to act as the base for his new army. To permanently separate it from the rest of the fortress and from the other keepers, he called on the titan-forged sorceress Helya. Over the ages, Odyn had come to see her as his adopted daughter. Helya wove a great spell to encase the keeper’s stronghold. Then, focusing all of her power, she ripped the colossal chunk of Ulduar from the earth and lifted it into the cloudy skies. In time, this floating citadel would become known as the Halls of Valor.
  • 48: In the end, Helya warned that she would return the Halls of Valor to Ulduar if Odyn did not change his mind.
  • 57: After Loken had restored her free will, Helya called on the same powers she had used to secure the Elemental Plane in ages past. She bent the latent arcane energies swirling around Azeroth to her command, sealing off the Halls of Valor and the inhabitants within. Odyn and his mighty Valarjar struggled desperately to escape their floating citadel, but they could not break the impregnable barrier Helya had created.
  • 57: Helya, now liberated from her life of servitude, forged a new home for herself and the other Val’kyr. She created this enchanted refuge far below the Halls of Valor, binding it to Azeroth’s great seas. The ocean mists soon coiled up to envelop Helya’s domain and shroud it from sight. Known as Helheim, this realm would become the final destination for many vrykul spirits after death.

Tales of the Hunt

  • One day, as an angry tempest churned over the temple, the two keepers went to work. Thorim wrestled with the winds and the lightning until they bent to his will.
  • He gathered the storm, and all its fury, into a concentrated orb of energy called the Thunderspark, and then he bound it to his temple.

Chronicle 1

  • 36: The Pantheon knew that the only course of action was to imprison the Old Gods where they lay and contain their evil forever. It would be a difficult task, but it would be possible with the aid of the keepers. At the Pantheon’s behest, the titan-forged devised a plan to shatter the last vestiges of the Black Empire forever. They would battle each of the Old Gods directly. Once they had weakened the creatures, Archaedas would create subterranean chambers to contain them. Mimiron would then fashion colossal machineries to lock the Old Gods in place. When this work was done, Loken would imbue each prison with a great enchantment that would neutralize the Old Gods’ evil.

Chronicle 3

  • 125: Outside the wall, he and his cultists performed a great ritual. Their magic extended beyond the barrier, piercing into the prison chamber where C’Thun was chained. The influx of power shattered the Old God’s bonds. C’Thun’s liberation came at a price for Cho’gall’s followers. The energies unleashed by the ritual destroyed most of the cultists who had taken part. The few who survived were left catatonic, unable to speak or even move.
  • 163: The two-headed ogre willingly chipped away at Yogg-Saron’s enchanted bonds. He could not break them, but he managed to weaken the chains. That was enough to increase Yogg-Saron’s influence tenfold. The Old God’s control over the keepers became as strong as iron. It commanded the greatest of them, Keeper Loken, to create an army from the Forge of Wills.

Chronicle 1

  • 58: Battle raged between the two keepers and their followers, sundering the temple and bleeding its precious life energies dry. Freya struggled valiantly against her foes, but she ultimately fell to Loken and the shadowy powers Yogg-Saron had granted him.

Chronicle 1

  • 43: Though the keepers had once sworn to protect the world, the war with the Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth had sapped their collective strength and willpower.
  • 42: Tyr, the mightiest of the keepers, was the first of his kind to notice the danger posed by Galakrond.
  • 43: Tyr fought alongside the proto-dragons, but Galakrond proved too powerful even for the keeper of justice. In one particular battle, the monstrous creature hit off Tyr's iron hand, suffusing him with necrotic energy.
  • 62: Zakazj and Kith’ix had served as the Black Empire’s most ruthless and cunning C’Thraxxi generals.
  • 62: Only the barest shadow of Aggramar’s old power lingered within Tyr’s iron form, but the titan’s noble spirit had not flagged.
  • 63: As he grappled with the C’Thraxxi, torrents of both arcane and shadow energy ripped through the once-peaceful glade. The violent struggle between the lone keeper and the C’Thraxxi raged for six days and nights. Through it all, Tyr never gave ground—but neither did his foes. As fatigue set in, Tyr resolved to sacrifice himself to protect his friends. He unleashed all of his remaining power on the C’Thraxxi, expending his life force in a blinding explosion of arcane energy that shook the bones of the world. To the south, Archaedas and Ironaya watched as the eruption of magic flared across the horizon. After the volatile energies subsided, the two titan-forged ventured back to the site of the battle. There, within a giant crater crackling with arcane magic, they found the lifeless bodies of Tyr and Zakazj. Despite facing hopeless odds, the keeper of justice had nearly killed both C’Thraxxi. The survivor, Kith’ix, had only narrowly escaped Tyr’s vengeful onslaught. The severely wounded C’Thrax had blindly fled to the west. It would not be seen again for many thousands of years.
  • 72: Roused by the blood offerings, a gigantic C’Thraxxi general emerged from its long slumber and ruthlessly slaughtered all those who had revived it. The trolls were unaware that this was Kith’ix, the being who had survived the encounter with Keeper Tyr. Gravely wounded, the C’Thrax had fled southwest to what would be known as the Zandalar Mountains before collapsing into a deep hibernation.
  • 72: Elsewhere, revered priests summoned the loa to assail their enemies. These ferocious Wild Gods joined the troll warriors in battle, ripping through the aqiri ranks and even wounding Kith’ix.
  • 73: In a final savage battle, the entire tribe flung itself in a suicidal attack against Kith’ix and its remaining insectoid minions. Only a tiny fraction of the troll army survived. Even so, the C’Thrax succumbed to its tireless hunters.

Chronicle 1

  • 81: Lei Shen then bound the mighty being in enchanted iron bands. He stole not only Ra-den’s incredible power, but also the contained power of Aman’Thul.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • For all his might, Lei Shen could not harness the energies of the Fist of Ra-den and the Highkeeper's Ward. His inability to do so infuriated him. After all, Lei Shen had conquered the mogu and forged them into an empire. He had defeated Ra. How could two artifacts defy his will? But defy him they did. The shield and the fist weapon were simply too much even for the Thunder King to control. Every time he tried to use the artifacts, elemental energies lashed out at Lei Shen and overwhelmed him.

Chronicle 1

  • 82: Upon learning of the jinyu’s fate, the pandaren fled to Kun-Lai Summit, north of the vale. There, they sought the protection of Xuen, the White Tiger. When Lei Shen brought his armies to the foothills, he challenged Xuen to a duel that would decide the fate of the pandaren. Xuen accepted, and for many days the great battle between the White Tiger and the Thunder King shook the skies over Kun-Lai. In the end, Xuen could not match Lei Shen’s stolen titan power.
  • 83: After Lei Shen imprisoned the White Tiger, the other celestials came to the aid of the pandaren. Yet like Xuen, they all succumbed to the Thunder King.

The Duel of Thunder and Strength

  • It is said this duel lasted for thirty days and thirty nights, and the emotions of this duel awoke the sha in great force.

The Jade Hunters

  • 6: Durin' one o' her journeys tae a slave camp, the Thunder King hurled a bolt o' lightnin' through the sky, piercin' her side. Yu'lon crashed down into the thickets o' the forest an' knew no more.

Chronicle 1

  • 83: The Thunder King had devised a method to fully revive his spirit if he was ever killed, but he did not trust his own servants with such knowledge.
  • 85: The elderly Zandalari leader agreed - Lei Shen had artificially extended the troll’s life, but once all of the keeper's works were under mogu control, they would unlock the secrets of immortality. Almost all of the highest-ranking Zandalari leaders accompanied Zulathra as an honor guard, also expecting to return to their capital of Zuldazar with the gift of eternal life.
  • 87: Rather than using it to its full potential—which would eradicate all life on Azeroth—the tol’vir had configured the Forge of Origination to scour only the nearby land. As Lei Shen led the charge, gloating in his impending victory, the tol’vir activated the weapon. Deep within the earth, the device rumbled to life. The earth heaved and buckled as waves of force erupted from Uldum, bathing the surrounding land in the energies of uncreation. The tol’vir defenders and nearly every other creature on the surface of Uldum that day died instantly. Creatures all across Kalimdor witnessed the flash on the southern horizon. When it subsided, Lei Shen and his allies were no more. The unleashed power had also purged the area around Uldum of almost all life, leaving only a cracked and barren desert behind. Pockets of plant and animal life would slowly return over the millennia, but the vast jungle would never fully regain its vibrancy.

  1. Дренор терроризировало Вечноцветение - изначально плотоядные хищные растения, Спорокурганы, что набрали массу и стали буквально живыми горами, а после умудрились поглотить Дух, что дало им общее сознание. Чтобы спасти от Вечноцветения планету, Агграмар собрал своей дланью с планеты энергии Огня, Воздуха, Земли, Воды в стихийный шторм, которым зарядил в самую высокую гору Дренора, создав элементального гиганта, Гронда. Он своими усилиями вырывал моря, создавал долины и горы. Для противостояния Гронду 3 Спорокургана поглотили жизнь из ближайших растений и сами встали на ноги. Во время их битвы, растения били гиганта с силой достаточной, чтобы разбивать алмазы, а гигант бил растения кулаками, которые имели вес гор. По итогу 2 растения пали, а третье, Ботаан, усилилось, поглотив их жизненные энергии, и добило гиганта. Потомки Гронда, колоссы, были усилены Агграмаром, который внедрил в их тела диски из тела Гронда с начертанными на них титаническими рунами мощи, и продолжили дело папаши, ведя с Ботааном тысячелетнюю войну, которая закончилась тем, что они пожертвовали собой, высвободив энергию дисков и создав разрушительный взрыв
  2. С гибелью Гронда на Дреноре появилось множество элементалей, из которых самые сильные: Возжигатель, Абориec, Гордауг, Каландриос. Элементали Дренора за некоторое время(по крайней мере, целые часы) уничтожили город Горию, который мог вместить в себя, по крайней мере, untold тысячи огров. Ослабленные магией скверны элементали влили всю свою силу в Цируха, Повелителя Огня, который пробудил вулкан и был уничтожен совместными усилиями чернокнижников - лор Кода Разрушения
  3. Тралл землетрясением разрушает крепость Дарнхольд, которая может вместить, по крайней мере, 540 людей и неизвестное количество лошадей
  4. Рагнарос пробуждал вулканы, обращал горы в шлак, кипятил моря и под конец битвы с хранителями, в своем логове, стал достаточно сильным, чтобы оставить Одину шрам
    1. Во время войны с Древними Богами его можно заметить бодающимся с К'Траккси Митраксом(quest/Chromie Time), которого много после в бою, пока тот ломал титанический девайс, ценой своей жизни убила Сетраллис. Самого Рагнароса также прогнали Дикие Боги с Хиджалла
    2. Вышедший из под контроля призыв Рагнароса Тауриссаном - глава специализирующегося на магии клана дворфов - вызвал огненные шторма на территории примерно в четверть континента по игровой карте
  5. Теразан способна поднимать горы. Нептулон: поднимает волны, выше гор Теразан; может управлять всеми морями Азерота, что наги хотели использовать для изоляции народов друг от друга; слабее Приливного Камня Голганнета

Chronicle 2

  • 12-13: Draenor’s greatest predators did not hunt with fang or claw. They hunted with root and thorn. A carnivorous, invasive strain of plant had sprouted on Draenor. These life-forms were known as Sporemounds. Their tendril-like vines slithered over the earth and strangled every primitive beast that they could reach. As they grew, the Sporemounds consumed more and more and more. Their hunger and need to expand knew no end. They blossomed into living mountains of tangled brambles and noxious pods. Wherever the Sporemounds’ tendrils crept over the earth, lush forests and swampy mires took root. Before long, a labyrinth of deep wilds stretched to the far corners of the world. Not even Draenor’s elemental energies were safe from the Sporemounds. Their roots wormed deep underground in search of water. As they did, the invading plant life tapped into the fifth element that suffused Draenor’s stones and soil. Consuming this primordial energy ignited a crude communal sentience within the Sporemounds and the surrounding wilds. This newfound intelligence allowed Draenor’s plants to act as a single massive organism. The Sporemounds and all other vegetation became known collectively as the Evergrowth.
  • 13: Aggramar swept his colossal hand over the world and wove its fire, air, earth, and water energies into a massive elemental storm. He channeled the roaring tempest into Draenor’s largest mountain. The energies blasted through the crust and sent shockwaves of force around the globe. Then the mountain itself groaned to life and stood up on two colossal legs. Raw elemental power crackled over a craggy hide crisscrossed by veins of molten stone. Aggramar named his creation Grond. He would serve as the titan warrior’s hand on Draenor. At Aggramar’s command, Grond set out to divide and conquer the Evergrowth. The walking mountain lumbered over the world, lakes of elemental fire trailing in his footsteps. Grond dredged out seas, carved valleys, and forged mountains to separate the Evergrowth.
  • 14: Each Sporemound drained the surrounding forests and jungles of life essence, leaving behind only withered tracts of land. Infused with these energies, the Sporemounds arose to walk the world. There were three Sporemounds in total, and each embodied a different region of the Evergrowth’s domain. The first was called Zang. Swampy mires and mushroom thickets glistened across its hide. The second, Botaan, was covered with primal forestlands. The last of the Sporemounds was known as Naanu, and it wore a fleece of dense jungles.
  • 14: They called upon their primal fury, and they lashed Grond with tendrils hard enough to crack diamond.
  • 14: He pummeled them with fists that carried the weight of mountains. Each blow sheared away pieces of the verdant giants.
  • 14: Two Sporemounds had fallen to Grond, but the long battles had chipped away at his mighty form. He was a shadow of his former self, riddled with cracks and fissures. Botaan sensed its enemy’s weakened state, but it needed power to defeat Grond. The Sporemound leeched the dwindling life essence from the bodies of Naanu and Zang, drawing the energies into itself and growing to a monstrous size.
  • 17: Aggramar fashioned immense stone discs from Grond’s remains and branded them with titan runes of power. He fused these objects onto the colossals’ craggy hides like plates of armor. The discs flooded the giants with primordial energy, enhancing their strength and resilience.
  • 18: The war that followed would rattle Draenor for thousands of years.
  • 19: Most of the colossals gathered to make a final stand. Their hides were worn and cracked by millennia of fighting, but the titan relics fused to their skin still contained immense power. With this power, they would sacrifice themselves to bring balance to the world. The colossals forged into the Evergrowth and swarmed Botaan. They dug their rocky hands into the Sporemound and clung tight to its giant form. In unison, the colossals unleashed the energy stored within their titan relics, channeling it through themselves and into Botaan. A massive explosion ripped through the Sporemound and the colossals. The blast was so immense that it shattered their bodies and hurled the pieces across Draenor.

Chronicle 2

  • 16: Much of the stony debris that fell from Grond also contained the primordial elements of fire, air, earth, and water. These energies gradually coalesced into pools of power, from which elemental spirits took physical shape for the first time in Draenor’s history. If not for the Sporemounds, this would not have been possible. They had devoured much of the fifth element, which allowed the elemental spirits to grow in power. These spirits were initially few in number. But after Grond’s defeat, their population exploded. Vast quantities of elemental power had bled from his corpse. As a result, countless physical elementals emerged around Grond’s mountainous remains. Among them were the Furies. They were the most powerful elemental spirits on Draenor, and they dwelled near what remained of Grond’s head. Their names were Incineratus, the Fury of Fire; Aborius, the Fury of Water; Gordawg, the Fury of Earth; and Kalandrios, the Fury of Air.
  • 49: Nelgarm and the other orс shaman decided to take a very dangerous step to secure victory: they beseeched the elements to annihilate Goria. Never before had shaman made such a violent request. Yet both the ores and the elemental spirits understood that Imperator Molok would resume meddling with the Throne of the Elements if the clans failed. The shaman gathered outside Goria’s mighty walls and witnessed the true fury of the spirits. What happened next would never be forgotten. A roaring storm churned above the city. The ground groaned and trembled. Over the course of hours, lightning and earthquakes brought down every wall and every building inside Goria. Fire enveloped the ruins, sealing off the escape routes and burning the ships in the capital’s harbor. When there was nothing left but ash and rubble, the earth itself wrenched open like a giant maw, and Imperator Molok and the remains of his great city were swallowed whole. Untold thousands of ogres died that day. The elemental let none survive. Only whispers of the event would reach the other Gorian cities and outposts, but those whispers would be enough to discourage any further tampering with the elements.
  • 85: The draenei were not the only ones to notice the effect of fel magic on Draenor. For years, these energies had dampened the power of elementals and thrown them into turmoil. Yet as the warlocks’ magic began killing Draenor, something changed in the world’s native spirits. They rallied together, vowing to destroy the ores and stop their desecration of the land. The elementals pooled their dwindling strength and fused into a single mighty being. Its name was Cyrukh the Firelord, and it would shatter the Horde forever.
  • 85: All seemed well as the orcs camped near a volcano outside the temple. Then, without warning, the mountain erupted in fire. Cyrukh took form in the heart of the volcano. The Firelord unleashed his elemental wrath on the orcs, and a roaring firestorm swept down the mountain and tore through the Horde’s ranks.
  • 85: In Cyrukh, Gul’dan saw a golden opportunity. The elements had gathered all of their power in one place. They had made themselves vulnerable .
  • 85: Gul’dan gathered his Shadow Council followers on the volcano’s slopes. None of them—not even those who had once been shaman—hesitated to perform the task at hand. The Shadow Council warlocks had given themselves entirely to the pursuit of fel magic. Together, they wove an immense spell that flooded Cyrukh with fel power and shattered the being’s physical form. The mountain roared in protest. Chasms tore through the earth and spewed forth rivers of fel and elemental energies. Gul’dan and his warlocks used these energies to infuse the other ores with strength.

Lord of the Clans

  • There were five hundred and forty men in Durnholde, of whom fewer than four hundred were trained warriors who had seen combat.
  • Thrall did not even twitch when the cannons went off. Behind him he heard screams of torment, but he was untouched. He called on the Spirit of Earth, pouring out his pain, and Earth responded. In a clean, precise, direct line, the earth heaved and buckled. It went straight from Thrall’s feet to the mammoth door like the burrowing of some giant underground creature. The door shuddered. The surrounding stone trembled and a few small stones fell, but it was more soundly built than the slapped-together walls of the encampments, and held.
  • The earth trembled again, and Blackmoore was knocked off his feet. He felt small bits of stone and earth dust him, and when the quake ceased, he eased himself up and moved forward, arms extended. Dust flew thickly, and he coughed violently. A few feet ahead, his fingers encountered a huge pile of stone. The tunnel had collapsed in front of him.
  • “Blackmoore is dead,” said Thrall. “Your people are being led from the fortress and its provisions taken even as we speak. Durnholde stands now only because I will it to stand.” To illustrate his point, he stamped, once, on the ground, and the earth shook violently.
  • When everyone, human and orc, was safely away from the fortress, Thrall called upon the Spirit of Earth. This place serves nothing good. It housed prisoners who had done no wrong, elevated evil to great power. Let it fall. Let it fall. He spread out his arms and began to stamp rhythmically on the earth. Closing his eyes, Thrall remembered his tiny cell, Blackmoore’s torture, the hatred and contempt in the eyes of the men he had trained with. The memories were shockingly painful as he sifted through them, reliving them briefly before letting them go. Let it fall. Let it fall! The earth rumbled, for the final time in this battle. The sound was ear-splitting as the mighty stone buildings were pulverized. Earth churned upward, almost as if it was eating the fortress. Down it came, the symbol to Thrall of everything he had fought against. When the earth was at last still, all that was left of the mighty Durnholde was a pile of rocks and jagged pieces of wood.

Chronicle 1

  • 31: Wherever he went, volcanoes would burst through the world’s crust, spewing forth rivers of fire and destruction. Ragnaros longed for nothing more than to boil the seas, reduce the mountains to slag, and choke the skies with ember and ash. The other elemental lords fostered a deep hatred of Ragnaros for his brazen and devastating assaults.

The Legend of Odyn

  • Inside the lair of the Firelord, an inferno roiled and raged, bolstering the elemental's might. "I am empowered!" cried proud Ragnaros. "Approach me, insects, if you dare!"
  • Even as he fell, Ragnaros's flame washed over Odyn and set the keeper's face ablaze with the fury of the Firelord. Again mighty Odyn laughed, shaking the very heart of the world with his mirth. Where once his beard had been, there now raged a sea of molten rock and fire!

quest/The Keepers' Keys

  • Vorrik says: Our loa sacrificed herself to save us from that monstrosity. She struck the C'Thrax down, but not before it was able to destroy the disc at the heart of Atul'Aman.

Chronicle 3

  • 207: Unified in purpose, Hyjal’s guardians were unstoppable. With blade and spell, talon and fang, they destroyed the Twilight’s Hammer’s presence in the region and pushed back the fire elementals. Even Ragnaros fled before the fury of the Wild Gods and their mortal allies. He and what remained of his servants vanished into the rift between Azeroth and the Firelands

Chronicle 1

  • 153: Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan ruled the Dark Irons, who inhabited the deepest and darkest corners of the subterranean city. Their long-standing practice of dabbling in sorcery, along with a penchant for secrecy and political scheming, drew the ire of Ironforge’s other inhabitants.

Word of the Conclave

  • Modgud embraced her clan's long history of studying arcane magic. As the wife of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, she had first pick of the Dark Irons' most powerful enchanted artifacts. Yet she was never quite satisfied with the offerings on hand. Modgud would often dispatch her servants to find new relics that she could study and use as instruments in the creation of spells.

Chronicle 1

  • 154: He decided to draw the fiery power from deep within the world and use it as a weapon. Thus Thaurissan wove a great spell to save his kingdom. Yet amid his conjuration, his mind turned to the death of his wife and his recent defeats. Anger roiled through Thaurissan’s heart. His rage grew so absolute that his spellwork breached the Elemental Plane and tapped into Ragnaros the Firelord. Unwittingly, Thaurissan ripped Ragnaros from the Elemental Plane and summoned him to the surface of Azeroth. The earth buckled and wrenched apart. The Firelord’s violent rebirth sparked a series of apocalyptic explosions that instantly killed the sorcerer-thane and shattered the surrounding mountains. From afar, Madoran and Khardros watched in horror as the world was torn asunder and firestorms engulfed the area. They knew in that instant that Thaurissan had doomed himself and his people. Frightened for their own safety, the Wildhammers and Bronzebeards turned north and fled.

Chronicle 1

  • 29: Therazane the Stonemother was the most reclusive elemental ruler. Ever protective of her children, she raised towering mountain ranges to ward off her enemies’ assaults. Only after they had worn themselves thin against her impenetrable fortifications would the Stonemother emerge, wrenching open giant chasms in the earth and swallowing entire elemental armies whole. Those who survived would meet oblivion at the fists of Therazane’s most powerful servants: walking mountains of unforgiving crystal and stone.
  • 30: The wise Neptulon the Tidehunter was careful not to fall for Al’Akir’s schemes or to commit his minions to fruitless attacks against Therazane’s citadels. As the armies of fire, air, and earth clashed across the face of Azeroth, the Tidehunter and his elementals would divide and conquer their rivals in brilliant routs. When his foes fled, Neptulon would crush them beneath tidal waves that dwarfed even Therazane’s highest mountain holdings.

Chronicle 3

  • 195: The elemental lord held the power to control the world’s seas, and it was this that N’Zoth demanded. With it, the naga could cut off all sea travel between the continents, splintering the world’s nations into isolated enclaves.

quest/The Lords of Water

  • The naga have committed a grand crime against the power of my master, Neptulon. The magic of the Tidestone is the magic of titans. Even now, that ancient power holds him at bay just as it holds back the sea.

  1. Дикие Боги - воплощения природы и жизни, большая часть которых имеет формы различных животных. Фрейя связала их души с Изумрудным Сном
    1. Гигантские бессмертные животные имеются и на других планетах - в суровых условиях Дренора выжили птицы, боги Аракка: Рукхмар, Сете, Анзу
  2. Крас оценивает Кенария - сына Элуны и Дикого Бога Малорна - по силе как полубога, по своему равного Аспектам. Полубогами также назвали: других Диких Богов(Авиану, Аггамагана, Малорна)
  3. Кенарий поднимает и бросает инфернала с такой силой, что пошатнул им ряды других инферналы. Аггамаган бегал со множеством демонов на своей шкуре. Малорн рогами с легкостью раскидывает демонов(в том числе инферналов) в стороны
  4. Избранник Голдринна, Вариан своим бегом обгоняет время

Tome of the Ancients

  • There were other animals like her. Powerful, iconic creatures who seemed to live a different existence than the rest of nature. Mortals would soon refer to them as Wild Gods.

Chronicle 1

  • 14: The Wild Gods are primal manifestations of life and nature. They are creatures of two realms. The Wild Gods inhabit the physical world of Azeroth, but their spirits are bound to the ethereal Emerald Dream. Many Wild Gods appear in the form of gargantuan animals, such as wolves, bears, tigers, or birds.
  • 40: It was on the slopes of Hyjal that Freya bound the spirits of her beloved Wild Gods to the Emerald Dream. Inexorably tied to the ethereal realm, they would come to symbolize the health and vitality of Azeroth itself.

Chronicle 2

  • 21: Despite their considerable powers, Draenor’s giant animals faced a daunting struggle for survival. The botani ensnared them for use as food to nourish the wilds, or to infest them with fungi that transformed them into the primals’ minions. Elsewhere, the gronn and ogron hunted the beasts like game. The animals most suited to thrive on this unforgiving world were winged species that could soar above the reach of the primals and the breakers. Most of Draenor’s avian races developed in Arak. A massive stone spire towered over the region’s dense woods and coastal scrublands. There, three godlike creatures took form: the majestic fire bird Rukhmar, the vicious wind serpent Sethe, and the cunning raven Anzu.

The Well of Eternity

  • Not a god, but… almost. A demigod, then. As powerful in his own way as the great Aspects.

The Demon Soul

  • “It is the home of our host… the demigoddess, Aviana.”

The Sundering

  • Agamaggan… a demigod of primal fury… Some were not so overwhelming, but were no less stunning. There was a beautiful yet dangerous-looking bird woman around whom flocks of avians abounded. A tiny red fox with a sly yet gnomish visage scurried between the legs of the giants and darting around many of the demigods were minute, sword-wielding men with butterfly wings…pixies of a sort. A shape pure white flashed by at the edge of the wizard?s gaze. He immediately sought out the source, but found nothing. Yet, an image remained burned in his thoughts, that of a huge stag with antlers that seemed to reach the heavens… And on it went. Male figures with hooded faces and whose flesh—what little there was visible—was oak bark. Hippogriffs and gryphons fluttered in the air and creatures resembling giant stick bugs with humanoid forms swayed patiently in the wind. Further on, there were scores of other unique figures, some of whom the wizard would have been hard-pressed to describe even while staring at them—but all of whom bore marked resemblance to some particular aspect of the natural world. And even from where he stood, Rhonin could sense the energies surrounding each, the natural forces of the world embodied by those created first to protect it from harm.
    “Jarod Shadowsong…” the wizard managed. “May I introduce to you the demigods of Kalimdor…all of them.”

The Sundering

  • Cenarius seized another Infernal, raised the struggling monster high over his head, and threw him back among his brethren. For the first time, Infernals discovered what it was like to be rammed by one of their kind. The force with which the demigod tossed his missile sent his targets tumbling back into others, creating a chain reaction that went on several lines deep.
  • With Fel Guard clutching him like hounds worrying their prey, the great boar, Agamaggan, finally teetered. He rammed into several felbeasts, tossing them up or goring them with his tusks, but then, at last, the weight of so many demons proved too much. The demigod dropped to his knees, where his tenacious adversaries began chopping in earnest at his torso. The huge beast shook off some of those clinging to him, but that proved his last effort. Blood dripping from a hundred deep wounds, he groaned…and then stilled.
  • Again and again, the stag used his antlers to clear the bloody field before him of foes. Nothing, not even Infernals, could slow his efforts. He cleared the Burning Legion not only from the area of the fallen forest lord, but even from that of other defenders nearby.


  • The king of Stormwind raised his sword—what was actually a part of his dreamform—and led his host forward. The archdruid stared at Varian as the king moved on. Just for a moment, Varian’s countenance had seemed to change to something else. A wolf’s. A name came to mind, an ancient spirit revered by many races, including the night elves. Goldrinn… Malfurion thought, recalling the legendary Ancient. The white wolf had slaughtered hundreds of demons during the War of the Ancients before falling to their great numbers. Yet, his spirit was said to live on, watching over those he favored. May you be one of those, the archdruid concluded, aware that he had likely imagined what he had seen. May Goldrinn watch over you and all those marching to meet our enemy…


  • Varian would recall little of the run through the forest. He only knew deep inside that somehow he ran faster than should have been possible, that he seemed to outrace time itself. The spirit of Goldrinn fueled him, the great wolf’s fury touching his heart and enabling Varian to push on and on toward his destination.

  1. Драконьи Аспекты - протодраконы, одолевшие Галакронда и получившие частички сил титанов: Аман'Тул дал силу над временем Ноздорму, Эонар дала силу Алекстразе и Изере, Норганнон дал Малигосу власть тайной магии, Каз'Горот дал власть над землей Нелтариону
    1. Алекстраза, Изера, Малигос и Ноздорму пожертвовали частью своих сил, чтобы наделить огромной мощью Душу Дракона. Алекстраза не может освободиться из усиленных Душой Дракона цепей. Неаккуратное использование Души Дракона может уничтожить Грим Батол. Без содержащихся в Душе Дракона сил Аспектов, те вчетвером не могут одолеть одного Смертокрыла
    2. Примерно раз в 430 лет происходит астрономическое явление Объятие, когда луны Азерота приходят в полное соответствие друг с другом, создавая иллюзию, словно белая луна, Белая Леди, держит голубую, Голубое Дитя. По легенде, именно в этот момент титаны наделили Аспектов их силой. Синие драконы избирали нового лидера в этот момент и выбранный их сердцами Калесгос получил силу Аспекта
    3. Амирдрасилл
  2. Аспект Земли, Нелтарион/Смертокрыл может поднимать горы и из-за дара Каз'горота держит на себе вес планеты, с которым Тралл думает, что может расколоть гору
    1. врожденная связь с Землёй позволяет ему поглощать скрытые энергии Подземья для восстановления сил и исцеления ран, но сделала уязвимым к коррапту Древних Богов, также близких к Земле, и атакам Души Дракона, которую Тралл усилил Землей. Эта уязвимость также сыграла роль в бегстве раненого после Войны Древних Смертокрыла от Хална с Молотом Каз'Горота?
    2. после буста от Н'Зота он с трудом одолевает Алекстразу, получает раны и сомневается, что справится с тремя Аспектами, а Аспекты, в свою очередь, на собрании приходят к выводу, что смогут одолеть Смертокрыла только объединив силы через Душу Дракона, которую достанут из прошлого, и в итоге, Аспектам пришлось пожертвовать всеми своими титаническими силами чтобы уничтожить разрываемого от бустов Н'Зота Смертокрыла
  3. Аспект Времени, Ноздорму - сущность Времени. Крас опасался, что горсть песка из логова Ноздорму может бесследно стереть его из истории. После возвращения сил, ускорил течение времени для Смертокрыла, из-за чего тот пережил года без отдыха. Удерживает реальность от распада, вызванного, вероятно, его злой альтернативной версией - Дорнозму
    1. Песок времени является частью бронзовых драконов, их сущности пронизывают ткань реальности в пределах временной линии
  4. Аспект Сна, Изера, тотально сильнее группы зеленых драконов
  5. Хранители титанов магическим образом изменили яйца протодраконов, создав драконов. Драконам нужно меньше спать. Алекстраза пыталась уморить себя голодом в плену орков
  6. Гиппогрифы с каждым взмахом крыльев преодолевают мили, но уступают в скорости драконам, которые способны преодолеть мили за минуты - Кориалстраз по инерции пролетел мили, прежде чем смог остановиться. Маленькие драконы быстрее взрослых? Грифоны вроде быстрее драконов и за часы могут перелететь море между континентами, их когти грифонов и оружие из близкого к адамантию металла способны пробивать чешую молодых драконов
  7. Удары драконьих крыльев и лап могут отрывать тонны камня, взрослые драконы способны с уроном пережить падение на них инфернала, Эраникус не отвлекается на падающие на него тонны камня
  8. Смертный облик драконов прочнее и сильнее простых смертных, обладает более острыми чувствами

Chronicle 1

  • 46: Highkeeper Ra channeled the powers of his creator, Aman’Thul, into the proto-dragon Nozdormu. Of all of Aman’Thul’s myriad powers, Nozdormu was blessed with a mastery of time itself. Henceforth, Nozdormu became known as the Timeless One, and he held dominion over the interweaving pathways of fate and destiny. The nurturing and ever-merciful Freya called upon her creator, Eonar, to empower the proto- dragon Alexstrasza. Known thereafter as the Life-Binder, Alexstrasza would devote everything she was to the stewardship of the living world. Having proved her courage and compassion in the battles against Galakrond, she was crowned the Dragonqueen and given command over her kind. Freya also beseeched Eonar to bless Alexstrasza’s younger sister, the proto-dragon Ysera, with nature’s influence. Ysera was charged with keeping watch over the flowering wilds of Azeroth from within the Emerald Dream. Bound to this ethereal realm, she descended into an endless trance and became known thereafter as the Dreamer. Keeper Loken called on his creator, Norgannon, to endow the proto-dragon Malygos with incredible arcane powers. Henceforth, Malygos would be known as the Spell-Weaver. The limitless realms of magic and hidden arcana would be his to share, explore, and protect. Lastly, Keeper Archaedas asked his creator, Khaz’goroth, to bestow some of his vast power upon the indomitable proto-dragon Neltharion. Known afterward as the Earth-Warder, Neltharion was given charge over the mountains and deep caverns of the earth. He embodied the strength of the world and served, for many long ages, as Alexstrasza’s greatest friend and confidant.

Day Of The Dragon

  • By rights the iron chains and clamps should not have been sufficient to hold such a magnificent leviathan, but they had been enhanced by the power of the disk. Struggle all she might, Alexstrasza would never be able to free herself.
  • From what little Nekros had discovered on his own, the Demon Soul contained such relentless power that, wielded with skill, it could likely wipe out the entire Alliance force the orc officer knew to be massing near the northern regions of Khaz Modan. The trouble was, if wielded carelessly, the disk could also obliterate all of Grim Batol.
  • “And because of the cursed disk, he is stronger than all of you together—
  • And Deathwing found himself under attack by four elemental forces the likes of which he had never faced. No longer did he fight mere shadows of his rivals, but a quartet, each his equal—and he no match for all together.

Chronicle 3

  • 23: Unfortunately for Deathwing, his brazen assault had unintended consequences. As the battle unfolded, Alexstrasza broke free of her chains. Before Nekros could kill her with the Demon Soul, she devoured him whole, taking vengeance for the horrors inflicted upon her. Then she turned her wrath upon Deathwing. And she was not alone. Ysera, Nozdormu, and Malygos soon joined her in the fight against Deathwing. Though they had rebuffed Korialstrasz’s calls to help Alexstrasza, the Dragon Aspects had not ignored him. They had decided to keep a close watch on Grim Batol in case an opening presented itself. Deathwing’s attack against the ores gave them one. As the five Dragon Aspects grappled in the sky, Rhonin and his mortal allies focused their attention on the ores and the Demon Soul. Rhonin found a flaw in the ancient artifact and destroyed it. In that moment, the power trapped within the relic escaped, returning to the Dragon Aspects. Deathwing could not stand against the newly empowered dragons. He suffered terrible wounds and was forced to flee. He would not be seen again for many years to come.


  • Exactly. The event is when the two come into perfect alignment with one another. It is often referred to as the Embrace, as it appears that the white moon, the Mother, is holding the blue Child. It’s an extremely rare occurrence—once in approximately four hundred and thirty years. I myself have never witnessed it. Would that I were doing so when all that is involved is the simple appreciation of the phenomenon.
  • “Legend has it that the moons were in this conjunction when the titans created the first Aspects,” Kalecgos said. “If there is any time that would be favorable for our flight to bestow the title of an Aspect upon an ordinary dragon, it would be now.”
  • Thrall thought that the combined blue-white radiance seemed to cast a magical illusion of its own on the still leviathans themselves. They seemed to glow with an exquisite illumination, and so compelling was that illusion that Thrall turned from observing the two moons to watching the dragons. And then the light shifted. It seemed to diminish, passing from Arygos to the entirety of the assembled dragonflight. Even Thrall knew he was included in the generous radiance. And then, slowly, it faded from them as well. It did not fade from Kalecgos. And then Thrall understood. This ritual was not an intellectual exercise. Nor was it about a vote among the blues for who they thought would be the best candidate. It was not about the “title” of Aspect, given to one who would use it as a tool only for himself and his flight. The celestial phenomenon was called the Embrace. This was about the heart of the blue dragonflight, not its brain. The new Aspect could never be granted powers by thought alone. The titans had done what they felt was right. And so now, in this moment, had the blue dragonflight. They had listened not just with their minds but with their hearts, when Thrall and Kalec had spoken. They had watched Thrall watch them, and noticed his reactions. It would seem they had heard him, about living in the moment, about the wonder with which they should regard their own lives, their own abilities, their own selves. Even more, when something truly beautiful and magical—with a strength that came only from its grace and rarity, and that offered no dominance or power—had come their way, they had turned toward it as a flower turns its face to the sun. And their hearts had been moved from fear to hope, from shutting out to letting in. The glow around Kalecgos increased, even as the glow faded from the other dragons and then from the sky as the Blue Child moved out of its mother’s loving embrace. Kalec’s breath was coming quickly, his eyes wide with wonder. Suddenly he leaped into the sky. Thrall lifted a hand to shield himself from the brilliance emanating from the newly born Aspect. Kalecgos was almost unbearable to look upon now, so bright was he, like a star—no, a sun— radiant and beautiful and terrible. His was now the ultimate mastery of arcane magic, given willingly, with hope and love and trust, by his flight, by the Mother and Child, by the echo of what the titans had willed, long ago. And then suddenly, as his wings seemed to almost tear the sky as they beat, something unexpected happened. Kalecgos laughed. The joyous sound tumbled from him, bright and crystalline as the snow, light as a feather, pure as a mother’s love. It was not the sneering sound of a victor laughing in triumph. It was delight that could not be contained, something so strong and alive and truly magical that it must be shared. Thrall realized that he, too, was laughing in delight. He could not tear his gaze from the figure of a blue-white dragon dancing in the night sky. Dragon laughter, bell-like and oddly sweet, rose around him. Thrall’s heart was unspeakably full, and as he looked around, feeling a kinship with the great dragons in this enchanted moment, he saw tears of joy glistening in their eyes as well. His heart felt light and settled at the same time, and he thought if he jumped up, he, too, might be able to fly.

Chronicle 1

  • 61: Neltharion raised mountains from the earth to corral and contain the vrykul and their giant masters.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 3: "Know what it is to feel the weight of this dying world on your shoulders." Thrall's legs trembled as every rock in Azeroth pressed down on him. His body splintered and cracked. It was beyond physical agony; his spirit was unraveling, suffocated by the unfathomable load.
  • 3: Through the blinding pain, Thrall realized that he now possessed incredible strength. The weight of Azeroth was his to command. Was Deathwing so arrogant that he had given him this advantage? The orc didn't question his intuition; this was the lapse in his foe's judgment that he had been awaiting. In one swift movement, Thrall channeled the burden of Azeroth into his fist and lunged toward Deathwing. The power was intoxicating. He felt as if he could crack a mountain in two.

Chronicle 3

  • 194: His innate connection to the element of earth allowed him to absorb the realm’s latent energies and use them to gather his strength and nurse his wounds.
  • 219: Not only that, but he could infuse the element of earth into the artifact, which would make Deathwing especially vulnerable to its power.


  • Who else is associated with earth? The Old Gods. And who did they corrupt first? The Earthwarder.

quest/In Defiance of Deathwing

  • It was in this place, ages ago, that Huln Highmountain challenged the great Deathwing. Today we shall re-live moments of that day through the eyes of our ancestors.

quest/Titanic Showdown

  • And so Huln cast out Deathwing into the land of Deepholm and claimed the Hammer of Khaz'goroth as his charge.

Chronicle 3

  • 210: The two dragons clashed above the Twilight Highlands in a storm of fire and scales. Deathwing was severely wounded in the encounter, but he nonetheless triumphed. Alexstrasza was forced to flee before his fury. Despite his victory, Deathwing was troubled. He had narrowly bested Alexstrasza. What if Ysera and Nozdormu had been at her side?
  • 218: They remained at Nordrassil and discussed how, or even if, they could defeat Deathwing. He was not the same creature they had fought in Grim Batol years ago. Void energies now coursed through his veins, making him nearly invincible. To defeat him, the Dragon Aspects would need to unmake Deathwing. They would need to destroy every portion of his essence. Kalecgos theorized a way to do so. The Dragon Aspects would need to combine their powers and amplify them through some means. And he knew of an artifact that could accomplish this goal, an artifact specially crafted to contain their energies.
  • 220: Their sacrifices allowed the Dragon Aspects and their allies to focus their wrath on Deathwing. For all his might, he could not best his unified enemies or prevent them from empowering the Dragon Soul. Thrall and the Dragon Aspects unleashed the artifact on Deathwing and drove him from Wyrmrest Temple.
  • 220: The Old God’s plans were unraveling, and it made one final, desperate attempt to turn the tide. N’Zoth infused Deathwing with more of its power—more than the Old God had ever given the black Dragon Aspect before. The influx of energy was so great that Deathwing’s unstable body wrenched apart, and molten tentacles unfurled from his broken hide. Thrall turned the Dragon Soul against this aberration. To ensure that it would destroy Deathwing, the Dragon Aspects sacrificed all their remaining power to the artifact. Their essences, combined with the element of earth that Thrall had woven into the weapon, seared through Deathwing. The explosive power annihilated his tormented mind and body.

Day of the Dragon

  • One could never tell what magic might dwell within each and every grain in the domain of Nozdormu. One bit of sand might be enough to ensure that the history of a dragon named Korialstrasz turned out never to have happened. Krasus might simply cease to exist, unremembered even by his beloved mistress.
  • Malygos brought the very clouds to him, clouds with suffocating holds around the black dragon's jaws and nostrils. Nozdormu turned time forward for Deathwing alone, sapping his adversary of strength by forcing Deathwing to suffer weeks, months, then years without rest.

The Sundering

  • As the essence of Time, he had been granted by his creators with the knowledge of his own demise.
  • Past his gaze soared countless scenes, countless objects. An endless, wild panorama of time assailed his senses. There were landscapes, battles, and creatures even he could not name. He heard the voices of every being who had, did, and would exist. Every noise ever caused thundered in his ears. Colors unbelievable blinded his eyes. And most unsettling, throughout it all, he saw himself, himself in each moment of existence, stretching forth from almost the birth of time to beyond its death. He might have taken heart from that save that every aspect of him was posed in the same contorted manner as he was. Every existence of him struggled to keep not just his world—but all reality—from collapsing into chaos.
  • Yet, now Nozdormu barely held disaster in check, even though he had the aid of himself countless times over. Where does it lie? the Aspect asked of himself not for the first time. Where is the cause? He had some general notion, but still not any specifics. When Nozdormu had sensed the unraveling of reality, he had come to this place to investigate, only to discover that he had barely arrived in time to prevent the destruction of everything. However, once caught up in that task, the Aspect realized that he could do no more on his own.

The Demon Soul

  • The sands were a part of Nozdormu, set separate by him for urgent need by his flight.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 1: Zirion had shriveled into a husk half his original size. Lesions covered his body from head to tail. Instead of blood, golden sand cascaded out of the wounds in unending streams upon which shimmered ghostly images of his life that had not yet come to pass. His future was bleeding out of him. Nozdormu strode across one of the isolated peaks of Mount Hyjal to stand by Zirion’s side, every moment of history rippling over the Timeless One’s sun-colored scales. As he loomed over the dying dragon, a wave of helplessness flooded through him. An impenetrable veil had descended on the timeways, one that not even he, the Aspect of the bronze dragonflight and the Guardian of Time, could pierce. The past and future—things he had once seen with clarity—had become muddled.

quest/Tarnished Bronze

  • That dead dragon's essence is seeped into the very fabric of this light-forsaken world.

quest/Fugitive Dragon

  • His essence permeates this entire timeline.


  • Behind the massive newcomer, other green dragons appeared. As mighty as their own efforts were, even combined those paled before the tremendous power of the gigantic dragon. The abyss receded some distance. Though they were not vanquished, the screams faded to something now much more tolerable. Ysera, mistress of the Emerald Dream, had come in response to Malfurion’s call.

Chronicle 1

  • 47: The keepers also sought to create a new species to help the Dragon Aspects protect the world. These beings would serve the Aspects as consorts and allies. To this end, the keepers magically altered hundreds of proto-dragon eggs. From them would emerge creatures born in the image of the Aspects. This new race, known as dragons, would form five distinct flights: bronze, red, green, blue, and black.

War of the Scaleborn

  • Every dragon in sight bore the mark of the keepers’ Order magic, which had utterly transformed them, mind, body, and soul. Vyranoth did not recognize the ordered as dragons, though they were certainly dragon-like. On the ground, the ordered folded their wings against their backs like birds, whereas natural, primal dragons like Vyranoth relied upon their wings both on the ground and in the air. The ordered did not look like proper dragons; not anymore.


  • Not only are others of my kind affected—though fewer since dragons do not need to sleep as much as most races —but this dread slumber has touched every other race.

Day Of The Dragon

  • “Death would be nice…” He grunted, turning away from this useless conversation. At one point during her lengthy incarceration, she had tried to starve herself, but the simple tactic of taking her next clutch of eggs and breaking one of them before her horrified eyes had been enough to end that threat.

The Demon Soul

  • The hippogriffs soared over the landscape, cutting away the miles with each heavy beat of their vast wings. Though they could not fly as swiftly as a dragon, few other creatures could match them.

The Well of Eternity

  • They soared across the night sky, Korialstrasz flying mile after mile in the space of only minutes. Even still, hours passed, precious hours that Krasus suspected the world could not afford.
  • The great, webbed wings flapped once, twice, then suddenly dragon and rider rose high into the heavens. With each beat, miles fell away.

The Demon Soul

  • The journey from the lands of the night elves was quite a distance for one who could not fly several miles in the space of a few minutes.
  • The miles quickly raced by as they flew. The night elf gazed over the stone leviathan?s shoulder, still not used to flying, especially so high.
  • With his huge wings, he ate away at the miles, but, even still, he felt it much too slow.
  • He struck the invisible wall head-on, feeling as if he pushed through molasses. Wings flapping as hard as possible, the dragon burst through the other side, soaring miles beyond before he managed to regain proper control.
  • The black was smaller and, therefore, very swift, but Korialstrasz was sleek and cunning.

The Sundering

  • The winged form moved so fast that it was lost among the clouds before any could identify it.
  • The two Aspects dominated the array, their tremendous wings alone spanning distances several times that of the dragons next nearest in size.

Day Of The Dragon

  • Although much smaller than the crimson giant, the gryphons made up for the size difference with huge, razor-sharp talons that could tear off dragonscale and beaks that could rip into the flesh beneath. In addition, they could move more swiftly and abruptly through the sky, turning at angles a dragon could never match.
  • Claws sank into the neck, ripping away scale. Even as the pain registered in the dragon's mind, the dwarf brought the mighty ax around and swung hard. The blade sank deep. Not enough to kill, but more than enough to make the dragon shriek in agony.
  • He had to admit, though, that the creatures flew with incredible swiftness. In minutes, the group had flown out of sight of not only Hasic, but the entire coast. Surely even dragons could not match their speed, although the race would have been close. Rhonin recalled how three of the smaller beasts had darted around the head of the red leviathan. A dangerous feat, even for the gryphons, and likely capable by few other animals alive.

The Demon Soul

  • One wing struck a mountain, tearing away tons of stone.

The Sundering

  • Korialstrasz managed to stretch one forepaw against another peak, digging his claws deep. His momentum tore tons of rock from the other mountain, but slowed his descent enough to give him time to think.
  • Then, one of the green dragons in the back roared in surprise as he was pummeled by several huge, round missiles. Krasus did not have to see them close to know that they were Infernals. Even the scales of a huge dragon were not entirely impervious. The wounds the green suffered were superficial, but repeated strikes would eventually take their toll.


  • The trio was able to avoid those nearest and the dragon was not in the least distracted by the tons of limestone and rock that crashed against his scaled hide.


  • Though he appeared mortal, his body was still more resilient than that of any elf or human. The stone cracked and both Krasus and the chair went tumbling. However, Krasus paid the collision little mind, the agony caused by the many shards embedded in him far worse.

The Vow Eternal

  • 3: He ignored it and lunged forward, seizing the shaman’s robe and lifting the enormous tauren as if he weighed nothing.
  • 3: His sharp ears caught the cruel, ugly words that they thought Wrathion could not hear.

The Well of Eternity

  • The thicker garments used for the mountains proved perfect to keep them warm once darkness reigned. Krasus’s superior vision also enabled them to avoid some pitfalls in their path.
  • At first they were unrecognizable, but then Krasus’s superior vision identified them as not two creatures, but rather four.
  • For a human or orc, the cavern would have been all but black, yet Krasus could make out its interior almost as well as if the light of the sun shone within. He could see the huge, toothy stalactites and stalagmites, identify each crack and fissure along the walls, and note even the tiny, blind lizards darting in and around the smallest crevices.

The Demon Soul

  • With ears sharper than any of the creatures around him, Krasus heard soldiers pointing out that much of the destruction and death caused by the demons had been on unsuspecting and ill-prepared innocents.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • There should have been no difference between seeing her actually standing before him and viewing her through the tear he had earlier created, but now the scents that Kalec had come to identify with Jaina and only Jaina reached the blue dragon. Even in his half-elven form, his senses were more acute than those of the being he resembled and, in this case, more acute than Jaina’s.

  1. Хранители Тирисфаля - смертные маги, которые через ритуал получают на постоянную основу мощь других магов. С помощью этой силы могли продлять себе жизнь - обычно на сто лет, но могли и на больший промежуток времени - Эгвинн так прожила больше 700 лет
  2. Алоди наделил частью своей мощи свой посох, [Полярную Ночь]. Один маг обрушил силу этого посоха на Эгвинн, но та отразила атаку обратно, от чего тот маг оказался заключенным в прочный как алмаз лед
  3. Скавелл в эпической дуэле одолел эредара Сатиэль, чья способность контролировать души магией скверны является подвигом на уровне с некромантическими умениями Кил'джедена и которая первой раскрыла потенциал [Ультхалеша] - посоха, в котором заключены множество демонов и души прошлых владельцев, среди которых были полубоги - поглотив жизнь из целой локации и заставив вздрогнуть саму спящую Азерот
  4. Эгвинн, сильнейший Хранитель Тирисфаля, в сложнейшей для себя битве, которая оставила некие шрамы Нордсколу и к которой не могла приблизиться неполносильная Алекстраза, одолевает Аватару Саргераса, но при этом не может уничтожить останки. Эгвинн не смогла защититься от вампиризма [Апокалипсиса], клинка натрезимов, и кое-как в последний момент использует incantation чтобы рассять связь между клинком и его владельцем, ее последующие попытки уничтожить клинок или нейтрализовать его силу не увенчались успехом. Без сил Хранителя, но с [Алунетом] на опыте дает отпор Саргерасу в теле Медива, но по итогу проигрывает
  5. Сила Медива сравнивается с Душой Дракона и со Смертокрылом - сам Смертокрыл не только уважал Медива, но и не желал встретиться с ним в бою
    1. Открытие Темного Портала пробудило Смертокрыла, эманации Портала помешали бы Ронину телепортироваться из Даларана в Сумеречное Нагорье. Нексус порталов на Аргусе напомнил Кадгару Темный Портал

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • To defeat Kathra'natir, the Council of Tirisfal's magi took drastic measures. Through a complex ritual, they infused all of their power into Alodi.

Chronicle 1

  • 135: When facing extraordinarily powerful foes, the council’s members would channel their abilities into a single individual, who would act as a solitary vessel of their power for a short time. Empowering a single champion was a dangerous ritual. As such, it was only done in rare and dire circumstances. The council members would have to be in close proximity to perform the ritual, leaving them vulnerable. The massive influx of energies also had the potential to destroy the appointed champions.
  • 136: In this dark moment, Alodi and his allies discovered a new way to wield their power. No longer would the council members need to be present for the battle. Through a complex ritual, they could permanently grant someone a portion of their power. Alodi was the first to undergo this experimental technique. When the ritual proved successful, he declared himself not the council’s champion but its Guardian.
  • 136: Hailed as a hero, Alodi would serve as the first Guardian of Tirisfal. He used his great powers to prolong his life, and for a hundred years he hunted down the Legion’s minions.
  • 152: Thus Aegwynn decided to stay on as Guardian past her first century of service. She used her powers to extend her own life for decades longer than what would have been otherwise possible.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar gave a nervous laugh. “But that would make her…”
    “Over seven hundred fifty years old when I was born,” said Medivh, with a surprising snort.
  • Eight hundred years was long even by the standards of a wizard. After two hundred years, most of the old object lessons taught, most human mages were deathly thin and frail. To be seven hundred fifty years old and bear a child! Khadgar shook his head, and wondered if Medivh was having him on.

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • Shortly after Alodi became Guardian, he honed his mastery of frost magic and imbued Ebonchill with his own powers.
  • When he unleashed the weapon's stored power on Aegwynn, she immediately turned the energies back on him with a counterspell. A storm of frost magic surged over Tarthen, encasing him in a layer of diamond-hard ice. Despite the hot weather in the region, Tarthen was still frozen solid when we found him. It took considerable effort to thaw his corpse and free Ebonchill from his lifeless hand.

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • Over the centuries, Sargeras bestowed the blade upon cunning nathrezim, ferocious doomlords, and even potent demigods, only to see their spirits devoured by Ulthalesh after they fell.
  • His thoughts turned to the eredar Sataiel. She was the first necrolyte with the strength to command the spirits of the living and the dead with fel magic, a feat that rivaled even Kil'jaeden's necromantic abilities.
  • Ulthalesh has had many masters, but Sataiel was the first to discover the scythe's true potential. After she used Ulthalesh to consume the souls of all living creatures in Deadwind Pass, she turned the blade on the land itself, draining it of life. The trees were reduced to withered husks. The marshes became a desiccated waste. The sky turned a sepulchral gray, the sun covered in a burial shroud. Sataiel relished the despair of the scythe's new prisoners as they unwittingly assisted in the annihilation of their home. The destructuion was absolute. Even Azeroth's slumbering world-soul quailed.
  • Sargeras found his champion in Scavell, the Guardian of Tirisfal. He sent the Guardian visions of a dangerous entity lurking in Deadwind Pass, a demon awaiting the return of the Burning Legion. Scavell boldly took up the charge, hunting down Sataiel and, after an epic battle, slaying her with her own weapon.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras

  • This place had been fortified centuries ago by Aegwynn, the most powerful Guardian to walk this world. Whatever she had done here was far beyond Khadgar's own skills.

Chronicle 1

  • 148: She called on the majestic creatures to make good on their sacred pact to protect the world from evil. Led by Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, several of the dragonflights agreed to fight at the Guardian’s side. Together, they staged an ambush near the gigantic skeletal remains of Galakrond.
  • 150: The battle that followed was the most difficult Aegwynn had ever fought. In the shadow of Galakrond’s gargantuan remains, Sargeras and the Guardian called down the fury of the heavens. Their attacks tore the darkened skies asunder and scarred the icy crust of Northrend. A storm of magic engulfed the region and held even the mighty dragons at bay. With a final relentless flurry of spellwork, Aegwynn defeated her foe.

Libram of the Dead

  • On the verge of collapse, she screamed a desperate incantation that shattered the connection between Laith and the sword. In that moment, the darkness in Laith's mind vanished. He remembered everything he had done while under Apocalypse's influence.
  • As for Apocalypse, Tirisgarde agents have reported that Aegwynn attempted to destroy the blade and neutralize its powers, but she failed to do so.

Chronicle 2

  • 117, 118: The opening blows of the fight shook the tower to its foundations. The would-be revelers tried to flee. Arcanagos leaped into the fray just as one of Sargeras’s spells temporarily incapacitated Aegwynn. Despite being a dragon, Arcanagos was severely outmatched. Sargeras struck him down, burning the creature from the inside out, until all that remained was bone. The loss of her friend sent Aegwynn even further into the depths of rage, and she drew on her anger to break free of Sargeras’s spell. The Legion’s ruler might have had the full weight of a Guardian’s power under his control, but she had centuries of experience. As the great duel continued raging through the tower, Aegwynn slowly gained the upper hand. Sargeras grew desperate. He reached out to power one final assault. In the same way that Gul’dan had drained the life from the draenei prisoners to activate the Dark Portal, Sargeras ripped the life out of the hundreds of humans who were fleeing Karazhan. Only one person, Moroes, was spared. Sargeras pushed Medivh to destroy Aegwynn once and for all. A small part of the Guardian’s mind resisted the command. His power, brimming with the life force of hundreds of people, instead banished Aegwynn from Karazhan and hurled her elsewhere. Medivh didn’t know where he had sent her, but he could not sense her presence anywhere on Azeroth.

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • Even with Aluneth at her command, Aegwynn could not best Medivh. She only narrowly survived her encounter with the corrupted Guardian.

Day Of The Dragon

  • Only one name among humans had the black leviathan ever respected, and that had been Medivh's. Mad as a goblin—not to mention as unpredictable as one—he had wielded power unbelievable. Not even Deathwing would have faced him willingly.
  • A frown formed on the feminine mouth. “No… which means he's very, very powerful—possibly almost as powerful as Medivh.”
  • Sure enough, it proved to be the draconic artifact. Rhonin studied it in open admiration. So simple and elegant, yet containing forces beyond the ability of any wizard, save perhaps the infamous Medivh.

Chronicle 2

  • 139-140: After the War of the Ancients, Deathwing had disappeared and settled into a deep slumber. The Dragon Soul had been too much for even the corrupted Dragon Aspect to wield in battle, and the artifact’s power had nearly destroyed him. He had been forced to attach metal plates to his spine to keep his fiery body from tearing apart. Deathwing needed time to recover from his wounds and regain his strength. During his long slumber, the other dragonflights hunted his corrupted children to the brink of extinction. The incredible amount of magic that was used to open the Dark Portal finally roused Deathwing.

Day Of The Dragon

  • There were methods by which a wizard could span such long distances, but only those like the both legendary and cursed Medivh had ever used them with confidence. Even if Rhonin did successfully cast the spell, he risked not only possible detection by any orc warlock in the area, but also unexpected changes in his destination due to the emanations from the region where the Dark Portal lay. Rhonin did not want to find himself materializing over an active volcano.


  • Archmage Khadgar yells: Champions, there is a disturbance close to your location the likes of which I haven't felt since the opening of the Dark Portal.
    Archmage Khadgar yells: If the Legion is using that hub to gather reinforcements, then it must be destroyed before we are overwhelmed.

  1. Промышляющий разрушением миров звуковой элементаль Бормотун был частично призван Советом Теней при битве у Аукиндона, из-за чего случился накрывший город и его окрестности разрушительный звуковой взрыв, от которого, впрочем, часть дренеев укрылась барьером
  2. Гул'дан с Советом Теней долго поднимали с морского дна остров. Альтернативный Гул'дан с силой Гробницы грозился опустить этот остров обратно на дно и вообще думает, что может расколоть мир, но не может пробить [Ледяную глыбу] Кадгара
  3. Альтернативный Гул'дан призвал в качестве одного из рейд-боссов Цитадели Адского Пламени Ксул'горака, который является одним из самых сильных загробников Бездны - расы бывших смертных, ставших существами Тени. Одним из них в ходе квеста на получение артефакта становится эфириал. Моделькой представителя этой расы обладает бич тысячи миров, Тезулат Разрушитель, который напал на Бастион и был повержен взрывом, созданным самопожертвованием Идеала Отваги

Chronicle 2

  • 93: Victory was slipping through the Shadow Council’s grasp. As Maladaar and his forces closed in, Teron’gor called on his remaining allies. Using the new knowledge Kil’jaeden had shared with them, the warlocks pooled their powers and reached beyond the veil of reality. They hoped to summon a powerful demon into the world, one that would strike down their enemies. In their wild desperation, the warlocks summoned something far different. An otherworldly elemental creature known as Murmur materialized within Auchindoun, pulled to Draenor from a distant corner of the universe. The shockwave of its arrival ripped the earth asunder, killing many of the draenei and blasting apart the tomb city. Murmur’s destructive energies rolled out from Auchindoun in waves and leveled the surrounding forests.
  • 96: Exarch Maladaar and a handful of his draenei used their magics to shield themselves from the blast. Though they survived, they no longer had the numbers to resist the Shadow Council. Teron’gor and his warlocks overwhelmed the draenei and bound them in chains. The Shadow Council then contained Murmur deep within Auchindoun. A few warlocks stayed in the tomb city to keep the creature from getting loose and wreaking havoc on the Horde.

Adventure Guide/Murmur

  • "In the beginning"… "So far away"… such phrases cannot begin to describe this elemental's origin. Its existence heralds pure destruction. Worlds shatter and the pieces scatter at its whim. Only the truly mad would think to summon it. Perhaps there is yet time to banish Murmur before it fully enters Outland.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras

  • A roaring wall of green fire raced toward Khadgar's exposed back. He let it approach. Its heat was on his neck before he made a simple gesture. Arcane magic froze the air solid around him, surrounding him in a barrier of ice. Gul'dan's fire barely melted a few drops of it. The block of ice, and the archmage within it, was but a pebble in a hurricane. Yet no matter how hard the warlock squeezed it, it did not shatter. That surprised Gul'dan. He felt as if he could crack open the entire world if he so desired.
  • The other Gul'dan had raised this island; it might be fitting to sink it back to the deep.

Chronicle 2

  • 169: The Tomb of Sargeras rested at the bottom of the sea, and it would require the combined efforts of Gul’dan and his allies to lift it to the surface. The warlock led a ritual, weaving his follower's magics into a single immense spell. The skies turned black as pitch, and the winds lashed the sea into a frenzy. Slowly, ever slowly, the tomb rose from the depths. A rocky island breached from the churning ocean. At its center was the colossal Tomb of Sargeras, an imposing tower that dominated the barnacle-covered ground.

Adventure Guide/Xhul'horac

  • Summoned by Gul'dan from the depths of the Twisting Nether, Xhul'horac is one of most powerful of the Void Revenants - a race of parasitic void-beings that tear holes through the planes of reality, consuming and absorbing the energies and beings within.

Twitter/Jeremy Feasel

  • I know this one too! Void Rev's are the remnants of a species overtaken by Void. Not undead, misclassified.

quest/The Nexus Vault

  • Nexus-Prince Bilaal yells: You are too late, interlopers. Nothing can stop me now!
    The Nexus-Prince transforms into a void revenant!
    Nexus-Prince Bilaal yells: I have become void!

quest/Shadow's Fall

  • All of the forces of Bastion fight, and fall one by one… The Void cannot destroy us! They are led by Tezulat the Annihilator, scourge of a thousand realms. This day, his reign of terror will end!

  1. Нежить не испытывают физических потребностей и функциональна после смертельных для живых ранения
  2. Некоторые виды нежити нематериальны, но получают урон от рунического оружия и магии?
  3. Нежить имеет конфликт с тайной магией?
  4. Кил'джеден при помощи своей некромантии делает Нер'зула спектральной сущностью, чье сознание тысячекратно расширилось и получило экстраординарные психические силы, и которую привязывают к броне и Ледяной Скорби, что заключили в прочный как алмаз лед. Нер'зул поднимал в воздух некрополи. Артас, будучи его чемпионом, за мгновения замораживает мили воды, и подпитываемый его силой, не испытывает физическую усталость. Как рыцарь смерти и охотник на демонов, Артас и Иллидан равны, но для победы на демоном, Артасу требуются все оставшиеся силы Нер'зула
  5. Артас, надев Шлем Господства и объединившись с сознанием Нер'Зула, стал одним из самых сильных существ Азерота - как и нага Азшара
  6. Сила Нер'зула росла с количеством подконтрольной ему нежити. Король-лич Артас(/КЛ) проиграл бы поединок Лэй Шэню, но войну бы победил
  7. Майев более искуссна в стелсе, чем Кель'тас, Вайши и даже Иллидан?
  8. Ритуал Иллидана(лей-линии Даларана+Око Саргераса) создал бурю, которой удивилась Вайши и которой тот за некоторое время смог повредить лед Нер'зула, побочным эффектом вызвав некие огромные трещины в различных регионах по всей планете
  9. Маги открыли на Натрезу портал, подпитываемый жизнью и душами сотен существ. После рейда на Натрезу, Иллидан дестабилизировал его и направил на Натрезу появившийся в результате всплеск разрушительной энергии, которой достаточно для уничтожения континента. Сама Натреза представляет собой не планету, а некие летающие в космосе камни


  • Even in the Undercity, where the undead should not dream, the mist seized the hidden nightmares of its inhabitants.

Edge of Night

  • 2: "Forwar—" the marshal cried, his command cut short as a musketball shattered his lower jaw. The wall before him was broken but still offered cover for the snipers hidden in the rain above. The weather poured from the sky in white sheets, drenching attackers and defenders alike. The marshal toppled over, careening down a pile of rubble like a sack of cordwood, coming to rest in the thick mud below. Like the bogged-down demolishers and meat wagons of his artillery, his troops were making no progress. Any normal man would've been dead for sure, but being that the marshal was already dead, he soon clawed his way up from the mud, spitting coagulated blood and ichor from the remains of his face.


  • The speaker barely wore any remnants of flesh and only the magical properties of his undead state enabled him to speak, for his jaw hung loose on one side.

Dark Mirror

  • 1: "The power of the Val'kyr will preserve my body for ages to come. Your once-human form, like those of my other Forsaken, will not enjoy such longevity. I would prevent your decay, spare you the pain I experienced when…"
  • 2: Nathanos looked down at his left hand. There was enough skin and sinew remaining to grasp a bow, and to teach even the clumsiest of his pupils how to nock an arrow. But he could tell that his strength had waned. His undead flesh continued its inevitable decay, and there would come a day when this hand would be rendered useless or rot away altogether.


  • As if that were a signal, shimmering figures emerged from the shadows, suddenly just there. They fell upon the fel orcs and were cut to shimmers of ectoplasm by runic weapons and powerful spells.

Chronicle 1

  • 48: For this, Odyn studied the energies that permeated the Shadowlands. The knowledge he gained would allow him to transform some vrykul into spectral beings known as the Val’kyr. These wraithlike servants would travel between the Shadowlands and the physical world, guiding the souls of worthy vrykul to the Halls of Valor. Yet those who became Val’kyr would be cursed to live as phantom beings for all eternity.

Edge of Night

  • 1: Nine glimmering spirits encircled the pinnacle, their masked faces turned toward her, their ephemeral forms held aloft on graceful, insubstantial wings. They were the Val'kyr, warrior maidens of old, once enslaved to the will of Arthas.

Libram of the Dead

  • He used Frostmourne to rip Sylvanas's soul from her body, and then he transformed her spirit into an incorporeal banshee.

Blizzard lore posts

  • Lore-wise, Sylvanas has the ability to shift into corporeal and incoporeal forms (it' is kind of like the "Matrix Twins").

Blood of the Highborne

  • Dar’Khan’s smile vanished. The lapdog had bolted into the great room, two stones zipping through the air on either side of him like small winged pets. Dar’Khan could immediately sense the power emanating from those two artifacts, energies he had once wielded himself in another life, but energies that now, in his current form, were anathema to him. He could feel the sorcery that empowered him draining from his withered body. He stumbled backward as Astalor halted and gestured, the stones flying to points on his left and right, weakening him further. Dar’Khan cringed, rendered suddenly all but powerless. His minions suffered as well; they ceased their attacks and fell like wheat before the enraged knights.

Chronicle 3

  • 17: Kil’jaeden passed the orc’s spirit through death and revived him as a spectral entity. The orc’s consciousness expanded a thousandfold, granting him extraordinary psychic powers. The dreadlords bound his disembodied spirit to a specially crafted set of armor and a mighty runeblade called Frostmourne. These items were locked in a diamond-hard block of ice to imprison Ner'zhul.
  • 29: The Lich King was so impressed by the nerubians’ resistance that he adopted their architectural style as his own. He infused their jagged ziggurats with magic, causing them to soar in the skies over Northrend. In time, these necropoli would become feared sights across Azeroth.

Blood of the Highborne

  • The sword emitted a low, resonant tone. The runes along its length glowed fiercely as the ocean waters washed onto the shore, met the blade’s surface, and instantly froze. A series of cracking, popping, and hissing sounds erupted as the ice around the blade crept outward, slowly at first, then sped quickly, spreading like a stain through fabric across the sea, permeating the water, rapidly transforming the expanse over its course, freezing the ocean inch by inch, league by league, from its placid surface deep into the murky fathoms beneath. Within moments, a solid sheet of white stretched for miles far and wide and north, all the way to the shores of Quel’Danas.


  • Arthas grinned. He was itching for a good one-on-one fight. “Come then,” he invited. “You’ll find that we’re evenly matched.” Invincible reared and galloped down the hill, as eager for action as his master was. Illidan growled and ran to meet him. It was almost like a dance, Arthas mused as the two warriors faced each other. Illidan was strong and graceful, his skills demonically enhanced. But Arthas, too, was no mere soldier, nor was Frostmourne an ordinary blade. The fight was fierce and swift; Arthas had been right. They were indeed evenly matched. After too short a time, both combatants fell back, breathing heavily. “We could go on fighting like this forever,” Illidan said. “What is it you truly want?”
  • Still filled with the energy granted to him by the Lich King, Arthas did not tire, but unwelcome memories seemed to dart at him like flies as he ascended, putting one booted foot in front of the other.

Chronicle 3

  • 98: Though his energies were dissipating, the Lich King infused some of his remaining power into Arthas. It was a dangerous gamble that pushed the entity even closer to the edge of oblivion, but it was the only chance he had to survive. If Arthas failed, the Lich King would fall, and so, too, would the rest of the Scourge. But if the death knight succeeded, it would turn the tide of battle against the blood elves and the naga. In full view of the two armies, Arthas Menethil fought Illidan Stormrage. Frostmourne crashed against the former night elf’s legendary warglaives, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth. Bolstered by the Lich King’s infusion of power, Arthas gained the upper hand.

Libram of the Dead

  • Arthas led us into the stronghold of that unholy creature called Mal'Ganis. We could barely keep up with the prince. He never seemed to tire. Never seemed afraid. With that strange blade in his hand, he ripped through the undead. Even Mal'Ganis stood no chance against the prince.

Chronicle 3

  • 100: Thus, Arthas embraced the unknown and placed the helm upon his head. The Lich King’s power flooded into him. Their spirits merged, becoming one of the mightiest entities the world had ever known.

Adventure Guide/Queen Azshara

  • Queen of the Naga, Empress of Nazjatar, and one of the most powerful entities Azeroth has ever known, Azshara has plotted and schemed for millennia in preparation for this fateful moment.

Chronicle 3

  • 18: Within three days, everyone in the settlement had died. Soon after, they rose again as undead minions. Their thoughts and awareness were added to the Lich King’s own. He felt himself ascending higher and higher into realms of power he had never dreamed of. The more minds he controlled, the mightier he became.

Twitter/Dave Kosak

  • 1on1? Thunder King. But LK is smarter. Army vs Army, Arthas would tear his empire to SHREADS.


  • She could use her ability to blink through the intervening space and be upon him before that undisciplined mass had time to react. Her spells of distraction and concealment would cloak her approach. There was no one down there who could match her ability at this. Not Kael’thas, not Vashj. Not Illidan himself.

Chronicle 3

  • 87: Illidan later emerged from the tomb, though somewhat reluctantly. There was more power he could gain from the structure, but he knew that Maiev was still alive. Something else consumed his attention as well. The Eye of Sargeras was not quite as powerful as he had expected. Even when he channeled his own magic through the artifact, he could not assault the Lich King. The distance was too vast. He needed an additional source of magic to amplify his spellwork.
  • 91: He drew on Dalaran’s ley lines to amplify the Eye of Sargeras’s destructive potential. A rising storm of arcane energy slowly coalesced around Illidan, growing more powerful by the day.
  • 91: He had finished his preparations. Illidan directed the tempest of arcane energy at the roof of the world, channeling its fury into Icecrown Glacier. Even Lady Vashj and her naga were awed by the display of raw power. The influx of magic caused the land itself to buckle. Massive fissures erupted, not only near Dalaran but in regions across the world. Illidan ignored these unintended effects as well as the Scourge army closing in around him. While his followers held the undead at bay, he focused his mind on Icecrown. Wave after wave of magic pummeled the ice. The bombardment finally cracked the Lich King’s prison, leaving the entity exposed.


  • This one was an odd place, a collection of rocks imbued with potent magic, floating amid the infinite void of the Twisting Nether. A tiny sun orbited it every few minutes. Dozens of miniature glowing moons followed it. Bits of rock floated in the air, held aloft by the power of magic. Potent energies saturated this place, were sunk into the very fabric of the world, and they were not the only thing here.
  • Akama watched the portal open from amid the rocks high on the slopes of the Hand of Gul’dan. He had seen many gateways, but nothing like this one. It was not just the scale that was daunting. It was the sheer power. It had devoured the souls of hundreds, sucked in all the magical energy for leagues around. He could feel the unholy strength of it even from his vantage point on the cliffs.
  • Illidan took one last look at the battleground in Nathreza, sensed none of his troops alive out there, and spoke the words of unbinding. The gateway unraveled in a furious discharge of energy, all the backblast directed into the nathrezim homeworld. It was his final gift to them, a surge of explosive energy that could tear apart a continent. He prayed that on the other side of the gate, the dreadlord commanders were assembled.

Chronicle 3

  • 148: Rather than close the gateway, Illidan focused all his power on destabilizing it. It was time to see if he could do to Nathreza what had been done to Draenor years ago. The portal unraveled, and a tidal wave of magic surged over Nathreza. The earth roared in protest. The dreadlords’ cities crumbled to dust. Illidan Stormrage quickly closed the gateway on Outland to protect his domain from the destruction unfolding on Nathreza. He was just in time. Shortly after the portal closed, Nathreza blew apart. Every demon on its surface perished.

  1. огры-горианцы способны нести двухтонные камни
  2. Дворфы(по крайней мере, Дикого Молота) способны поднять лошадь, с легкостью используют неподъемные для большинства людей и эльфов предметы и незаменимы на коротких бросках
    1. орк силен как два человека и ловче, чем кажется
    2. орочьи чувства(нюх и зрение) острее, чем у людей
    3. нежить сильна и может дать отпор орку
    4. зрение орков под жаждой крови становится красным, они действуют на инстинктах и не слышат союзников. Потребовалось 8 орков, чтобы остановить Тралла под жаждой крови
  3. Вариан в рассказе использует [Героический прыжок]. Тарло боролся в рукопашке с тауренами
    1. Орки способны терпеть голод, спать с открытыми глазами и оружием наготове, обходиться без сна несколько дней. Предводитель альдрахийцев в юности всю ночь бился со своим братом, а повзрослев провел дни в бою с Саргерасом. Нонейм-король врайкулов по сказаниям джарадинов бился 8 дней без отдыха
    2. Гаррош и Вариан, Анастериан и Артас, Майев и Иллидан в бою настолько быстры, что глаз не поспевает
    3. Скорость молнии в исполнении Тира, Иргримма, растения. Дуэль Гарроша и Вариана создала вокруг них молнию?
  4. Малфурион отточил за века свои рефлексы и на инстинктах в форме птицы уворачивался в буре от молний. Эльфийские рефлексы позволяют увернуться от вспышки молнии
  5. гоблины сильны и могут поднимать сопоставимые с ними по размерам предметы

Code of Rule

  • 2: All could carry a two-ton stone to the rise without rest.

Day Of The Dragon

  • “Who rides toward Hasic?” demanded its rider, a bronze-skinned, bearded warrior who, despite likely not even coming up to the mage's shoulder, looked capable of lifting not only him, but his horse as well.
  • He carried a sack over one shoulder and had his great hammer slung over the other. The weight of either would have left many an elf or human slumping from effort, but Falstad carried both with the ease of his kind.
  • He moved with such incredible swiftness for one of his build and size that even though Vereesa immediately followed after, Falstad had already vanished halfway down the street.

Of Blood and Honor

  • Eitrigg reached down and rolled a large chunk of mortar onto its side. Tirion was impressed with the orc’s strength. It would have taken at least two stout men to move the stone.

The Sundering

  • Brox, proving more agile than his frame suggested, easily climbed up to the top of the steeper rock and sat.

Lord of the Clans

  • His skin was so thick that he barely felt the blows as it was, and he was growing so quickly that any clothing or armor fashioned for him would soon be far too small.
  • If Sergeant had not reacted with stunning speed, Thrall’s sword would have slammed into his helm. And even with that protection, Thrall knew that the power behind his blow was such that Sergeant probably would have been killed.
  • The bell continued to ring, and now shouts and screams joined it. Thrall’s sensitive nose, much more keen than a human’s, could smell smoke.
  • It was very dark, but Thrall’s excellent night vision could make out a jut that, if one used one’s imagination, could indeed appear to be the long neck of a reptilian creature.
  • He could see her inside, leaning against the cave wall, waiting for him. For a moment he paused, knowing that his vision was superior to hers. Even though she was within and he without, she could not see him.
  • The night was dark, but orcish eyes did not need the moons’ illumination to see.

The Well of Eternity

  • “Too narrow,” growled Brox. He sniffed the air. The scent of dragon filled his nostrils. Almost masked by it was the smell of human. Dragons and wizards.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Emaciated they might be, but the undead nonetheless had surprising physical strength and an unnatural tenacity. Moreover, they did not have to inhale prior to unleashing their horrific clouds of decay.


  • 1: Orcs were much bigger than Forsaken, and much hardier. This orc, in particular, was very big and very hardy. Nathanos, in his fresh human suit, was dwarfed—hah!—by the towering green figure.
    “Who won the fight?” That, of course, was Genn Greymane.
    “Saurfang. Although by my agent’s account, it was closer than one might imagine,” Shaw said. “According to him, both participants all but crawled away.”

Lord of the Clans

  • Sergeant took the opening and pressed, landing three swift blows that would have killed an unarmored man. Thrall regained his footing and felt a strange, hot emotion surge through him. Suddenly, his world narrowed to the figure before him. All his frustration and helplessness fled, replaced by a deadly focus: Kill Sergeant. He screamed aloud, the power of his own voice startling even him, then charged. He lifted his weapon and struck, lifted and struck, raining blows upon the big man. Sergeant tried to retreat and his booted feet slipped on a stone. He fell backward. Thrall cried out again, as a keen desire to smash Sergeant’s head to a pulp swept through him like a white-hot tide. Sergeant managed to get the sword in front of him and deflected most of the blows, but now Thrall had him pinned between his powerful legs. He tossed aside his sword and reached out with his large hands. If he could just fasten them around Blackmoore’s neck—
  • “Some foes, you’re going to want to do what you just did,” said Sergeant, surprising him. “Good tactics there. But some opponents, like all the humans you’ll face, you’re going to want to get ’em down and then end it. Stop there. The bloodlust might save your hide in a real battle, but for gladiator fighting, you’ll need to be more here —” he tapped the side of his head “— than here,” and he patted his gut. “I want you to read some books on strategy. You read, don’t you?”
  • He could also lose himself in the exciting thing Sergeant called “bloodlust.” But these moments were all too brief.
  • When one of the men shoved a pitchfork at him, Thrall deftly seized the makeshift weapon and used it to knock the other forks and scythes out of the clumsy villagers’ hands. At one point he screamed his battle cry, the bloodlust high within him, and swung the pitchfork at his attackers. He stopped just short of impaling the fallen man, who stared up at him wildly.
  • Thrall whirled, snarling. The bloodlust, sweet and familiar, filled him again.
  • Thrall’s world went red. Instinct kicked in and he writhed. This orc was almost as large as he and armored as well, but Thrall’s fierce desire for victory and extra bulk gave him the edge he needed to twist his body around and pin the other warrior beneath him. Hands closed on him and pulled him off. He roared, the hot bloodlust in him demanding satisfaction, and struggled. It took eight of his fellow Frostwolves to pin him down long enough for the red haze to clear and his breathing to slow.
  • Lost in the bloodlust, many did not hear him.
  • But there was a place for the pain to go. Into action, into revenge. Red flooded Thrall’s vision now, and he threw back his head and screamed with rage such as he had never before experienced. The cry burned his throat with its raw fury. The sky boiled. Dozens of lightning strikes split the clouds, dazzling the eye for a moment. The furious peals of crashing thunder that followed nearly deafened the men at the fortress. Many of them dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, gibbering terror at the celestial display of fury that so clearly echoed the wrenching pain of the orc leader..

Blood of Our Fathers

  • 5: He charged forward, making a heroic leap high in the air, then bringing down his sword in a savage strike.

Over Water:

  • 5: Tarlo was no stranger to a contest of strength. He'd clashed in close with bellowing tauren in full armor, had wrested clubs and swords from their grasp and pulled their pillar arms away from his throat.


  • She ignored the protests of her stomach, which had been left insatiate for days.

The Sundering

  • The green-skinned warrior shrugged. “An orc warrior can sleep with eyes open and weapon ready…

The Demon Soul

  • Of all of them, only Brox looked at all fit. Having grown up in wartime, the orc had been forced many times to survive days without sleep.

Tome of Fel Secrets

  • The two brothers grappled through the night and into the next day.
  • Sargeras desired to corrupt the aldrachi champion, and he would need to exhaust Toranaar to succeed. For days, the Legion's ruler did so. Like a cruel predator toying with prey, Sargeras battered Toranaar with just enough force to wear him down.

zone/Waking Shores

  • Tarjin the Blind: A whirlwind of violence and stubborness, he refused to fall. For eight days and nights, he fought without rest and without fail


  • Shalamayne moved as a blur, cutting and slaying any who stood in the king’s way.


  • Arthas struck, but Anasterian was no longer standing in front of the charging steed. Somehow, faster than Sylvanas could see, he was kneeling, swinging Felo’melorn in a clean horizontal strike across the horse’s forelegs, severing both of them.
  • She nocked her bow — the signal for the attack. An instant later, the air was filled with the sudden hum of dozens of arrows in flight. Sylvanas had taken aim for the human — or once - human—prince, and her aim was as true as ever. The arrow sang as it sped toward Arthas’s unprotected head. But an instant before it struck, she saw a flash of blue-white. Sylvanas stared. More swiftly than she could fathom, Arthas had brought up his sword, the runes in it emitting that cold blue-white glow, and sliced the arrow in two. He grinned at her and winked.


  • Maiev’s and Illidan’s weapons flickered too fast for the eye to follow.


  • Shalamayne and Gorehowl bit at one another once, twice, three times. Their wielders brought them together so quickly that, rather than sparks, it was as if lightning played over the human and the orc.

The Judgment

  • 1: The nambu reacted to the motion with lightning speed, locking its teeth onto the raptor, funneling poison into the beast’s torn flesh.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • He moved quick as lightning then, sword arcing through the rest of his warrior kin.
  • Like a bolt of lightning, Tyr pierced through the smoke and scored a blow against Ragnaros with his hammer.


  • More bolts nearly struck him. It was not by luck that they did not. Whatever power had forged this fury desired to hit Malfurion; only the night elf’s instincts kept that from happening.
  • No true cat the size of Malfurion could have wended its way as he did; the night elf made use of reflexes honed over century upon century.


  • Elves were made for the sport. Lithe, more slightly built, with superior eyesight and reflexes that could dodge a flash of lightning.

The Sundering

  • In one hand, he held a covered oil lamp and behind him the newcomer dragged a sack almost as large as his body. Goblins were small but extremely strong for their size.

  1. В превью варлоков душу называют жизненной эссенцией. Души можно дробить на части, олицетворяющие определенные стороны личности
  2. Имена обладают силой. Имена рас определяют существ и могут быть от них отделены. Личности и названные в честь них локации имеют резонанс. Медив с эльфийского Хранитель секретов, Кадгар со старого дворфийского верность/верный?
    1. Истинные имена демонов являются их слабостью
    1. Тролли обладают мощной регенерацией
    2. Ночные эльфы видят во тьме как днем, высшие эльфы/эльфы крови и, вероятно, остальные эльфийские ветви сохранили их ночное зрение
  3. Магия Медива оставила в Каражане эха, которые меньше чем призраки, больше чем воспоминания. Смертные после гибели оставляют эха, чья сила зависит от мощи смертного

Legion Class Preview Series: Warlock

  • Warlocks harvest the souls of their defeated enemies; those specialized in the ways of demonology use this life essence to tap into the Void, pulling all manner of abomination from the chaos of the Twisting Nether.


  • His allies had already slaughtered most of the opposition within and now confronted the shade that Illidan had drawn from Akama’s own spirit. It looked like the Broken’s shadow, if his shadow had been granted form in three dimensions and evil life. It was perfect in its way, a miracle of dark magic, a testament to the evil genius of Illidan, its creator. The massive form of the stolen part of his soul loomed over the adventurers from Azeroth. Sensing Akama’s presence, it moved toward him, tendrils of dark energy lashing out from it, smashing into him. His allies attacked it head-on, hammering at it with spells, charging in with their swords. He wrestled with the pain, kept himself on his feet. He gritted his teeth, even though he wanted to scream. He studied the weave of the magic attacking him. It led all the way back to the shade. The adventurers from Azeroth had done everything Akama had asked. They had opened the way into the refectory. They had slain the renegade Ashtongue forces guarding the place and then, one by one, had killed the channelers casting the spell that held the shard of his dark soul. Now the thing was free and it was coming for him. It intended to kill him if it could, to take possession of his body and, through him, all of the Ashtongue. He gazed at it with something like wonder. How many in their lives got to look upon everything that was evil in themselves? How many confronted all the darkness within? To anyone else, it looked merely like his evil shadow. He saw that it was made up of every bit of wickedness that had ever been in him. Every mean and petty deed, from the smallest to the largest. Looking at it, he could see when he was a child coveting his brother’s toys. He saw himself gloating over the untimely death of a rival for the leadership of his people. He saw the shadow that lurked behind his every outward show of piety and goodness. He saw the vanity and the egoism and the lust and the greed for glory. He saw all his demons, all that had driven him to become what he was. Illidan had freed him of that, in a way. He had taken part of his strength, too, for in that darkness had been many of the things that had driven him to master magic, forged him to become leader of his people. He had always thought of himself as humble, but looking on this monster, he saw that humility had been a mask he wore, all the better to fool those who had followed him. He wanted to tell himself that these visions were part of the shade’s attack on him, that it was attempting to undermine his will, to drive him to his knees, to force the rest of his soul from his body so that it could take residence. He knew that such was not the case. This shadow was part of him. He needed to reclaim it, for it held a great part of his strength, and only when he had reintegrated it would he have the power to do what was needed.

Chronicle 3

  • 115: She wove a dark ritual to sunder Varian’s spirit, stripping away the traits that would allow him to defy her: his strength, his stubborn resolve, his unyielding will. She intended to destroy this half of Varian, leaving a malleable shell that would appear to be a charming, regal king… who would serve blindly as her puppet. Before Onyxia could destroy the embodiment of Varian’s will and strength, he escaped her grasp and plunged into the sea. The waves swallowed him whole, and darkness closed in around him. Varian later regained consciousness on the distant shores of Kalimdor. Onyxia’s spell had left his mind in tatters. He had no memory of what she had done to him. He could not even recall his own name. In the days to come, he would wander the world with no notion that he was supposed to be a king.


  • The name "saurok" came to him — it had not existed before that first savage act of creation. Names had power, and that name defined the new creatures. It also defined their masters and pulled aside the veil on the magic used.
  • Who be this I see before me?
    A troll. That be enough for now. Vol’jin extended a hand toward him. I be needing it back.
    What are you thinking I have?
    My sense of being a troll.
    Bwonsamdi laughed again and plucked a scintillating black pearl from within his belt. When you came to me, you’d convinced yourself you be not a troll. I didn’t think you’d be needing it.
    And you kept it safe for me. Vol’jin took it cupped in both hands. It lingered there, weightless, sending stinging sparks into his palms.
  • Vol’jin nodded as the gray world slowly melted back into the mountain peak. He opened his left hand, but the pearl had already sunk into his flesh. Vol’jin concentrated, looking within, and found the essence spreading through him, doing its work. Already pains eased and tissue renewed itself.


  • The Throne of Kil’jaeden. The name itself had power, setting up a resonance between the demon lord and this location.

The Last Guardian

  • My name means ‘Keeper of Secrets’ in High Elven. Your name means ‘Trust’ in the old dwarven language. So I will hold you to your name, young Khadgar. Young Trust.

quest/Illidan's Pupil

  • Knowledge of a demon's true name is rumored to give a certain amount of power over that demon.

quest/Not Just Any Body

  • He knows Razelikh's true name, and as you know: if you know the name of the demon, you have power over it.

quest/The Name of the Beast

  • There is only one way to harm the demon lord and his minions. A weapon of power must be forged bearing his true name. When such a weapon is forged, the demon and all under his command are vulnerable.


  • Unaware of a troll’s ability to recover quickly from nonlethal wounds, the monk had taken the thrashing behind him as the sounds of death. Instead, they were the harbinger of an angry troll gathering himself to strike.

Ask CDev

  • For the most part, it is the speed at which trolls regenerate that makes them formidable foes. When in balance with the loa of their tribe, they are also able to regrow digits (fingers and toes). Tales abound in troll culture, however, of those blessed by the loa with extraordinary regenerative abilities, such as the ability to regrow limbs and even vital organs lost in battle. The tale of Vula'jin the Void speaks of how he regrew almost his entire body after standing in a pool of shadowflame. But just as the loa can bless, they can also curse; troll children are taught legends of those cursed by the loa, unable to heal even flesh wounds, to instill the proper respect for their patron spirits.

The Judgment

  • 4: The thumb was destroyed. His glaive lay in the mud, the brushed metal splotched with dirt and blood. The hand would heal. But the thumb would be misshapen. Vol’jin would never throw a knife with that hand, never hold a glaive. Never hunt, never signal an attack. But there was a way to fix that. He knew there was a way. Vol’jin took a deep breath, grasped the glaive in his left hand, brought it high over his head. He would do this with eyes open. He brought the glaive down in a long graceful arc. It whispered through the skin and bone of his right hand; the broken, misshapen thing that had been his thumb flew off into the darkness. He wanted to scream to the stars above, but he bit his lips till they bled, rocking back and forth. He made no sound. The thumb would grow back cleanly. All trolls were blessed by the loa with some regeneration. They could regrow fingers and toes, even if more complex parts like limbs and organs were beyond their abilities. It would take some time, but he would be whole again.


  • Already pains eased and tissue renewed itself. The troll took over the process in two areas. The stitch on his side he mended mostly. The lung he repaired so he could breathe, but he left a scar there. He wanted twinges. He wanted to be reminded of mistakes he had made. Likewise he healed his throat, but not all the way. He let the wound steal the melodiousness because that had been Vol’jin’s voice. That had been the voice that threatened Garrosh. That had been the voice that accepted the mission. Vol’jin didn’t want to hear it again.

Day of the Dragon

  • The wind whipped some of the long, silver-white hair across her face, but not enough to obscure her sharp sight. Almond-shaped eyes the color of purest sky blue drank in even the most minute shift of foliage, and the lengthy, pointed ears that rose from her thick hair could pick up even the sound of a butterfly landing on a nearby flower.
  • A few stars dotted the sky, but if not for her race's exceptional night vision, Vereesa would have nearly been blind.

The Well of Eternity

  • They appeared quite comfortable traveling in little light, which made the orc suddenly recall that night elves could see in darkness as well as he could see in day. That did not bode well. Orcs had fair night vision, but not nearly as good as that of the night elves.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Liadrin stepped over the rotting wood pile that had once been the door of the troll lair. And though her kind had long ago abandoned their worship of the moon goddess, her elven eyes still easily pierced the gloom.

The Last Guardian

  • There was silence upon the tower but not a stillness. In the night’s embrace quiet shapes flitted from window to window, and phantoms danced along the balconies and parapets. Less than ghosts, but more than memories, these were nothing less than pieces of the past that had become unstuck from the flow of time. These shadows of the past had been pried loose by the madness of the tower’s owner, and were now condemned to play out their histories again and again, in the silence of the abandoned tower. Condemned to play but denied of any audience to appreciate them.
  • This was well and truly no ghost, the trespasser knew, though the owner of this image may yet be dead, fallen in combat beneath a foreign sun. This was a memory, a shard of the past, trapped like an insect in amber, waiting for its release. Waiting for his arrival.

Adventure Guide/Shade of Medivh

  • So great was the power of the Last Guardian, Medivh, that his magic still echoes through the halls of Karazhan. Some of these echoes take the shape of visions, revealing past events to the tower's guests. Others assume more malevolent forms, recalling a time when the Guardian's will was not his own.

quest/The Eternal Traveler

  • When a mortal life expires, an echo of it remains behind. The most powerful mortals leave the most resonant echoes.

  1. Кенарий наполнил зверя скверны магией так быстро и в таких количествах, что тот не успел ее переварить и разорвался на куски. Ночные эльфы возвращают тело/сосуд погибшего земле, чтобы вернуть его силу миру. Паладин - обладающий лимитами и изъянами сосуд для бесконечно могучего Света. Сила Гневиона разорвет тело персонажа игрока, если тот попытается его ею наделить. Похитив частичку сил из Солнечного Колодца, Дар'кхан почувствовал ее как разряд молнии, способный разорвать его на части, но с помощью техник от Кел'тузада/Нер'зула стабилизировал энергии в себе. В ходе процесса кражи силы у наару, Лиадрин также ощущала разряды молнии и скорый разрыв на части, но, по всей видимости, магистры также умеют стабилизировать энергии в теле
  2. Тело альтернативного Кровожада сильно разбухло от того, что он сожрал сотни дренейских душ
  3. Потеря части жизненной силы состарит сосуд, перенасыщение ею увеличивает силу, живучесть, мышечную массу
  4. Помимо смертных, жизненная сила имеется у демонов, элементалей, титанов, конструктов титанов, наару
  5. Чем реже цвет глаз встречается среди представителей расы, тем большее будущее ждет индивида. Ксал'атот называет глаза окнами души

The Well of Eternity

  • Now surrounded by a fearsome blue aura, Cenarius pressed with his attack, feeding his foe and giving it what it desired… but much too quickly and in abundance so great that even the demon could not take it all in. The felbeast swelled, blowing up like a quickly filled water sack. Briefly it seemed as if about to divide… but the forces already ingested by it were more than it could handle. The monstrous hound exploded, gobbets of stench-ridden flesh raining down upon the glade.


  • As Shalasyr’s spirit has departed her mortal vessel, let that vessel now return its strength to the world…

The Untamed Valley

  • 2: The Light was infinitely powerful. Vindicator Maraad believed that. But he was simply a vessel. And vessels had limits. And flaws. Maraad knew that very well.

quest/Celestial Blessings

  • I would like to grant you my full array of draconic power, but sadly, it would tear your mortal frame apart. Still, it's not hopeless - I believe I can create a powerful vessel that you can use.

Blood of the Highborne

  • With a look of absolute bliss on his face, Dar’Khan stretched out his hands and opened the vessel of his body, inviting a slow trickle of the sacred wellspring’s arcane might to enter. The tiniest portion coursed through him like a lightning bolt, and for the briefest instant he felt that even such a small share might be enough to rip him apart. Using the techniques his unknown advisor had taught him, Dar’Khan wrested control of the pilfered energies and felt the chaotic forces within him begin to stabilize.
  • “So this… naaru will do as you command?”
    “Yes. And through it we may command the Light. We need only a vessel: a willing participant. Someone who possesses knowledge of the Light yet is free of the moral qualms associated with dominating it.”
    Astalor rested one hand on her shoulder; the other he stretched out to M’uru. Rommath did the same. Both men closed their eyes and whispered unfamiliar words in a language that seemed unfit for a mortal voice. Then, all at once, it happened. Time seemed to halt. The room fell silent. For a brief second, she felt as if she were floating through a void… Then it hit her. When she had called upon the Light as a high priestess, it had bathed her, filled her with its warmth, but this was wholly different. This felt as if it might rip her to pieces. This was like a straight-shot lightning bolt to the soul.
    For an instant, it seemed as though her body were being pulled inside out. Then she heard within her head a kind of music, and she knew that the being, the naaru, was trying to communicate. Rommath and Astalor whispered again; again she felt the lightning, and the tones within her head fractured into a screaming riot of noise, a sound of metal grinding against glass. The effect lasted for several seconds, and Liadrin was suddenly quite sure that her head would literally explode, when the din immediately ceased.
    But that feeling, that charge of the Light, remained. It was with her now, inextricably linked, hers to command. She could feel it coursing through her body like mercurial fire. Liadrin focused her thoughts, looked down at her hands, and smiled as the Light’s nimbus enveloped them. Rommath and Astalor let go of her shoulders.

Adventure Guide/Gorefiend

  • Falling into the heart of the mausoleum Auchindoun, the Shadow Council lieutenant Teron'gor gorged upon hundreds of draenei souls, becoming a bloated abomination in the process.

Chronicle 2

  • 134: Khadgar was nearly killed in the assault; Sargeras tried to rip his soul from his body, and when that failed, he drained part of his life force. The apprentice was prematurely aged, a young man who had become old and wizened.

Libram of the Dead

  • Gorelix experimented with the axe, using it to draw the life essence from the Legion's prisoners. The energies drained by the Maw of the Damned were often too much for Netrezaar's spirit to consume. What was left over flowed into Gorelix himself, and strength gradually returned to his broken form.
  • On the contrary, every kill infused his body with greater strength and vitality. The more Gorelix used the Maw, the more it changed him. He grew into a hulking mass of taut muscle, dwarfing every other mo'arg in size.

Libram of the Dead

  • The axe would leech away every ounce of the demon lord's life force and channel it directly into Netrezaar. Nothing would go to waste. He also enchanted the weapon's haft so that when he wielded the axe, its metals would not drain his essence.
  • He slowly cut their flesh with the axe, studying how quickly it drained their life force. The Maw worked just as planned. The demon's vital energies passed through the blade and flooded into Netrezaar.

Chronicle 2

  • 69: Draenor’s Elemental Furies — Gordawg, Aborius, Kalandrios, and Incineratus — materialized to stop Gul’dan. Yet they had never faced a warlock before. The orс called on his strange magics to draw the life from the Furies, crippling their strength.

Chronicle 1

  • 37: With the wound healed, the keepers sought to strengthen Azeroth’s nascent world-soul and stabilize its life force.

Word of the Conclave

  • T'uure expended its own life force to spare the world from doom.

Lord of the Clans

  • Drek’Thar was stunned. Fire was the most undisciplined of the elements. It barely would deign to reply when he addressed it after following all the rituals to appease it. And now, Fire was speaking to him… about Thrall!
  • A strange feeling of pride stole through him. He’d been right about Thrall’s potential all along. He knew he’d been something special, something more than just an ordinary orc.

The Well of Eternity

  • The strong-jawed Warchief leaned forward, his startling and so very rare blue eyes - considered a portent of destiny by his people - narrowed in anticipation.
  • Children of the moon, nearly all night elves had eyes of silver. Those very few born with ones of amber were seen as destined for greatness.
  • His eyes—”
    “Are a sign of some future mark upon the world, but he will not make it following my teachings.” Cenarius gave Malfurion a gentle smile.

Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl whispers:

  • Eyes are the windows to the soul. Shatter them forever.

quest/The Child of Light and Shadow

  • Xe'ra says: Illidan. From birth, the light in your eyes held such promise for the future.

  1. Артас вырезал из груди своей сердце, чтобы избавиться от остатков человечности
  2. Гневион, съев сердце Лэй Шэня, получил воспоминания Аман'тула, которые в свое время получили Хранители титанов. Вандель, в ходе ритуала становления охотником на демонов, также поглощает сердце демона, после чего попадает в ментальное измерение, где физическая смерть является смертью окончательной и где он побеждает демона, после чего видит видение марширующих по мультивселенной демонов?
  3. Дух стихии становится ядром элементаля, которое называют неразрушимым и которое после гибели элементаля сохраняет некоторые полуразумные свойства
  4. У Зе'ры есть ядро, которое тоже что-то про разум


  • The boy smiled a little, and some of the sickness dissipated as Arthas struggled for words. “You… are me. You are both… me. But you…” His voice was soft, tinged with wonder and disbelief. “You are the little flame that burns inside me still, that resists the ice. You are the last vestiges of humanity—of compassion, of my ability to love, to grieve…to care. You are my love for Jaina, my love for my father… for all the things that made me what I once was. Somehow Frostmourne didn’t take it all. I tried to turn away from you…and I couldn’t. I—can’t.”
  • Then the boy was gone. All that remained of him was the bitter keening of the wind scouring the tormented land. It felt…marvelous. It was only with the boy’s passing that Arthas truly realized how dreadful a burden this last struggling scrap of humanity had been. He felt light, powerful, purged. Scoured clean, as Azeroth would soon be. All his weakness, his softness, everything that had ever made him hesitate or second- guess himself—it was all gone, now.

quest/The Hunter and the Prince

  • After that fight, the prince realized what was holding him back was that he was still human… he could still feel… he could still bleed. He still had a heart. The first thing he did when he became king was to rid himself of it. He threw it down the pit where we first met. And you, <name>, were the first person to touch it since.

quest/A Voice in the Dark

  • The object is not a crystal at all, but some form of organ, encased in ice. As you touch it, your hand reels in horrible pain. You feel as if your hand has been cut, yet there is no visible wound. As you collect your thoughts, you hear a young boy's voice nearby. "You really shouldn't have done that."
  • I saw him get rid of it, you know? He threw it all the way down here. Said he wouldn't need it anymore. Said it made him weak.

quest/Time for Answers

  • You're the only one who can see me because you touched something that once belonged to him… don't you remember? You don't know what it is? Well I can't just tell you… that would make him really mad. He's not just a prince anymore… he's the king!

quest/Tirion's Gambit

  • And now I learn that it might be Arthas's own heart… a thing containing the last bit of his remaining humanity.
  • The Lich King says: You surely wouldn't destroy humanity's only chance to redeem its most wayward son. You'd sooner die!
    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: The heart… the last remaining vestige of your humanity. I had to stop it from being destroyed. I had to see for myself. And at last I'm sure…
    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: Only shadows from the past remain. There's nothing left to redeem!
    Fordring charges the heart and runs it through with Ashbringer, knocking himself out, killing Basaleph and blasting the Lich King away as the heart explodes, dropping the Lich King down to 30% health.
    The Lich King yells: Arrrrggggggggggh!!!!
  • Thassarian says: Looks like whatever Tirion did put some hurt on the Lich King. It's too bad we can't finish him off….
    Koltira Deathweaver says: The Lich King is badly hurt. We ought to stay behind and finish him.

quest/Heart of the Thunder King

  • Wrathion says: Ahh - the heart of a king. The powers of a God.
    Anduin Wrynn says: What are you doing? You're not seriously going to eat that-
    Wrathion says: It is filled with Titan magic, the language of creation…
    Wrathion eats the heart and goes into a trance.
    Wrathion says: Oh, I see them - a million, million worlds - glittering in their perfection - but one above all others - oh -
    A beacon of light surrounds Wrathion. He rises and speaks in a different tone…
    The light fades as Wrathion falls to the floor.
    Anduin Wrynn says: What are you trying to pull?
    Wrathion says: It is gone. I don't remember any of it. Oh! None of them remembered. The irony!


  • What are you? Vandel thought. The image of him devouring a still-pulsing demon’s heart flickered through his mind.
    You believed you were consuming me, but I am consuming you.
    For a moment, Vandel felt the demon’s flesh burrowing outward through his own, fusing with it, even as he felt the demon’s spirit merge with his.
  • This is not real, he told himself.
    It is very real, and if you die here in this spell-born dream, you die forever, and I will have your soul and your body. Already I have infected you. Already I can use your skills, your thoughts. Already I am so much more than I once was.
  • Then driven by an instinct he could not understand, he kicked open its squelching stomach, reached into its chest cavity, and pulled out its heart. He held it up, squeezed green blood from the ventricles into his mouth, and then devoured the meat.
    It tingled as it went down, but this time he felt he was gaining strength from it.
  • He stooped, picked up a broken rib, and stabbed the demon through the heart. It was easier this time and he felt stronger, as if each time he slew the beast, he gained part of its strength. Once again, he opened its chest cavity, drank its blood, and devoured its heart.


  • When spirits attain raw physical form they become an elemental. They are the core of an elemental.

quest/The Fate of Gordawg

  • Though Gordawg is no more, the heart of a fury is eternal and unbreakable. In time, this brightly glowing heart will take shape into a new earthen fury. Such is the cycle of life upon the Elemental Plateau.

item/Core of Hardened Ash

  • The cooled core of Golemagg, it appears to retain some semi-sentient properties.

Legend of Odyn

  • Neither keeper could find their foe until Tyr, wielding his shining hammer like a torch, cut through the darkness and struck Ragnaros to the core.

Bringer of the Light

  • Prophet Velen says: What you have brought to me is known as Light's Heart. It is the sentience core of the naaru prime: Xe'ra.

  1. Действительна френология: форма черепа влияет на интеллект, память, восприятие и способность контролировать магические энергии. Тал'киэль был обучен призыву и контролю демонов Саргерасом и при жизни не имел себе в этом деле равных, после смерти Архимонд усилил металлами способность его черепа, [Черепа Ман'ари], направлять магические энергии, после чего Саргерас использовал череп как канал для своего влияния на Архимонда, а Архимонд, уже будучи полководцем Легиона, направлял через череп команды демонам. Череп Гул'дана сохранил часть его воспоминаний, которые поглотил Иллидан. Иллидан использовал черепа демонов и заклинателей для магического круга в ритуале. Череп альтернативного Малфуриона излучает спокойствие
  2. Бормотун родился в непостижимом для смертных разумов измерении. Разум Иллидана не может в полной мере понять переход его астральной формы из ВЗТ в КП, ибо он родился в ВЗТ?
  3. Орк-шаман и Ронин не могут в полной мере понять временную аномалию
  4. Разум драконов совершеннее, чем у людей, и позволяет, по крайней мере, охватить большую область пространства при использовании магии предсказания. Малфурион в астральной проекции связавшись через Тельдрассил с Азеротом и видя сразу весь мир, отмечает, что на его месте любой другой смертный сошел бы с ума, ибо разум бы раздробился на миллионы частей
  5. Разум Предвечных неограничен мировоззрением космических сил, их язык непостижим для смертных и вызвал сложности у брокера Фирима, который впитал бесчисленное количество смертных языков и прославился расшифровкой секретных кодов и переводом утраченных языков. Смертные, попадая в ТЗ, наполняются знанием слов Смерти

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • "The science of phrenology-the study of skull shape as a means to determine intellectual aptitude - became popular in Argus around the time of the Second Duumvirate. Its proponents believed that an eredar's mental faculties, such as willpower, memory, and perception, could be attributed to the shape and size of various protuberances on that individual's skull. Some theorized that if an eredar's skull was sufficiently well-proportioned for spellcasting, it could be utilized to channel magical energies even after death. This practice was deemed too barbaric to be put into common use, though it was not unheard of.
    "Among the most prominent phrenologists during this period were Thal'kiel and Archimonde. Thal'kiel in particular was noted for having the archetypal sorcerer's skull, for which he was widely admired."
  • A dark presence whispered to him, and the eredar's mind was consumed with visions of power beyond his wildest imaginings, of ranks upon ranks of deadly servants eager to obey his every whim. These demonic forces made Thal'kiel's arcane constructs look like a child's playthings. Afterward, he would despise the arcane, his passion reserved only for fel magic. Thal'kiel's mysterious benefactor bestowed upon him the ability to summon lesser demons, and the eredar immediately spread the knowledge to his Wakeners. Imps and felhounds, infernals and abyssals, all executed the commands of Thal'kiel and his sorcerers.
  • His only companions were the demonic minions he would summon and then banish in rage, or so we guessed - all we could hear were the shrieks of imps as they were thrust back and forth between this realm and the Twisting Nether. We also sensed the presence of other, larger entities with him, shadowy apparitions of baleful influence, though his servants swore that no one had entered his sanctum.
  • Thal'kiel commanded his Wakeners to continue their experiments in summoning fel creatures. In secret, he and his sorcerers conjured demons of increasingly dire aspect, and they cast powerful spells to hide their minions in covert training grounds.
  • Soon afterward, Archimonde commissioned one of Argus's finest jewelers to gild Thal'kiel's skull. He claimed that he was preparing it for viewing - as a grim warning not to follow Thal'kiel's path. In truth, he had it adorned with metals that would enhance its ability to channel magical energy, the perfect decoration for the perfect sorcerer's skull, which Archimonde proudly displayed in his domicile.
  • In actuality, however, a demonic presence had been slowly infiltrating Archimonde's mind, using Thal'kiel's skull as a conduit for its pernicious influence.
  • In life, Thal'kiel had been unmatched in his ability to control demonic minions, and his skull was no less adept. World after world fell before Archimonde as he channeled his commands through the skull, compelling multitudes of demons to obey, his forces obliterating opponents with the grace and precision of an expertly choreographed ballet.

Chronicle 3

  • 78: He was pleased to discover that the artifact was filled with not only energy but knowledge. The skull contained the memories of the orc warlock.


  • At junctions in the pattern, he had placed the skulls of demons and sorcerers, each etched with miniature versions of their section of the pattern to help channel the flow of energy.

item/An Antlered Skull

  • Despite the timeline this came from, this skull remains inexplicably free of fel energy. You feel an odd sense of calm while holding it.

item/The Codex of Blood

  • Long ago, in a dimension of the cosmos unfathomable to mortal minds, there was born - if such a term can be used for it - a being of such unbelievable power that its very entrance into existence shattered all reality around it.


  • He felt as if he were falling into the rune-covered disk, but he knew this was an illusion, a construct created by his mind to give him some sense of understanding what was going on here. Ultimately that was not possible for a brain born in natural reality, but his mind would do its best to provide him with a framework he could work with. His spirit emerged into the Twisting Nether and gazed down on Argus. The world hovered on the brink between the Twisting Nether and the physical universe, saturated with the fel energies of the Burning Legion.

The Well of Eternity

  • Even as he thought that, Kalthar suddenly noted a wrongness in the nature of the world, possibly the reason for the voice's concern. Something was that should not be. He veered in the direction that felt correct, growing more anxious as he drew nearer. And just within the deepest part of the mountain range, the shaman discovered the source of his anxiety. His learned mind knew that he envisioned a concept, not the actual thing. To Kalthar, it appeared as a water funnel - yet one that swallowed and disgorged simultaneously. But what emerged or sank into its depths were days and nights, months and years. The funnel seemed to be eating and emitting time itself.
  • Had he not seen it at the same time as his rider, he would have nonetheless sensed the wrongness in the very fabric of reality… and that meant something terrible indeed awaited them. If the island upon which they had landed seemed a dire place, the mountain pass in which they now descended simply felt wrong. That was the best word Rhonin could use to describe the sensations flowing through him. Whatever they sought… it should not be. It was as if the very fabric of reality had made some terrible error… I sense no change in the emanations I feel. Taking the corridor to the left, Rhonin followed Krasus’s instructions. As he rapidly counted off paces, he soon determined that his choice had potential. Not only did it greatly widen ahead, but the wizard thought he sensed the disturbance better than ever. While Krasus’s abilities were more acute than his, even a novice could sense the wrongness that now pervaded the region beyond. He had barely taken more than one, however, when he sensed something new, something quite disturbing. Rhonin paused, trying to detect what felt different about the anomaly. It was moving, but there was more to his anxiety than that alone. It was moving toward him… and rapidly. He felt it before he saw it, felt as if all time compressed, then stretched, then compressed again. Rhonin felt old, young, and every moment of life in between. Overwhelmed, the wizard hesitated. And the darkness before him gave way to a myriad flaring of colors, some of which he had never seen before. A continual explosion of elemental energy filled both empty air and solid rock, rising to fantastic heights. Rhonin’s limited mind saw it best as a looming, fiery flower that bloomed, burnt away, and bloomed again…and with each blooming grew more and more imposing.

The Demon Soul

  • Only a dragon's will could encompass the expanse that Korialstrasz's did now. Over countless lands his mind stretched, hunting that which was him.

Night of the Dragon

  • Immediately, his view expanded in all directions. A human mind could not have coped with such a complete survey, but a dragon's mind was far more complex, far more advanced.


  • It was not difficult for Malfurion to reach the state he needed, despite the stresses upon him. The archdruid felt the ties between his dreamform and his physical body all but unbind. There was little strain when he pushed free his mortal form and rose up above Broll and Hamuul. Although they could not see him, by instinct the two gazed up. Malfurion reached out with his thoughts, informing them of what he intended and seeking what guidance that they could give him about certain aspects. Then Malfurion tried something that he had never done before. It was his best hope of reaching all those still able to help Azeroth. The archdruid reached into Teldrassil and through Teldrassil into Azeroth, using the fact that, no matter where someone could be found, it would be a part of the world. And Teldrassil and Azeroth gave him what he sought. Malfurion let out a tremendous gasp as he suddenly saw everywhere in the world at the same time. It was almost too much. Had it been any other mortal than him, Malfurion understood that they would have gone insane as their mind fragmented into a million bits and more. There were things he had never known existed and things on the periphery that filled him with dread, ancient evils locked deep within the world that had a familiar hint to them but were pushed back as thousands of other things demanded his attention. With so much from the great to the very tiny assailing him, even he had to fight at first to maintain both his focus and his sanity.
  • And as the dreamform army moved on the Nightmare, others called by Malfurion and aided in their journey by the other druids began to join them. From his multiple viewpoint, Malfurion saw the coming of not just ancients whose calling was war, but those of others.

Watch the Eternity’s End Developer Preview

  • The automa of Zereth Mortis speak in a musical language that is incomprehensible to mortal races. Team up with a curious automa sidekick in this new progression system to learn the lost language of the Progenitors and delve deeper into the secrets of Zereth Mortis, unlocking an array of new zone activities, daily quests, events, and rewards.

Expedition Report A37J, Foreword

  • My gifts for deciphering the inscrutable had deservedly earned me an impeccable reputation. How many ancient codes had I broken? How many lost tongues had I translated? No secret was beyond my grasp. They all knew this and had reaped the profits of my genius.
  • Despite this being the most wondrous revelation of my storied career, I stand upon the merest precipice of understanding. The language of the First Ones seems to shift and grow as I find greater depths within it. I have no doubt that further meanings will reveal themselves as the glyphs and geometry of this fractal tongue become more known to me, so please consider the chapters ahead to be but works-in-progress. It is not that there is a chance they will change; there is certainty of it.

Expedition Report A37J, Part 1

  • It is no small irony that the first specimens of their language remain the most inscrutable. Perhaps that is what hindered my progress for so long. Regardless, the particulars are beyond my present ability to decipher. With time, I am certain I will succeed.

Firim in Exile-5

  • Besides an unwavering devotion to their obligations, these automa shared another notable trait: their language. They spoke not in words I could understand, but in tones and echoes. Know that I, Firim, am renowned for my linguistic skills. Though arrival in the Shadowlands imbues mortal souls with a knowledge of the words of Death, many retain memories of the languages they used on their worlds. And what is language if not a system of sounds and patterns, I ask you? So yes, of course I had absorbed countless languages during my interviews of mortal souls. Thus you will understand my confidence that the language of the automa would pose little challenge. Never in my existence had I been so wrong. The language of the automa was not merely words. No! It was part and parcel of the cyphers! The words themselves were keys to understanding the geometry. The fractals.

Firim in Exile-6

  • What words did it offer? It spoke images. Riddles. Prophecies. And as they reverberated through my very core, I remembered my conversations with Irik-tu and the thousand truths they told me of. Then it struck me. The oracles spoke in both one truth and a thousand. Not as separate thoughts, but as one in the same instant. And if the oracles, entities left behind to oversee a workshop, could think in such terms, how much more complex must the minds of their makers be? Long have I scoffed at what I learned of titans, or the void lords, or demons of the Nether. I held Death's pantheon in higher regard, but now I know that they are just as limited. Truth lies not in one direction or another, but in their intersection. The First Ones had parceled out their gifts, but gave no child all of them. No wonder these offspring bickered with such incessant jealousy. Their very nature was one of denial.

  1. У всех существ есть аура. Крас по ауре жизни находит драконьи яйца. Акама по ауре возле Иллидана определяет, что тот жив и накапливает силы
  2. Артефакты испускают эманации и имеют ауры
  3. Аура Туралиона излучает чувство спокойствие и напоминает дворфу о шаманах, а Кадгар считает его более единым с окружающим миром, открытым для стихий. Вид Тира с его молотом вселял надежду в выкованных титанами-беженцев. [Т'ууре] воодушевлял дренеев-беженцев. Появление наару в видении наполнило Велена надеждой. Туралион чувствует ауру Света от Лотраксиона
  4. Скоррапченный Кошмаром Ремул стал излучать не весну, а зиму
    1. На Грим'Батоле Орду пережили только сорняки и насекомые, от острова исходит аура смерти. Прикосновение Артаса-рыцаря смерти к лепестку стремительно убивает растение. От Бвонсамди исходит аура гниения и тьмы
    2. Животные боятся присутствия Артаса-рыцаря смерти
    3. После смерти, тело Кел'Тузада за считанные секунды разложилось так, словно прошло несколько дней. Тело Дар'кхана-нежити рассеялось после его гибели?
    1. испившие кровь Маннорота орки стали излучать ауру скверны, которая физически меняла даже тех, кто не пил, сделав их кожу зеленой. Глаза эльфов Кель'таласа также приобрели зеленое свечение из-за энергий скверны
    2. Аватар Саргераса излучает ярость, Маннорот излучает злобу, Иллидан через ауры/психический след представляет образы повелителей Пылающего Легиона и что они излучают: Саргерас - страдание и отчаяние; Архимонд - ярость; Кил'джеден - хитрость
  5. Из-за магической ауры скверны, Иллидан выглядит равным по размерам Магтеридону, который на самом деле гораздо больше. Малфурион в гневе выглядит больше тауренов
  6. Азшара сияет аурой харизмы, от которой окружающие готовы преклонить колени и выполнить любой ее приказ

The Demon Soul

  • Each of the great dragons had their own distinct auras — as all creatures did — and Malfurion sensed some of those auras now.

The Sundering

  • The dragon mage again probed with his higher senses, reaching deeper and deeper into the caverns. Everywhere he sought, Krasus found only emptiness, an emptiness too reminiscent of a vast tomb. No significant aura of life greeted his search and he began to despair that his sudden urge to come here had been all for naught. Then… very, very deep in the bowels of Malygos's sanctum, he noted a vague life force. It was so faint that Krasus almost dismissed it as a figment of his own desire, but then he sensed another, similar presence near it. Krasus paused hopefully over a half-developed egg. Life still yet grew within it. A bit sluggishly, but well enough so that the mage felt certain that new warmth would keep it going. He checked another and found it, too, a viable candidate. Eagerly, Krasus moved on, but the next several eggs revealed no aura.


  • Akama studied the aura swirling around his former master. No. He yet lived. Titanic swells of energy rose within him. He was merely gathering his strength.

Day of the Dragon

  • An artifact of some sort, and so powerful that now even he could sense the emanations from it.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Some might have been unnerved by the thing, but Jaina had only been fascinated. She studied its aura, admired its design, and delved as deeply as she cautiously could into its core.
  • The moment she did, she sensed something else. A faint magical trace that reminded her of the artifact’s aura.

Tides of Darkness

  • 10: There was something else about the lad, a sense of calm, that reminded Kurdran of his shaman. Perhaps the lad was a shaman himself, or otherwise in touch with the elements or the spirits?
  • 22: Uther and the other Paladins had similar feels but more removed, as if they were above the problems of this world. Turalyon seemed to be more at one with the world around him, more attuned to his surroundings. It was a magic Khadgar did not understand, but one he respected a great deal. In many ways it was the opposite of his own magic, which sought to control the elements and other forces. Turalyon was not controlling anything, but by opening himself to those same forces he gained the ability to tap them, with less control but more subtlety than any mage.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • The journey was harsh, and many of the titan-forged worried for the future. Only the sight of Tyr leading the way, his legendary hammer always in hand, gave them the hope they needed to continue.

Word of the Conclave

  • Despair gripped the renegades, and many even considered giving up. It was during this dark and trying time that Velen brought T'uure to bear. Its brilliant energies shone before the renegades and renewed their dwindling confidence. Emboldened by the artifact, Velen's followers believed that they could do the impossible, that they could complete their daring flight from Argus.
  • The Legion's relentless pursuit bred depression and pessimism in many draenei, but they did not suffer in silence. Askara sought out her forlorn kin and spoke to them of their troubles. She carried T'uure with her at all times, the relic casting an aura of holy magic around her that lifted the other draenei's spirits.

Prophet's Lesson

  • 5: The naaru had taken the field, so many that Velen didn't understand how creation could contain them. The power of these beings of Light filled Velen's heart with hope, swept away the lonely centuries, and left him in wonder that he could ever despair, that the dark, no matter how terrible, could ever truly reign.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The other being, the one who had drawn them here, was smiling broadly. He had fanged teeth and long black claws, but he exuded an aura of Holy Light.


  • Where once the sense of spring pervaded his very being, now it was as if chill winter was the mantle the forest guardian wore.

Day of the Dragon

  • Overwhelmed early in the war by the orcs, no life more complex than a few hardy weeds and insects had survived the Horde's bloody victory. An aura of death seemed to radiate from the island, one so intense that even the wizard did not argue with the dwarf 's decision


  • Moved by the image, he caught one of the red petals in a gloved hand. He thumbed it thoughtfully, and then frowned as a stain appeared. It grew before his eyes, desiccating and destroying the petal, until it was more brown than red in his palm. With a quick, dismissive gesture, he tossed the dead thing away and continued.

Shadows Rising

  • He was gigantic, and Zekhan felt slightly nauseated in his presence, an aura of rot and darkness swirled around the loa.


  • Once clear of the courtyard and the corpses, animated or still, he broke into a run. No horse would bear him now; the beasts grew frantic at the smell of him and those who followed him.
  • If he had not slain his stead, he could not now bring it back. Alive, the horse would have feared him.


  • The body began to rot immediately. Decomposition that should have taken days happened in mere seconds, the flesh paling, bloating, bursting open. The men gasped and started back, covering their noses and mouths. Some of them turned and vomited from the stench. Arthas stared, horrified and enraptured at the same time, unable to look away. Fluids gushed from the corpse, the flesh taking on a creamy consistency and turning black. The unnatural decomposition slowed and Arthas turned away, gasping for fresh air.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Dar’Khan fell to a knee, and immediately his form began to dissipate. As he clutched at the shaft protruding from his skull, the mage had time enough to emit one final mournful wail before his broken body turned fully to smoke, spreading thin and dispersing into the air seconds later. The arrow remained, however, and clattered to the floor just beyond the edge of the carpet.

Ask CDev

  • The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel'Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orc's skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

Chronicle 2

  • 91: Though not every orc had drunk Mannoroth’s blood, those who had would radiate an invisible aura of fel energy. It would slowly seep into the skin and bones of nearby orcs. Eventually even Durotan, Orgrim, and others who had not tasted demon blood would find their skin turning completely green.

Chronicle 1

  • 150: This was only an avatar of the demon lord, a tiny portion of Sargeras’s vast cosmic power. Yet he nonetheless radiated great strength and fury.

Chronicle 2

  • 88: Mannoroth radiated a power and malevolence that Gul’dan had never experienced. Even the warlock, who feared little, cowered in the demon’s presence.


  • Extending one hand, he invoked his spell of seeking once more. Images flooded his mind as tendrils of force touched the disks. One in particular, the Seal of Argus, drew him. Potent images overlaid it, the aura of beings he had encountered in the past and would never forget: Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, the two mightiest lieutenants of Sargeras, true master of the Burning Legion. Their psychic stench was so strong, it threatened to overwhelm even his prepared mind. He felt the brutal fury of Archimonde and the subtle, intricate mind of Kil’jaeden. Even though he knew they were not resent, it was all he could do to keep from lashing out as if surrounded by deadly foes.
  • He took out the disk he had claimed on Nathreza and focused all his powers of perception on it. The psychic stench of the demon lords of the Burning Legion still clung to it. When he inspected it closely with his strange vision, he could picture them: Sargeras, bleak, uncompromising, a fallen titan radiating misery and despair; Archimonde, a mad warlord consumed with fury and rage, Sargeras’s fist; Kil’jaeden, the schemer, so adept at corrupting so many.


  • Atop the chariot, wings spread, hands on his hips, his stance proclaiming his triumph and his lack of fear, stood Illidan. Such was the difference in size that he should have looked like a squirrel defying a helboar, but he did not. The aura of fel magical power blazing around him made him appear to be more than the equal of the pit lord.


  • 4: Gone was the gentle, protective shan’do, who pitched his voice softly and whose movements were so light they scarce seemed to harm the grass upon which his catlike paws fell. In his place stood an embodiment of wrathful nature itself. Had Malfurion grown larger, somehow? He seemed to loom over the now fleeing Horde—even the tauren looked weak and fragile in comparison.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • A brilliant aura enveloped Azshara, enthralling those who looked upon her. The Highborne marveled at this strange phenomenon. A few even took it as a sign of divinity.

The Well of Eternity

  • She glittered as she entered, a vision of perfection that his magical orbs amplified. She was the glory of the night elves, their beloved mistress. When she breathed, she made the crowds breathless. When she touched the cheek of a favored warrior, he went out and willingly fought dragons and more, even if it meant his certain destruction.

The Sundering

  • In truth, in Azshara's presence, Tyrande felt even mousier than the handmaiden. She wanted to at least wipe the grime and blood away from her face and form, but could not. Even aware that the queen had betrayed her people, the priestess felt the desire to kneel at Azshara's slim, sandaled feet, so charismatic was the monarch.

  1. Статуя Ремула не перемещается в магическое место, куда отправляются личные вещи друида при его трансформации в зверя. Топор Кенария, наполненный жизненной силой Азерот(а), способен ослаблять и рассеивать заклинания. Калесгос не может нанести Искре Тира урона своими атаками огнем, тайной магией, копьями льда и молниями. Тролли безрезультативно пытались проклясть [Фело'мелорн]
    1. Чтобы добавить других существ в заклинание телепортации, заклинателю нужно их видеть или связаться с ними ментально, от чего маги и демоны обычно имеют защиту, и даже обладающие сильной волей могут сопротивляться
    2. Сильные эмоции препятствуют чтению разума. Ярость удерживала дух Магнара от попадания к Одину и Хелии на протяжении тысячелетий
    3. Заклинатели могут закрывать свой разум от чужого вмешательства, но отвлечение внимания делает их уязвимыми
    4. Малфурион также может контролировать свои эмоции. Аллерия после проведения времени в Армии Света тоже?
  2. Обладающие магической силой и сильные воины способны танковать магические атаки - атаки их уровня приводят ко временной потери координации(=отшатнуться или упасть), от которой они относительно быстро восстанавливаются, слабые же атаки могут быть незамеченны вовсе
  3. Смертокрыл с легкостью прошел через золотые круги Ронина. Малфурион сначала ощущал барьер как стену, но потом довольно легко прошел через него, вероятно, также значительно ослабив. Иллидан без проблем прошел через невидимый барьер
  4. кровь Смертокрыла деформируется, но восстанавливается, после того, как ее заряжают тайной магией, которая разорвала бы любого смертного. кровь Магтеридона сопротивляется телекинезу Акамы. щит из чешуйки Смертокрыла танкует тайную магию
  5. Стражи гнева обладают сильной защитой от очарования и принуждения. Нептулон и Теразан освободились от оков Древних Богов спустя время после их заключения
  6. Валь'киры Сильваны не могли воскрешать воргенов как нежить потому, что: они слабее КЛа. проклятие воргенов дает защиту, ибо связано с Изумрудным Сном и Элуной. вода, которую некоторые воргены испили, чтобы иметь баланс между своими обличьями, также дает сопротивление порче нежити


  • He secreted the statue in the confines of his cloak. As with the rest of his garments and personal effects, it would go in that magical place they did when he transformed. But when the druid shifted once more to the semblance of a storm crow, he heard a heavy thud. Cocking his head, Broll found the idol lying at his talons.
  • If not for Elune’s light, the ax would have done its work well. As it was, although the ax did not reach the tree, the magic of the weapon weakened the sphere. Letting out a grunt of surprise at the ax’s power, Tyrande immediately kicked at Thura.
  • What was important was that in cutting into the tree, the ax—forged by Cenarius and with the life force of Azeroth fueling it—also severed the spells that had caught Malfurion by surprise and trapped him so.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Unable to stop himself, Kalec unleashed a barrage of spells upon the relic. Fire sought to consume the piece. Bolts of arcane energy assailed it. A lance of ice attempted to pierce its surface. Lightning blasted it. And none of the attacks left the slightest scar upon it.

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • Troll witch doctors set about casting hexes and curses against the infamous weapon, but history bears out that even the darkest voodoo did little to negate the effectiveness of Felo'melorn during the Troll Wars.

Cycle of Hatred

  • For a caster to include anyone but herself in the teleportation spell required line of sight—at least, according to most scrolls one would find on the subject. However, Antonidas had told Jaina that one could also do it if one was in what he called “line of mind.” It required the mage to reach out and touch the thoughts of whomever she wished to teleport. This was a lot riskier, as there were many whose minds were difficult or dangerous to touch. Other mages and demons generally had protections against such things, and even someone particularly strong-willed would probably be able to resist.

Lord of the Clans

  • Thrall gasped. He immediately thought of Hellscream’s bright scarlet eyes, of how wasted Hellscream’s body was. Yet Hellscream’s mind was his own. He had acknowledged the power of mercy, had not given in to either mad bloodlust or the dreadful lethargy he’d seen at the camps. Grom Hellscream must have faced the demons every day, and continued to resist them. Thrall’s admiration of the chieftain grew even more as he realized how strong Hellscream’s will must be.


  • Illidan fed more power into the spell. The pit lord stood transfixed, unable to proceed. His tombstone-sized fangs glistened, reflecting the light of magical energy. He reared up, fighting against the magic as much with his huge strength as with his own sorcerous might.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar stammered for a moment, then said, “You read my mind.”
    “Possible,” said Medivh. “But incorrect. You’re a stew of nerves right now, and that gets in the way of mind reading. One wrong.”

Saga of the Valarjar

  • In death, Magnar's spirit lingered. His rage stopped him from making the journey to the Halls of Valor… but it also kept his soul from Helya's grasp. For thousands upon thousands of years, he burned with righteous fury, hovering between the life long past and the afterlife he deserved.

The Sundering

  • Almost the instant he thought that, Illidan immediately checked the mental shields that he had built around his innermost thoughts. Secure in the knowledge that Sargeras could not have possibly detected anything, he focused on this new problem.
  • As before, Illidan immediately buried such thoughts. Fortunately, even Sargeras was likely far too intent on the events at hand to pay any attention to the sorcerer's duplicitous intentions, even had Illidan's mind been unshielded.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Why Jaina called him this time, the dragon did not know, but with what sense he already had, Kalec blocked his thoughts from her notice.


  • Illidan kept parts of his mind sealed, as any sorcerer would. Everyone had dark secrets and longings that they wanted no one to see.

Chronicle 2

  • 134: As Lothar and his allies arrived at Karazhan and began their attack, Gul’dan reached out to the Guardian’s mind. At first, Medivh’s mental defenses were too strong to penetrate. Yet as the battle commenced, he grew distracted. Gul’dan frantically rummaged through the Guardian’s memories, searching for any useful information.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • Turalyon opened his mind to her, letting her see his doubts, anguish, and resolve. "I beg you, Xe'ra, do not harm her." Xe'ra's merciless regard examined his soul, and then turned back to the woman he loved.

The Demon Soul

  • However, a part of him remained calm throughout his agony. It drew upon Cenarius's teachings, pulling Malfurion away from his pain. The anguish of the whip faded into nothing. The Houndmaster struck him a second and third time, but it might as well have been a slight breeze for all the druid felt it.


  • The agony of his continual transformation still assailed him, but Malfurion had managed to keep that one part of his mind shielded off from it. He knew that his captor was aware of this and sought to break down that shield and so expected that this was to be the next effort.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • That fear. It was not hers. It did not belong to her. So she shoved it away ruthlessly.

Day of the Dragon

  • Between his own power and the enchanted plates grafted to his skin, nothing could hurt him—

The Well of Eternity

  • Rings of energy that fell upon warriors of the Burning Legion often faded without any effect. A handful of demons dropped, but even some of those recovered.

The Demon Soul

  • “Elune must have truly watched over you! So many ripped apart around you, even your own mount stripped bare, a horrific tangle of flesh and bone—and you barely marked.” Ripped apart… his own night saber torn to pieces… what had happened around him? Why had he not noticed the butchery? How had he survived all that in addition to the mental attack? The very notion of the terrible spectacle that had taken place unnoticed around him made him shiver. Malfurion had no answers to his questions, but he did understand one thing. He had survived what had been thrown at him by one of the archdemons.
  • The flash of light overwhelmed Korialstrasz. It burned as nothing he had ever before experienced. It felt as if his scales melted, his bones seared. He cried out in agony. But still the red forced himself forward, not back. He fought against the pain, closing in on Neltharion. The Earth Warder bellowed his frustration. In his madness, Neltharion had sought to destroy, not enslave, and that now worked against him. They clashed. So close, the Soul did not prove as useful as Neltharion might have imagined.

item/Simple Note

  • Some do not have the skill to parry a blow from an assassin, or to even suffer the physical punishments from an arcane spellcaster, but you do.


  • Jaina whirled and, with all her might, sent a massive blast of arcane energy directly at Thalen Songweaver. In his arrogance, he was not expecting it. He stumbled back but recovered quickly.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • His defenses fell, and Khadgar's arcane fury washed over him. Gul'dan didn't feel it. He was suffocating in power. Drowning in an endless ocean.


  • Vandel channeled all his rage into another fel bolt and lashed out at Kruul. The magical energies splintered on whatever aura protected the demon lord.

Day of the Dragon

  • The spell the wary mage suddenly utilized had served him well during the war. It had crushed the life out of a charging orc with the blood of six knights and a fellow wizard on his meaty hands, and in a lesser form had held one of the orc warlocks at bay while Rhonin had cast his ultimate spell. Against dragons, however, Rhonin had no experience. The scrolls had insisted that it worked especially well at binding the ancient behemoths… Rings of gold formed around Deathwing— —and the shadowy figure walked right through them.

The Well of Eternity

  • He felt the barrier squeeze against him, almost as if Malfurion attempted to walk through a true wall. Yet, the more he pushed, the more it seemed the wall softened some, almost as if about to- Malfurion fell through. His entrance was so abrupt that he floated there, unsure that he had actually succeeded. Turning, he tried to touch the barrier, but felt only a vague, very weak force. Either his presence had disrupted the barrier or it had been designed only to prevent intrusion, not departure.


  • Illidan stepped into the circle, unhampered by any restraining spells.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 1: When we infuse the blood with arcane magic — an amount that would tear apart any other being — it only enrages the samples. The blood splits and boils, but ultimately it reforms.


  • Akama cast the spell. The blood responded sluggishly. The demonic taint within it resisted Akama. The plasma swirled and split, flowing into new streams that filled the channels carved in the floor. Akama’s magic grew and drew on more and more power. The spurts formed whirling patterns in the air and flowed down into the vents.

Saga of the Valarjar

  • The Scale of the Earth-Warder protected him from the elves's arcane reprisals, and the vrykul's assault scored immediate victories, building enough momentum to push the Highborne out of the city entirely.

item/Jubeka's Journal

  • The key to binding a wrathguard was ironically reducing the number of runic symbols used in the summoning circle. Wrathguards are highly resistant to charms and compulsions, but readily respond to basic expressions of strength.

Chronicle 3

  • 195: Two elemental rulers defied the Old God: Neptulon the Tidehunter and Therazane the Stonemother. In the ages since their enslavement, they had broken the shackles that had bound them to the Old Gods.

Ask CDev

  • Not only are the Val'kyr less powerful than the Lich King when it comes to raising the undead, but the worgen curse also makes raising them into undeath far more difficult than it is for normal humans. The worgen curse has roots in both the Emerald Dream (through the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn) and the holy power of the goddess Elune. In addition, those worgen who imbibe the waters of Tal'doren—through the ritual they undergo to maintain balance between the worgen curse and their humanity—have a further resistance to the corruption of undeath.

  1. Сильную магию способны ощущать даже не практикующие магию смертные
  2. Высшие/магические/обостренные чувства =/= смертные чувства
    1. Иногда магию унюхивают
    2. Обостренные чувства Гул'дана ощущали запах и вес из видения иного мира. Иллидан, увидев Майев в Черном Храме, подумал что она иллюзия, вызванный из глубин его воображения призрак, но его спектральное зрение убедило в обратном, ибо Майев имела вес, массу и присутствие
    3. Тело также реагирует на ощущение магии - волосы поднимаются, во рту пересыхает
    1. Светлая магия ощущается приятным теплом, которое, похоже, не несет физического характера. Туралион ощущает Свет в голосе Лотраксиона
    2. От пользователей некромантической магии и их артефактов идет жуткий гул, мрачность и запах смерти
    3. Тайная магия ощущается легкой и энергичной, магия скверны - вязкая, густая, почти жидкая, зловонная
    1. Ксавий заменил глаза искусственными, позволяющими ему видеть магию и астральные формы
    2. Саргерас выжег глаза Иллидана, наделив возможностью видеть магию и ощущать души. Другие охотники на демонов также обладают спектральным зрением. Спектральное зрение в целом лучше обычного и позволяет воспринимать окружение?
    3. Сильвана-банши также обладает спектральным зрением, но это вряд ли то же, что и у охотников на демонов
    4. Глаза эльфов Кель'таласа способны различить ауру тайной магии
    5. Джайна почти может видеть ауру Медива

The Sundering

  • As an orc who had learned some of the shamanistic traditions, Brox had sensed the incredible power and age of his companion and, watching Krasus deal with dragons, had come to the logical conclusion that so escaped most others.
  • Korialstrasz had mentioned an ancient evil and the orc, perhaps more attune to the world than most, felt that evil permeate everything. It was a foulness worse than that spread by the demons and made him want to reach for the ax strapped to his back.
  • And so he found himself alone when the giant strode out of the dust raised by the wind, the giant with dark skin and intricate tattoos that even the unskilled Jarod could sense radiated sinister magical forces.

Tides of Darkness

  • Here stood a massive stone, forcing a gap in the trees. Its rough surface was carved with runes and even Doomhammer, who had no gift at all for the supernatural or spiritual, could feel the power radiating off this crude monolith.

Blood Ledger

  • As Blackhand quenched the blades, he felt a terrible, dark presence fill them with unspeakable might. This was no Elemental Fury-it was the raw hatred of Kil'jaeden sinking deep within the daggers.

The Jade Hunters

  • 2: She picked up the Jade Serpent statue. Heat radiated off of the carving. A strange heat, warm enough for Fenella to feel through her leather gloves. Sorcery. Some part of her screamed to leave.

Dark Mirror

  • 2: The Val'kyr seemed to know the way, drawn, perhaps, by the veins of dark power pulsing through the Magic Quarter. After a while, the energies became so palpable that even he could sense them.

Day of the Dragon

  • The stench of burnt matter especially touched the wizard's heightened senses. Not everything the two leviathans had charred had been made of wood. How many of Hasic's inhabitants had perished in this desperate raid?

The Demon Soul

  • A sense of astounding power touched Korialstrasz's magical senses. He felt as if the chamber had filled with a thousand dragons.

The Judgment

  • 3: With his new sight, Vol’jin could also see the loa everywhere. They swarmed the air and hovered around the edges of his vision. They were gathered and agitated. This moment clearly held vast implications for Vol’jin’s people, and perhaps all of Azeroth.
  • 5: Vol’jin closed his eyes and breathed deeply, listening to the loa. They whispered to him, but they were still hard to understand. He would learn in time.


  • Then, there, above the altar, Hir’eek himself manifested. The aqir’s spirit rose as ethereal steam from the corpse, and the bat god breathed it in. With subtle motions of gentle wings he pulled more of it to himself, glowing brightly, becoming more sharply defined. Sound-sight did not communicate that to Vol’jin. That he saw with his own inner sight—something he’d refined and learned to trust as a shadow hunter.
  • Vol'jin tried to sense any trace of the titan magic on his guest but could not.

Day of the Dragon

  • Dragons had senses far above those of even elves; some said they could, within limitations, even smell magic.

Chronicle 3

  • 71: Cenarius had also been watching the newcomers, and he smelled the demon blood in their veins.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Gul'dan's heightened senses were granting him a glimpse of another world. There was a smell to it. A weight to it.


  • Illidan turned his head. An all-too-familiar armored figure stood there, weapon at the ready. At first he wondered if it was an illusion, a specter summoned from the depths of his imagination by some spell. His spectral sight told him otherwise. The figure had weight and mass and presence.

The Demon Soul

  • Malfurion suddenly detected something amiss. The hair on his neck rising, he started to look over his shoulder.

The Judgment

  • 2: Vol’jin was about to reply when his spine went cold and he sensed a presence. There was a loa on the rise with them. He could not see it, and he could not smell it, but the hairs on the back of his neck told him it was there. A glance at Zalazane showed the same stark terror mirrored in his friend’s eyes.

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • My mouth went dry, and the hairs on my neck bristled, responding to stimull that my mortal senses could not comprehend.


  • 4: The hairs on her arms lifted again, not from the presence of Malfurion and his near-godlike power over nature, but from something else — something twisted, wrong, and un-natural.

Of Blood and Honor

  • Excommunication was a rare, harsh punishment that stripped a Paladin of his Light-given powers. Though it had only been used a few times, every Paladin lived in mortal fear of it. Tirion could not fathom what was about to happen. Before he could utter another word, Uther made a sweeping motion with his hand. Immediately, Tirion felt a dark shadow pass over him, choking out the holy power of the Light. Panic threatened to overwhelm him as the grace and strengthening energies of the Light fled his body. The blessed energies, which had been such an integral part of him for so long, ebbed away just as if they had never been. Though the light of the Hall never wavered, Tirion felt as if he had been wrapped in darkness and cast down into oblivion. Unable to withstand the raging despair and hopelessness that washed over him in waves, Tirion lowered his head in abject despair.


  • 4: The Light did not “speak": it was warmth that pervaded the body.


  • “This is a Light- forsaken land, isn’t it? You can barely even see the sun! This howling wind cuts to the bone and you’re not even shaking.” Vaguely surprised, Arthas realized that the man was right. He felt the cold—felt it knifing into him —but he did not tremble.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The rift and the voice behind it were both suffused with the Light.


  • His voice echoed with that strange thrum of power.
  • You reek of death, human. You’ll regret approaching me.
  • The weapon was a swirl of glowing green. He could feel the power of demonic energy radiating from it, just as he knew that Illidan could sense Frostmourne’s grim darkness.


  • Illidan was curious. In the weeks since he had returned from Azeroth, he had been recovering from his wounds and gathering his strength for this moment. Had some of the jailors made the mistake of speaking to the pit lord? If so, he would make sure they never made another such error again. “Come now, little Illidan. One need not be as clever as you to understand such things. I see that unpleasant scratch on your side. It does not take any great intelligence to work out what happened since you have been away. You have the stink of the walking dead on you, and the taint of that great blade, Frostmourne. You encountered Arthas, did you not? And you were defeated.”
  • I smell spiderwebs and walking dead and the subtle tang of strange plagues.


  • 4: He followed the ugly thrum of dark power wafting through the air.

The Last Guardian

  • There was a sluggishness to the magic in this room. Often magic had a feel of lightness and energy, but this felt more viscous, almost liquid in nature. Khadgar had never felt it before, and wondered if it was because of the circles of power, or powers and cantrips of the late mages themselves. It was a thick feeling, like stale air in a room that had been shuttered for years. Khadgar tried to pull the energies together, but they seemed to resist, to follow his desires with only the greatest reluctance. Khadgar’s face grew stern as he tried to pull more of the power of the room, the energies, into himself. This was a simple spell. If anything, it should be easier in this spellroom, where such castings would be commonplace. Suddenly the young mage was swamped with the thick, fetid feel of the magic. It fell upon him in a thick blanket, crushing the spell and driving him physically to his knees. Despite himself, he cried out.
  • “Something much worse. The two dead mages here were summoning demons. It’s that taint that you feel. A demon was here.”

The Well of Eternity

  • Malfurion floated only inches from the elder night elf’s unsettling eyes. He had heard of the advisor’s artificial orbs, the magical eyes with which Xavius had purposely replaced his own.
  • His eyes - eyes with which he could evidently see even a dream form - flared.

The Demon Soul

  • He felt the innate forces within them growing more powerful, more precise with each passing second. He could now make out the very strands of magical energy recreating him, and saw how the invisible hand of his god restructured his body to make him far greater than that which he had once been.


  • Malfurion could still recall Xavius’s contorted face—especially the sinister, magically crafted eyes of black with the streak of ruby running across each.

Chronicle 1

  • 102: He scarred the night elf's body with fel tattoos and burned out his eyes, setting the hollows alight with otherworldly fire. Although excruciatingly painful, this final act gave Illidan the ability to see myriad forms of magic.


  • The ancient darkness surrounding him did not stop him from seeing any more than his lack of eyes did. He had been a sorcerer once, a very great one. His spectral sight revealed every inch of his cell with far more clarity than eyes of flesh ever could.
  • Rage goaded Vandel to aim an elbow backward. Once again he felt himself cast across the room. Air rushed by. He sensed the cold presence of the wall before he hit it, and he let himself go limp. The impact hurt but not as much as it ought to.
  • He was aware now of the ebb and flow of energies all around. The lights were auras of living things, some bright, some filled with energy. The brightest of all came from the being who stood beside him.
    “Is this how you see the world?” Vandel asked.
    “It is one way. Your mind becomes accustomed to it eventually. It maps its new way of seeing onto its old way of understanding reality. There will come a time when you will be able to perceive the world as once you did. It is a much narrower way of seeing, but our minds crave familiarity.”
    “You are saying you can shift from seeing the world like this to seeing it as if you had eyes?”
    “Indeed, and many gradations between.”
    He tried to imagine Illidan as he had previously seen him, and slowly a very rough image of the Betrayer stood before him, like a child’s illustration drawn in mud. Its mud mouth moved as Illidan spoke. “In a way it is like working magic. You get a feel for the flows of power. You get a sense of the souls of the living and the unliving.”
  • He looked around him again. Illidan had been right. He could see things now as well as ever he had seen when he possessed eyes of flesh. Better. Darkness obscured nothing. Something in his mind adjusted his perceptions.
  • He backpedaled away from her as fast as he could. He was not worried about tripping over anything. His spectral senses allowed him to perceive everything around him. They also told him that he was running out of time.


  • He had been a powerful fighter once, and was still a powerful mage, but to her new, spectral sight, there was a frailty about him she had not seen when she breathed.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Vranesh stared openly, for his eyes — just like the eyes of any blood elf — could discern the aura of arcane magic surrounding the hooded form.


  • The aura of power around him was palpable. Jaina could almost see it, swirling about him, heady and strong.

The Last Guardian

  • The snow-bearded commander brushed past Khadgar, and despite himself the youth stumbled back, out of the way. The commander should not have noticed him, no more than any of the blood-spattered warriors had. Yet the commander did. His voice dropped for a moment, he stammered, his foot landed badly on the uneven soil of the rocky hilltop and he almost stumbled. Yet instead he turned and regarded Khadgar.

    1. Виранот ощущает магию
    2. Тирион через расстояние ощущает смерть Бриденбрада как уход с земли небольшого света. Жрица эльфов крови ощущает появление Света в Солнечном Колодце. Туралион ощущает присутствие и отсутствие Света в существах.
    3. Альтернативный Гул'дан сенсит магию
    4. Сенсоринг от близких к тайной магии
    5. Титаны ощущают магию через космические пространства
    6. Кенарий ощутил не то открытие портала Высокорожденными, не то перемещение Ронина с Красом во времени. Бролл ощущает порчу Изумрудного Кошмара не поворачиваясь
    7. Шаманы должны быть способны ощущать манипуляции элементами?
    8. Тиранда также имеет ощущение магии
    9. Маннорот и Магтеридон ощущают закрытие порталов. Друиды ощущают закрытие порталов в ИС
    1. Тирион ощущает присутствие Короля-лича. Демоны не должны быть способны скрывать свое присутствие от паладина
    2. К'Траккси ощущают присутствие Йогг-Сарона в голове Локена
    3. Крушение Генедара послало волны энергии Света в КП, где их ощутил Талгат, который впоследствии понял, что это энергии наару, и потратил больше века, идя по следам этой энергии. Гул'дан ощущает в Медиве демоническое присутствие. Альтернативный Гул'дан ощущает присутствие незнакомца. Иллидан ощущает присутствие, потом еще одно, определяя, что это его брат, потом сенсит демонов
    4. Сенсоринг от заклинателей тайной магии. Медиву не мешала невидимость Джайны
    5. Сенсоринг от заклинателей магии природы. Изера и Алекстраза должны обладать способностями, позволяющими почувствовать присутствие
    6. Тиранда сенсила Древних Богов, когда те наблюдали за ритуалом Иллидана
    1. Тирион, как паладин, развил способность ощущать чужие глубокие эмоции и чувствует искренность в словах Эйтригга, а также глубоко закопанные боль и печаль. Туралион ощущает враждебный взгляд от невидимого противника и примерное его расположение, а потом в видении чувствует ненависть и решимость в душе Иллидана
    2. Древние Боги ощущали смятение Хранителей титанов от молчания Пантеона
    3. Ощущение эмоций от демонов и охотников на демонов
    4. Ронин ощущает крики убитый о возмездии и презрение Краса
    5. Малфурион ощущал эмоции горевшего эредара и Ксавия(?) при встрече с Аспектом
  1. Тралл ощущает личность незнакомого человека, коим оказывается Смертокрыл. Калесгос ощущает Джайну. Гул'дан ощущает присутствие Майев
  2. Кенарий ощущает в Красе нечто знакомое, возможно, драконью природу. Калесгос ощущает присутствие другого синего дракона. Кадгар ощущает присутствие Помраченных, при попытке найти Гул'дана

War of the Scaleborn

  • A large, blood-red ruby was set into the spire’s base. Even from where she stood, Vyranoth could sense the magic within the stone.

quest/Light Within the Darkness

  • He has departed, hasn't he? I felt a small bit of light leave the land.

In the Shadow of the Sun

  • 3: "The magic in the Sunwell is different now," Lor'themar said. "It may take a while for some to adjust."
    "Some, yes." Aurora reached her hand up and seemed to grasp something that Lor'themar could not see, twisting it between her fingers as if it were a long ribbon. "I am a priestess of the Light. I know this magic."

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • 1: Turalyon felt a presence among them, a being of such profound might that it seemed all Light might flow from it. He heard Alleria gasp in awe. She had never experienced the tranquil power of the Light before.
  • 3: Alleria. Wreathed in darkness. He did not feel the Light within her.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • He walked the rest of the way to that mysterious tomb, where he sensed the unfamiliar magic of whoever had sealed the entrance.
  • Gul'dan could feel that Khadgar was preparing an incredible amount of arcane power.

Day of the Dragon

  • “Well, I hope he finds out something soon, because this situation is—what is it?” “I feel a tingling on my neck! I wonder if—” Up in the palace, the dragon quickly waved his hand across the two glass mouths. The pane instantly flattened, leaving no trace. Deathwing backed away. The female had finally sensed his spellwork, but she would not be able to trace it back to him.

The Well of Eternity

  • In the course of their journey he had learned that it was Illidan, somehow suddenly associated with Lord Ravencrest, who had detected Rhonin’s spell.


  • “Those who yet live within Dalaran will be able to sense the power of this spell,” Kel’Thuzad warned.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • And then at last he sensed from where exactly the magical emanations originated.

Death From Above

  • 7: The mantid raised its spear and pointed it at Fulmin. The mogu watched with curiosity. He sensed no empowerment. This wasn't a spell.

Code of Rule

  • 4: Mar'gok crouched in front of the artifact. Its warmth was comforting, though he had already begun to feel enervated in its presence.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Khadgar stood still. Listening. Sensing. He could feel the distant tingling of fel magic.

Chronicle 1

  • 56: Sif’s suggestion struck Loken as devious, a characteristic he had never known her to possess. He sensed something strange in her spirit: an unseen darkness, subtle yet discernible.

Chronicle 2

  • 17: Just as the colossals began their march, Aggramar sensed a faint ripple of energy cascading through the Great Dark Beyond. Its source was unmistakable: it was the death rattle of a constellar.

The Well of Eternity

  • “I sensed an unsettling change in the world,” Cenarius interrupted. “An imbalance, a shifting. I sought out its origin and location in secret… and while I did not find all I searched for… I was led to you two.”


  • A darkness spread from Teldrassil, quickly expanding beyond the two druids. Although the night elf did not turn to watch its growth, he immediately knew that it had already stretched far beyond Teldrassil’s physical reach all the way to the mainland, infecting the lands there with the giant’s disease.

Code of Rule

  • 4: The smooth stones secreted in Mar'gok's pockets grew slightly warmer; he felt their heat radiating out in pinpricks. They squirmed, almost as if trying to get free. Surely any shaman among the orcs would notice.

The Sundering

  • Although the crimson glass hid exactly what was within, Tyrande sensed just enough about its contents to feel her anxiety rise.


  • He appeared a harmless figure and she sensed no overwhelming magical presence around him, even though, as not only high priestess of Elune but one who had through the centuries studied the various magics, she should have noticed something. There was that about him that bespoke of some kind of magic, but it was very subtle, almost as if an inherent part of his most basic being and not enhanced by any study of the mystical arts.

The Well of Eternity

  • Mannoroth felt the loss. Mannoroth felt the emptiness even before it happened. The huge, bestial commander paused in the rear of the horde, turning his ugly, tusked head in the direction of the tower. The tower that was no longer there.


  • “You have not felt it? The Nightmare is sealing all paths into it! Now that it can reach out into Azeroth, it is preventing any from physically reaching it! You as a druid should be able to sense it! The portals are being shut one after another!”
    “The portals—” Malfurion shut his eyes for a moment and sensed that it was true. That brought something else to mind.


  • And I know you are still closing the gates the Legion has opened to Outland. Even through your binding spells, I can sense such sorceries.

quest/Tirion's Gambit

  • Highlord Tirion Fordring says: Something's wrong… I sense a dark presence.
    Tirion turns to look at the doorway as the Lich King enters.
    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: The Lich King is here. May the Light guide our blades.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • Lothraxion had quickly understood the grim implications. "If you could not see it, Turalyon… that is troubling. Demons should not be able to evade the gaze of the Light."

Chronicle 1

  • 62: With considerable effort, Loken excavated these C’Thraxxi tombs and roused Zakazj and Kith’ix to life. He ordered the colossal abominations to kill Tyr and all who followed him. Sensing the lingering touch of Yogg-Saron in Loken’s mind, the two C’Thraxxi readily obeyed.

Chronicle 2

  • 63: When the Genedar crashed on Draenor, the impact had sent waves of holy energy surging through the Twisting Nether. Talgath sensed this influx of power and investigated the strange phenomenon. His anticipation swelled as he realized that these energies had come from the naaru, the same ones who had helped Velen and his renegades escape Argus. For more than a century, Talgath tracked the contrails of holy power, until he reached the lush world of Draenor.
  • 114: Gul’dan sensed something demonic in the hooded figure. He believed that this visitor was a demon who spoke on behalf of Sargeras.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Someone was moving among the rocks. Gul'dan sensed it before he saw it.


  • He sensed a presence outside the doorway of his cell.
  • Ahead he sensed a being of enormous — and familiar — power, his brother.
  • Illidan clenched his fists as he sensed the demons within the temple.

The Well of Eternity

  • With each step deeper into the thick, towering forest, he sensed some growing presence, a presence the likes of which Rhonin had never experienced before. In some ways, it reminded him of how he sensed Krasus whenever the dragon mage contacted him, but this was more…much more.


  • He inclined his head, and gave her an odd smile that told her without words, I recognize you, too. This was the third time she had seen him-once when he was speaking with Antonidas, and once with Arthas. She had been invisible on both occasions-and clearly, her invisibility spell had not fooled him for a moment, either time.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • But just before he would have entered, he sensed the presence of another. Whoever he was kept himself well cloaked from most magi’s abilities but not Kalec’s yet considerable powers. He couldn't tell who or what had invaded the Nexus, but the intruder was very near.

The Well of Eternity

  • But as he journeyed, an unexpected presence caught his attention.
  • Malfurion felt his mentor touch his thoughts, but only in an indistinct manner. However, the touch was enough to convey that Cenarius was well. The last of the felbeasts had been dealt with, but some other matter urgently demanded the demigod’s attention. Malfurion realized that the forest lord had felt the presence of his student in the Emerald Dream and had quickly reached out to let the night elf know that all was not yet lost.


  • There were no immediate signs of other druids, though he sensed them near.
  • He had sensed another coming up behind him. Even before turning, the night elf knew who it had to be. The scent alone marked this one particular druid. “The blessing of the forest upon you, Broll Bearmantle,” rumbled the newcomer. “I felt you near. I had hoped to see you.”
  • Within the World Tree, something stirred, something that every druid could feel as if it were a part of them. Even in his meditative state, Broll sensed a tremendous presence joining the convocation… Teldrassil’s essence touching those who had helped raise it up.
  • They paused only once, when Broll felt an itch on his neck. He looked behind them. “What is it?” Tyrande quietly asked. “Thought someone was following us… but I’m wrong.”

Dawn of the Aspects

  • He continued to be an insignificant, unnoticed phantasm trapped within Malygos. Not even Alexstrasza or Ysera - both of whom in the future would have abilities that should make them sense his presence - so much as glanced in curiosity at the male beside them.


  • 4: The great druid broke off, sensing something. He lifted his gaze skyward. Delaryn looked up, at first seeing nothing—then she saw a storm crow. It fluttered down to the shan’do, shifting its form to reveal a kaldorei girl.
  • 4: He sensed her. She was close, now; he had led the Banshee Queen on a merry chase, but the time for elusion was over.

The Sundering

  • But as Illidan began his spell, Tyrande's own highly-attuned senses felt another presence stir.
  • Tyrande felt the presences withdraw. Worse, as they faded away, she also sensed their immense satisfaction.

Of Blood and Honor

  • Yet Tirion knew that the orc’s words rang true. He could feel the orc’s sincerity - and beneath it, deeply buried pain and sorrow. As a Paladin, he had developed a certain empathic ability to sense deep emotions from others. The curious ability had never proven to be more useful.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • There was an elf, alone in a cell. His face was cold. Turalyon could feel the hatred and determination in his soul.
  • Turalyon felt eyes upon him from the east. Malevolent eyes. As the hours drifted onward, the sense of that predatory gaze did not fade. Whatever it was, it hungered for blood.
  • "I sense it now, watching us from the north. Do you not?"
    "Perhaps. Near the Dark Portal?"<br.>"That is right." Turalyon did indeed feel a ripple of menace pulsing from that direction. It was keeping its distance, so he closed his eyes again.

Chronicle 1

  • 54: The deep silence troubled the keepers, and they sank into a long period of confusion and unease. The Old God Yogg-Saron, imprisoned beneath Ulduar, sensed these fluctuating emotions. In the eons since the Ordering of Azeroth, a sharp awareness had begun to stir within the entity.

The Sundering

  • Sargeras felt Archimonde's hidden dismay. The demon lord was disappointed with his most trusted servant — who had never failed before — but there would be time to punish Archimonde later.


  • A spark of berserk rage ignited within Vandel’s chest. He would not be mocked. Not by one as weak and pitiful as this. Something in Ravael sensed his mood and responded. The air between them crackled with tension.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The eredar could feel Kil'jaeden's disappointment. He had heard its cries… and ignored them.

The Well of Eternity

  • The island’s inhabitants had been slaughtered, their home ravaged, and the wizard’s highly attuned senses had felt their spirits crying out for vengeance.
  • Even in the dark, he could sense the leviathan’s disgust.

The Sundering

  • Malfurion sensed the distant warlock's own agony as the flames engulfed him.


  • The Aspect’s gaze sparkled and though it did not seem at all threatening to Malfurion, he sensed the dismay and fear that it brought out of his captor.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 3: The orc did not recognize the human, but he sensed his identity: Deathwing in his mortal guise.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras

  • Gul'dan could sense Maiev Shadowsong, too.

Before the Storm

  • And then - his skin prickled, and a sudden knowing filled his brain. Lady Jaina Proudmoore had returned to Dalaran. He sensed her, and she was right -

The Well of Eternity

  • The antlered deity tilted his bearded head to one side, studying his guest. “You are more than what you seem, traveler. I see hints of night elven but also sense far, far more. Almost you remind me of—but that’s not likely.”

Dawn of the Aspects

  • At that moment, Kalec felt the presence of another blue dragon.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • He circled around the shipwrecks, trying to sense Gul'dan. He couldn't. He felt no presences other than hiding Nightfallen.

  1. Ночные эльфы связаны с Источником Вечности, черпая силу из которого могли поддерживать свою жизнь. Кенарий связан с Калимдором. Эраникус связан с Идолом Ремула, через который с ним возможно можно ментально связаться, и Луканом, которого исцелил в детстве частичкой себя и который видел его истинный облик через иллюзию
  2. Братья связаны между собой и о гибели одного узнает другой, также им легче установить между собой ментальную связь - даже в бою, где было применено много магии и другие маги не могут связаться между собой
    1. Люди имеют большую близость к Свету, возможно, из-за их происхождения от врайкулов, которых выковали Хранители титанов, некоторые из которых владели светлой магией. Велен чувствует у Андуина огромную близость к Свету
    2. Сете имел близость к Бездне. Клан Сумеречного Молота также близок к Бездне и не испытывал на Азероте проблем со связью с Древними Богами
    3. демоны близки к магии скверны
    4. Титаны, огры, синие драконы, люди(среди которых Эгвинн вундеркинд) близки к тайной магии
    5. Синие драконы близки к магии холода. Шаман из клана Зловещего Тотема близок к Воде и Воздуху. титаны из-за упорядочивания планет близки к Земле и Воде. Огры близки к Земле, что позволяет им используя тайную магию управлять ей как душе угодно
  3. Кенарий почувствовал в Малфурионе зачатки дара предвидения, которые оказались сильнее, чем он думал. Дворф из клана Дикого Молота имеет дар общения с камнем, что он, будучи шахтером, использует в работе, находя слабые места в камне для своего молота

The Well of Eternity

  • The Well and the night elves are one, the wizard realized. Even those who could not cast spells were still tied to it to some extent. Its loss had stripped them in ways that they could never realize. Now, though, Rhonin saw in every figure, from Lord Ravencrest down to the lowliest soldier, a renewed confidence and determination.

Chronicle 1

  • 139: Although they had saved their city, the Shen’dralar soon discovered that the Well of Eternity had been consumed in the Sundering. Without the fount of power to draw on, Tortheldrin and his followers saw their immortality greatly diminished.

The Sundering

  • “He is badly struck,” the mage agreed after running his hands across Cenarius's chest. “The poison that is a part of all demons affects him much more than most, possibly because of his affinity to Kalimdor itself.”


  • Remulos said it was linked to a green dragon of great power. The Aspect Ysera would not tell him which when she added her influence in its crafting. He suspects the identity, as do I, having faced it briefly when seeking to cleanse the idol of its corruption. Though I didn’t know the name, I felt its great power. It should be one of her consorts. The idol was still bound to the dragon, wherever he was. The druid hoped to tie into that link and touch the dragon’s mind.
  • “After using a spell to heal his weakness! At my queen’s request— though it was a strange one, I thought—I gave some minute part of myself so that he would live…”
    “Which would explain why he saw you as your true self, when we saw you as the black dragon you desired others to believe hunted here.”

The Demon Soul

  • I've tried contacting Krasus, but to no avail! So much magic might be making it difficult! Your link to your twin should be stronger, more inherent! I need you to find the two of them for us! We need their aid in this, too!
  • He would know if his twin was dead. As sure as he felt the beating of his heart, Malfurion felt certain that if Illidan had perished, the druid would have known.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Behind Rommath, Solanar felt a crippling grief suddenly overtake him. He looked to the battlefield for his brother, but the scene was utter chaos. He knew, however—at that moment he knew without seeing that Falon lived no more.

Chronicle 2

  • 126: Humans were not the first race on Azeroth to wield the Holy Light. Yet they had a great affinity to it, likely due to their heritage. Humanity traced its origins to the vrykul, half-giants forged by the mythical keepers. The extraordinary keepers had shaped Azeroth, and some of them had commanded the Holy Light.


  • He suddenly sensed the presence of someone else approaching him—someone who also had a tremendous affinity for the Light. It could be only one person. Without looking, Velen quietly said, “Welcome, Anduin Wrynn.

Chronicle 2

  • 21: Sethe’s wings were short and leathery, and he could not fly as high as Rukhmar. He had an affinity to the shadow energies—the Void—that existed in the universe.
  • 127: They were a clan attuned to dark energies, a people who worshipped the powers of the Void. The moment they’d arrived on Azeroth, they had heard the Void’s call louder and clearer than they ever had. There were creatures of shadow here, terrible beings of chaos and entropy, imprisoned in different locations but still alive and yearning to corrupt Azeroth.

Chronicle 2

  • 11: Demons had originated from the broken wastes of the Twisting Nether. Many of them reveled in the powers of fel magic, which was fueled by the destruction of life.

Chronicle 1

  • 19: They were benevolent by nature, creatures aligned with order and stability. The Pantheon possessed a natural affinity to the latent magic in the universe.
  • 130: Over the course of many months, the tutors observed something remarkable in their students. Although the humans lacked grace and subtlety in their castings, they possessed a startling natural affinity to magic.
  • 148: The magi knew that Aegwynn was a sorceress without equal, a prodigy capable of wielding massive amounts of arcane energy.

Chronicle 2

  • 37: They were distant descendants of Grond, a creature empowered by the titan Aggramar, and thus they were naturally attuned to the arcane. The Skalaxi were surprised and delighted by this discovery. They had never seen new spellcasting techniques be developed so effortlessly.
  • 78: Cho’gall had a natural affinity to the arcane arts.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • But just as he left Wyrmrest behind, something nagged at his senses. Although no longer an Aspect, Kalec was still a blue dragon and thus more attuned to arcane magic in all its varied forms. The tracewas so unique that despite his mood, Kalec sought out its source.


  • Despite the blue dragons’ affinity with cold magic, Kalecgos felt warm to Thrall.

The Shattering

  • “Wait,” said a Grimtotem shaman, holding up a hand. Although his given name was Jevan, others had taken to calling him Stormsong due to his affinity with the elements of air and water.


  • Titans forged planets, so are close to Earth and Water.

Chronicle 2

  • 37: The ogres held a special affinity for the earth, and they could use arcane power to shape and bend rock and stone to their will.

The Well of Eternity

  • I fear, then, that this is an omen. I sensed in you from our first encounter the makings of the gift of prescience — one of the reasons I chose to make myself known to you—but it is stronger than even I ever expected.

The Jade Hunters

  • 3: When he was young, his parents had recognized his gift—his ability to speak with the stones. A Wildhammer elder had requested that he undergo shamanic training, but it wasn't the life for Carrick. He was a miner at heart, and his innate connection with the elements made him one of the best in the clan. One of the best in the world. Something moved against his skin. The boulder was vibrating, that old, familiar sensation of the stones singing to him. The pure rush of excitement and relief almost caused Carrick to pull his hand away, but he kept it steady. He opened himself to the elements, let them guide him as they once had. Every rock, every mountain, had a weak point. That was what they showed him.

  1. Крас, попав в прошлое, где существовала его молодая версия, вместе с ней начал терять силы, которые возвращались, если они были близки к друг другу. Обменявшись чешуйками, они вовлек синергетическую магию в дело и надеялся таким образом сохранить часть сил
  2. Существа при контакте с объектами оставляют на них часть своих аур, вибрацию, которую можно использовать в магии, чтобы повлиять на существо. Чем дольше взаимодействие с предметом, тем сильнее резонанс между ним и существом, что использует Медив, чтобы узнать, что маги Даларана написали в письме, не открывая это самое письмо.
    1. Остатки аур, по всей видимости, остаются и на существах через применение магии
  3. Кровь Смертокрыла лишена его сущности, но с помощью тайной магии все равно можно будет изменить свойства Души Дракона, чтобы повлиять на него
  4. Присутствие Дикого Бога-акулы Грала тем сильнее, чем больше существ носит его символ

The Demon Soul

  • As I now carry a part of you with me, so you, in turn, carry a part of me with you. I pray the synergistic magics involved will give us some of the benefit we receive when actually with each other.

The Last Guardian

  • “How did I do that?” he asked.
    Khadgar blinked. “Do what, sir?”
    “Know what was in the letter?” said Medivh, the sides of his mouth tugging down.
  • Khadgar’s mouth formed into a tight line. His mind raised and his heart thundered in his chest. “Sympathy,” he said at last.
    Medivh’s eyes remained unreadable, and his voice level. “Explain.”
    “One of the magical laws. When someone handles an item, they leave a part of their own magical aura or vibration attached to the item. As auras vary with individuals, it is possible to connect to one by affecting the other. In this way a lock of hair may be used in a love charm, or a coin may be tracked back to its original owner.”
    Medivh’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he dragged a finger across his bearded chin. “Continue.” Khadgar stopped for a moment, feeling the weight of Medivh’s eyes pressing in on him. That was what he knew from lectures. He was halfway there. But how did Medivh use it to figure out….
    “The more someone uses an item, the stronger the resonance,” said Khadgar quickly. “So therefore an item that experiences a lot of handling or attention will have a stronger sympathy.” The words were coming together tighter and more rapidly now. “So a document which someone had written has more aura to it than a blank piece of parchment, and the person is concentrating on what they are writing, so…” Khadgar let his thoughts catch up for a moment. “You were mind reading, but not my mind—the mind of the scribe who wrote the letter at the time he was writing it—you picked up his thoughts reinforcing the words.”
    “Without having to physically open the document,” said Medivh, and the light danced within his eyes again. “So how would this trick be useful to a scholar?”
    Khadgar blinked for a moment, and looked away from the master mage, seeking to avoid his piercing glance. “You could read books without having to read books.”
    “Very valuable for a researcher,” said Medivh. “You belong to a community of scholars. Why don’t you do that?”
  • “Who would write if all the knowledge could be sucked out with a mental twist and a burst of magic?” suggested Medivh.

Tides of Darkness

  • "and Gul‘dan himself could easily kill three or four of us within minutes. But he needs those minutes. And he needs physical contact, or to be close by, or to have something that belongs to the intended victim." He grinned. "Did any of you loan the chief warlock a waterskin or a pair of gauntlets or a sharpening stone?"

Saga of the Valarjar

  • Thoradin and other early human warlords held their swords and axes sacred. Many believed that the spirits of their ancestors lived on in their weapons.

Day of the Dragon

  • The bearded one had a familiar feel to his aura, as if Deathwing and the wizard had recently come into contact. The false noble suspected that this mage had been responsible for at least one of the two major attempts to break through the protective spells around the chateau.

quest/Seed of Life

  • You have the scent of corruption on you, <name>… much like many adventurers these days. But something about you is different. Is there something you've come to speak to me about? You have an aura about you that seems familiar, but I cannot place it.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 3: "We would need his essence. Unfortunately, the blood samples we acquired, while valuable in their own right, are devoid of this. But with enough arcane energy, it might be possible to alter the Dragon Soul's properties so that it would affect him… in theory, at least."

item/Symbol of Gral

  • The more that carry Gral's symbol, the stronger the presence of the lost one grows.

  1. Пластины Смертокрыла созданы из тончайшего сплава металлов, крепче стали, наполнены энергиями, выдержат любые нагрузки и легкие как перышко. Истинное серебро невероятно легко и крепче стали. Металл с Нихилама после битвы титанов практически неразрушим, в правильном свете отражает краткие моменты битвы, поглощает сущность живых существ с ним контактирующих. Созданные из титановой стали и наполненные небольшой частью сущности Эонар [Когти Урсока] практически неразрушимы и могут расти в длину
  2. Альдрахийцы добывали из глубин земли редкие кристаллы, обладающие множеством уникальных свойств, среди которых было поглощение душ погибших и из-за которого из них делали оружие, собственно, поглощавшее души им убитых и за счет этого усиливающееся
  3. Драконы преобразуют свою чешую в драгоценные камни, обладающие большой магической силой
  4. Заклинание, преобразующие живых существ в полные магической силы кристаллы
  5. Маги нередко используют кристаллы при создании света
  6. Кристаллы используются в гадании

The Sundering

  • His head bobbing up and down, the grizzled goblin declared, “The finest blending of metals! Stronger than steel! And imbued with the energies you presented, they'll last up to any strain even though they will feel as light as a feather!” As if to emphasis this last, the goblins working on the first of the plates easily carried it about even though Malfurion would have expected that they would need ten times their number.

Cut Short

  • 3: Too late, he noticed a thin wire wrapped around the nosepiece. It trailed down the side of the chair and into a tiny hole in the tile below, an almost invisible thread of metal. Truesilver, incredibly light but stronger than steel.

Libram of the Dead

  • When Netrezaar mined these metals, he found them nearly indestructible. In just the right light, the materials reflected brief images of the battle fought between Sargeras and the titans. Most important of all, these metals also leeched away the essence of any living thing that touched them.

Tome of the Ancients

  • Freya gave Ursoc new claws, fashioned out of a rare material called titansteel and imbued with a small portion of the essence of Eonar, one of the titans. These claws could grow in length and were nearly indestructible.

Tome of Fel Secrets

  • These mighty weapons were fashioned from rare crystals found deep below the earth. The strange minerals had many unique properties, the greatest of which was their ability to absorb the spirits of the dead. Blacksmiths employed closely guarded techniques to enchant these crystals and forge them into instruments of death. The resultant warblades could consume the souls of their victims. Each devoured spirit imbued the weapon with greater power. The most ancient warblades contained thousands of souls, and they were revered just as much as —if not more than— the fearsome aldrachi warriors who bore them in battle.

Day of the Dragon

  • “It is apartof the dark lord, human! A scale turned to stone by his own magic! It must be so for the medallion to work! You know what it means to hold a part of a dragon?”
  • Although she likely thought the stone in the center only a gem, it was, in fact, a very part of the dragon. Fashioned through magic into its present form, it had begun its existence as one of his scales. The ensorcelled scale bore properties that would have astounded any mage—if they had known how to cast dragon magic. Fortunately for Korialstrasz, few did, else he would not have risked creating the medallion in the first place. Both Rom and the elf clearly believed the gem only useful for communication purposes, and the dragon had no intention of correcting their misconceptions.
  • The elf removed the medallion, showing it to him. It looked remarkably like the one that Deathwing had given to Rhonin earlier, even down to the patterns.

Chronicle 1

  • 122: During this time, the Highborne witnessed members of the blue dragonflight using spells to crystallize living things and draw power from them.
  • 122: As one, the Highborne sorcerers focused their power, hoping to crystallize a small portion of the forest and use its energies as a weapon to annihilate the dragons. The spell proved disastrous. The Highborne’s reckless casting set off a blinding explosion visible from as far away as Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. The roaring torrent of energy instantly crystallized the entire forest of Moonsong. The blue dragons, sensing the impending spellwork, escaped before disaster struck. The physical forms of every other living creature in the region were shattered by the release of energy.

Day of the Dragon

  • Falstad reached into a pouch. “I've something here that'll help us bring a little light onto matters, my elven lady, although I'm thinking I already know what sort of scavenger we've caught!” He pulled out a small object, which, after setting his hammer aside, he rubbed between his thick palms. As he did this, the object began to glow rather faintly. A few more seconds' action, and the glow increased, finally revealing the object to be some sort of crystal.

The Last Guardian

  • In Dalaran they used phosphorescent crystals, which beamed with a steady, constant glow, though his research spoke of reflective mirrors, elemental spirits bound within lanterns, and in one case, huge captive fireflies.

The Well of Eternity

  • A small flash of blue light briefly illuminated the area around him. In his gauntleted hand the rider held a small crystal, which he focused on the dark landscape. After a moment, he cupped the artifact with his other hand, dousing the light. The use of the magical crystal only partly bothered Krasus.

The Jade Hunters

  • 2: The golem cleared the rest of the vines and rocks with a swipe of his iron hand and then disappeared into the yawning darkness. Once inside, Fenella pulled a small violet crystal from a pouch on her belt and knocked it against the wall a few times. The gem, fashioned by a Dark Iron sorceress back in Ironforge, rattled and flared to life, illuminating the passageway.
Ashbringer3 page11
Khadgar light

The Well of Eternity

  • In the hidden, rock-hewn abode he had chosen for his new sanctum, Krasus looked over the world of Azeroth. The gleaming emerald crystal enabled him to see whatever land, whatever individual, he desired.
  • Krasus waved long, tapering fingers over the orb, summoning a vision of the orcs. The view blurred momentarily, then revealed a mountainous, rocky area further inland. A harsh land, but one still full of life and capable of supporting the new colonists.
  • With another wave of his hand, the dragon mage dismissed Kalimdor, summoning now a much closer location - the once proud capital of his favored Dalaran.

  1. Среди компонентов некоторых заклинаний имеются ароматические и тауматургические травы, измельченные полу-драгоценные камни. В ходе одного из квестов, персонаж игрока использует шаманские благовония, чтобы пообщаться с духами и увидеть прошлое. Орк-шаман сжигал всякие листья, костную пыль и ягоды, вдыхал дым для связи с духами, пока не дошел до листьев растения с Дренора, которое окрасил дым в синий, вдыхание которого перенесло дух орка в тело птицы
  2. Рассвестница является мощным растением, которое возможно используют в неких примитивных проклятиях. Фэндрал(?) магически усилил ее и сделал из нее порошок, медленно, но верно убивавший тело Малфуриона, пока тот в духовной форме был во Сне
  3. В арсенале Красса имеется некий черный флакон, содержимое которого является крайне опасным: трех капель было достаточно, чтобы убить существо, что в 10 раз больше дракона. Одной маленькой, размешанной с водой капли было достаточно, чтобы усыпить Красса, приблизить его к смерти
  4. Могу имеют отравленное оружие, раны от которого не лечились светлой магией таурена Дезко. Орки-ассасины, пытавшиеся убить Вол'джина, также имели отравленное оружие, блокировавшее регенерацию троллей
  5. Иллидан создал из крови Магтеридона эликсир, который сделал орков больше и тяжелее, сильнее и быстрее, усилил их регенерацию и свирепость

The Last Guardian

  • Medivh, of course, kept a fully equipped pantry of spell components, including a larder of aromatic and thaumaturgic herbs, and a lapidarium of crushed semi-precious stones.

quest/A Vision of the Past

  • This incense will put your body and mind in a deep meditative state. Once the trance begins you will be pulled into the spirit world. Do not fight the trance once it has begun, <name>. Allow the spirits to show you what they know. You must leave now. Go to the Deadmines, a place which I am told holds great significance in the history of Westfall. Once inside, use the incense.

The Well of Eternity

  • Mumbling words whose origins lay on another, long-lost world, the moss-green figure tossed some leaves upon the fire, increasing the already thick smoke. Fumes filled his humble wood and earth hut. The bald, elderly orc leaned over and inhaled.
  • A bit of bone dust, a touch of tannar berries…all part of a tried and true tradition resurrected among the orcs.
  • Kalthar reached into a pouch at his waist, removing three dried, black leaves. They were almost all of what remained from a single plant brought with him from the orc's ancient world. Kalthar had been warned not to use them unless he deemed it truly necessary. His father had never used them, nor his grandfather. The shaman tossed them into the flames. Instantly the smoke turned a thick, swirling blue. Not black, but blue. The orc’s brow furrowed at this change of color, then he leaned forward again and inhaled as much as possible. The world transformed, and with it the orc. He had become a bird, a huge avian soaring over the landscape. He flew over mountains without a care. With his eyes he saw the tiniest animals, the most distant rivers. A sense of exhilaration not felt since his youth almost overwhelmed Kalthar, but he fought it. To give in would risk him losing his sense of self. He might fly forever as a bird, never knowing what he had once been.
  • Immediately, Kalthar strained to free himself. He flapped his wings, pushed with his muscles. His mind reached out to his physical form, tugging hard at the gossamer link tying body to soul and trying to break the trance.


  • As that happened, Malfurion suddenly sensed something only his experienced, highly attuned druidic skills could have uncovered. The source of his suffering—and what still sought to slay him —was a small, very small touch of powder. He readily identified the magically-enhanced herb used in its making. Morrowgrain. Morrowgrain was rumored to be used in certain primitive curses. But while the herb itself was potent, someone had not been satisfied with its innate power. The subtle spell around it should have been enough addition to guarantee Malfurion’s slow but certain death.

Day of the Dragon

  • Turning back to his array of potions, artifacts, and powders, Krasus searched for a black vial. He found it quickly, despite not having touched it in more than a century. The last time he had made use of it—it had been to slay what had seemed unslayable. Now, however, he sought to only borrow one of its most vicious traits, and hope that he did not measure wrong. Three drops on the tip of a single bolt had killed the Manta, the Behemoth of the Deep. Three drops had slain a creature ten times the size and strength of a dragon. Like Deathwing, nearly all had believed the Manta unstoppable.
  • Three drops to slay, in seconds, the Manta. How many drops to assist Krasus on the most treacherous of journeys? Sleep and death… they were so very close in nature, more so than most realized. Surely he would find Ysera there. The tiniest drop he could measure fell silently into the water. Krasus replaced the top on the vial, then took up the cup.

Bleeding Sun

  • 8: The brute drew a short blade from his kilt. Long tendrils of crimson and black energy wormed out of the weapon, squirming around the steel.
  • 8: Before reaching out for his little boy, Dezco beseeched An'she to mend the child's wounds. Bright yellow light enveloped the youngling, but when it faded, he didn't open his eyes. "The mogu's blade found him," Mokimo said hoarsely. "The weapon was poisoned. It is too strong for you to heal his wounds… or mine. But hope remains."


  • Rak'gor's blade had been steeped in some noxious poison. Vol'jin wasn't healing as he should be, and he could feel his strength ebbing. He fought against it, against the fog that drifted through his mind. And he might have made it had more saurok not found him. He dimly recalled fighting them, blades flashing in the darkness. Pain from cuts that refused to close.
  • You were not dying, but you were not healing either. Seems there was poison on the knife that did your throat.


  • Among other uses, his blood contains the secret to creating fel orcs. It can be distilled into an elixir that gives the orcs might and ferocity.
  • Illidan strode through the long gallery, gazing down at the orcs lying on gurneys there. Pipe connected each to a tank of bubbling greenish fluid, pumping it into their veins. Runes cut into their flesh guided the magic.
  • An orc stirred in his sleep, grinding his teeth and flexing his fingers as he writhed in the grip of some dark nightmare. Doubtless he, too, was feeling the effects of the pit lord’s blood, and he was receiving it in a distilled and magically enhanced form. His skin was blotched an angry red. The epidermis seemed thicker and had a raw look to it. Muscles bulged and nails had become claws. A faint glow was visible even through his closed eyelids.
  • “They grow larger and heavier as we go down the line,” Akama said.
    “It is the effects of the serum. It will make them stronger and faster. It will ensure they heal quicker.”
    “But at what price, master?”
    “They will be foul and fierce, quick to anger and quick to kill. They will be filled with rage and hatred and a hunger for battle.”

  1. Големы дворфов Черного Железа способны самостоятельно анализировать угрозу
    1. Натрезимы на своей планете имели бесчисленное количество обсидиановых дисков, которые хранили различную информацию Пылающего Легиона и которые Иллидан просматривал магическими щупальцами
    2. Локен и Мимирон создали Диски Норганнона, записывающие историю Азерота

The Jade Hunters

  • 1: "Stay here, Koveth." Fenella turned her head slightly, enough to see the enormous golem looming behind her. A mountain of metal, sorcery, and Dark Iron ingenuity.
    "Affirmative," the construct rumbled.
  • 2: "Koveth," Fenella called out. "Ye ready tae do some diggin', lad?"
    The golem's eyes flared violet. "Affirmative."
  • 2: Shale spider. Fenella grimaced. The pandaren had an apt nickname for these nasty little critters: "nibblers." They could chew through and gulp down solid stone. The creature stopped and reared at Koveth. Its mandibles furiously clicked together.
    "Analysis: It wants to devour Koveth." The golem was to the point as always.
    "Aye. But we aren't gonna let that happen now, are we?"
    Koveth answered by lunging forward, crushing the spider to pulp with a precise punch.
    "Lead the way." Fenella was happy to have Koveth by her side. The golem was the only "team" she needed. He was dependable, unquestioning, and could mine more stone than ten masons.
  • 2: "Hostile intent detected," Koveth growled. "Shall I obliterate him?"


  • Illidan decapitated the squat, armored creature with a casual backhand stroke of his warglaive as he entered the central archive of the dreadlords. Over everything loomed glittering towers built of countless obsidian disks layered together like stacks of coins. Each one of those disks was a record. One of them was what he sought.
  • He crossed his arms on his chest and wove a spell. Tendrils of magic flashed from his hands to the towers of stacked disks. As they connected, he caught flashes of imagery, splinters of knowledge. This was the monument of the dreadlords, the heart of their world. It recorded every triumph, every conquest, and every plot. Nathrezim schemed to have their names imprinted here. It was the living memory of their race. Here were records of innumerable campaigns fought on countless worlds. Here were the names of long-forgotten traitors who had betrayed their homes to the Legion and were in turn betrayed by the demons. Here was knowledge of every portal the Legion had ever passed through, the names and locations of every world it had ever burned.

Chronicle 1

  • 42: To commemorate the Pantheon’s departure, Loken and Mimiron crafted a set of enchanted artifacts called the Discs of Norgannon, which would transcribe history as it unfolded on Azeroth. If ever the Pantheon returned, they would possess a record of what had come to pass in their absence.
  • 62: To this end, they formulated a plan to steal the Discs of Norgannon from the heart of Ulduar. The relics had been recording everything that transpired on Azeroth, including Loken’s betrayal.

  1. Поглощение крови является магией крови и дает силу, это темнейшее вуду. Малыша-Тралла мамаша кормила своей и чужой кровью
  2. Пожрав Сете, Анзу получил власть над темной магией
  3. Эльфы в ходе ритуала становления охотником на демонов пожирают демоническую плоть. Орки, испив крови Маннорота, стали сильнее
  4. Нежить пожирает павших

quest/Blood to Thrive

  • To survive in de harsh desert, de Sandfury had to learn all de secrets of blood magic. You drink de blood, you get de power… darkest voodoo, yah? But dere be no room for holdin' back out here.
  • <Mazoga gathers the pile of blood in his hands and raises it to his mouth. It liquifies and pours gorily down his throat.> Dey drink de blood, dey get de power. I drink dere blood…<Mazoga gives you a wide, blood-smeared grin.>

Lord of the Clans

  • Now, as the child fed, he would drink not only nourishing mother’s milk, but his mother’s blood as well. Such was appropriate food for a budding young warrior, the son of Durotan, the future chieftain of the Frostwolves.
  • Durotan nodded his acceptance, bit into the juicy flesh, and tore off a huge chunk. Draka did likewise, and then extended her bloody fingers to her baby. The child eagerly sucked the sweet liquid.

Chronicle 2

  • 24: Though Sethe’s curse weakened Anzu, it also gave him new power. Consuming the wind serpent had granted him command over dark magic. As Anzu grew more familiar with his abilities, he shrouded himself in a realm of shadow to hide from Rukhmar forever.


  • Vandel raised the meat to his lips. He reached out with his tongue. It tingled and burned just as his hands were doing. He suspected that the flesh was saturated with fel magic.
  • A few droplets sprayed his face. The smell of it made Illidan lick his lips. The tang set his tongue to tingling. Strength flowed into him. The demon’s blood was like a drug. He fought down the urge to plunge his hands into the pool and lap it up. The strength it granted was not worth the price he would have to pay. What does it matter? part of him asked. There was no greater pleasure than drinking the blood of his demonic enemies and imbibing their power. He needed it. It would enable him to kill ever more demons and absorb their energy until the moment he was strong enough to take on Kil’jaeden himself.

Chronicle 2

  • 88: Gul’dan and his warlocks had previously empowered their kin with fel energies, but this process only granted them limited strength. Drinking the blood of a demon was a far superior method that would give the orcs otherworldly power. This act would also complete their corruption and shackle them to the Burning Legion’s will forever.
  • 89: Always one to show his fearlessness, the Warsong chieftain drank deep of Mannoroth’s blood. A hush fell over the orcs at what happened next. Grommash grew taller, and his muscles bulged as power flooded his veins. A hellish red glow blazed bright in his eyes. With a mighty war cry, the Warsong chieftain howled for the blood of the draenei.
  • 91: The orcs who drank Mannoroth’s blood reveled in power as their bodies twisted and swelled with might. All hesitation, fear, and uncertainty faded from their minds. These same effects would gradually spread throughout the rest of the Horde.

Dark Mirror

  • 2: He turned back to the ground where the half-consumed corpse of his latest victim lay. A warm rush of strength flowed into his body as he ripped a mouthful of flesh from her throat. He remembered the ecstasy that had gripped him as her screams grew quiet, the terror that froze in her dead eyes as he devoured her. Craving that sensation again, he tore off another bite.

  1. В контрактах с демонами используется подпись кровью
  2. Мал'ганис в теле Датрохана использует кровь для установления ментальной связи с Вариматрасом
  3. Вожди орочьего клана Кровавой Глазницы проходили ритуал, в ходе которого жертвовали глазом, чтобы увидеть момент своей гибели и, в редких случаях, некоторые иные элементы будущего
  4. Тролль с [Ксал'атат] принес в жертву своих сородичей, чтобы разбудить Кит'икса, который ими всеми перекусил
  5. Тролли приносят в жертву другого тролля, чтобы вызвать шторм
  6. начертание маски из крови должно дать запах смерти и опасности

quest/Let's Make A Deal

  • Hey there! You seem like a gullib- er… um… "intelligent" type. I propose a deal. I need a minion to be my muscle to help me acquire a few special… "ingredients" for a ritual. In exchange, I'll give you my former master to do with whatever you demon-slaying types do with demons. If you are interested, just sign here. In blood, please.

Ashbringer1 page28


  • 4: Grommash scratched his chin. The Stones of Prophecy. Many shaman from different clans had made pilgrimages to those standing stones, yet few received answers from the spirits who dwelled there. Only those with thunder in their hearts receive guidance through the storms of fate, went the old saying. Grommash had met the wise elder shaman who watched over the site, but he had never bothered to visit the place himself. He was no Bleeding Hollow chieftain who needed to mutilate himself to catch a glimpse of his destiny.

Chronicle 2

  • 64: Before becoming chieftain, Kilrogg had undergone a rite of passage to see the future. He gouged out his eye and was granted a vision of his own death. The gruesome ritual did not trouble Kilrogg. He lived his life without fear, for he knew the exact day of his demise.

Word of the Conclave

  • Xal'atath urged Zan'do to make blood offerings to the creature. With his mind corrupted by the blade, the witch doctor did not hesitate. He dismembered some of his companions with the dagger, and then he used their blood and organs as reagents to awaken the monstrosity. In a final act, Zan'do buried his gore-stained dagger into Kith'ix's hide… and the giant rumbled to life. Zan'do and his followers were never seen again. Trolls would later visit the site and find only scattered bones picked clean of flesh.

Shadows Rising

  • Apari raised the ritual knife and then brought it down with a true strike, piercing the heart, bringing forth the blood. The fuel. Magic had its cost.
    “Nav’rae…forgive…me…” His thin voice ebbed as his eyes rolled back and the fuel for the storm began to run into the rivulets carved in the stone.
    The pain in her leg no longer bothered Apari, a surge like lightning throwing her to her feet. Those arms made for dancing were raised to the moon, and the thrilled cries of her followers felt as intoxicating as the blood magic.
    “By flowing, foaming blood, we call the sea to rise!” Apari thundered. Tayo lifted her torch, the flame hitting its zenith each time the crowd chanted, “Blood, Blood, Blood…”
    The blood racing toward the painted symbol ignited, crackling, then the ground all around Apari’s feet began to hum and glow.
    “By wind from dead lungs, we call the clouds to seethe!”
    “Wind, Wind, Wind…”
    “Blood be fire, fire burn bright, light the skies and show us your might!” Apari closed her hands into fists, the white flames rising around her traveling from the runnels in the stone to the white painted symbol and back to the sacrifice at the center of it all. Her clothes caught fire first, curling. Tayo held her torch high, and the chanting became erratic, her followers leaping and dancing, laughing and twirling one another as the flames abruptly snuffed themselves out. The wind died down. All was quiet until the fire burned anew, now in Apari’s hands.
    A distant rumble to the east announced their success. Soon the skies above the Zandalari coast would thicken with black clouds, the waves below towering taller than ships.

The Judgment

  • 1: “Dark magics, mon,” Zalazane answered, putting the finishing touches on the blood mask and licking his fingers. He gestured for Vol’jin to do the same.
    “We gonna smell like de blood of a big bad thing. We gonna smell like death and danger,” Zalazane said, throwing another insect. He had recently begun working with Master Gadrin, the Darkspear's chief witch doctor, and sounded confident.

  1. Кадгар в ходе ученичества у Медива подумал, что тот мутировал животных
  2. Могу за минуты превращали ящериц в гуманоидов сауроков, изменяя сам дух существа. Это магия, используемая титанами в их актах творения, Вол'джин называет это темнейшей магией и думает, что с ее помощью можно было бы unmake мурлоков или эволюционно откатить людей до врайкулов
  3. Из-за использования тайной магией, у огров начали рождаться двухголовые дети, которые были одарены в магии и были умнее. Огры со временем создали заклинание, выращивающее у нормальных огров вторую голову для этих бонусов
  4. Рукхмар использовала свои жизненные энергии, чтобы превратить птиц в гуманоидов араккоа, и в итоге потеряла могущество, став смертной и при смерти вспыхнула как второе солнце. Впоследствии, араккоа, найдя кости Рукхмар, воскресили ее, но она обладала лишь частью силы и разума изначальной
  5. Сете перед своей смертью проклял свои плоть и кровь, чтобы они испортили территорию Аракка, но за исключением небольшой и испортившей лишь место гибели Сете порции крови, был сожран Анзу, по которому проклятие и нанесло удар

The Last Guardian

  • The stooped thing looked marginally human, and for a moment Khadgar wondered if Medivh was mutating forest animals to work as his servants.

scenario/Dagger in the Dark

  • Vol'jin says: 'Dese "Mogu," dey workin' wicked dark magic here.
    Vol'jin says: Da Saurok, 'dey not born - 'dey was created. Flesh shaped an' bent.
    Vol'jin says: Dis be the blackest of magics, mon!

quest/Between a Saurok and a Hard Place

  • Lorewalker Cho says: They used the powers of the Vale, and their own flesh-warping magics, to twist and shape a of ferocious lizards into a living weapon. They created a army. An army of Saurok. Bloodthirsty savages created to enforce the will of the emperor.


  • Spirits screamed in agonies ages old. The saurok essence blasted into him, slithering through his belly like the adder that had once writhed across the cold, stone floor aeons before. That snake was true to itself in nature and spirit. Then magic had hit it. Fearsome magic. Magic that was a volcano to the ember that most magi could command. It flooded through the snake, piercing its golden spirit with a thousand black thorns. Those thorns then pulled apart, this way and that, up from down, inside from outside, even past from future and truth from lie. In his mind's eye, Vol'jin watched as the thorns pulled and pulled, stretching the gold into taut bowstrings. All at once the thorns shot back toward the center. The thorns dragged the golden lines with them, weaving them through an arcane tangle. Threads twisted and knotted. Some snapped. Others were spliced back with new ends. All the while the adder shrieked. What it once was had been transformed into a new creature, a creature half-mad from the experience, yet malleable and pliant in the hands of its creators.
  • Magic that could remake a thing so completely came from the dawn of time, from the beginning of everything. The titans, the shapers of Azeroth, had used such magic in their acts of creation. The incredible power of such sorceries could not be understood by a sound mind, let alone mastered. Yet dreams of it fueled insane flights of fancy.
  • In experiencing the making of the saurok, Vol'jin grasped a core truth of the magic. He could see a way — just the glimmer of a path — he could pursue its study. The same magic that had made a saurok could unmake the murlocs that had killed his father, or cause men to regress back to the vrykul they clearly had been crafted from. Doing either of those would be a worthy use of such power and would justify the decades of study its mastery would require.
  • The process was terrible to watch, yet Vol'jin could not look away. Bones snapped and stretched. Joints reset themselves and muscles ripped. As they grew back together, angles reorganized to provide more power. The saurok stood tall. Fingers grew and thumbs shifted. From lizard to scaled warrior in a matter of minutes — a testament less to the skill of the mogu than to the sheer power of the magics with which they played.

Chronicle 2

  • 38: The ogres’ practice of sorcery and their exposure to raw arcane magic had some unexpected side effects. Though it was very rare, children would sometimes be born with two heads. It soon became clear that these ogres were astonishingly gifted spellcasters, and their appearance was seen as a good omen. In time, Goria’s arcanists even developed spells to replicate this phenomenon, causing normal ogres to grow a second head, increasing their intelligence and aptitude for magic.

Chronicle 2

  • 24: Rukhmar decided that if she could not find Anzu to thank him, she would reward his sacrifice by creating a new race in his honor. The fire bird drew on her own life energies to transform some of her kaliri followers into a winged people called the arakkoa, or the “heirs of Arak.” They embodied Rukhmar’s physical grace and majesty as well as Anzu’s intellect and cleverness.
    Her only fear was that she would not live long enough to do so. Rukhmar had expended much of her own life essence to create the arakkoa. She would never be as powerful as she’d once been. The fire bird knew she would eventually grow old and pass from the world.
  • 24: As the arakkoa flourished, Rukhmar felt her life force fading. She communed with her children one last time and urged them to claim Arak for themselves. Rukhmar took to the winds and soared south, and the arakkoa followed. Just as they reached Arak, the fire bird breathed her last breath. Flames consumed her form, and she burned like a second sun in the sky.
  • 33: They found her charred bones near the spire, and they used their magics to resurrect the great bird. The Anhari succeeded, but only partially. This new Rukhmar had hut a sliver of the original deity’s power and intelligence. Nonetheless, the Apexis worshiped her as the goddess reborn. The Anhari infused her with their Light powers, granting the fire bird a long life so she could soar the skies for millennia.

Chronicle 2

  • 22: Sethe used his dying breath to exact vengeance on Rukhmar and Anzu. He wove a terrible curse through his own flesh and blood, one that seeped from his body and spread into the land itself. Fearing that the curse would destroy Arak, Anzu devoured Sethe whole and locked the wind serpent’s dark energy within himself. Excruciating pain racked the raven as the curse twisted his body and soul. Anzu’s form shriveled and warped, and he lost the ability to fly. Though he had paid a terrible price, Anzu had contained the curse. Only a small portion of Sethe’s blood was left behind. It corrupted the area where the wind serpent had fallen, but it did not spread.

  1. Хранители титанов использовали жизненную энергию Азерот для придания формы и разума существам из живого камня или металла. Могу также научились этому, и внутриигровая книжка вещает, что они могут обращать плоть в камень и наоборот, и что для оживления камня в него нужно вселить жизненную эссенцию
  2. Древние Боги создали проклятие плоти, что обращает каменную и железную кожу созданий титанов в обычную плоть
  3. В ходе борьбы Гронда с растительностью Дренора, с гигантов падали переполненные их жизненной эссенцией части тел, которые оживали - в том числе и камень с Гронда. После гибели Ботаана, его тело выпустило споры с Духом, часть которых осела на потомках Гронда, обращая их каменную кожу в обычную плоть и уменьшая в размерах
  4. Алекстраза создала из камня своего клона

Chronicle 1

  • 37: With the wound healed, the keepers sought to strengthen Azeroth’s nascent world-soul and stabilize its life force. To do so, Archaedas and Mimiron combined their powers to craft the Forge of Wills and the Forge of Origination. These two extraordinary machines would work in tandem, infusing Azeroth’s slumbering spirit with cosmic energies. The Forge of Wills would be embedded in the northern reaches of the world, and it would shape the world-soul’s budding sentience. The Forge of Origination would be installed in the southern reaches of Azeroth, and it would regulate the rhythms of the deep earth and fortify the world-soul’s form.
  • 38: The Forge of Wills also served another purpose: it could draw on the life essence of Azeroth itself, giving shape and sentience to creatures of living stone and metal - not only giants, but other types of titan-forged as well.
  • 81: The Thunder King had mastered the enchanted tools of the keepers. One of these was the Engine of Nalak’sha, a powerful device that Lei Shen had discovered beneath the land north of the vale. Using this extraordinary machine, the mogu began shaping flesh and stone into new living creatures. They even found a way to reverse the curse of flesh among themselves.

item/The Dark Heart of the Mogu - Spirit Binders

  • For many ages, the mogu used flesh as a weapon: warped, bent, and twisted to their malevolent will. But after their failures in creating the saurok race, the mogu sought to create another weapon… this time forged with total obedience. Their ancient research delivered to them methods of turning flesh to stone, and back again. Lifeless rock could be animated, providing a willing (or unwilling) soul could be captured within. These dark rituals created the Stoneborn, soldiers of jade and dark magic forged from the living essence of conquered victims. These creations were powerful, terrible to behold, and above all else, one hundred percent loyal to their mogu masters.


  • Warlord Kao spread his arms wide, but not in a gesture of someone gathering power. Instead, he was a host, a master of a faire, presenting the delights his guests would enjoy inside. As his hands opened, taking in the quilen, the beasts moved. The stone didn't crack as it had during his resurrection. That magic had been inferior, trivial stuff compared to this. The Thunder King's power instantly transmuted gray stone into living flesh, and hollow-eyed creatures into hungry monsters. Kao laughed. The quilen, like hounds called to the huntsman, spun on their pedestals and came to sit flanking him.

Bleeding Sun

  • 7: "Quilen." Dezco sucked in his breath. The beasts raced toward the camp, granite skin rippling in strange, unnatural waves. They were the mogu's hounds, cruel beings of living stone like many of their masters.

Chronicle 1

  • 54: It would corrupt the Forge of Wills, tainting its creation matrix with a strange malady known as the curse of flesh. Any titan-forged created by the machine thereafter would fall victim to this affliction. Some would even spread it to previous generations of titan-forged. The curse of flesh would gradually transform many of these infected servants into mortal beings of flesh and blood—beings who the cunning Old God knew could be easily killed.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • At some point in Azeroth's distant past, humanity emerged in Tirisfal Glades. The iron-skinned vrykul who lived there slowly died off. Many of them suffered from the curse of flesh, a strange malady that transformed them into creatures of flesh and blood.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • Many ages after the titans left Azeroth, a strange affliction called the curse of flesh took hold among the mogu. It weakened their stone forms and transformed them into creatures of flesh and blood.

Chronicle 2

  • 16: During the battles between Grond and the Sporemounds, pieces of the leviathans had fallen to the earth and given rise to new types of creatures. The seeds and roots that had tumbled from Zang, Naanu, and Botaan contained a small portion of their life essence. Many unique beings sprouted from this plant matter. The strongest were lumbering giants called the genesaur. A mane of thick fronds covered the skin of these four-legged beings. Despite their enormous size, they were incredibly swift and agile. Much like the plant matter that fell from the Sporemounds, the rocks that toppled from Grond stirred with life essence. The largest boulders arose as sentient beings called the colossals. Though they were not as mighty as Grond, their shadows still loomed large over the land.
  • 18: Over time, these battles took their toll on the colossals. Many succumbed to Botaan and the genesaur, and their broken bodies littered the ground. Just as the stone giants had risen from pieces of Grond, new creatures called the magnaron emerged from the colossals’ remains. The magnaron were not as large or as intelligent as the colossals, but they commanded great power. Veins of fire and raw elemental energies coursed over their jagged skin.
  • 19-20: When Botaan had exploded, its body had released countless spores teeming with the Spirit of Life. These spores drifted back to the world’s surface and warped whatever they touched. They clung to the hides of magnaron and weakened their bodies. Some of the magnaron devolved into half-flesh, half-stone giants called gronn. These massive predators stalked the edges of the wilds, terrorizing lesser life-forms and devouring anything they could find. The gronn were only moderately intelligent, but they proved to be exceptional hunters. The jagged spikes that protruded from their skin served as weapons to kill their prey, and rocky plates functioned as armor to protect them from other dangerous creatures. Due to the lingering effects of the spores, a small number of gronn continued degenerating into the one-eyed ogron. They were more intelligent than gronn, but they were not as strong. The ogron feared the gronn, and they viewed the hulking beasts as gods. Just as some gronn had evolved, so, too, would a number of ogron. Over thousands of years, the residual spores would transform them into fleshy creatures called ogres. These brutes were smaller than their progenitors, and many of them would become slaves to the ogron. From the ogres would arise yet another race—a people called the ores. They were the smallest of Grond’s line. Yet what they lacked in size and strength, they made up for with a fierce intellect and a sense of community. By banding together, they survived the harsh wilds.

    1. Энергии Бездны сделали кожу орков-изгнанников белой. В Сумеречном Нагорье энергии Бездны мутировали жизнь
    2. Энергии Источника Вечности обратили троллей в ночных эльфов
  1. Используемая заклинателем магия становится его частью
    1. Темная магия вызывает неутолимую жажду силы у заклинателя
    2. Тайная магия иногда вызывает свечение глаз у заклинателя и может его состарить
    3. Магия природы может придать глазам золотое свечение и вызвать появление различных звериных черт - у Малфуриона оленьи рога на голове, перья на руках, кошачьи лапы вместо ног
    1. Эфириалы под воздействием потока тайной магии потеряли свои тела и почти получили возможность существовать бестелесно, также получив усиленные разум и магические способности
    2. Чернорук пожертвовал свою руку стихиям, от чего она обратилась в камень, подвластный заклинаниям шаманов?

Chronicle 2

  • 55: The influx of Void energies would gradually turn the exiles’ skin a sickly white, and they would call themselves the Pale.

Chronicle 3

  • 199: Void energies gradually bled from the spire, creeping across the terrain and mutating all life that passed beneath its shadow. The land itself warped and darkened, and the region soon became known as the Twilight Highlands.

Chronicle 1

  • 37: The keepers labored day and night, crafting magic wards around the gaping wound to stanch the escaping lifeblood. Eventually, the tumultuous energies calmed and settled into balance. All that remained of the scar was an immense lake of scintillating energy that the keepers would call the “Well of Eternity.” Thereafter, the power of this wondrous fount would be infused in the ailing world, helping life to take root and bloom across the globe.
  • 93: Mesmerized by their discovery, the dark trolls settled along the Well of Eternity’s shores. Over generations, the energies radiating from the lake suffused the troll's flesh and bones, elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits. They transformed into highly intelligent and virtually immortal beings.

The Sundering

  • It mattered not whether a spellcaster was a sorcerer, wizard, or druid, the magic that they used quickly became a part of them.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • Wielding the Void creates a hunger for more power. There's the trap. That drive for more… more… more… It brings you across the threshold. Once you start using the Shadow, you will belong to the Shadow. It was almost always a certainty.

Day of the Dragon

  • His eyes literally glowed, something Vereesa had heard could happen with powerful mages but had never in her life seen.

The Last Guardian

  • In his youth his hair had likely been ebon black, but now it was already turning gray at the temples and along the beard. Khadgar knew that this happened to many mages, from the stress of the magical energies they wielded.
  • Seeing his face for the first time, Khadgar thought that Medivh was much older than his supposed forty-plus years. The face was deeply lined and worn. Khadgar wondered what magics Medivh wielded that wrote such a deep history on his face.

The Sundering

  • Worse, and certainly more disconcerting, Malfurion had discovered that his delving into the natural powers of the living world had begun a physical change. He rubbed his upper head, where one of the two tiny nubs lay hidden under his hair. They had sprouted but a few days ago, yet had already doubled in size.
  • Sprouting from his forehead and thrusting forward were two proud antlers. More than two feet in length, they were no defect of birth, but rather the gift and the mark of Cenarius. Few there were of the druids who bore the four-legged, hooved demigod’s blessing and of that few, the first and greatest was he who lay here.


  • The further a druid became attuned to nature and his calling, the more chance that his eyes took on the golden glow of Azeroth’s life.
  • That to which the archdruid referred was Broll’s own eyes, which, while not as resplendent as those of his shan’do, now also gleamed gold. In reaching into himself and into Azeroth, Broll had finally broken the final barrier—a self-imposed barrier—and truly become the great druid so many had believed he was.


  • 2: Malfurion Stormrage was unique — the greatest druid the night elves had ever produced. So deep was his affinity with nature that his very body proclaimed the connection. A stag’s antlers adorned his head, feathers lined his powerfully muscled arms like wings, and his feet were like those of a great cat.

Ask CDev

  • Using every scrap of its advanced technology, one of the mortal races hastily attempted to construct magical barriers around its cities, but it was only partially successful; although the dark energies were blocked, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the mortals' corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without a body… barely. Members of this race, now called ethereals, took to binding themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive. This altered state proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill.


quest/Blackhand's Secret

  • There's a section of the [Flamebender's Tome] that speaks about a "sacrifice," and a more recent notification referring to "the chieftain." I think it's talking about Warlord Blackhand. Did Blackhand sacrifice someone? Himself? A piece of himself? Is that why his hand is deformed?
  • Blackhand sacrificed his own arm to the elements. Now that he's dead, it's indistinguishable from stone. Or is it? <Khadgar utters a few incantations from the Flamebinder's Tome. The severed hand slowly clenches into a fist.>

  1. Участвующие в чтении заклинаний маги формируют магические матрицы и паттерны
  2. Для некоторых заклинаний требуются магические круги, которые состоят из различных предметов
  3. Иллидан произвел из якорей для будущего портала в точке выхода на Аргусе паттерн, который создал в точке входа в Запределье, чтобы через принцип гармонического резонанса создать между ними связь

The Demon Soul

  • One of the Moon Guard collapsed. Illidan snarled at the rest and the much more experienced spellcasters sheepishly realigned themselves so as to remove the fallen one from their magical matrix.

The Sundering

  • The sorcerers and satyrs formed the pattern dictated by Sargeras. Mannoroth studied their positions carefully, threatening into their proper places those who had erred.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar laid out a magic circle of amethyst and rose quartz, still grinning as he laid out the lines. He was confident in his castings now, and did not need his ceremonial conjuration robes for luck. As he laid out the pattern of protection and abjuration, he smiled again. He was already shaping the energy within his mind, calling the required shades and types of magic, conforming them to their requisite shape, holding that fertile energy in abeyance until it was needed.


  • Illidan walked deeper into the great circular chamber. On the floor, inscribed in the blood of demons and elves and draenei, pulsed a duplicate of the patterns on his charts, written a hundred times larger. Glowing runes clustered around the edges, shaping the cataracts of fel energy flowing into the chamber. He walked around the edge, muttering spells of warding and shielding. He wanted no prying eyes witnessing what he did here, no possible intrusions to disturb his concentration. He spoke a word of power and all the doors closed. The seals were so tight that eventually the air would turn poisonous with the effusions of his own breath. If he remained lost in the ritual too long, this place would become his tomb. He walked through a gap in the huge pattern and followed it to the middle of the chamber, careful not to step on any of the lines. The slightest break would be fatal. At the exact center of the chamber, he spread his wings, let them beat once, and hovered in the air. He pulled his legs up underneath him into the lotus position and invoked magic that let him remain hovering above the ground. He spoke another word of power, and the braziers set at each point of the compass burst into flames, igniting the aromatic essences they contained. Clouds of hallucinogenic smoke flowed through the air. Tendrils of burning incense slithered through the pattern until they reached his nostrils.
  • Illidan looked around the great chamber of transference. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, he had created the last and greatest portal spell he would ever weave. Every line had been etched in the floor by his own hand. He had boiled the alembics of truesilver himself and filled out line after line. He had inscribed the runes around the edges in demon ichor mixed with his own blood. Each wall was covered in intricate warding symbols based on his tattoos. At junctions in the pattern, he had placed the skulls of demons and sorcerers, each etched with miniature versions of their section of the pattern to help channel the flow of energy. These additions reflected the star beacons in the sky over Argus. At the center of the weave lay the Seal of Argus. It pulsed with power now, a direct link to the world of Kil’jaeden that would guide the unleashed energies of the portal. Everything still had an unfinished, incomplete look to it. The spell engines that would feed power from the soul siphon into the pattern were untested. The generators, great machines of copper and brass and fel iron, intricate as gnomish engines, stood almost ready. The whole vast pattern was falling into place but too slowly. He had strengthened his weakened body with magic to give him the energy and concentration of a dozen lesser sorcerers, but it was still not enough. It would take many more moons to complete sorcery so vast and intricate, and he could feel the sands running through his life’s hourglass far too quickly.


  • He steeled himself and invoked the last anchor for the spell. This was the most dangerous moment. Instead of simply taking form and fading, this vortex sent out a pulse of force, leaping to the farthest anchor and then the next, forming a great pentacle and then filling in the complex web of runes until it had replicated the magical energy of the pattern in his sanctum in Outland. The principle of harmonic resonance established a connection between the two great symbols.

  1. Руны имеют значение. Вырезанные усиленными магией инструментами руны являются не просто словами, но обладают силой связывать, принуждать и искажать. Вандель видит произносимые Иллиданом слова заклинания как руны. Друсты использует руны чтобы формировать свою магию
  2. У паладинов на молотах святые руны неизвестного предназначения
  3. Дрегла - руна, используемая в ритуалах задействующих большие количества энергии скверны и в создании некоторых демонических порталов, нестабильна для не-демонов и должна быть сбалансирована рунами тайной магии и некромантической магии. Сайик - руна с огромным потенциалом порчи, о полезных способах применения которой ничего неизвестно
  4. Кадгар рисовал в воздухе руны, чтобы закрыть двери. Руны тайной магии, оставленные Эгвинн(?) в Гробнице Саргераса незнакомы для Кадгара и на более высоком уровне, чем то, что он встречал. Еще больше его беспокоило их свечение. Талар - распространенная руна для усиления ритуалов тайной магии и incantantions, которая конфликтует с темной магией и магией скверны
  5. Примус разработал язык сложных символов, некоторые из которых применяются рыцарями смерти в [Ковке рун] - [Руна режущего льда] и [Руна павшего рыцаряCRUSADER]. Плеть использует контролирующие руны для управления летающими распространителями чумы. Таам - метка Лича, одна из наиболее могущественных рун, используемых для усиления ритуалов магии Смерти и при создании аббераций и костянных големов
  6. Клинок скорби в руках находящегося в гневе владельца разбивает души поверженных им существ на фрагменты
  7. Деревья в Дарнассе покрыты мистическими рунами
  8. Клинок Круула покрыт рунами, поглощающими кровь поверженных и увеличивающих его в размере, похоже, за счет содержащейся в крови силе
  9. Высокопоставленные члены Железной Орды носят с собой руны стихий. Игнан, язык элементалей огня, схож на Дреноре и Азероте
  10. Иллидан использовал terminal runes для создания связи между Запредельем и Аргусом для своего готовящегося портала. Руны друстов служат ключом и стражем для их портала
  11. [Камень возвращения] - кристалл овальной формы, что связан тайной магией с владельцем и определенным местом, от которых также зависят руны на нем, похоже, за исключением руны Дом. Создание нового камня еще сложнее, чем изменение шаблона заклинания уже существующего. Тиранда способна с помощью силы Элуны изменить камень, а тот сопротивляется, если его владелец еще жив.
  12. Покрытый рунами кинжал Ванделя магически остр
  13. Руны защиты, неуязвимости
  14. Руны мощи
  15. Семь магов Даларана запечатали [Ярость Света] ослабляющими рунами
  16. Рунные камни эльфов Кель'Таласа служили как стражи против вторженцев и скрывали применение ими магии
  17. Руны связывающие и заключения

Day of the Dragon

  • Some of the runes he knew the meaning of, others he had never seen in his life, though the mage could sense their power.

quest/Mastering the Runes

  • I've got a set of picks, hammers, and chisels with me, but they won't work for carving these runes. The tools used by the Iron Dwarves are imbued with magic during their forging. When they're used to carve runes, the symbols form much more than mere words. These runes have the power to bind, compel, and twist.


  • He heard the sizzle of the green light, saw the words that Illidan chanted as perfectly formed runes.

quest/Buried Power

  • Since time immemorial, the Drust have used runes to shape their magics.

Of Blood and Honor

  • The expertly weighted hammer felt good in his hands. The holy runes etched in its head shone as brightly as they ever had.


  • Gavinrad stepped forth, holding an enormous, heavy-looking hammer, its silver head etched with runes and its sturdy haft wrapped in blue leather.

item/Legion Runes and How to Handle Them

  • The Dregla rune is often used in rituals that draw upon large amounts of fel energy, and is required for some kinds of demonic portals. By itself, however, it is incredibly unstable for non-demons, and needs to be balanced by arcane and death magics. When handling a ritual involving Dregla, it is wise to ensure that runes of these two types are present, to prevent catastrophic feedback.

item/Forbidden Marks of Inscription

  • Little is know about the rune called "Cyiq," other than the vast potential for corruption it holds. There is no known constructive use for this rune, and it should be avoided in all rituals.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar sketched runes in the air, pulling the energy together in his mind, to pull the doors closed again, as soldiers struggled with the great rings shut again.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • As he ran deeper into the tomb, Khadgar noticed the elegant lines inscribed on the walls. Arcane runes? It was a very odd place for them. They were unfamiliar, more advanced than anything Khadgar had ever seen. That was troubling. Some of them were glowing. That was far more troubling.

item/Runes for Dummies: Arcane

  • A very common rune used to empower arcane rituals is Talar. This versatile rune can be used in most incantations; however it is rendered inert by void and corruption magics.

Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond

  • 118: To do this, he devised a unique language of intricate symbols, each individually representing a specific word tied to the very foundations of Maldraxxus and the might of the five houses, from simple commands to necromantic energy manipulation. One example keenly relevant to our interests on Azeroth are the runes found on the weaponry of its champions, known as death knights. Their massive two-handed runeblades are emblazoned with words of power set in runes - each with quaint translations such as "Razorice" and "Fallen Crusader".

quest/Postponing the Inevitable

  • Ahead of us lies the Fungal Vale, an area that the Scourge still cling tightly to. They use floating constructs to continually re-plague the land, keeping it vile and polluted. The devices are controlled with runes, which are held by dark adepts and shadowmages. Take the controlling runes that these cultists hold, aim them at the plague disseminators, then overcharge them with this mote. The results should be amusing.

item/Invocations of the Scourge

  • These are various runes used by the scourge to empower their death magic rituals. Of these, one of the most powerful is Taam - the mark of the Lich. It is used in the creation of Aberrations and Bone Golems, but can be employed in many rituals requiring powerful death magic.

quest/A Paladin's Soul

  • Uther was struck down by a mourneblade. When such a weapon is wielded with rage, it can shatter a soul into fragments.


  • Each tree bore mystic runes shaped from the very bark.


  • Kruul’s monstrous blade swept out and chopped an attacker in half. The demon hunter’s blood vanished as if the runes on the blade had absorbed it, and Kruul grew visibly stronger.

Might of the Elemental Lords:

  • Look for elemental runes carried by high-ranking members of the Iron Horde.

Flamebender's Tome

  • This runic language here seems similar to the ignan kalimag dialect spoken by Azeroth's fire elementals. A full translation may take years.


  • He needed to complete the link between Outland and Argus. He must set the terminal runes.

quest/Runic Resistance

  • Whatever is going on with this effigy, I don't think it's going to open the gateway without our help. These runes must be the key. There must be some way we can use them to activate the effigy.
    Katherine Proudmoore says: Perhaps the runes need to be activated in a particular pattern…
    Katherine Proudmoore says: It vanished! Could these runes be serving as wards?


  • Varian’s eyes were not the only ones to widen. Broll also knew of what the high priestess spoke, though even he himself had only twice seen one of the artifacts. A hearthstone was a palm-sized crystal, oval in shape, that was bound by arcane magic to not only its bearer, but a particular place. Most often, they were tied to great locations such as, apparently in this case, Darnassus. Distance did not matter. “I’d thought them only legend,” Varian remarked warily. “Things heard only in stories concerning magi…or elves.”
  • “I would have had it destroyed merely because of its original ties to that accursed place, but creating a new hearthstone is even more monumental than changing an old one’s spell patterns…” Long, oval and crystalline, it was covered with soft blue runes that glowed. Those runes were particular to the location to which it was tied and the one to whom the hearthstone had been given. With it, they could travel instantaneously from any distance to the hearthstone’s origin point…in this case, Darnassus.
  • The high priestess said nothing, instead intent on the artifact. Originally, it had been crafted by arcane means, but the Mother Moon had provided her with the power to alter it once already. She clutched the stone in both hands and began a prayer, hoping that the deity would grant her the ability to do it a second time. “There’s something wrong here,” Broll whispered, looking around. “Something very wrong—” Tyrande paid no attention. “The hearthstone is resisting. The ambassador is still alive, wherever she is…”

The Shattering

  • “I’ve got a little something that might make traveling a bit easier.” She fished in the pouch clipped to her belt and came out with a small oval crystal covered with soft blue runes. “Here. Catch!” Jaina tossed it to Anduin, who caught it easily.
    “It’s pretty,” he said, examining it and tracing the runes with his fingers.
    “Pretty, and rather rare. Hold it lightly for now. Don’t close your fingers over it. Recognize the runes?”
    He peered at it. “It has your name and the word… ‘Home,’” he said.
    “That’s right. I see you’ve been keeping up with your studies. I had this created just for you. Even before… today… I had thought that you might enjoy coming to visit your old Auntie Jaina.” He scowled at her, brushing a lock of blond hair off his face.
    “You’re not old,” he said.
    “And you’ve been keeping up with your diplomacy, too,” she said, grinning. “But yes. It’s called a hearthstone.”
    “But the rune means ‘home.’”
    “Yes, it does, but ‘homestone’ sounds so ugly. ‘Hearthstone’ is more musical.”


  • His rune-woven knife lay there, along with the charm he had made for Khariel.
  • He took the knife, tested its blade on his thumb. It was still magically sharp.

item/Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe

  • Carved with ancient symbols of protection and invincibility, they confer dominance and a sovereign right to exist.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • Ironaya had hewn a stone disc from her hide and etched it with runes of protection.
  • One after another, the vrykul charged Yrgrim, and their enchanted blades glanced off of Truthguard without making so much as a dent.
  • Three fire giants soon emerged to hunt down the refugees, but Yrgrim barred their way. They swarmed the lone vrykul and battered Truthguard. Not even the fists of giants could dent the shield.

quest/Their Last Line of Defense

  • Those sneaky Drust are protecting Gorak Zhar with their evil magic! I can sense several foul runes that are scattered across Darkreach. If you destroy them, we can easily shatter the barrier around that nasty Gorak Zhar.

The Last Guardian

  • The hem, sleeves, and vest of these crimson robes were inscribed with runes of power—some of which Khadgar recognized, but others which seemed alien to him.

item/Ancient Runebound Tome

  • Tomes were often kept by the strongest of the Drust, preserving the incantations of their magics and serving as conduits for harnessing their power.

Chronicle 2

  • 17: Aggramar fashioned immense stone discs from Grond’s remains and branded them with titan runes of power. He fused these objects onto the colossal's craggy hides like plates of armor. The discs flooded the giants with primordial energy, enhancing their strength and resilience.

Word of the Conclave

  • Seven magi have sealed Light's Wrath in dampening runes.

Tales of the Hunt

  • To keep their enemies at bay, they constructed a series of monolithic Runestones that acted as wards against intruders - and also hid the elve's use of arcane magic from the Burning Legion.

quest/Spell Bound

  • <The villager is held captive by a binding rune. Destroying the rune should free the villager.>

quest/Hunter: Hunted

  • Follow the traces of fel energy she left behind. Track her down into the Zangarra lowlands and capture her with this Violet Hold Incarceration rune.

quest/Runestones of Binding


  1. Татуировки Иллидана излучают высшую магию и усиливают его, прикосновение Зе'ры добавило еще невидимую татуировку, которая сначала конфликтовала с магией скверны других татуировок, а затем слилась с ними. Татуировки других охотников на демонов напоминают формы рун скверны, запечатывают демона внутри охотника, служат проводником для телепатических заклинаний Иллидана и их повреждение через нанесение шрамов затрудняет использование магии скверны
  2. Татуировки горианских разрушителей чар дают иммунитет к атакам одной школы магии и наносятся в присутствии камня(связанного с Агграмаром?) через нанесение урона этой самой магии, в результате чего часть сущности огра заменяется магией
  3. Мистики клана Призрачной Луны покрывают тела секретными рунами для более ясного общения с духами умерших и духами стихий

The Demon Soul

  • An arresting display of lines and circles tattooed over his body radiated high magic.
  • An intricate pattern of dark tattoos enshrouded his shoulder. Beneath them and well-shielded, the night elf sensed an unearthly magic—the magic of Sargeras—that permeated his flesh. That he had not felt any of it until now stunned Illidan. With a quick glance to his other side, the sorcerer saw that a similar pattern marked his body there. Sargeras had truly claimed Illidan as a creature of the Legion. Ignoring the queen for a moment, Malfurion's brother gingerly touched one. Immediately he felt a surge of power. It coursed through him. His body radiated primal energy that he knew took as its source that which fed the Well. He realized that the demon lord had amplified his abilities by marking him so.


  • The portal shimmered and pulsed. Raising his hands wide, he spoke the final words of the great spell. The knots of energy tied themselves. The structure stabilized. The shimmering curtain parted, and the way to Nathreza, the homeworld of the dreadlords, was clear. A dagger of pure force sliced reality around the gate. Through it washed a torrent of fel energy. His tattoos channeled and absorbed it, filling him with ever greater power.
  • “Farewell,” the naaru said. A limb of Light flickered out of its body and touched Illidan on the forehead. He felt a sense of contact, as if another tattoo had been added to his flesh. It burned strangely, at war with the fel power contained within his other tattoos; then it merged with them and disappeared.
  • Tattooed elves crowded the open spaces between the training rings, waiting for their chance to fight. Greenish-yellow glowing runes, chiseled into the flagstones, formed the circumference of the mystic circles. The rune's shapes suggested similarities to the tattoos inked on the aspirant's skin.
  • The tattoos bound the demon within him. It could not escape now. He traced the ink with his fingers, feeling the lines of power that scarred his body.
  • The voice echoed within Vandel’s head. It was a summoning on a primal level. It vibrated through his tattoos and bored into his brain with a compulsion that was all but irresistible. Along with the summons came the knowledge of where he had to go, a place deep within the fortress, close to the council chamber.
  • Vandel fingered the long scar down his right side that the demon had given him. The felguard’s axe had ripped through the inking of his tattoos, distorting them and making it hard to draw on fel energies when he tried to cast certain spells.

Code of Rule

  • 1: At the vanguard, red-skinned Gorian magic breakers charged unharmed through their enemie's glowing spells, crumpling orcish bodies beneath the sweeps of mighty clubs and stomping throats flat.
  • 4: "First, they learn the signs and patterns of a school of magic. Then, they must be struck by controlled infusions of that magic, like stitches or carvings, in the presence of this stone. Eventually, some of their life essence is peeled away, and a small part of it is replaced by the magic branded into their very being. They become immune."
    "To only one type of magic?" Grommash growled. Mar'gok had experienced the same disappointment long ago.
    "Only one school," the imperator replied. "We have tried to empower our most gifted breakers with immunity to more schools. All die in the process." Terribly. One had caught fire from the inside out.

item/Ceremonial Tattoo Needles

  • These bone needles are taken from the corpses of fallen enemies and meticuously sharpened. The mystics of the Shadowmoon often inscribe secret runes into their flesh to more clearly speak to their ancestors and the elemental spirits.

  1. Заклинания состоят из знаков, символов и чисел. Заклинания состоят из incantations, жестикуляций и иногда реагентов. Заклинания изменчивы, как и существа. Заклинания имеют ядра и матрицы
    1. Упоминания паттернов в магии
    2. Жестикуляции заклинателей часто сравнивают с ткачеством
    3. Для магии скверны, тайной магии и шаманизма применяются отличающиеся жестикуляции, которые не сильно трудно сымитировать
    4. Упоминания incantations
    5. incantations = words of power?
    6. Увидев мерцание в глазах Медива, Кадгар задается вопросом, обладает ли тот способностью использовать заклинания таким способом
  2. Заклинания можно изменять как до их применения, так и после, подстраивая под ситуацию
    1. Уже созданные заклинания можно распутывать, используя слабые места в их конструкции
  3. Наложенное на Гробницу Саргераса заклинание Эгвинн имело триггер на принадлежность к одной из рас Азерота. Искра Тира - на определенное эмоциональное состояние Аспектов
    1. Маг-могу сделал свое заклинание, которое должно было заключить существо в предмет, также неизменным для расы инсектоидов и воин из этой расы не смог нанести никакого урона предмету, на котором было применено это заклинание
    2. Драконы наложили на Душу Дракона чары, которые делали ее использование невозможным в руках дракона, вызывая у него сильную боль или даже смерть
    3. Ронин сделал так, чтобы его атака нанесла урон только демонам, не навредив союзникам. Антонидас разработал барьер, который наносил бы урон физически взаимодействующей с ним нежити
  4. Заклинание может включать в себя infection subspell, которое распространяет действие заклинание на схожие объекты поблизости


  • He lifted his hands, his long, clever fingers moving. Arcane energy sparked from his fingertips. It formed a whirling ball, hovering in front of them.
    “Look at this,” he said. Jaina did, forcing her foolish tears—where had they come from?—down and focusing on the little orb of arcane magic. Deftly Kalec touched it. It seemed to shatter and then reform, with a difference.
    “There — it’s a pattern!” Jaina said, marveling.
    “Watch again,” Kalec said. A second time he touched it. A third. Each time, the patterns became clearer. There was a moment when, baffled and enraptured both, Jaina wondered if she was looking at a gnomish schematic rather than a ball of arcane energy. Signs and symbols and numbers whirled, then jumbled together, then arranged themselves in a certain formation. Kalec splayed his fingers and drew his hand through the orb. As if it were mist he disturbed, it fragmented, then reformed in still another way. It was a ceaselessly shifting kaleidoscope of magic, of precise patterns and order.
    “Do you understand, Jaina?” he asked. She continued to stare, almost hypnotized by the exquisite patterns of formation, shattering, and reconfiguration.
    “It’s… more than spells,” she said.
    He nodded. “It’s what spells are made of.” For a moment, she didn’t follow him. Spells had incantations, gesticulation, sometimes reagents — and then understanding smote her so powerfully she almost stumbled with the revelation.
    “It’s… math!”
    “Equations. Theorems. Order,” Kalec said, pleased. “Combined in one way, they are one thing—in another, something altogether different. It is fixed and mutable, as is a life. All things change, Jaina, whether from the inside out or the outside in. Sometimes with only a single shift in a variable.”
    “And… we are magic, too,” Jaina whispered. She tore her gaze from the ineffably beautiful swirl of lyrical, poetical math and began to form a question.
  • “But I do know this much. There is a rhythm, a cycle to such things. Nothing stays the same, Jaina. Not even dragons, so long-lived and supposedly so wise. How much, then, must humans change? Once, you were an eager young apprentice, curious and studious, content to stay in Dalaran and master your spells. Then the world came and ripped you away from your safe place. You changed. You survived, even thrived, in the new role of a diplomat. You had puzzles and challenges, but of a different variety. And that is how you served. This world—” He shook his head sadly, looking up into the sky. “This world is not as it was. No thing, no one, is as it was. Here—let me show you something.”
  • “There is a rhythm, a cycle. There is—a pattern.” She drew her fingers through the globe of arcane magic. It fragmented and reformed, a whirl of signs and symbols and numbers. “All things change, whether from the inside out or the outside in. That is what magic is. And we are magic too.


  • It was as if the core of all the spells that had once spread light and harmony across the city and the world had been rewritten to create the opposite.

The Last Guardian

  • Within his mind, the spell began to form, a warm, hot ball of energy. He could feel it congeal within him, as rainbow ripples moved across the surface. This was the core of the spell, usually quickly dispatched to alter the real world as its caster saw fit. Khadgar fitted the sphere with the attributes he desired, to seek out the bits of time that seemed to haunt the tower, sort through them, and bring together a single vision, one that he could witness spread before him. The ideas seemed to sink with the imaginary sphere in his mind, and in return the sphere seemed to hum at a higher pitch, awaiting only release and direction.
    “Bring me a vision,” said the young mage. “Bring me a vision of the young Medivh.”
    With the sound of an egg imploding the magic was gone from his mind, seeping into the real world to carry out his bidding.

The Well of Eternity

  • The pair added their knowledge and skill, amplifying as best they could the framework of energy that kept the portal ever open.

The Demon Soul

  • With ease, Rhonin constructed the spell matrix that his masters in Dalaran had died working on.
  • Then, when Rhonin was satisfied that the matrix would remain stable—the wizard unleashed the spell.

The Well of Eternity

  • And in that high tower, in a stone chamber sealed from the sight of those outside, tall, narrow figures in iridescent robes of turquoise, embroidered with stylized, silver images of nature, bent over a six-sided pattern written into the floor. At the center of the pattern, symbols in a language archaic even to the wielders flared with lives of their own.


  • Illidan’s aura became sharper, its greenish-yellow light blazing. Motes of it swirled in the air around him, shifting into new patterns as the Betrayer moved his fingers and arms. Vandel realized he was seeing fel magic being bound to Illidan’s will as he drew upon its power.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Gul'dan began spinning fel magic in complex patterns, dismantling each obstacle with ease.


  • “You do not need to have the skill to understand it,” the raven-thatwas-no-raven said. “The warp and the weft. Seeing the pattern. Guiding the shuttle. Understanding that something that did not exist before is being created, and that the loom is a miniature world. And being aware that to unravel part of the piece, all you need to do is pull on a single loose thread.”
  • No, Thrall suddenly thought as the words of Medivh, spoken to him in the timeways, rushed back to him. Not weaving. Threads could be pulled, or broken. They must not interweave; they must blend. …Thrall visualized his color, a pure, peaceful black hue, merging with the other dancing plumes of the Aspects. They understood at once, and each yielded its boundaries. The colors began to blend, turning a single uniform hue of—

The Last Guardian

  • Despite himself, Khadgar raised a hand and wove a symbol of protection in the air in front of him, but he might as well have been making a rude hand gesture for all the effect it had on Medivh’s spell.


  • Jaina’s fingers danced in the air, weaving a spell, calling fire out of nothing and hurling an enormous whirling ball of crackling flame right in their midst.
  • She had no spell for such a thing. To the best of her knowledge, it did not exist. But the Focusing Iris appeared not to be limited by such trivialities. Jaina concentrated hard on her intention, weaving her fingers in ways that came naturally to her.
  • Jaina began to move her fingers in a weaving motion. Beside her, the other members of the Council of Six and Kalecgos did likewise, as did all the magi assembled.

War Crimes

  • Chromie looked more solemn than Jaina had ever seen her. The little gnome gently placed her hands on the Vision of Time, and then began to weave the spell that would awaken the slumbering metal dragon.


  • Another tremor in the flows of magic around him. The weaves of power that had bound him all this time were weakening.
  • Maiev pulled on her gauntlets, then raised her helm and placed it on her head as if it were a crown. A complex weave of protective magic sprang into being around her.
  • She thought about his words. Had there been a spell woven into them, a last curse from the fallen lord of Outland? She inspected the weave of defensive spells around her and found them intact. If Illidan had cursed her, it was with greater subtlety than any mage in history.

Code of Rule

  • 4: They swiftly closed the distance as the orcs, moving in unison like marionettes tied to the same string, began to invoke their magics. There were indications of their schools but no sureties. (Not arcane or shamanic traditions. He would have recognized such magic by now.)
  • 4: The orcs twitched their fingers faster in recondite movements. The imperator squinted, trying to read their magic as they called it down, but it was alien.
  • 5: He had only known this magic's like for seconds, but perhaps that would be enough to parrot, to imitate. Clenching his teeth, the sorcerer king drew in air as gingerly as if he were scraping a mural onto splintering wood.

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Abjuration

  • Ward spells are quick, potent incantations to protect the caster against a form of elemental damage - damage which is often caused by the caster attempting one of the other schools of magic.

Fire and Iron

  • 4: Dwarves started dousing the fire with kegs of water, while a newly arrived pair of gnomes in long flowing robes muttered incantations that sent crystals of ice over the roost.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • With a whispered incantation, they boiled Kvaldir raiders from the inside out and scattered their remains to the currents.

The Well of Eternity

  • He recalled the incantations that had helped him against the Scourge and other inhuman servants of the Legion.

Libram of the Dead

  • On the verge of collapse, she screamed a desperate incantation that shattered the connection between Laith and the sword.

Blood of Our Fathers

  • 5: The sorcerer was still smirking in victory as he fell dead, his last incantation finished, the portal pulsing now with energy, framing the dark and bulky silhouette of a creature coming through it!

Day of the Dragon

  • He started to mutter words in a language that Vereesa did not recognize, but which somehow sent shivers up and down her spine.

The Last Guardian

  • He reviewed the words of power (most of them known to the young mage before he left Dalaran) and worked through the motions (almost all of them original).


  • He walked around the edge, muttering spells of warding and shielding. He wanted no prying eyes witnessing what he did here, no possible intrusions to disturb his concentration. He spoke a word of power and all the doors closed. The seals were so tight that eventually the air would turn poisonous with the effusions of his own breath.
  • With one hand he caught him by the throat. With a word of power, he ignited his foe’s flesh with persistent fire and cast him aside to burn down to blackened bones.

The Last Guardian

  • The master mage raised his eyes to regard the young man, and Khadgar’s breath caught in his throat. Something flickered in Medivh’s eyes, and Khadgar wondered if the master mage had the power to cast spells without anyone noticing.

The Last Guardian

  • Refitting a spell for a new activity was not as simple as changing an incantation here, altering a motion there. It required a deep and precise understanding of how divination worked, of what it revealed and how. When a hand-motion changes, or the type of incense used is deleted, the result is most likely complete failure, where the energies are dissipated harmlessly. Occasionally the energies may go wild and out of control, but usually the only result of a failed spell is a frustrated spellcaster. In his studies, Khadgar discovered that if a spell fails in a spectacular fashion, it indicates that the failed spell is very close to the final intended spell. The magics are trying to close the gap, to make things happen, though not always with the results intended by the caster. Of course, sometimes these failed magic-users did not survive the experience.
  • After five days, Khadgar felt he had the spellmaking complete. The framework remained that of the farseeing, but it was now empowered with a random factor to allow it to reach through and search out the discontinuities that seemed to exist within the tower. These bits of misplaced time would be a little brighter, a little hotter, or simply a little odder than the immediate surroundings, and as such attract the full force of the spell itself. The spell, if it functioned, should in addition tune in the vision better. This would collect the sounds at the other end and remove the distortion, concentrating them in the same fashion as an elderly person cupping a hand to the ear to hear better. It would not work for sounds beyond the central location as well, but should clarify what individuals were saying in addition to what the caster was seeing. The evening of the fifth day, Khadgar had completed his calculations, the neat rows and orders of power and casting laid out in a simple script. Should something go horribly wrong, at least Medivh would figure out what had happened.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Kalec shivered but pressed a few steps deeper before finally summoning a glowing sphere. In its purple light, the withered visage of a proto-dragon glared down at him. Kalec flung himself to the side, at the same time sending the sphere at the looming monster. The former Spell-Weaver’s efforts changed the simple illumination spell into a full attack. The sphere exploded as it hit the proto-dragon’s chest, searing into the dry flesh. A musky scent assailed Kalec as the magical energy burned into the proto-dragon. The former Aspect summoned a new and larger sphere, fully revealing the cave’s interior.


  • She had begun to work out the composition of a spell that would help her trap Illidan.

The Well of Eternity

  • If he could do this much, he could do enough to disrupt the shield spell. That would be all the Moon Guard would need. He stared at the heart of the magical matrix, focusing on its weakest link—
  • He ran his hands over the edges, seeking a weakness in the matrix that held it together.

Night of the Dragon

  • With much more delicacy, Korialstrasz surveyed the weakened area again, observing carefully how it weakened the overall matrix. It did not surprise him to quickly discover that the odd energies of a nether dragon could affect the matrix almost like a virus in a mortal body. The two forces were enough alike that now the essence of the former captive had restructured the original spellwork into a pattern never conceived by the chrysalun chamber's creator. And where the spell matrix had been most affected, there the red dragon found what he felt was the weak link, the point where he needed to concentrate his efforts. With the eye of one who had studied the workings of magic perhaps second only to the greatest of the blue dragons, Korialstrasz slowly picked his way through the aberration. He finally found the thread that he felt would, if removed carefully, cause the rest to become undone and, theoretically, open the way for him.

Chronicle 2

  • 174: The sorcerers gathered around the looming gateway and began a great spell. Khadgar led the other magi as they unraveled the portal, pulling apart each ethereal thread until the rift slammed shut. The backlash of energies shattered the portal’s stone frame in a blinding explosion of arcane light.
  • 184: Over several months, Khadgar secretly met with Garona outside Nethergarde Keep, carefully unravelling the Shadow Council’s hold on her. He was successful. Garona, for the first time in her life, was free.

Tides of Darkness

  • It was not harmful, more a spell trigger than a spell itself, and he could sense the much larger and far more potent spell linked behind it. But the initial spell swept through him and then back out again, and its mate lay untriggered. Just as Sargeras had assured him it would. Aegwynn had warded this vault against intrusion by humans, elves, dwarves, even gnomes—against every race, in short. Every race native to this world. But he was an orc, and Aegwynn had never heard of Draenor. Her spell did not include him, and so he was now able to push the handle the rest of the way, causing a loud click from the door, and then give a mighty yank and swing the door wide open.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Tyr suspected — or knew — that someday there would come a time when the five would have great doubts about themselves, when they might believe they were no longer worthy of their roles as protectors. And that’s when the artifact awoke. It sensed that what Tyr feared had happened, if not quite as he calculated, and tried to act as he wanted.

Death From Above

  • 5: "Ah," Fulmin said with a smile, "that is why I crafted the spell to be immutable to the mantid. They will not be able to damage the urn, much less free the spirit inside."
  • 7: The Wind-Reaver struck the urn with his blades over and over. He couldn't scratch it. Couldn't budge it. The enchantment Gurthan had used to consign his spirit to the urn apparently protected it from all physical attacks.

Day of the Dragon

  • “Deathwing almost had us once, but we joined ranks again and made it so that at least he himself could never wield the Demon Soul again. We forced it from his hand and into the bowels of the earth—”
  • We cannot touch the Demon Soul, human, and out of distrust, we have never tried to make another creature wield it for us.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 3: At the end of the War of the Ancients, the blue, green, bronze, and red Aspects had found and enchanted the weapon so that neither Deathwing nor any other dragon could wield it again.

Chronicle 2

  • 140: Enchantments were also placed upon the artifact, preventing Deathwing or any other dragon from ever touching it.

Chronicle 3

  • 218: Long ago, it had been enchanted so that none of their race could touch it without painful, and possibly fatal, consequences.

The Well of Eternity

  • Through Brox and the night elf it passed without even the slightest hint of acknowledgment, but for the three savage demons in its path the fury that Rhonin had unleashed gave no quarter.

item/The Archmage Antonidas

  • Using his unparalleled skills of defensive magic, Antonidas set up a magical field that would destroy any undead that touched it (an earlier version of the defensive shields used today).

Dawn of the Aspects

  • As she had begun to suspect, the casting included what she thought of as an infection subspell. If there was an object of similar tendencies nearby - in this case, a book of magic next to another book of magic - the original spell would spread to that other object. To do it so thoroughly, so successfully, was yet again a sign of how adept the caster had been.

  1. Наложение чар - наделение объекта магической силой на временной или постоянной основе
  2. Имеются усиливающие чары
    1. Андуин использует Свет чтобы стать сильнее, быстрее и получить барьер
    2. охотники на демонов способны при помощи темной магии усиливать свои силу и скорость, также создавая щит. Иллидан магией укрепил свое тело
    3. Против огра используют магическую сеть
    4. Магия скверны Саргераса усилила физически и ментально демонов Пылающего Легиона. Чернокнижники применяли магию скверны, чтобы усилить орков
    5. Нефритовая Змея благословила место паломников, чтобы им было легче преисполниться. Малфурион использует вариацию заклинания [Дубовая кора] для атаки, а затем [Знак дикой природы], которому его научил Кенарий и который увеличивает защиту, силу и ловкость
    6. Жрица Элуны и Алекстраза давали благословения
    7. Тралл использует Дух, чтобы укрепить тело, согреться и даже некоторое время удерживать титаническую мощь. Монахи использует ци, чтобы усилить конечности, что позволяет им ударами пробивать доски, камни, броню
  3. В кошмаре стражника, маг не загрязняется пылью
  4. Передача силы
  5. Наделение магической силой оружия

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Enchantment

  • Enchantment is the process of imbuing an object - or person - with magical power. Some enchantments are temporary, while others offer permanent benefits.


  • Enchanting probably uses several magical disciplines.

Before the Storm

  • He called on the Light for strength and speed and a shield of his own.


  • Vandel knew now how to augment his strength and speed manyfold. He could drive the blade of his dagger into a boulder and rip it free.
  • Power clotted in the air around him. A sheen of shadow passed across his body, turning his skin first gray and then blacker than night. Great wings of shadow lifted from Ravael’s back. Vandel felt the air displaced by their movement. He could smell brimstone and the aura of demon, stronger in his nostrils than at any time save when he had fought with real denizens of the Nether realms.
  • The demon within him howled its protests. It did not want to escape. It wanted to fight and kill. He allowed its power to flow into him. From the pores of his skin, darkness flowed, armoring his body with shadow. His arms grew stronger. His movements grew faster.
  • He had strengthened his weakened body with magic to give him the energy and concentration of a dozen lesser sorcerers, but it was still not enough.

Lord of the Clans

  • Men now hastened onto the field. With sharpened sticks, they prodded the ogre, trying to goad him into leaving off his prey. The brute responded to the taunts, abandoning a bloody Thrall and chasing after the men. Three others tossed a magical net, which immediately shrank to engulf the raging ogre and compress his flailing limbs close to his body. He thrashed now like a fish out of water, and the men, not at all gently, hauled the creature onto a cart and took him out of the ring.

Chronicle 1

  • 49: Demons of every shape and size poured into the physical universe from this rift, howling in triumph at their release. Sargeras imbued the ravenous masses with his power, uniting them as one in an inferno of fel magic. Though many demons had previously tapped into the volatile energies of the Nether, none had ever experienced the pure might and rage found in Sargeras’s fel. Some of the creatures grew in size and stature. Still others felt new cunning and intelligence unfold in their minds.

Chronicle 2

  • 83: He also sent his most powerful warlocks to the other orc clans. They would use their fel magics to imbue adolescents with the strength and fury of adults.
  • 83: Before his eyes, the Blackrock warlocks flooded his clan’s youths with their green magic, warping them into hulking, bloodthirsty warriors.

The Jade Hunters

  • 5: When she awoke, she found herself deep below the world. Pandaren miners had spirited her away tae their most sacred place—chambers hidden frae their mogu overlords. Inspired by Yu'lon's recent teachin's, these pandaren had built a refuge tae worship the celestials in secret. The Jade Serpent, so moved by what she saw, imbued the place with her magic tae help the miners find the wisdom, hope, fortitude, an' strength they had lost in life.


  • Reaching into a pouch, Malfurion drew out what he sought. He immediately rubbed the contents of his hand against the body of Remulos. Cenarius’s son roared. His skin began to harden, to take on the appearance of thick bark. It was a unique variation of a spell used to strengthen a druid’s own skin against attacks. Malfurion had developed it to use against the Burning Legion. Long ago, he had come to the realization that every spell could have a reverse—and, in this case, adverse—reaction from that originally intended. The powder had been ground from the hardest of barks. Remulos stiffened. He now was more statue than living.
  • Remulos reared up before him. Parts of his body were still encased in bark, but he moved with great swiftness nonetheless. He glared down at the night elf and threw the spear. Malfurion quickly cast a spell, but one aimed at himself. He not only felt his own defenses heighten, but his strength and agility also increased. The druids called it the mark of the wild, and Malfurion had learned it from Cenarius.


  • She reached out abruptly to touch his shoulder. As she did, a faint glow of moonlight briefly spread over the spot. The moonlight briefly engulfed Broll before fading into him. “You have the blessing of the Mother Moon… and my gratitude, too.”


  • The Life-Binder bowed her head. A warm, comforting glow radiated from Alexstrasza. It touched the trio. The night elves smiled and even Eranikus looked thankful. “May my blessing keep you safe and guide your hunt to success,” the Aspect declared.


  • The Spirit of Life opened to him. It flowed through him, warming and soothing and strong.
  • Warmth flooded through him, gentle yet powerful, granting vigor and suppleness to his limbs. Dimly, Thrall was aware that even his clothing had somehow dried. Energy, sharp and soothing both, strengthened him.
  • They had Thrall, and for this little while, the Spirit of Life had granted him the strength to hold something so strong, so profound, that it had once been granted by the titans themselves.


  • He’d watched them shatter up to a dozen boards with a single punch. Vol’jin had looked forward to trying that because he knew he could do it. But when it came time for him to try the exercise, Lord Taran Zhu took over. In place of boards had been arranged an inch-thick slab of stone. Do you mock me? Vol’jin studied the monk’s face but read no deception. That didn’t mean there wasn’t any there, but the pandaren’s impassive expression could have masked anything. “You be wanting me to break stone. Others break wood.”
    “Others do not believe they can shatter wood. You do.” Taran Zhu pointed to a spot a finger’s length beyond the stone slab. “Place your doubt here. Strike through to it.”
    Doubt? Vol’jin forced away the thought because it was a distraction. He wanted to ignore it, but instead, he did as the monk had instructed. He visualized doubt as a shimmering blue-black ball spitting sparks. He let it float through the stone to hover behind it. Then Vol’jin set himself, drew in a deep breath, and exhaled sharply. He drove his fist forward, pulverizing the stone. He continued through, smashing that ball of doubt. He could have sworn that he’d not felt the impact until he’d hit the ball. The stone had been as nothing, even though he brushed its dust from his pelt. His hand had not swollen or stiffened, yet he could still feel his fist crushing doubt. He flexed his hand, watching it work, happy he was fully reconnected to it. Taran Zhu was right to make doubt a target. Doubt destroyed souls. What thinking creature, when entertaining doubt about success, could undertake any action? To doubt that he could punch through stone was to acknowledge that his hand could break, his bones could splinter, his flesh could tear, and his blood could flow. And if he dwelt on that outcome, could there be any but that outcome? That ending would be his target; therefore he would succeed and hit that target. Whereas, if his target was to destroy doubt and he hit that target, then would anything be impossible?
  • As Taran Zhu had instructed, Vol’jin cocked his fist. His eyes narrowed. He visualized the Zandalari’s doubt as a shimmering ball. It sank beneath the troll’s face, lodging right behind his eyes. Nostrils flaring, Vol’jin drove his fist through the Zandalari’s face, smashing bone shards through the doubt.
  • His spear-pawed strike pierced the mogu’s breastplate with a high-pitched pop. His arm disappeared to the elbow in the mogu’s chest. Stiffened fingers dented the backplate from the inside out.


  • The mage, his purple and blue robes immaculate despite the dust that caked the rest of the party, nodded gravely.

The Well of Eternity

  • We will stay linked! That should help strengthen your casting! I will guide you to me and we can regroup!

The Untamed Valley

  • 2: Maraad continued to push the Light forward, numbing the orc, stopping him from calling upon his power, but he could feel the dark shaman stretching his will, building his strength bit by bit. The other dark shaman outside were forcing the spirits to lend him their aid.

Tales of the Hunt

  • The Highmountain tribe was led by Chieftain Moren Highmountain, who saved Ohn'ahra, a Wild God in the form of a giant eagle spirit, from an attack by fire elementals. In thanks, the eagle infused a portion of her essence into Moren's spear, gifting it with powerful magical abilities.
  • Ursoc told her that a great darkness was coming and that the world would need strong warriors and leaders like her to face it. To aid her, he blessed her spear, adding his might to its enchanted power.
  • During one heated battle, Huln tried to protect the two-headed wolf Ancient, Omen, from the forces of the Legion, but the great beast was gravely wounded and poisoned with fel energy. Before he succumbed to demonic corruption, Omen gave his last breath of purity to the spear, adding to the powers that other Wild Gods had left therein.

The Sundering

  • Gasping, Tyrande drew her blade and prayed for Elune to guide her hand. The sword took on the pale, silver glow of her patron. It cut through the demon's armor as if through air.

Seeds of Faith

  • 2: Shifting through a large trunk, Tyrande removed her bow and quiver, then lifted out her beautifully crafted moonglaive. The dim light rippled over the weapon's three blades as she untied its coverings, and she could sense that all of the blessings it had received were as strong as ever.

  1. У Кнаака маги используют заклинание, от которого враги буквально тают, а Душа Дракона также способна бесследно испарять камень и землю
    1. Еще Ронин метает заклинание в орка, которое его откидывает в стену и растворяет в ней
  2. Смертокрыл использовал для защиты своего логова от гадания запретное заклинание Endless Hunger, которое
    1. Энергетические атаки магии скверны вытягивают жизнь из врагов?
    2. Энергетические атаки тайной магии поражают в первую очередь нервы?
    3. Атака Вол'джина темной магией пожирает душу
    4. Столкновение энергий Гул'дана и Кадгара породило огонь, угрожало воспламенить сам воздух, убив их обоих, и смягчило камень под ними
    5. Вандель считает свои атаки скверной достаточно сильными, чтобы пробить прочнейшую броню
  3. Незаживающие раны оставляют атаки
    1. некромантическая магия
    2. темная магия
    3. магия скверны
  4. Всякие невнятные атаки светлой магией. Мараад применяет что-то вроде [Освящение], направляя энергию Света в землю. Темный шаман Машок смог бы выбраться из этой зоны, перетерпев много боли.
  5. Стрелы магии
    1. темной магии от Иллидана
    2. от нонейм эльфа крови-заклинателя тайной магии
    3. от некромантов Аукиндона
  6. Жрицы Элуны призывают лучи убийственного лунного света на своих врагов. Майев, в бытность жрицей, уничтожает инфернала
  7. Бойцы ближнего боя:
    1. Могут создавать волны энергии, исходящие от их оружия
    2. Паладины направляют светлую магию в свое оружие, что делает его, хз, более смертоносным наверное
  8. Бойцы дальнего боя:
    1. Аллерия в рядах Армии Света научилась создавать стрелы из света, а также дуги
    2. Стрелы Сильваны при попадании взрываются
  9. Пара моментов, где врагов разрывают магией, что напоминает про ограничения сосуда
  10. Дарион Могрейн жертвует собой в попытке спасти отца, пронзая свою грудь [Испепелителем]. Сделал он это во время осады Часовни Последней Надежды силами Плети, что пробудило погребенных под часовней чемпионов, которые создали уничтожившую армии нежити вспышку Света
  11. Сильные демоны при гибели иногда взрываются. Гибель Медива осквернила ближайшую территорию - Светлолесье, ставшее Сумеречным Лесом

Day of the Dragon

  • A rock next to where Rhonin lay sizzled madly… then melted before his very eyes. The molten stone dribbled into the ground, seeped into every crack, disappearing without a trace as rapidly as it had melted in the first place. All in only scant seconds.

The Demon Soul

  • Eyes blazing, the mage took out much of his frustration with a single word of power. The demon howled as his flesh melted like wax, dripping over and through his fiery armor. That which passed for bones clattered in a heap before spilling groundward.
  • The Burning Legion did fight back, however ineffectively. The Eredar and Nathrezim focused their dark magic on the disk and its creator, casting spells that should have melted the Dragon Soul and stripped Neltharion of hide, flesh, and bone. They assailed all the dragons, seeking a swift end to this attempt to crush them.

The Sundering

  • The glow around the disk brightened… and suddenly the rock above melted away to vapor. It left no rubble, no trace whatsoever. The Demon Soul burned away stone and earth without any effort. Although they could not see the magical forces in play, the duo marveled at the effects. Further and further up went the new tunnel, disappearing from sight.
  • Archimonde brooked no retreat, not now, not ever, save as it suited his strategy. The demons upon whom he turned his wrath melted, their armor and flesh sliding off their bones like soft wax. Their shrieks became gurgling sounds and in seconds all that remained were bubbling puddles with a few fragments floating within.


  • Remulos raised the spear. The tip flared green. A similar glow flared to life around the dragon. In its light, Emeriss’s disease-ravaged form looked even more hideous.
  • With a furious roar, the dragon took to the sky and fled. Remulos’s spell still surrounded her. As the dragon vanished into the mist, the shadow satyrs turned to the pair. However, Remulos pointed his spear at their ranks and a similar glow surrounded the fiends. Unlike Emeriss, however, they simply melted to nothing.

Day of the Dragon

  • They were, fortunately, even more stunned to see him than he was them. Rhonin immediately raised his left hand, muttering a spell that he had hoped to save for more dire circumstances. The nearest of the orcs, his ugly, tusked face twisting into a berserker rage, reached for the ax slung on his back. Rhonin's spell caught him directly in the chest, throwing the massive warrior hard against the nearest rock wall. As the orc struck the wall, hemelded into the very rock. Briefly the outline of his form remained behind, mouth still open in rage, but then even that faded into the wall… leaving no trace of the creature's savage end.

Day of the Dragon

  • Krasus knew what he faced. Only the Endless Hunger, a spell forbidden, acted so. He had never witnessed its casting before, but any who had studied the arts as long as he had would have recognized its foul presence. Yet, something had been changed, for the counterspell he had chosen should have been the one to end the threat. For a minute it had seemed to… and then a sinister transformation had occurred, a shifting in the dark spell's essence. Now the second set of tentacles came at him, and Krasus did not immediately know how to stop them from adding him to their meal. He considered fleeing the chamber, but knew that the monstrous thing would simply continue after him no matter where in the world Krasus might hide. That had been part of the Endless Hunger's special horror; its relentless pursuit generally wore the victim down until he simply gave up.


  • From the slopes, a dozen demon hunters joined in, sending a fusillade of fel energy into the core hound’s skin, smashing into the infernals and sapping them of life.
  • He sent a bolt of fel energy lashing at it, and kept the beam playing on the creature, draining its life away.


  • A wave of arcane energy, augmented by the lingering effects of the mana bomb, struck them all. They stumbled back, shaking and weakened. One of those clutching a dagger dropped the blade from nervous fingers and struggled to maintain her balance. Stronger orcs shook it off and again brandished weapons, hastening to close the distance.

Death From Above

  • 7: Ninil'ko felt - only for the smallest moment - most of the remaining arcane energy in the relic shoot up his arm like lightning. There was an instant of pure agony as the energy passed through his brain, burning through every bit of consciousness.


  • A Gurubashi, sword raised high, charged at Vol’jin. The Darkspear gestured, lip curled with contempt. Shadow magic staggered the other troll, eating away at his soul. It paralyzed him for a moment.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Colossal waves of energy crashed together, spinning into a bulging vortex of arcane and fel power. The massive chamber pitched and heaved, torrents of fire billowing through it, yet Khadgar and Gul'dan did not waver, did not flinch, did not even blink. Instead, Khadgar smiled, showing teeth. His arms were thrust forward; his chin was raised. There was no trickery here. Just an endless rush of pure, raw power. Where their fury collided, fire erupted. The air itself threatened to ignite. If it did, everything inside the tomb would be destroyed. Including Khadgar. Including Gul'dan. Khadgar's and Gul'dan's powers met in the middle with a deafening thunderclap. The heat of their battle softened the stone beneath them.


  • He had cast bolts of fel energy capable of burning through the strongest of armor.

Chronicle 1

  • 43: Tyr fought alongside the proto-dragons, but Galakrond proved too powerful even for the keeper of justice. In one particular battle, the monstrous creature hit off Tyr's iron hand, suffusing him with necrotic energy. Although Tyr survived, his wound would never truly heal.

Ashbringer1 page7

Day of the Dragon

  • Krasus passed his good hand over the injured one, sealing the bloody gap. He would not be able to repair the damage. Nothing touched by the dark spell could ever be regenerated.


  • It bounded forward to attack even as Kruul sent a bolt of dark energy hurtling toward Illidan. The lord of Outland leapt into the air and avoided it. It smashed into the rocks behind where he had stood. They turned to dust, as if they had suffered a million years of erosion in a moment.

World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth

  • Sul’thraze the Lasher attacks with the fury of both swords, leaving shadow-touched wounds in its foes.

quest/Hunter: Hunted

  • The weapon that stabbed the archmage was imbued with fel magic. He's slowly being poisoned!


  • 2: Nobundo and the other Vindicators switched tactics, from healing to purging. Once again the city was bathed in brilliant radiance as scorcs of orcs were struck by the Light, the crimson glow dimming from their eyes momentarily as they slumped forward to be dispatched by the remaining draenei warriors.
  • 2: He directed the fury of the Light into the first orc head-on. The green beast’s eyes dimmed, and he crumpled. Nobundo brought the crystal hammerhead down squarely on top of the orc’s skull, then yanked upward and swung left, feeling a satisfying crunch as the orc’s ribs shattered.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • 3: The two paladins at the door stepped back into the hallway, arms extended. Holy power erupted. The demons before them shrieked as the wrath of the Light consumed them all.

Word of the Conclave

  • Balnazzar disrupted the cleansing ritual, and the crusaders lost control of their delicate spellwork. A storm of holy energy ripped through the meeting place, instantly killing the ten priests.

It would have been a massacre if not for Light's Wrath. The staff's blazing light carved through the Scourge like a scythe through wheat, leaving none behind. It is true that Light's Wrath killed its wielder and many of the soldiers at his side. It is also true that the surviving crusaders have been left dumbstruck, unable to dress or feed themselves without assistance. The Untamed Valley

  • 2: The orc saw their wordless exchange and laughed, but Maraad redirected a bit of the Light to the floor around him. The consecrated ground crackled with energy. Only a small circle directly beneath the orc's feet remained untouched. Slowly, Maraad moved it toward the cellar doors. Mashok stepped along with it, amused. Maraad was sure the shaman could force his way out of the impromptu consecrated circle if he wished, but he would expend strength doing so. And it would hurt. A lot.


  • Illidan sent a barrage of shadowy bolts raining down on him. The mage howled as they ravaged his flesh.


  • An elven sorcerer raised his hand and sent a bolt of arcane energy lancing toward the walls.


  • Finally the necromancers realized what he was doing. They concentrated their attacks on him. A bolt of magical energy lanced into Illidan’s side. Agony so intense that he almost lost control of the siphon smashed through him.
  • Agony racked Illidan’s body as bolts of dark energy lashed him.

Seeds of Faith

  • 2: Closing her eyes, she began to whisper an ancient prayer to Elune, each word grounded in faith and reverence, just as Tyrande had taught her long ago when she had trained as a priestess of the moon goddess. The serpents encircled the night elf general, and she heard more than one low laugh of amusement ripple among them as she finished uttering the sacred words. Elune's answer came swiftly. Streams of energy felled all of the naga around her even as they gaped in disbelief. When the last rattling death cry was silenced, Shandris surveyed the corpses in grim satisfaction.
  • 4: The high priestess extended her arms and uttered a few words, sending beams of moonlight down upon her enemies before they could attack. The naga collapsed under her assault and she ran for the inn, searching beneath the water for any tracks—any signs of battle that could lead her to Shandris and the other survivors—but the floods had churned the earth into mud.
  • 4: Lady Szenastra was already trying to escape, but the high priestess unleashed a massive column of moonfire above her. The naga convulsed for a moment while the energy blazed through her, then she slammed to the ground, her glittering adornments swallowed by the mud.


  • The ozone scent in the Outland air brought back the memory of her first encounter with an infernal. She recalled the stench of the near-mindless thing as vividly as the night blossoms blooming amid the pavilions of Darnassus. It had seemed too big and too filled with magic to be opposed. The leaves shriveled as it passed, turned autumn-sere by the backwash of its blazing body. She called on the power of Elune, and the moon goddess destroyed the demon, shattering it into scorching fragments, leaving Maiev free to heal the seared flesh of its victims.

Holy magic attack 1
Holy magic attack 2

Bleeding Sun

  • 8: The armored mogu and the quilen lunged forward. Dezco cracked his mace into the hound, shattering its head. A wave of light exploded out from the blow, cascading toward one of the Shao-Tien. The mogu lurched aside, but not fast enough. Half of his body, caught in An'she's light, crumbled into dust.

Libram of the Dead

  • Frostmourne clashed with Uther's legendary Hammer of the Lightbringer. Each weapon blow erupted in a shower of warring energies.


  • He leaped from his unhappy mount and charged into their midst, gripping his hammer that glowed with the power of the Light.
  • Gavinrad did not rush in, but gathered himself, praying to the Light that would not save him. Arthas let him complete his prayer, let his weapon glow, as Arthas’s own hammer had once done.


  • 2: Nobundo raised his hammer to the sky, closed his eyes, and cleared his mind of the overwhelming cacophony of battle. His mind called out, and his body felt the familiar warmth of the Light wash over him. The hammer glowed. He focused his intentions and directed the blessed, purging holy powers into the ogres below.

Bleeding Sun

  • 7: He said a prayer to An'she, and the cold air around him bristled with power, warming and brightening as if night had turned to day. He unstrapped his shield from his forearm and hurled the slab of jagged iron at the quilen. Glowing, it spun through the air and slammed into the first beast, embedding itself into the thing's head. The momentum of the blow sent the creature crashing into one of its brethren, splitting the other quilen in half.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Galell’s hand tightened around the lance. He channeled the Light into it, and it began to glow ominously.
  • The matriarch blocked, parried what she could, channeling the Light into her own lance, the glow from the two weapons illuminating the dusky chamber, flashing brighter when the weapons clashed.
  • The glow of his lance dimmed. Liadrin ceased her own channeling, and once again the lair was dark.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • Within two years - from Alleria and Turalyon's perspective - her arrows were wreathed in the power of the Light. She could have forgone her bow and arrows altogether, but it pleased her to bring Thas'dorah, the legacy of her family, into battle against the forces of evil.
  • Alleria swung her bow in an arc, obliterating a dozen with a scythe of holy power.

A Good War

  • 4: A sudden blast knocked him from his feet, dazing him. Saurfang closed his eyes. It is done. His hands went numb, tingling from the dark power that roared through the ruins of the inn—Dark power? Saurfang opened his eyes. Malfurion was not looking at him. His arms were crossed in front of his face as an arrow, wreathed in shades of violet smoke, exploded just before him. Emerald light rose against the darkness, and Malfurion charged to fight Sylvanas Windrunner, who had another arrow nocked and drawn at point?blank range.
  • 4: There was a tremendous explosion of darkness, and then a rising sound of collapsing trees. Saurfang ducked behind cover as an object flew through the air, bouncing off tree trunks before slamming to a halt in the dirt only thirty feet away.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • Dark power surged through her veins. The voices of the Void returned to her, giddy and raving. She followed the Locus-Walker's lesson. One hand reached toward the inquisitor. The other, toward the Locus-Walker's cage. Both exploded into fragments. The demon did not even have time to scream.

Chronicle 2

  • 111: He stood upon Stormwind City’s ramparts and rained fire and ice upon the Gurubashi. He froze them in their tracks; he incinerated them from within; he blasted them to pieces with pure arcane force.

Libram of Ancient Kings

  • In our darkest hour, in an effort to free his father's condemned soul, Darion Mograine plunged the Ashbringer into his own chest. It was then that the souls of the myriad champions buried beneath Light's Hope lashed out in a devastating blast of purest Light. In that instant, our enemies were undone.
Ashbringer4 page26

Tome of the Ancients

  • Ronokon thrashed madly, trying to pull the panther away, but she held on. Her teeth remained embedded in his throat until he died. His death brought more destruction. The fel power granted to him by the Legion exploded outward, tearing a deep gash in the land and burning Ashamane to ash.

Chronicle 2

  • 134: It had been many centuries since a Guardian had died in combat, and never before had one been possessed by demonic power. Medivh’s death had drastic consequences. Fel energy exploded outward from the tower of Karazhan, turning the surrounding land into a dangerous, thorny blight. The region west of the tower — Brightwood — would become known as Duskwood.

  1. Алекстраза создает руки из мягкой, красной энергии, которыми ловит и переносит Бролла и Тиранда из Изумрудного Сна в ВЗТ
    1. Один создает дождь из копий света в бою с Рагнаросом. Андуин создает из света молот
    2. Аллерия создает из тени лезвия, которые метает телекинезом?
    3. Ронин создает парные клинки, которыми легко уничтожает оружие и пробивает броню нонейм демонов
    4. Тиранда создает из света Элуны копье, возвращающуюся после броска глефу, кинжалы
    1. Маги способны создавать различные материальные объекты вроде золотых дисков и стульев, а также пищу без трансмутированных жиров, среди которой: свежий хлеб, нарезанные фрукты, жаренный кролик, холодная родниковая вода, вино, игристый сидр
    2. В логове синих драконов Крас встречается с существом, созданным магией Малигоса


  • Two great hands made of soft, red energy swept away the dark throngs, then gently lifted the druid and the high priestess as if they were toys. The hands withdrew, pulling them to safety beyond the portal.

The Legend of Odyn

  • The keeper struck at the Firelord with the strength of a thousand vrykul, raining down upon Ragnaros with piercing spears of light while Tyr lashed out with his silver hammer, and soon the pitiful Firelord was on the verge of defeat.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • She did not even lift a hand. Inky black smoke coalesced in midair, forming a curved spike. It slammed into the assassin's chest. Turalyon saw the tip of the smoke appear out of the creature's back, spraying blood. The eredar fell to its knees, eyes wide, mouth moving soundlessly.

The Sundering

  • For now, however, Rhonin utilized his magic in conjunction with his combat skills. Astride the night saber, the human wielded twin blades created solely from magic. The blue streams of energy stretched more than a yard each and when the wizard brought them into play, they wreaked havoc on a scale with the orc. Demon armor made for no resistance; Fel Guard weapons broke as if fragile glass against them.


  • Thinking she had walked into a trap, the high priestess immediately prayed to Elune, then shaped a spear of pure illumination from her light. Such an effort was costly to Tyrande, but she no longer felt as if she had any choice. The spear came down on what held her foot. The light pierced as if made of true steel.
  • Tyrande fended them off as best she could, the light of Elune having been shaped into a weapon resembling her favored glaive. The agile warrior leapt between the seeking tendrils—some as thick as the trunks of oaks—and threw the deadly weapon. It sliced at whatever drew too near her and Malfurion, then returned to her for another expert toss.
  • “I know that you must focus on the true battle!” The high priestess shouted as the spinning weapon slashed through the first of the satyrs. The three sharp blades cut deep into two of the sinister creatures before returning to her. The glaive’s victims fell, the upper halves of their torsos nearly severed from the bottoms.


  • 4: Saurfang, wisely, had not moved; the daggers of light still hovered over his head, awaiting her instructions.
  • 4: The lethal points of Elune’s light responded to her rage, becoming terribly, deathly still. Their sharp tips pointed at his throat.

The Demon Soul

  • Immediately a golden aura flared to life in his palm, growing so brilliant that even the captive demon paused in his tirades to stare at what Neltharion had summoned to him. The tiny disk was as golden as the aura that had presaged its coming, but otherwise it was an astoundingly simple looking piece.

Day of the Dragon

  • Krasus dragged himself to his feet, summoned a new chair identical to the first. He fell into the chair gasping.
  • Looking down, Rhonin discovered a wine sack sitting in the grass. Despite the fact that it had not been there a few seconds before, he did not hesitate to pick it up, then sip from the spout.
  • Afeast, apparently. There, in the very center of the wooded area, sat a small display of food and drink such as Rhonin could not have imagined finding. Roasted rabbit, fresh bread, cut fruit, and—he touched the flask with some awe—chilled water.
  • Foregoing manners, he drank directly from the flask… and discovered that, although the container should have been half empty after that, it remained full.

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Conjuration

  • Conjuration is the study of summoning - both creatures and objects. Ever really, really wanted a fresh drink of spring water when you're in the middle of nowhere? Conjuration, my friend, is the answer. There is nothing more enjoyable for a mage than creating a fresh slice of bread or a glass of water. Just ask any of us!
  • Aran was not only noted for being able to summon several elementals at once, he also perfected a recipe for conjuring sparkling cider.

On the Virtues of Magic

  • A friend of a mage never hungers or thirsts. Summoned food has no transmuted fats!


  • She conjured bread and water, an easy spell, enough to fuel her for a little while, and forced herself to eat, although she was far from hungry.

The Sundering

  • Cinders - the only remnants of the creature - briefly showered Krasus. That he had not sensed the bat perplexed him. He caught a few of the ashes and probed them with his senses. They revealed that the beast had been a construct, not a true living thing. A sentinel, then, of the Master of Magic.

  1. Вериса общается с растениями, Весна на их языке означает для надежду в целом, обновление жизни, и из-за него они стали выглядеть немного лучше
  2. Заклинатели тайной магии могут манипулировать магией природы и способны значительно ускорить рост растений
    1. Высшие эльфы-ремесленники с помощью воды Солнечного Колодца сделали древко лука практически неразрушимым
  3. Шаманы с помощью Земли способны ускорять рост растений и управлять ими, в частности корнями, в бою
  4. Темный шаман Машок также способен управлять растениями в бою, в частности, лозами и шипастыми корнями, которыми пробил броню Мараада
  5. Заклинатели магии природы:
    1. манипулируют растениями в бою,
    2. способны ускорять рост растений
    3. Алекстраза способна создавать флору своим дыханием. Фрейя тоже может создавать флору?
    4. Топор Брокса, благословенный Кенарием, идеально ложится в руку, легок как перо, не мокнет и прорубает все, даже кости. У Малфуриона броня из зачарованной древесины, что прочнее и устойчивее металла. Фэндрал сделал сундук из steelgrass, что мягче и крепче металла
    5. Фэндрал сделал из растений ловушки: буты лоз выпускали быстро затвердевающий сок, шипы были отравлены, чтобы вывести из строя
    6. Фэндрал в бою с Малфурионом запускает споры ему в легкие, а тот их из себя выводит и использует в контратаке
    7. способны тысячекратно увеличивать выделяемое растениями тепло, от чего одно семя способно оставить от живого существа обугленные кости, и создают из обладающих огненными свойствами растений порошок, также сжигающий врагов
    8. призывать древней
    9. духовно сливаются с растениями, черпая из них силу и управляя ими

Day of the Dragon

  • “Courage,” she whispered to the pair. “A new Spring will come, I promise you.” In the language of the trees, of all plants, Spring meant not only a season, but also hope in general, a renewal of life. As the elf stepped back, both trees looked a little straighter, a little taller. The effect of her words on them made Vereesa smile. The greater plants had methods beyond even the ken of elves through which they communicated with one another. Perhaps her encouragement would be passed on. Perhaps some of them would survive after all. She could only hope.

The Last Guardian

  • “Nature magic?” asked Medivh. “Ripening, culling, harvesting? Can you take a seed and pull the youth from it until it becomes a flower?”

The Worst Mage in Dalaran: A Children's Book

  • The night elf lingered, pondering the boy. When she turned to leave, she caught her foot in something and nearly lost her balance. Surprised at the unfamiliar obstacle, she looked down to see a glistening crop of mageroyal, its petals slowly unfurling into full bloom, where moments ago there had been nothing. She wondered at this, and then, realizing, turned back in the direction Bungledorf had been walking, but the young mage was already gone.

Tales of the Hunt

  • A trio of skilled artisans joined together to create a great bow for Talanas. They carved its body from a limb taken from Thas'alah and infused the wood with the waters of the Sunwell. Immersed in arcane power, the bow began to change. It was hardened, becoming nearly indestructible, and yet it still maintained its connection to the natural magics of Thas'alah.

Lord of the Clans

  • I am the Spirit of Earth, Thrall, son of Durotan. I am the soil that yields the fruit, the grasses that feed the beasts. I am the rock, the bones of this world. I am all that grows and lives in my womb, be it worm or tree or flower.
  • Thrall began to stamp his feet. He felt power rising inside him, as he always did, but for the first time it was not accompanied by bloodlust. It was warm and strong and he felt as solid as the bones of the earth themselves. He was barely aware of the very earth trembling beneath him, and it was only when an unbearably sweet scent filled his nostrils that he opened his eyes. The earth had erupted into enormous fissures, and on every inch of what was rock, flowers bloomed. Thrall gaped. I have agreed to lend you my assistance, for the good of the Clan and those you would aid. Honor me, and that gift shall always be yours.
  • Thrall worked side by side with Drek’Thar to send energy to the seeds beneath the soil, that they would grow strong and flower in the spring that was so near, and to nurture the unborn beasts, be they deer or goat or wolf, growing in their mothers’ wombs. They worked together to ask Water to spare the village from the spring snowmelts and the avalanches that were a constant danger. Thrall grew steadily in strength and in skill, and was so engrossed in this new, vibrant path he was walking that when he saw the first yellow and purple spring flowers poking their heads up through the melting snows, he was taken by surprise. When he returned from his walk to gather the sacred herbs that aided the shaman’s contact with the elements, he was surprised to find that the Frostwolves had another guest.
  • More than once, a skeptic demanded proof. Thrall did not make the earth shake, or call the thunder and lightning. Instead, he picked up a handful of mud, and sought what was left of life within it. Before the astonished eyes of the captives, he caused the brown earth to sprout forth grasses and even flowers.
  • Now it was time to beseech the Spirit of Earth. Thrall envisioned the roots of the forest that surrounded the camp extending, growing, exploding up from the soil.Trees who have sheltered us… will you aid me now? Yes, came a response in his mind. Thrall opened his eyes and strained to see. Even with his superb night vision, it was hard to discern what was happening, but he could just make it out. Roots exploded from the hard-packed earth just outside the camp walls. They shot up from the soil and seized the men who had been dismounted, wrapping their pale lengths about the humans as firmly as the trap-nets closed about captive orcs.
  • He flung the unconscious captain over his shoulder and fought his way back against the pressing tide of continued battle. Hurrying back up to the shelter of the forest, he tossed Langston down at the foot of an ancient oak as if he were no more than a sack of potatoes. He tied the man’s hands with his own baldric. Guard him well until I return , he told the old oak. In answer, the mammoth roots lifted and folded themselves none too gently about Langston’s prone form.
  • Langston looked like a sullen child and refused to answer. Thrall formed a thought, and the tree roots tightened about Langston’s body. He gasped and stared up at Thrall in shock.

The Untamed Valley

  • 2: A small, thin vine quickly retreated beneath the space between two wood slats. It had picked the lock. The orc was free. Thick roots, thorny and brown, smashed through the floor of the home in three places. Vindicator Maraad did not hesitate. He flung the power of the Light. The orc staggered, fell to a knee. The roots went limp. But after a moment, the orc smiled. And stood back up. The roots twitched.
  • 4: He heard a roar of rage behind him and a swelling of power as Mashok finally seized control of the spirits. Maraad snatched his hammer and ran for the home's entrance only a heartbeat before thick roots shot out of the cellar, twisting, searching for prey.
  • 5: An instant later, three sharp root tips pierced Maraad's abdomen, cracking his armor. He fell with a grunt, dark blue blood dripping to the dirt.
  • 5: Before she could make another move, she felt a loop of root settle around her neck and pull tight. Thorns stabbed deeply into her flesh as she was yanked off her feet.
  • 5: Mashok lifted his hands and clenched his fists. The roots tightened, pulling the pandaren onto their backs, leaving them hopelessly entangled.

The Well of Eternity

  • But as it jumped, the forest itself came alive in defense of Brox. The wild grass and weeds under the demonic creature sprouted madly, shooting up with such astonishing swiftness that they caught the felbeast just after it left the earth. Limbs hopelessly entangled, the horrific creature snarled and snapped at the grass. Its twin tentacles stretched down, trying to touch the animated plant life that held it from its prey.

The Demon Soul

  • And suddenly, beneath the first few rows of the horde, roots sprouted up. Tree roots, grass roots…any and every sort of root that one could imagine. Krasus realized that Malfurion had caused them to not only stretch forth from the untainted ground, but to grow as most could never possibly do under natural conditions. A horned warrior stumbled, then, with a startled roar, fell forward into the waiting blade of a night elf. A felbeast growled and snapped as its massive paws became entangled. Everywhere demons tripped, twisted, and battled just to keep standing. They made for easy prey and scores more perished because of the roots. However, none of the night elves, Krasus saw, had even the slightest difficulty with the tendrils. In fact, several times the roots cleared paths for the soldiers, further aiding their cause.
  • The plants had been all too pleased to be a part of his desire, for they found the demons an abhorrence. With silent coaxing, he made them expand to lengths far greater than normal, then manipulated them so that they were more like the squirming, seeking tentacles of a kraken than simply roots. By doing so, he had enabled the soldiers to slay many of the demons.
  • Seizing a few blades of grass, the druid tossed them toward the sinister lash. The grass blades spun swiftly as they flew, then sliced away at the whip like well-honed knives until at last one cut completely through.
  • There were few plants in this mountainous region, but one nearby caught his attention. Apologizing to it, Malfurion plucked several barbs from its branches, then threw them at the huge predator. The wind carried the barbs along for him, thrusting them faster and faster toward their target. Malfurion concentrated, touching upon that which controlled the barb's growth. And just before they struck, the thorny pieces swelled. They tripled in size, then tripled again. By the time they hit the worm, many were nearly as large as the druid himself. More important, they were also harder of hide. Each of the needles facing the worm impacted with the force of a steel lance.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 4: The earth around the cavern began trembling in what Thrall attributed to a manifestation of Deathwing's anger. Yet rather than press his attack, the black Aspect suddenly cast him aside. Deathwing thrust his hands out, roaring in fury. Massive boulders of the Old God's blood wrenched up from the cavern floor and moved to a high corner of the chamber, forming a thick barrier of the crystalline substance. It took a moment for Thrall to put the pieces together and find the source of the tremors. The roots of Nordrassil were hurtling toward the chamber, burrowing through stone and soil at incredible speed. The Earthen Ring—and the Cenarion Circle, it seemed—had found him. Thrall charged forward and plowed into the Aspect, knocking him to the floor and interrupting his spellwork. Deathwing scrambled up, seething. His body pulsated, tendrils of lava slithering out from the cracks in his breastplate. The black dragon was beginning to move toward Thrall when one of Nordrassil's roots exploded through the cavern wall in a shower of crystal shards. Deathwing planted his feet as the World Tree's root careened into him. For a short time, he held his ground against the living battering ram, its width greater than a kodo beast's girth. Three other roots followed soon after, bursting into the cavern and driving the black Aspect through the bottom of the chamber. A fifth root slowly entered the hollow. It wrapped around Thrall's waist and pulled him out of the void.


  • 2: Malfurion bent over a silverleaf bush and plucked a leaf, crushing it between his fingers and inhaling the clean, revitalizing aroma. As he did so, he brushed the plant with his other hand, murmuring his thanks. Three leaves burst from the stem; Malfurion had repaid the plant threefold for its sacrifice.
  • 3: The very roots and twigs and leaves obeyed a druid who had shifted into kaldorei form, allowing her to harness the anger of the violated forest. The trees were awakening, their leaves trembling, preparing to seize the interloper.
  • 4: She did not hear Malfurion’s reply to the challenge. But she heard the groaning and creaking, saw the roots explode from the soil and race up along the walls of the inn, their tendrils grabbing the solid stone and tearing it apart. The noise was deafening, and hitherto brave Horde warriors hesitated.

A Good War

  • 3: The branches shivered under his feet. The druids were calling upon the forest to stop him. In a few moments, the branches would shy away from his footsteps, vines would entwine around his ankles, and perhaps the trees themselves would open up, drawing him inside to suffocate within their bark. He had heard tales of such things.
  • 3: The elf’s eyes shifted toward the orcs. The forest of Ashenvale came alive. The fullthroated war cries of the orcs were cut off. There were no screams, no thrashing, no prolonged combat—simply a flurry of movement in the darkness, and then the sound of armored bodies hitting the ground. The elf hadn’t even lifted a finger. Such was his command of nature.
  • 3: Malfurion stepped aside. The instant before Lorash crashed into the ground, tree roots burst out of the earth and slapped his wrists. He dropped his daggers. He cried out in surprise as he landed on his right shoulder and neck. There was a sharp jolt of pain. His right arm went numb, but Lorash could still move. More roots took that away from him, too. Before he could leap to his feet, roots wrapped tightly around his wrists, ankles, and neck, pinning him to the ground, immobilizing him. Lorash fought against the roots for only a moment, but it was useless. They could have already killed him, crushed the life out of him, or ripped his limbs off his body. But they hadn’t.
  • 3: Malfurion looked at him, at the weapons in his hands, and the root around Lorash’s throat squeezed. Lorash heard a grinding crunch. His eyes were still open, his mind was still racing, but his body wouldn’t obey him. His lungs wouldn’t draw breath. His entire body was numb. His thoughts were fading.
  • 3: Lorash lay motionless on the ground. A root was wrapped around his throat, and his head rested at an unnatural angle from his body.

Ask CDev

  • In the early days of humanity and its civilization, many tribes of humans had primitive belief systems that incorporated simple nature magic. Gilneas, due to its relative isolation, has retained a degree of their ancient culture in the contemporary era. The religious leaders of what was in Gilneas referred to as the "old ways" eventually became "harvest-witches"; those who used their nature powers to augment Gilnea's agricultural output during and following its period of industrialization.

The Sundering

  • The leaf suddenly became many leaves, hundreds of them. They whirled around in the wind, spinning faster and faster. They closed on the already-fleeing demon. As each touched the Doomguard, they adhered to him. Scores and scores soon clung tightly to the demon, yet the numbers still swirling about looked no less. The horned warrior fought against the wind, but the ever-increasing weight upon him made his efforts falter. In but seconds, the demon became a mummy wrapped in green. The wings slowed, unable to battle against that which so weighed them down. Finally, the last of the Doomguard dropped like a rock.
  • Something that Cenarius had taught him suddenly came to mind. Reaching into a pouch, the druid removed a small, prickly seed. Unlike those he had used against the Burning Legion in the past, this one had points too delicate to wreak any havoc on the foe. However, they were especially adept at sticking to anything with which they came into contact. He tossed out two to the heavens and through his casting the two became four, then became eight, sixteen, and doubled accordingly in rapid succession. Within a heartbeat, hundreds filled the air, then thousands. They did not, as they should have, cling to the dragons or Malfurion's comrades, for that was not the druid's desire. Rather, he sought to use them to find out the truth about their adversaries.

Warcraft red dragon breath

Tome of the Ancients

  • A keeper named Freya was tasked with seeding the world with life. She created lush enclaves all across Azeroth that gave rise to countless animals.
  • She began by creating a single, massive tree, set atop a high peak within the Dream. From it bloomed many different fruits and flowers, and new life flowed outward in waves, sweeping across the land.

The Well of Eternity

  • With Brox’s hands atop his own, the night elf began running his fingers along the branch. As he did, he felt it soften at his touch, then shift in form. And under his guidance materialized a thick-bladed ax composed entirely of oak.
  • “Let it always swing true, always protect its master. Let it be wielded well for the cause of life and justice. Let it add to the strength of its master and, in turn, let him strengthen it.” And as he spoke, a blue radiance surrounded the ax. The light sank into the wood, adding a sheen to Malfurion’s creation.
  • “No,” interjected the forest lord. “In addition to Malfurion’s work, it now has my blessing. You’ll find it stronger than any mortal-forged ax. You may trust me on that.”
  • The ax sliced through everything with such ease that the wizard hoped that his companion would never accidentally cut him with it. Not even bone gave the blade any pause.

The Sundering

  • Despite its tremendous size, the double-edged ax fit perfectly in his grip and felt as light as a feather. It did not even feel wet.


  • Massive armor with jutting thorns protected the shoulders, while matching guards did so for the forearms and shins. Although made of wood respectfully harvested from dead trees, the spell-crafted armor was more durable and resilient than metal.
  • Paying no attention to the rest of his surroundings, Broll went straight to a chest woven from steelgrass. While outwardly appearing to be soft, when used in such a manner, steelgrass was as strong as metal. A normal night elf would have been unable to either cut through it or pry open the bound lid, but Broll was familiar with Fandral’s methods, both of them having been taught closely by Malfurion. Indeed, Broll had learned a few things that he believed even Fandral did not know. Placing his hands close together, the druid tested the weaving of the chest. He felt the binding spells Fandral had used and the manners by which the archdruid had had the steelgrass shape itself.


  • All looked calm, but as Broll studied the green and crimson edifice, he noted the fine strings of vines crisscrossing it. Cocking his head, he eyed the tiny buds running along the vines. They were a subtle indication of just what plant decorated the building… and the only hint of Fandral’s cunning. Even most of the other druids would have proven hard-pressed to identify it. Twisting his head, the storm crow plucked a feather from his body. Ignoring the slight twinge of pain, Broll took to flight, drifting high above the vines. He dropped the feather. The feather drifted onto a bud, which opened immediately. From it burst a sappy substance that encased the feather, causing it to drop to the ground with a thud. The sap had quickly hardened. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of such little buds. With such numbers, they could easily cover Broll with a similar prison, leaving him trapped until Fandral returned.
  • The thorns were drugged. His experienced mind quickly calculated which herbs with which they had been tipped. To his relief, none were poisonous. They were designed to incapacitate. Broll could feel his muscles growing slack. He was semiconscious, but unable to move.


  • The pollen had been a ploy, albeit a dangerous one. Too late Malfurion realized that Fandral had utilized a more subtle druidic attack. While Malfurion had been evading the lily, he had also been inhaling the altered plant’s tiny spores. They now filled his lungs. But as he had done with the morrowgrain poison, Malfurion forced the spores from his body. It was not as simple and gradual a feat as he had utilized in his barrow den; after all, time was not on his side. Malfurion ejected the spores with one fierce exhalation, sending them toward their caster.

The Demon Soul

  • The satyr stumbled back, his eyes continuing to swell. Malfurion felt an intense heat radiate from the fiendish figure. The struggling creature burst into flames that quickly and efficiently engulfed him. He shrieked as his body blackened and the fire ate away at his flesh. Gagging, the druid covered his nose and mouth. During their last encounter, Cenarius had shown him how to harness the heat contained within the seeds and fruit of some plants, and magnify it a thousandfold. One of those prepared seeds had evidently been what Malfurion had thrust into the satyr's maw. Mere seconds after swallowing the seed, the creature collapsed, his remains but a few charred bones.


  • The druid cast a handful of powder mixed from plants known for their fiery qualities. As the powder touched his dark foes, it sizzled. The shadows burned away, their vanishing accompanied by tormented hisses.

The Well of Eternity

  • Huge, foliage-thick branches swung down, obscuring the faces of the riders. Bushes leapt up, becoming short, nimble figures with silent, smiling faces of green. The forest floor seemed to snag the claws of every panther, sending more than one rider tumbling.
  • The bush creatures caught Rhonin well before he would have been in danger of striking the ground headfirst. Silently and efficiently, they carried him like a battering ram into the thick forest. Rhonin could only hope that Krasus, too, had been rescued, for he could see nothing but the leafy figure before him. Despite their sizes, his companions were obviously strong.
  • Of the creatures who had brought them here, Krasus saw no sign. Likely they had returned to being a literal part of the forest, tending to its needs until next summoned to action by their lord. That these had been the simplest of the forest’s guardians Krasus was well aware. The night elves were a relatively paltry threat.


  • One massive root already twined about Fandral. As it did, from the main root tiny extensions sprouted. They, in turn, wrapped around the archdruid like creeper vines, until he stood halfshrouded by them. It was a variation—a tremendous one, naturally—of one of the ways in which the druids communed with the flora of Azeroth. What could not be seen was that the tendrils permeated their very beings, almost merging night elf and plant as one.
  • Broll felt some trepidation as the magic of the figurine touched both him and Teldrassil’s root, but his trust in the archdruid overcame his memories of the artifact’s foul deeds. The magic seeped into the druid’s mind and soul… He became Teldrassil and Teldrassil became him.
  • The power of the druids flowed into Teldrassil, feeding it. Strengthening it. With so much will and desire behind their offering, Broll was certain that whatever ailed the Great Tree would be vanquished and that then, as the archdruid had indicated, it would then be able to assist them in rescuing Malfurion—

Charge of the Aspects

  • 2: After Nordrassil had been healed, Ysera had taught the druids how to meld their spirits with the tree's roots to help them extend into the soil.

  1. Гуманоидный облик любят принимать различные гиганты-негуманоиды
    1. Драконы
    2. Дикие Боги
  2. Способность обращаться в позволяющий летать темный дым присутствует у заклинателей темной и некромантической магий
  3. Друиды в большинстве своем не наделены даром речи в форме животных
    1. В форме медведя чувствительность к боли ниже, нюх обострен
    2. В форме птицы имеется острое зрение
    3. В форме кошки обострены нюх и слух
    4. Ничего примечательного в форме оленя и морского льва
    5. Проклятье воргенов произошло от усиления формы стаи Косой Элуны и не передается генетически. Генн в форме воргена сильнее и быстрее, обладает лучшей координацией и более острым зрением
  4. Призрачное животное, в которое превращается шаман, вероятно, нематериально

The Sundering

  • The dragon had always been comfortable in his mortal form, but that had been when he had understood that with a single thought he could transform to his true self.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 1: He had, like his brethren, assumed his mortal form, a deed the Aspects performed whenever they were near the short-lived races that dwelled around Nordrassil.

Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth

  • Chronormu had recited the words aloud to himself a hundred times over, not to mention the particulars of the visage spell, but he was still certain he’d blunder them in front of everyone, including the Dragon Queen.

The Demon Soul

  • The gigantic falcon fluttered through. A transformation then overtook it. The legs grew, thickened. The wings shrank, turning into slim, feathered hands. The body reshaped, becoming more like that of a female night elf or human, and the tail shifted into the trailing end of a gossamer white gown. A slim, wide-eyed woman almost human in features eyed the pair. Her nose was sharp, but very elegant. She had a pale, beautiful face the color of ivory, and for hair she wore a wondrous mane of downy feathers. Her gown fluttered as she walked—on two delicate but still sharply-taloned feet.

The Chronicle of Ages

  • Yu'lon needed to know how deep the Monkey King's cleverness ran. She visited him in disguise. All the Monkey King saw was another hozen… but this one did not call him king or bow before him. He demanded that she show respect.

Ashbringer4 pages6-7


  • 2: A cloud of smoke appeared from thin air, swirling and coiling until it transformed into a flesh-and-blood Outcast. Intriguing. Viryx had read tales of the dark powers used by the Outcasts.

Shadows Rising

  • She felt the ground suddenly tremble and ceased her advance. Black swirls gathered, then funneled toward the snow-covered peak. When the darkness abated, Nathanos was there, kneeling, his hands still clutching the empty vial.


  • Can druids talk in their animal forms?”
    “As we see with Broll Bearmantle in the comic, I believe the ruling is they cannot.”
  • “Ruling: “Druids (in general) cannot speak in their animal forms. There may/may not be exceptions to the rule.”


  • 4: Ferryn was beside her in his favorite shape—that of the nightsaber. For a moment, Delaryn rejoiced. But then she realized that he was speaking. He should not have been able to. Feline mouths could not form words.


  • Belatedly he realized he had been injured; in bear form, he had not felt the wound. He pressed a hand to the gash in his side and murmured a healing spell, his eyes widening in horror as he assessed what had happened.


  • In fact, Malfurion’s ursine senses picked up a scent to it, one that stirred an incredible fury within him.


  • 2: The bear sank back on his ursine haunches, and the strange, almost bleating sound he made was unmistakably laughter. He shifted his shape, and an instant later, there sat a tall, pale blue night elf with long, wild hair the color of moss.


  • The druid Sarius dismounted and transformed into a monstrous bear, his fur branded with mystical markings.


  • Just before the storm crow touched ground, it swelled in size, in only a single breath growing to a height greater than any human. Its legs and talons shifted form, the former becoming thicker and longer and the latter now turning into feet that were sandaled. At the same time, each of the wings melded and stretched and fingers blossomed. The feathers vanished, replaced by thick hair of forest green that was bound tight in the back and flowed down in the front in a lush beard that extended to what was now a cloaked chest. The beak had receded into the face, becoming a separate and still prominent nose and a broad mouth bent into what was almost a perpetual frown. Ebony feathers had given way to flesh of a dark violet hue that marked the shapeshifter as of the race that lived in this land and above it.
  • Sharp eyes drank in a sight below that made the storm crow cry out.

Seeds of Faith

  • 4: A shadow passed over her head, and Tyrande raised her glaive in alarm. An enormous bird circled in the sky above her. She paused, watching the creature in disbelief. It dove into a steep descent, and she began to recognize the dark plumage and the certain spark that lit the storm crow's eyes. The bird landed and, in a matter of seconds, shifted into the familiar figure of her beloved.

Lord of His Pack

  • 2: Three black smudges veered away from the storm-ridden gloom ahead. They came into focus slowly, no longer smudges, but giant storm crows flying at breakneck speeds toward Talar, their loud squawking a cacophony of urgency and, it seemed to Genn, fear. Then the massive crows morphed. Genn was still getting used to seeing this transformation. He had heard that druidism was practiced among some of Gilneas’s agrarian folk, but he hadn’t been exposed to it until recently. The bird shapes twisted and jerked, wrenching their anatomies into their more natural forms—those of kaldorei druids, two males and one female.


  • Sarius looked directly at her, and she nodded. The druid detached himself from the group and moved into the shadow of a rubble pile. He did not reemerge in his own form, but a large bird hopped on top and looked around with bright beady eyes.


  • He did so not as himself, however, but as a great cat. Pouncing into the thick fog, the druid used his heightened senses of smell and hearing to make up for the limited visibility.
  • The whispers sought to drive him mad, so Broll thought as he raced along the dank landscape in cat form. It was unfortunate that in this huge, feline shape his hearing was more acute.


  • The smell of big cat in her nostrils told her that Sarius had joined her in concealment. The druid wore the form of a huge panther, oddly marked. He moved across the parched landscape in utter silence, following the curves of the brown earth, out of sight of all but the most vigilant. He growled a greeting and stalked toward the ridge’s edge. Just as quietly, she followed him to the brow of the cliff and gazed out on Hellfire Citadel.


  • 2: Ferryn heard a branch creak above them. He changed into a nightsaber with a single thought. His heightened sense of smell led him to spring straight up toward the reek of goblin that almost made his eyes water.
  • 2: Ferryn’s sense of smell was keener than theirs even when he was in night elf form. Now, it was even stronger. Nonetheless, they could smell him, too, if he wasn’t careful. He made sure he was downwind before maneuvering past the fortifications.


  • 4: Malfurion Stormrage shifted his shape, tossing the stag’s antlered head as his hooves traveled swiftly over stone and grass.

Lord of His Pack

  • 6: With that, Talar dove into the water. Beneath the surface he transformed himself into a smooth-skinned sea lion, a form that he had perfected over the millennia. It was a form that served his life as a sailor. He could see the Elune’s Radiance sliding away into the depths, enveloped by the darkness below.

Lord of His Pack

  • 4: He took a deep breath and let out a roar. He could feel the change, his body expanding, his hair rapidly growing, his face extending into a grizzled muzzle. With a loud howl, arching his back and reaching his arms out to the sky, he completed his transformation. He was a worgen, one of the wolf-men whom he had asked Arugal to summon all those years ago—one of the wolf-men who, with the Forsaken, had inevitably destroyed his nation. But in this form, he was faster and stronger. The curse that he had become afflicted with had its advantages. He ran toward the starboard side of the ship, full speed. The wet deck didn’t affect his balance: he was singularly focused. The animal instinct inside him coursed through his veins. His mind was hell-bent on the act alone, nothing else, just the doing. And then, as he reached the railing, he jumped!
  • 4: “Mia! Tess!” Genn called out. His eyesight was better in his worgen form, and through the rain he could not see his family on the bow.

Ask CDev

  • Q: Can worgen reproduce naturally or only through a bite or blood? Would their child be a worgen or normal?
    A: The worgen curse is exactly that: a curse. Its origins are rooted in the druidic "pack form" that was later altered by the Scythe of Elune. The end result is the worgen we see today, beings that can transmit their affliction to others via a single bite. In theory, if two worgen were to mate and produce an offspring, that offspring would not be a worgen. The child would merely possess the genetic material of his or her parents, like any other child sans the curse.

Tome of the Ancients

  • During the War of the Satyr, when the headstrong druid Ralaar Fangfire used the Scythe of Elune to enhance the pack form, the result was disastrous. Many druids turned into worgen, feral creatures that viciously attacked both friend and foe.


  • Micky's opinion: turning incorporeal.

    1. Шаманы называют заклинание Зовом? Духи стихий могут не исполнять просьбы шаманов. Влияние шамана успокаивает и объединяет стихии. Усиление связи между Траллом и Духом Жизни облегчает общение с остальными стихиями. Количество Духа в мире/на планете влияет на местных духов стихий: переизбыток делает их пассивными и препятствует материализации, его недостаток приводит к агрессивным и разрушительным элементалям
    2. Темный шаманизм - использование Распада и/или темной магии для обращения стихий в оружие?
    3. И шаманы и темные шаманы используют тотемы - маленькие резные фигурки, изображающие стихии. Темные шаманы проводят через них свою волю для воздействия на духов стихий
    4. Тралл призывает с помощью Духа Жизни призрачных волков
    5. Темный шаман Машок призвал призрачных волков, но они оказались иллюзией?
    6. Высшие эльфы наложили на Кель'талас чары, поддерживающие вечную весну. Появление Саргераса заставляет небо потемнеть
    1. Геомантия - грубая форма шаманизма
    2. Некрос Душой Дракона создает земляную воронку, поглотившую повозку и тянувших ее животных, Ронин в ответ коротким простым заклинанием кидает ему в лицо комок неубираемой и препятствующей видению грязи. Против чудовища у временной аномалии Ронин использует нечто похожее на предыдущий трюк, но помощнее. Иллидан делает землю под ногами демонов жидкой, и, после того как те провалились, снова твердой. Крас также делает землю вязкой под ногами демонов и гоблинов.
    3. Слуги Смертокрыла (Фэндрал?) разделили разум, тело и дух Тралла на четыре стихии. После восстановления, Тралл заимел особую связь с землей, позволяющую ему чувствовать Азерот как часть себя, Изера считает что в ходе восстановления его души, в него вошла часть сущности Азерот. Тралл стал способен покидать тело в виде духа, которого духи земли видели как своего и на которого действия шаманов оказывали успокаивающее воздействие как на духов стихий. Ранения Тралла, чья душа заключена в созданное из земли тело-ловушку Смертокрыла, вызывали землетрясения возле его настоящего тела, исцеление этой земли исцеляло и заключенного Тралла.
    4. Дух Земли по просьбе Тралла вызывает землетрясения, ломающие здания и каменные стены, скрывает отпечатки двухтысячной армии орков
    5. Кишок поднимает земляную стену в пять шагов(?), заставляет землю дрожать и открывать разломы под ногами врагов
    6. Земля по просьбе Малфуриона поглощает двух Высокорожденных? и демонов
    1. Дух Воздуха несет летающих животных, ветром создает шепот для общения и толкает союзников, шаманы способны с его помощью летать и раздувать огонь. Элементали воздуха способны летать
    2. Кишок вызывает ветер, сначала сбивающий гну-синя с ног, а затем поднимающий его в воздух и с силой опускающий навстречу поднявшейся земле
    3. Ветер тушит загоревшегося древня Кенария, закрывает обзор эльфам мусором и сбивает одного из них большой веткой. По просьбе Малфуриона ветер усиливается, превращая носимые им листья в острые лезвия. Друиды создают попутный ветер кораблям. Малфурион создает: циклон, чтобы убрать воду с острова; поднимающие демонов на смертельную высоту вихри; ослепившую только демонов бурю пыли; увеличивающегося в размерах пыледемона; прохладный, нежный, ласкающий, принесший приятный аромат цветов и успокаивающий крик птицы ветер, погружающий в очень глубокую летаргию
    4. Крас призывает ветер, хлестающий и отбрасывающий стражей рока в друг друга
    5. Архимонд создает сильный ветер, отбросивший в сторону демонов, ночных саблезубов и их наездников, Хална Круготора, но никак не повлиявший на Джерода
    1. [Молот Рока] в руках Тралла подожен молнией. Тралл призывает Духов Воды и Огня на помощь, отчего появляется дождь и молнии. Молния ломает стену лагеря. Тралл призывает молнии против нерубов, орки-шаманы призывают на армию людей молнию, подбросившую в воздух человеческие тела и огромные куски камня. Свинобразы-шаманы молниями убивают кор'крон. Нобундо при ясном небе призывает гром, тучи, ливень, сбивающий стражников с ног сильный ветер, танцующие молнии. Молот дворфа Громового Молота оставил от сланцевого паука тлеющую оболочку и вернулся в руку после броска, дворф использует его вместо кирки. У Шадо-пан имеются stormcallers, чья заклинания взрывались среди троллей, подожгли одного и открыть грудь другому.
    2. Кишок призывает молнии
    3. Малфурион призывает молнию против наг. Духи воздуха атакуют Ксавия молниями, выжигая снаружи и изнутри
    4. Молнии призывали: Иллидан (золотая); Дат'ремар; Ронин против дракона (без существенного урона), демонов, демонов-заклинателей (оставались лишь кучки пепла)
    5. Демоны и Высокорожденные призывают черные молнии, оставляющие пламя скверны?
    1. Некрос Душой Дракона создает гигантскую руку из пламени, которая отражается от защиты Ронина на орка-воина и оставляет от того горящую кучу. Дух Огня из Пандарии создает в небе на высоте в сотни шагов шар голубого пламени шириной в 50 шагов ослепительной яркости и почти обжигающий орка на земле, моментально его убирает, а затем создает еще более яркий шар, от которого прикрывший глаза орк видел вены на веках
    2. Огненные шары и кольца в исполнении магов
    3. Бролл призывает пурпурный огонь, который удерживает туман Изумрудного Кошмара на расстоянии. Малфурион призывает какой-то сияющий как звезды огонь. Друиды призывают серебряный огонь.
    4. Дрек'тар вызывает таяние снега, Дух Огня вызывает молнии и поджигает цветы, Тралл поджигает тело Оргримма
    5. В Каражане факелы холодного огня. Чернорук не пострадал в озере лавы.
    6. Медив поджигает синим пламенем письмо, выжигает синего дракона изнутри. Иллидан поджигает стражей рока, эльфов, благовония для ритуала. Ронин превращает зеленый огонь на демонах в настоящий сжегший их огонь. Маги Орды делали снаряды осадных орудий взрывоопасными и поджигающими даже море
    7. Маги имеют сохраняющие и отгоняющие тепло, согревающие заклинания. [Шарас'дал] согрел Азшару и Высокорожденных, наги с его помощью и incantantions заставляли врайкулов вариться заживо.
    8. Используя [Ярость Света], инквизитор из Алого Ордена призывал священный огонь для пыток. Рукхмар призывает зачарованный огонь, способный как уничтожать, так и питать жизнь. Араккоа создали механизмы испускающие лучи зачарованного огня
    9. Тень+Пламя=пламя ТьмыSHADOWFLAME
    10. Огонь скверны может быть черным как смоль, синим, зеленым и его не потушить обычной водой, Гул'дан создает ловушки, метающие копья огня скверны, и полотно огня, при разрушении вызывающего ослепительную вспышку света. Огонь скверны обжигает сам воздух, сжигает ветер, плоть, кровь и дух, не оставляет после себя ничего, под его действием за мгновение огры стали иссохшими комьями, духовная форма Малфуриона способна чувствовать его жар
    11. Дар'кхан-нежить поджигает Лор'темара. В кузне рун горит фиолетовое пламя порчи
    1. Атаки криомантией парализуют мускулы, полностью замороженные ею объекты становятся хрупкими
    2. Заклинание Вол'джина покрывает тролля морозом. Артас вызывает Ледяной Скорбью невидимый замораживающий взрыв
    3. Маги способны понижать температуру воздуха, замораживать воду (Магическое создание льда имеет характерный звук?) и создавать различные конструкции из льда для атаки и защиты
    1. Цзинь-юй используют давление и потоки воды для формирования камня и металла. Тралл обращает снег в дождь, а затем прекращает его. Машок пытался создать воду в легких Мараада?
    2. Дождь начался в такт слезам Малфуриона. Друиды способны призывать воду из глубин земли
    3. С Радужным Средоточием Джайна вместо одного элементаля воды призывает десять, способна управлять тысячью и объединять их в большую волну, игнорируя отсутствие заклинаний для вызова таких эффектов силой Средоточия
    4. Паладины имеют благословение, делающее воду святой, препятствуя контакт с ней для нежити, но не вредителей
    5. Священные воды лунных колодцев исцеляют землю, лечат раны и восполняют энергию и ману при испитии или купании в них
    6. Темные шаманы способны управлять водой и превращать ее в едкую кислоту?

Lord of the Clans

  • He worked together with Drek’Thar to learn the specific “calls,” as the elder called them. “Warlocks would term them spells,” he told Thrall, “but we — shamans — term them simply ‘calls.’ We ask, the powers we work with answer. Or not, as they will.”
  • “It serves the Spirit of Water’s purpose, and the Wilds’,” replied Drek’Thar. “I do not know their needs and plans. They certainly do not tell me of them. This time, it did not serve Water’s needs, and it would not flood and drown hundreds of humans it saw as innocent. Later, once the rage had faded, I understood that the Spirit of Water was right.”
  • “Oh, they understood. My first request was humble, and the element listened with compassion before it refused. My next request was a furious demand, and the Spirit of the Wilds was offended that I so abused the relationship between shaman and element.”
  • Drek’Thar extended a hand and placed it on Thrall’s shoulder. “It is more than likely you will endure the pain of losing loved ones, Thrall. You must know that the Spirit of the Wilds has reasons for doing what it does, and you must respect those reasons.”


  • 4: The relationship between the elements and the shaman is one of synchronicity. The shaman’s influence helps to calm and unite us, just as our influence enriches and fulfills the shaman. When you have completed your training, you will be able to call upon the elements in times of need. If the elements deem your cause just, we will assist you in any way possible.

novel/Thrall His connection with the elements had only seemed to grow stronger with this unexpected journey he had undertaken. His renewed connection with the Spirit of Life seemed to make everything stronger. The knowledge of the importance of the moment made him feel… solid. Grounded. As long as he remembered that, nothing could uproot him again.

  • His strengthened connection with the Spirit of Life made working with all the elements easier—even more joyful. The earth held life; it nourished the seeds and the roots that animals in turn fed upon. The Spirit of Earth and the Spirit of Life would welcome him back now; they would trust him to hold and gently direct and contain the Spirit of Earth, even while working with four Dragon Aspects. The earth was enormous; its spirit was great; and in his humility to accept that, Thrall knew he could, conversely, succeed with it.

Chronicle 1

  • 14: The presence of the fifth element - Spirit - also affects the disposition of these elemental beings. A world with an overabundance of Spirit may give rise to native elementals who are passive and lack physicality. Conversely, a world with too little Spirit may birth elementals who are highly aggressive and incredibly destructive.

Chronicle 2

  • 12: An abundance of the fifth element - the Spirit of Life - had saturated the world. This force had a natural calming effect on the elemental spirits. It tempered their violent nature, and it even prevented them from taking on physical forms.


  • Shaman use the four elements and "spirit" to bring them to life. Only dark shaman forego spirit and use the elements with decay.

quest/Disrupt the Rituals

  • Dark shamanism is a dangerous practice, <name>. It is true that the void can be a source of terrible power, but it is the kind of power that comes at a price.


  • He reached in his pouch and touched the small carvings that represented the elements. Their essences manifested in glowing, pulsing images of these figurines. Such a totem appeared at his feet as air came willingly to his call, and the wind that suddenly sprang up wrapped itself around the writhing wave, attempting to restrain the tsunami.

The Untamed Valley

  • 3: The orc extended his will through his totem and clamped down hard. The spirits howled in pain. He smiled. This wasn't so difficult.
  • 4: He reached out with his will. And caught nothing. The fire spirit looked down at the shattered totems. And giggled again. Desperately the orc reached out. His earth totem had not been completely destroyed, and he managed to catch a spirit of earth by a fingernail. A wide swath of the field heaved, and the mushan tumbled onto its side, its hozen rider hooting with fury. The spirit wriggled and tried to escape, but Kishok refused to let go.


  • Asking for the favor of the Spirit of Life, Thrall summoned two spectral beings—spirit wolves, transparent and misty, but every bit as dangerous as the more corporeal kind. He had created such manifestations before, but now, with the willing aid of the Spirit of Life, the wolves were even stronger. With howls that shivered along the air, the ghostly creatures sprang for Jaina, diverting her attention from her grim task.

The Untamed Valley

  • 3: Snapping teeth closed where he had been standing. The two Mudclaws scrambled back to their feet and stared into the glowing eyes of a black shadow. Lightning flashed elsewhere on the field, illuminating its shape. It was a wolf. A spirit of a wolf. It howled at them, anger and torment plain in its cry. The orc offered a savage laugh. "You have many wolves in your land. But a few less now," he said. Then he turned to run, heading back into the fight with the night elf. The feral spirit leaped at the two pandaren. Gina swung her hoe. The farm tool hit squarely on the ghost wolf's flank, pushing it to the side.
  • 3: Seven more pairs of glowing eyes closed in on them. A parting gift from the orc named Zertin, no doubt.
  • 4: "I see," Zertin said. "Then meet the ones I brought from Durotar." Ghostly howls shattered the night, and a pack of wolf spirits leapt at the group.
  • 5: The ghostly wolves had been an illusion, nothing more, but the bucking mushan was utterly terrified.

Chronicle 1

  • 121: No longer fearful of using magic, the high elves created marvelous works and bathed their land in eternal springtime. Never again would they experience another winter as brutal as the one they had suffered en route to this land.

Chronicle 1

  • 150: The skies of Northrend churned and darkened. A monstrous demonic form emerged upon the battlefield: Sargeras, ruler of the Burning Legion.

item/The Old Wizard's Almanac

  • The few quilboar that remain in Kalimdor are known to practice geomancy, a crude form of shamanism.

Day of the Dragon The ground beneath the wagon began to shake, then crumble. Rhonin threw himself from the sinkhole that formed just as the wagon and the animals pulling it were dragged under. The shield spell dissipated, leaving the desperate mage undefended as he clung to what remained of the path.

  • Rhonin uttered a short, simple spell. A single clump of dirt flew up into the orc's face, lodging there despite his attempts to peel it away. Swearing, Nekros struggled to see.

The Well of Eternity

  • The earth beneath the abomination exploded, a storm of dirt rising up and covering the lupine creature. It howled again and, despite the intense forces against it, struggled toward the mage. A crust formed over the legs and torso. The mouth shut tight as a layer of rock-solid earth sealed it. One by one, the inhuman orbs were covered by a film of dust.
  • The solid earth below them had become as soup and the heavy, armored forms of the demons could do nothing but plunge beneath its surface like stones. A few struggled, but, in the end, any who had the misfortune of being where Illidan had cast vanished. With a wave of his hand, the young night elf resolidified the earth, erasing all trace of his victims.

The Demon Soul

  • Without waiting to see what the night elf would attempt, Krasus gestured toward the battle. At first Malfurion could not tell what he did, but then he noticed the foremost demons seem to shrink a foot or two. Only after a moment more did he see that they struggled with a sudden bog that had opened up beneath their feet.

The Sundering

  • Shaking his head, Brox managed to focus in time to see the two tangled goblins suddenly sink into the once solid ground. Their cries were cut off the moment their heads vanished beneath.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 2: During the first attempt to mend Nordrassil, Deathwing's servants had ambushed Thrall and sundered his mind, body, and spirit into the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water. Through the work of a mortal hero and Thrall's mate, Aggra, he had been saved. Ever since that time, Thrall had displayed a newfound connection with the earth that went beyond mere communication with the elements. He could feel Azeroth as if it were a part of himself, conjoining with the world in a miraculous way. Ysera believed that in the process of reforming his spirit, the essence of Azeroth had been taken into him.
  • 2: The soil was not an object in Thrall's palm. It was, he realized, as much a part of him as his fingers were a part of his hand, unique in and of themselves but pieces of the greater whole. The orc's spirit descended into the earth beneath him and then into the depths of Hyjal. He experienced every stone and grain of sand as if it were an extension of himself. The chaotic earth elementals, whom he had for so long struggled to calm, embraced him—welcomed him—as one of their own. The mountain was alive with activity. Shaman - Aggra among them - whispered to the earth in a harmonizing chorus that soothed Thrall's spirit just as it did the elements.
  • 3:"If you insist on calling it a gift, so be it. Know then what it is to be me, to be given this gracious gift… to feel the fiery heart of this world as your own." Pain flared deep within Thrall's earthen chest. The ceaseless flames that blazed in Azeroth's core churned inside his spirit. His stone skin hissed and steamed, glowing a dark and angry red.
  • 3: An instant before his fist plowed into Deathwing's chest, the weight of Azeroth - and all of its might - was ripped away from the orc's grasp. His hand slammed into the Aspect's human form, and Thrall's arm shattered into a thousand pieces up to the elbow. He sank to his knees and howled in agony as magma boiled out of the broken limb. Far off in the distance, near his physical body in Hyjal, he sensed the earth tear asunder.
  • 4: "Is there a connection between Thrall and the earthquakes?" Kalec asked.
    "He has communed with the earth in a manner that no other shaman has before. The earth is a part of him, and he a part of it. Something has trapped his spirit. These fissures… these are his wounds."
  • 4: He was preparing to call out again when energy surged through him, and his earthen body began to heal. The shaman were also sealing the chasms in Hyjal, he realized. As they did, his wounds were mending. The orc sprang to his feet, reinvigorated.

Lord of the Clans

  • Thrall could feel the Spirit of the Earth responding questioningly. As gently as he could, for he had no wish to upset the element, he declined an offer of aid. This was not a battle for the elements; there was no dire need here. Only Thrall’s need to teach this arrogant stranger a sorely needed lesson. Even so, he felt the earth tremble beneath his pounding feet.
  • The earth responded. The ground beneath the encampment began to tremble, and small shocks rippled out from the center. Before Thrall’s eyes, earth broke and heaved, the mighty stone wall encircling the camp shattering and falling into small pieces. Screams assaulted Thrall’s ears, not battle cries or epithets, but cries of genuine terror.
  • The earth buckled. The screaming was drowned out by the terrible roar of collapsing buildings and shattering stone. And then, almost as quickly as it had come, the noises ceased. Thrall stood and regarded the rubble that had once been an internment camp for his people.
  • Though he was leading an army of nearly two thousand, and it was almost certain to be spotted, Thrall did what he could to disguise the march of the Horde. He asked the earth to cover their prints, the air to carry their scent away from any beasts who might sound the alert. It was little, but every bit helped.

The Untamed Valley

  • 4: Kishok stood at the edge of the hill and forced the spirit to raise a wall of earth five paces high between him and the pandaren.
  • 5: Mashok bared his teeth. "Leave." The land shook at the word. The spirits of the earth, at least, knew to obey him without question.
  • 5: Coldly Mashok told the earth to swallow the lead virmen, to open a chasm beneath his feet.

The Well of Eternity

  • Two of the Highborne hurried to adjust it, but the floor beneath their feet suddenly gave way as the stones there acted on Malfurion’s silent request to cease their natural tendency to be strong and hold things together. With a scream, the pair dropped from sight.

The Demon Soul

  • Through the eyes of the beetles, he watched with astonishment as crevices opened up all around the monstrous figure who had attacked him. A smaller demon nearby tumbled into one fissure, which promptly shut on him.

Lord of the Clans

  • I am the Spirit of Air, Thrall, son of Durotan. I am the winds that warm and cool the earth, that which fills your lungs and keeps you alive. I carry the birds and insects and dragons, and all things that dare soar to my challenging heights.
  • The sensation of power that filled him was different this time: lighter, freer. Even though he had been forbidden to speak, he could not help the laughter that bubbled forth from his soul. He felt warm winds caress him, bringing all manner of delicious scents to his nostrils, and when he opened his eyes, he was floating high above the ground. Drek’Thar was so far below him he seemed as a child’s toy. But Thrall was not afraid. The Spirit of Air would support him; he had asked, and it had answered. Gently, he floated down, until he felt the solid stone beneath his feet. Air caressed him with a gentle touch, then dissipated.


  • 4: Over the next several days Nobundo returned to the cliff, where he heard whispers carried by the wind: reassurances that he was not alone, promises, and tantalizing hints that a wealth of knowledge awaited him. Sometimes the voice of the wind was calm and placating; at others it was insistent and forceful.
  • 4: When his pace slowed due to exhaustion, the wind pushed him on, and the very earth beneath his feet seemed to lend him strength. And though the rain continued, it seemed to land everywhere but on him, and it provided flowing streams from which Nobundo eagerly drank.


  • A wind elemental roared across the evening sky.


  • 5: The fire caught quickly. Shaman in Darkshore conjured winds to amplify the flames.

The Untamed Valley

  • 2: A gust of wind blew her onto her side. The other virmen went quiet. Sometimes the wind would rise, and sometimes the earth would shake, but there were always warnings. The virmen had learned to read the signs. They knew to stay underground if a storm might blow them away and to flee their warrens if they might collapse in a tremor. The spirits could be mischievous and playful, but they were rarely cruel, and they never knocked virmen over without reason. And they would never do it because the tall ones asked.
  • 2: Again, there was no warning. The wind swept her off her feet, lifting her into the air. The warren mother screamed. It was as if the spirits screamed with her. The wind suddenly sent her careening toward the ground. Earth rose to meet her. Earth and wind howled together. And together, they crushed her.

The Well of Eternity

  • Varo’then cried out something and suddenly harsh, violet tentacles of radiant energy darted out at various points in the forest. One struck an approaching bush sprite, instantly turning the creature into an inferno. Yet, despite its apparent horrible demise, the creature continued forward without pause, leaving a burning trail in its wake. Almost immediately, the wind, which had been nearly nonexistent prior to this, howled and roared as if angered by the assault. It blew with such fury that dirt, broken tree limbs, and loose leaves flew up in vast numbers, filling the air and further obscuring the night elve's view. The flames snuffed out, their would-be victim as oblivious to this phenomenal rescue as it had been to its previous peril. A huge, flying branch struck down the night elf next to Varo’then.
  • The leaves poured into the whirlwind, spinning around faster and faster and increasing in number rapidly. At first the felbeast paid them no mind, for what were a few bits of refuse in the wind to a powerful fiend, but then the first sharp edge of a leaf sliced across its muzzle, drawing blood. The enraged demon batted at the offending leaf, only to have several more cut it successively on its paw, its legs, and its torso. The wind now a hundred times more intense, the sharp edges of each soaring leaf became like well-honed blades, cutting and slashing wherever they touched the felbeast.
  • Shutting his eyes, he relaxed himself as Cenarius had shown him. Malfurion receded from the world, but at the same time, he saw it more clearly, more sharply. He knew exactly what he had to do. At his suggestion to them, the necessary elements of nature joined to assist his needs. A cool, tender wind caressed the face of each guard with the gentleness of a loved one. With the wind came the tranquil scents of the flowers surrounding Suramar and the soothing call of a nearby night bird. The calmingly seductive combination enveloped each sentry, drawing them without their noticing into a peaceful, pleasant, and very deep lethargy that left them oblivious to the waking world. Stopping in front of the foremost guard, Illidan waved his hand before the watchful eyes - all to no effect.


  • 3: “Do so,” Shandris ordered. “Tell them to have their druids command nature to bring us wind. We need to return to Darkshore immediately. Do you understand?”

Seeds of Faith

  • 4: The archdruid closed his eyes in meditation and reached out in front of himself, stretching his palms over the devastated land. Gusts of wind gathered around Malfurion as he drew them together in a massive cyclone. The murky waters began to ripple and recede as the fierce vortex drove them back into the sea. Then only the broken landscape of Sardor Isle lay before them, revealing a trail of corpses that led to the giant tree tower to the northeast.

The Sundering

  • Malfurion struggled to do his part. His spells summoned whirlwinds that carried aloft warriors and beasts, then dropped them from deathly heights. Seeds cast by him into those winds sprouted full-grown in the demon bellies, ripping their hosts to shreds. The lifeless corpses then dropped down upon the Legion, causing further havoc.

The Demon Soul

  • Malfurion proved more effective. He whipped up a dust storm that blinded only the Burning Legion, forcing the demons to swing recklessly in the hopes of finding some target. Soldiers picked off the confused warriors with ease.
  • The wind responded obligingly, creating a dust devil. With more urging by Malfurion, the dust devil grew larger and larger, soon dwarfing the huge demons. As it swelled in size, its intensity also increased a hundredfold.

The Well of Eternity

  • Krasus noticed them first and, though well aware of the risk, cast a quick spell. Winds buffeted the foremost demons, throwing them back into the rest. The Doomguard became entangled with one another.

The Sundering

  • Then a massive wind tossed fighters from both forces aside as if they were nothing. Night sabers were no less immune, Blackforest and his mount thrown with the rest. Huln managed to stand his ground a second longer, but even the stubbornness of a tauren could not hold against the incredible gale. He went flying past, the warrior striking at the wind in frustration as he vanished from sight. Yet… Jarod Shadowsong felt nothing, not even a breeze.

Of Blood and Honor

  • He caught sight of an enormous orc, dressed in a full suit of black plate armor. The orc carried a mighty warhammer that resembled those used by the Paladins—except for the fact thatthe orc’s hammer seemed to be ignited by living lightning.
  • A few orcs, garbed in what looked like wolf furs, charged forward and lifted their hands to the heavens. Before Tirion knew what they were doing, lightning arced down from the darkened sky and struck the front ranks of the human force. Charred human bodies and large chunks of stone flew through the air and rained down upon the chaotic battlefield.

Lord of the Clans

  • In the small hours of the morning, when the light snoring of many of the guards could be heard in the dewy hush, Thrall knelt on the good, solid soil. He lifted his hands and asked the Spirits of Water and Fire to come to help him free his people. They came. A soft rain began falling. Suddenly the sky was split with three jagged lines of lightning. A pause, then the display was repeated. Angry thunder rolled after each one, almost shaking the earth. This was the agreed-upon signal.
  • Thrall asked again for lightning, and it came. A jagged bolt of it struck the main wall, where most of the guards were posted. Mixed in with that terrible sound were a clap of thunder and the screams of the guards. Thrall blinked in the sudden darkness, but there were tongues of flame still burning here and there, and he could see that the wall was completely breached.

Heart of War

  • 1: As he readied another blow, a brilliant flash followed by a sharp “crack" and the stinging scent of seared chitin momentarily disoriented him and announced Warchief Thrall’s full entrance into the battle.
  • 1: Seeing the guard's struggle, Thrall raised the Doomhammer in front of him, murmuring something Garrosh could not hear. At the warchief’s command the wind suddenly whipped into a howling fury and the air crackled, making the hairs stand up on the back of Garrosh’s neck. Thrall roared and called down a blinding lightning bolt into the last resisting group as the soldiers dived out of the way. The explosion rained bits of singed carapace upon the rocks.

As Our Fathers Before Us

  • 5: Flashes of color illuminated the contorted faces of his Kor'kron as the quilboar shaman cast spells into their midst. Thunderous roars exploded and echoed throughout the cavern each time they made contact. Garrosh noticed with a sinking feeling that every flash showed one fewer warrior in his party.


  • 4: There was a deafening clap of thunder then, and a black mass of clouds appeared where clear skies had been only seconds before, releasing a sudden deluge of rain. The wind that had gently urged Nobundo forward now gushed with fantastic strength, forcing the two guards backward. Most incredible of all, the wind and the stinging rain both moved around Nobundo to hammer against the two guards, who fell in the slick mud.
  • 5: He raised his staff. Clouds gathered from a clear blue sky, casting a dark shadow onto the settlement.
  • 5: A deluge of rain poured down. Lightning danced between the lamps surrounding the plaza, shattering the glass.

The Jade Hunters

  • 2: Carrick drew his hammer to make good on the threat. A pale blue energy crackled around it. Most miners used pickaxes or rock picks to do their work. Fenella knew Carrick was different. He had a pointed stormhammer, imbued with the power of lightning. A weapon like what many members of his clan carried.
  • 5: Ahead, a wave of shale spiders rolled toward them. Carrick hurled his hammer at the creatures. Jagged strands of lightning trailed off the weapon as it slammed into a particularly large spider, reducing it to a smoldering husk with an explosion of light and sound. As the spots in Fendrig's vision cleared, he saw the hammer arc back through the air, returning to Carrick's hand.


  • Some of them fell, but the handful of Shado-pan stormcallers responded. Their spells exploded amid the trolls, setting some on fire, opening the chest of at least one other.

The Untamed Valley

  • 3: In pure, blind anger, Kishok turned to where he had last spotted the Alliance elf and unleashed his fury. The sound of thunder filled the air.
  • 3: Goosebumps rippled over Lyalia's skin as lightning gouged gaping holes in the ground a few paces behind her. The storm seemed to sweep in an arc—away from her, she realized after a moment.

Seeds of Faith

  • 4: Lightning crackled through the air as the archdruid began to craft his spell. The clouds above the isle blackened even further, and the naga's heads shot up in alarm. Szenastra hissed out an order, and the naga army advanced on the pair of night elves. Malfurion watched, unperturbed, waiting for the energies to coalesce. When the storm was fully formed, he slowly tilted his antlered head to the sky, and the heavens poured their wrath down upon the naga forces. Lightning shot to the earth—each bolt splitting into forks that seared through dozens of hapless myrmidons.

The Well of Eternity

  • Before the counselor could complete it, the elements themselves assailed him. Lightning struck again and again at Xavius, burning him from within and without. His skin blackened and peeled, yet he did not fall.

Day of the Dragon

  • He stared at the dragon, which had quickly followed them up, muttering the words of power. At the last moment, the wizard glanced at the clouds above. A single bolt of lightning shot down, striking at the pursuing giant. It hit the dragon full on, but the effects were not what Rhonin had hoped. The creature's entire form shimmered from wing tip to wing tip and the beast let out a furious shriek, but the beast did not plummet from the heavens. In fact, even the orc, who no doubt suffered great, did nothing more than slump forward momentarily in his seat.

The Last Guardian

  • To Khadgar’s right there were flashes as lightning danced along the surface of the earth, and the monstrosities screamed as the flesh was boiled from their bones. Khadgar thought of the warrior-mage commander, but also realized that these bolts only thinned the charging hordes by the merest fraction.

The Well of Eternity

  • Rhonin swore as he cast yet another spell that inflicted the Burning Legion with a series of deadly lightning bolt attacks.
  • From the wizard then came a punishing series of blue lightning bolts that methodically hunted down other spellcasters among the Legion, leaving behind only slight piles of ash to mark the former foes.

The Demon Soul

  • A bolt of golden lightning struck the center of the horde, tossing Fel Guard left and right. Gobbets of flesh and the ooze that was the demon's blood rained down upon the survivors.

The Sundering

  • Dath'Remar sent a bolt of lightning down on the survivors, obliterating two and sending their body parts raining down on the fleeing Highborne.

The Sundering

  • From the sky there abruptly came black lightning, which burnt and baked the ground around the stag. In the lightning's wake erupted dark, green fires that scorched the pristine coat of the demigod. Charred earth rose up and, forming clawed hands, seized the four legs tight.
  • But Krasus's earlier warning of the dangers that both the Highborne and Mannoroth represented proved all too prophetic in the moments following, for suddenly the stormy sky unleashed a barrage of horrific, black bolts. Caught in the center, the dragons and their riders were forced to break formation just in the hopes of surviving. Not all did. Perhaps slowed by the earlier barrage of Infernals, the green male hesitated. More than a dozen bolts struck him hard. Lightning scorched through his left wing, then seared him horribly in his tail and chest. But although the lightning ceased, the worst was yet to come. Each of the wounds burned bright, and, as Krasus watched, their damage rapidly spread along the dragon's body. Weakened further, the green made an all too easy target for more of the Highborne's lightning. Six more bolts caught the male as he fought to stay aloft.

Day of the Dragon

  • A gigantic hand—a hand of flame—reached for him, trying to encircle the mage. However, Rhonin's spell held true, and the hand, rebounding off the faintly visible shield, instead engulfed an orc warrior about to behead his dwarven adversary. The orc let out one short scream before collapsing into a burning heap.

The Untamed Valley

  • 3: The small spirit lifted a hand. Fire blazed in the sky. A giant ball of rippling blue flame, perhaps fifty paces wide, hung hundreds of paces above the ground. Even at such a height, the light was blinding. Kishok shaded his eyes. The heat nearly singed his skin.
  • 3: "Stop that!" The ball of fire disappeared. In its absence, absolute darkness swallowed the land.
  • 3: Without warning, the ball of fire returned, brighter than before. Kishok squeezed his eyes shut. He saw the veins in his eyelids.

The Well of Eternity

  • Rhonin pointed at the creature, muttering. A ring of fire burst to life around it. Now the pale monstrosity shrieked. It rose as high as its ungainly limbs would enable it, trying to climb over the flames.


  • Illidan spread his arms wide and summoned fire. A great swath of it blazed all around him, scorching his attackers. One of them screamed and fell, his skin blackened, his eyeballs popping from the heat.
  • He spread his arms wide and called once more upon the power of flames. A huge fireball blasted down in the midst of his enemies. A warrior raced from the firestorm, burning cloak blazing behind him like the tail of a comet.


  • Jaina’s fingers danced in the air, weaving a spell, calling fire out of nothing and hurling an enormous whirling ball of crackling flame right in their midst.

Death From Above

  • 3: Xuexing flung another molten blast, missing again. This can't be happening. The other mogu in the vicinity staggered away, his thigh opened to the bone. It's only one mantid! The flyer lifted into the air as Xuexing set the ground beneath it on fire.

Blood of the Highborne

  • And once the spell had begun, he shot a firebolt out over Silvermoon, a signal to the master that the time had come.

A Good War

  • 3: One of the blood elf magi launched a celebratory fireball into the sky.


  • 3: Sarvonis cupped each of his hands and moved them around one another. There was a tiny flicker of light in the mage’s palm, which grew into a small ball of orange flame. The ball sprang from Sarvonis’s hands, soaring toward the bridge. The beautiful construction burst into flames, filling the night with a loud, angry crackling.


  • As for Broll, he transformed, again taking on an ursine shape. The huge, dark bear fell upon the shadow satyrs. Claws ripped and tore at the silhouettes, claws aglow with wild, purple flames. The shadows fell by the scores as Broll let his animalistic instincts all but take over.
  • Broll returned to his bear form, using the magical purple fire to enhance his powerful blows.
  • The mists continually threatened to engulf him, but with an occasional slash of his paw that was accompanied by magical purple fire, the cat kept both the mist and the lurkers within at just a safe enough distance.
  • Broll spread a glowing light purple fire before him that burned the leaves before they could touch.
  • Fire that glowed like the stars—Malfurion’s true attack—struck the shadow creature behind Fandral.
  • Yet just before the first of the fiends could strike, the druids and other spellcasters gathered began their own assault. The druids led the efforts, for they knew the Dream and the Nightmare best. Silver fire lit the landscape, sweeping across the infernal ranks. Shadow satyrs by the scores burned to nothing.
  • The druids fed their spells into the onslaught. Here, seeds exploded into cleansing silver fire.

Lord of the Clans

  • Drek’Thar waved his hands, and the snow melted right before Thrall’s eyes, leaving a large, circular, rocky platform.
  • Power again filled Thrall, and this time it was almost painful. Heat churned in his belly, and sweat popped out on his green skin. He felt an almost overpowering desire to leap into the nearby snowbanks. The Spirit of Fire was here, and he asked for its aid. It responded. There was a loud crackling overhead, and Thrall, startled by the sound, looked up. Lightning danced its dangerous dance across the night sky. Thrall knew that it was his to command. The flowers that had strewn the broken earth exploded into flames, crisping and burning to ashes in the space of a few heartbeats. This was a dangerous element, and Thrall thought of the pleasant fires that had kept his clan alive. At once, the fires went out, to re-form in a small, contained, cozy area.
  • With that, he closed his eyes and asked the Spirit of Fire to take the hero. Immediately, the fire burnt more swiftly and with more heat than Thrall had ever experienced. The body would soon be consumed, and the shell that had housed the fiery spirit called in this world Orgrim Doomhammer would soon be no more.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar paused for a moment to examine the torches. He raised a hand mere inches from the flickering flame, but felt no heat. Khadgar wondered if the cold flame was common throughout the tower.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • Pledging his body and spirit to the elements, he submerged himself in a pool of lava and was miraculously unharmed.

The Last Guardian

  • His relief was short-lived. Medivh did not open the letter. Instead his brows furrowed only slightly, and the parchment burst into flames with an explosive rush of air. The flames clustered at the far end of the document from where Medivh held it, and flickered with an intense, blue flame.

Chronicle 2

  • 117: Despite being a dragon, Arcanagos was severely outmatched. Sargeras struck him down, burning the creature from the inside out, until all that remained was bone.

The Well of Eternity

  • Several of the winged Doomguard burst into flames as they darted overhead, becoming instead fiery missiles that added further mayhem to their own ranks.

The Sundering

  • Illidan glared at the Highborne. Their leader raised a hand in defense. “Look out—” Flames erupted around the other sorcerers. They screamed.
  • “Dath'Remar is still alive,” reported Tyrande, kneeling beside the Highborne leader. “One more also, but the others are dead.” She shuddered. “They were burned in their skins…”


  • He spoke another word of power, and the braziers set at each point of the compass burst into flames, igniting the aromatic essences they contained.

The Demon Soul

  • Touching upon the green flames that were an inherent part of the demons, the red-haired wizard made them truly fiery and, in a sense, caused the demons to consume themselves. One after another they fell, quickly reducing to ash and a few bits of armor.


  • 4: The Horde began rolling out their siege engines. At once, the ship crews leaped into action and bombarded the massive weapons. Several were destroyed in the first volleys, but the rest — They were not launching stones at the ships. They were launching fire: unstable, arcane-enhanced payloads that set their targets ablaze almost instantly. Those vessels closest to the shore fell victim first, and Cordressa watched in helpless horror as one went up like so much tinder.

A Good War

  • 4: Sylvanas had assigned magi to each siege crew. When the Horde fired back, they would do so with unstable, explosive, arcane?touched payloads that could set an entire ship ablaze.
  • The siege weapon's magic?laced shots were lethal even in water, fire blooming outward, stubbornly burning as though the ocean were as flammable as a drought?ravaged forest.
  • A troll mage spread fire across the payloads, and with a pull of a lever on half a dozen siege engines, the Horde flung death into the air.

The Last Guardian

  • Khadgar thought of using a minor spell to heat the water, then decided merely to tough it out.

The Well of Eternity

  • The wind blew harshly through the mountains and the high peaks left much shadow, but with the aid of some magic and an overhang, the wizard managed to keep warm enough. Rhonin’s companion appeared unbothered by the cold, though the human had to enhance the protective spell on his clothes. Even then, he felt the chill of the land upon his face and fingers.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • The archmage eyed the faint moisture on one page and gestured with some slight irritation. The page dried, none the worse for the wear.
  • Aware that her destination had been this desolate place, using magic, she had shielded herself fromthe expected cold, and so the chill that ran down her spine had nothing to do with the elements.


  • 3: An elder sun-sage had enchanted the black material that covered the cage to expel and ward away heat and light.

A Moment in Verse

  • 1: No longer wearing her more warlike robes of state, she had dressed for the chill in the air in sumptuous, touchable velvet - no doubt imbued with a warmth spell - a simple crystal diadem atop her crown of silvery-white braids.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • Azshara's and the Highborne's blood ran cold, and so the queen willed Sharas'dal to warm them. It did.

Words of Wind and Earth

  • With a whispered incantation, they boiled Kvaldir raiders from the inside out and scattered their remains to the currents.

Word of the Conclave

  • In the Scarlet Monastery, Halbin put the staff's powers to use, torturing Forsaken prisoners. He seared his captives with holy fire, extracting information for the Crusade to utilize in its war against the undead. An explosion rocked the torture chamber and engulfed Halbin in holy fire. It is said he died a slow death, his howls of agony ringing through the monastery for days on end.

Chronicle 2

  • 21: Rukhmar’s spirit was touched by the primordial force of Light. Her connection to this energy allowed her to summon enchanted flames that could either destroy life or nourish it. White-hot fire constantly rippled over her reddish - orange wings without ever singeing her.
  • 24: Using their mastery of the Light, the Apexis also crafted enormous lanterns infused with enchanted flames, which they hung along the length of the spire.

Adventure Guide/The Amalgamation Chamber

  • The Eternal Blaze burns with the heat of a thousand suns, while the Essence of Shadow blooms with darkness incarnate. Although exceptionally powerful on their own, when combined they surge with the unchecked might of shadowflame, creating a whirlwind of ultimate destruction.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras

  • Fel fire could not be extinguished by mere water.
  • Gul'dan flung his arms wide, spreading his power into a thin sheet of pure fel fire. Khadgar's attack smashed through it, but as the sheet collapsed, it unleashed a blinding explosion of light. Khadgar shielded his eyes. When the glare faded, Gul'dan was gone.
  • Gul'dan's traps were flimsy, hastily created things. Khadgar refused to break stride. That saved his life when a giant bolt came from an unexpected direction. Had Khadgar been one step behind, the lance of whirling green fire would have pierced his heart instead of ripping the back of his cloak.

Code of Rule

  • 4: The imperator squinted, trying to read their magic as they called it down, but it was alien. He grinned as Ko'ragh busily smashed a club through one of the orc's throats—and stopped when the breaker's skin flaked off of his body like leaves under boiling water. Ten orcs loosed the same invocation. Mar'gok had never seen its like anywhere. Baleful greenish-yellow flame, burning the very air it hung in, drawing scorched breaths from the lungs of everyone watching, whirled through the fighting pit. It struck the ogres with the force of a hurricane, scalding off their skin in an awful instant. The champions of Highmaul were withered lumps, their featureless bodies folded into the sand, a few strands of hair catching fire as the only evidence that they had ever lived.

The Well of Eternity

  • Heat, horrific heat, had assailed Malfurion then. Turning, he had seen in the distance a vast fire, an inferno reaching into the heavens. It burned everything it touched, even the very wind. Where it moved, nothing… absolutely nothing… remained.
  • Fire ruled everywhere, but not simply the crimson flames with which Malfurion was familiar. The capital was also awash in foul green or pitch black fire clearly of an otherworldly nature. As Malfurion passed over them, he could feel their evil heat despite being in the dream realm.


  • He plunged down amid his attackers, drawing once more upon his fel power. It encased his form, transforming him into something gigantic, demonic, unstoppable. He lashed out with bursts of flame, incinerating his foes, burning flesh and blood and spirit.
  • Illidan focused his gaze on the ground before him, summoning blue demon fire. A druid rushed into it. It clung to her form, burning her even as she rolled on the floor in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Dar’Khan’s right hand shot out, and Lor’themar was suddenly engulfed in flame. For a brief second he could smell his skin and hair burning; it felt as if the blood within his veins would boil, as if he would be cooked alive.

We Ride Forth

  • 2: Nazgrim’s eyes fell upon a runeforge, silent and still. Not blazing with corrupted violet fire, as it should have been on the eve of battle.
  • 2: Purple flames started to flicker in the runeforge’s furnace.

Lich king arthas frost attack


  • A bolt of pure cold shivered through her body, shocking her to a stop. Lady Vashj had made contact with a spell. Howling maniacally, the fel orcs rushed in. Maiev tried to move her frozen muscles, but they refused to respond.

The Well of Eternity

  • The wizard reversed the spell cast upon him, sending at its user an intense wave of cold. Rhonin sensed the bitter chill overwhelm the warlock. The Eredar stiffened, turning a pale white. His expression contorted, freezing in mid-agony. One of the Fel Guard bumped the warlock. The frozen figure toppled, striking the hard ground with a harsh crash and scattering bits of iced demon over the battlefield.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • The blue dragon exhaled furiously at the artifact, enveloping it in bitter frost. He brought down one heavy paw on the now-glistening relic. Where good steel - turned brittle by the magical chill - would have easily shattered, Kalec’s odd nemesis retained every aspect of its essence, leaving the dragon with a very pained appendage.


  • Vol’jin looked at the troll in the pit. Snow had covered him, but the spell Vol’jin cast wreathed him in frost.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Arthas gripped Frostmourne, and an invisible blast exploded outward, flash-freezing everything in the immediate vicinity.


  • The air turned cold as one particularly bold wizard attempted to draw on the strength of ice to neutralize his power.

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • From his early days in the Dalaran orphanage, Alodi had been fascinated with frost magic. This was due in part to the icy enchantments woven into Ebonchill. With the staff, Alodi learned how to freeze water and manipulate air temperature, often to the chagrin of the orphanage headmaster. Shortly after Alodi became Guardian, he honed his mastery of frost magic and imbued Ebonchill with his own powers. A wintry aura enveloped the staff. Much to the astonishment of Alodi's companions on the Council of Tirisfal, the weapon never felt cold to the touch.

A Good War

  • 3: Two magi, an orc and a troll, had the idea to freeze this area of the Falfarren River, allowing an attack party to simply walk across. It was so simple and so brilliant that Saurfang had instantly agreed to it.


  • 3: This was the sound of ice being magically created. They were freezing the Falfarren.


  • Jaina lifted her hands and murmured a spell. Ice shards rained down, some of them killing on impact, others wounding. Another quick flick of her wrist, and several Horde fighters were frozen where they stood.
  • As Kalec gained height, he conjured a spell, and ice shards rained down, plunging toward the decks and punching massive holes in them.
  • Jaina murmured a spell, and shards of ice went flying toward the shaman.
  • A smirk curved across Jaina’s face. The orcs froze, literally, in their tracks, their lower legs encased in ice.

Fire and Iron

  • 4: Dwarves started dousing the fire with kegs of water, while a newly arrived pair of gnomes in long flowing robes muttered incantations that sent crystals of ice over the roost.

Code of Rule

  • 4: Before the warchief opened his mouth, Vareg had already planted both of his feet and swept back one massive leg, drawing a half-circle in the sand, palms out. The prisoners were caught unawares as ice surged up from the sand like a wave, engulfing two of them entirely, crushing them, and dragging down the reddening wrecks of their bodies.


  • Unlike the fire and heat forges of the pandaren and mogu, the jinyu have mastered the art of water forging. They shape stone and metal by using the pressures and currents of water. Over the ages they have learned to manipulate water through their magics to craft exceptional edifices of rock and stone that defy rivalry. Their weapons and armor are as hard as any forged steel, and their walls often appear to be constructed without seams.

Lord of the Clans

  • The Spirit of Water flowed into him, calming and cooling the burn the Spirit of Fire had left behind. Thrall had a vision of the ocean, though he had never seen one before, and extended his mind to probe its darkling depths. Something cold touched his skin. He opened his eyes to see that it was snowing thick and fast. With a thought, he turned it to rain, and then halted it altogether. The comfort of the Spirit of Water within him soothed and strengthened, and he let it go with deep, heartfelt thanks.
  • “It is right that you understand our limitations. I am ashamed to admit that I asked for improper things more than once. The first time, I asked for a flood to destroy an encampment of humans. I was angry and bitter, for they had destroyed many of our clan. But there were many wounded and even women and children at this place, and Water would not do it.”

The Untamed Valley

  • 4: Every second, Mashok tried to smash Maraad with earth, to burn him to ash with fire, to force water into his lungs.

The Demon Soul

  • Droplets fell from the heavens, matching his tears. They began to pour down at a more tremendous rate.


  • Accompanied by a small group of like-minded companions, he had walked into the desolate Barrens and had, with cunning spellwork, managed to bring forth enough water from deep, deep below to the parched realm to create a handful of small oases.

As Our Fathers Before Us

  • 6: With that, Hamuul stepped forward and, with a shout, thrust his staff into the ground. Water erupted from a massive fountain in front of him, enveloping most of the albino quilboar and, with a roll of thunder, sweeping them back down the tunnel. Those who remained were knocked to the ground by the explosion, along with a chagrined Garrosh. The tauren remained steadfast and unmoving, anchored to the earth they so revered. A new river poured from the spot where Hamuul had thrust his staff, trailing over the rocks to flow down the tunnel and deep into the earth.


  • With one hand on the Iris still, Jaina lifted the other and made the familiar motions of a certain spell. Before, this spell had created a single elemental. Now, so quickly, there were ten. Ten shimmering, imprisoned water elementals standing on the surface of the sea, their eyes glinting, what served for their arms encased in manacles.
  • With little more than a thought and a twitch of her fingers, she reformed those few elementals that had begun to lose cohesion due to her inattention. Now to begin the binding. She had no spell for such a thing. To the best of her knowledge, it did not exist. But the Focusing Iris appeared not to be limited by such trivialities. Jaina concentrated hard on her intention, weaving her fingers in ways that came naturally to her.
  • And the Focusing Iris—and the elementals—obeyed. They began to fuse together, thousands of them, not quite losing their shapes, but adapting to become part of a single, greater form. Jaina smiled. Her heart racing as she beheld her success, she wove them together even more. What had once been thousands of individual elementals, dancing on the top of the ocean, was now a single wave.

quest/Houses of the Holy

  • The Scourge dare not touch the water but surely the holy water will not prevent vermin infestations.

quest/True Masters of the Light

  • Their misguided zeal has even tainted the blessing spoken over this water, making it ideal for my purpose.


  • The wells—bound to the magic of nature and the light of Elune—were places of healing for both the land around them and those who drank of their waters. Magi and other spellcasters could even refresh their mana, a gift of the Mother Moon to Azeroth’s other defenders.

Before the Storm

  • Moonwells contained sacred waters that could heal wounds and restore energy and vitality, and they often were put to use purifying corrupted areas. Or in this case, healing wounded ones.


  • 1: Moonwells were precious and sacred things, filled with healing waters and blessed by priestesses.
  • 1: There is plenty of food, as well as water from the moonwell. But we find the most efficacious use of the sacred waters is bathing in them.

The Untamed Valley

  • 3: The two must have been controlling the spirits of water. Hillpaw saw that a globe of foul, dark, oily liquid vileness hung suspended over him and the orcs. But without both orcs exerting their will, the spirits apparently didn't feel compelled to obey any longer. The globe popped like a bubble, showering down. Hillpaw felt the first few drops sizzle against his fur, and he ducked away, rolling smoothly. The dying orc's gasps turned to gurgles as poisoned water splashed over his face. The other orc was utterly doused. He shrieked in pain, stumbling to the north, desperately scrambling toward the large pond, his skin burning and peeling.

  1. [Превращение] позволяет превратить что-то или кого-то во что-то другое - при этом это заклинание может изменить функции головного мозга, что может усилить интеллект при превращении в более умное существо, и вызывает взрыв, если применено на проходящем через портал объекте: Кадгар заклинаниями/словами/жестами обращает древние, заржавевшие петли в новые. Крас изменил легкую одежду Ронина в более подходящую для холодной погоды. Высокорожденные обращали зверей скверны в ветки и грызунов. Иллидан придал камню черты лица Малфуриона, а затем сломал его. Джайна превращает белку в овцу. Ронин заставил затвердеть воздух, отчего тот упал на демонов?
  2. Нонейм-Высокорожденная метнула в палку, которая в полете становилась больше, превращаясь в копье. Архимонд для битвы с Малорном увеличился в размерах. Тир уменьшал магией себя, при этом по прежнему излучая большее присутствие, и Искру Тира
  3. Архимонд пытался обратить Краса, Малфуриона и Брокса в камень и иссушить Ронина
  4. Крас манипулирует туманом и делает его твердым?
  5. [Убийцы Королей] наносят смертельную рану, которая преображается таким образом, что невозможно определить орудие убийства

Warcraft polymorph

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation

  • Perhaps the Most iconic Transmutation spell is Polymorph, which allows a mage to turn something - or someone - into something else. Fortunately for many of my students, the effects are not permanent. I've seen more than one unwary apprentice turned into a sheep, pig, or worse - don't even ask what that means.

Polymorphic Rules & Regulations

  • Do not turn a creature of lesser intelligence into a creature of higher intelligence - Cerebral brain function rarely translates in a polymorph… But sometimes it does. Voracious creatures such as serpents and wolves need not have their predatory instincts honed with a human mind.
  • Do not polymorph anything that is halfway through a portal - This has yet to not cause an explosion.

The Last Guardian

  • The parapet door into the observatory screeched open on ancient hinges, then stopped, frozen by rust and the passage of time. The cloaked figure paused a moment, then placed a finger on the hinge, and muttered a few choice words. The door swung open silently, the hinges made as if new. The trespasser allowed himself a smile.
  • No door was shut to him, even those locked and bolted, or sealed by rust and age. A few words, a touch, a gesture and the fetters flew loose, the rust dissolved into ruddy piles, the hinges restored.

The Well of Eternity

  • Cold air assailed Rhonin’s head, making the wizard wish he had at least been given the opportunity to change into his robes and travel cloak. He reached back, trying to draw his coat up—and discovered his garment now had a hood. Glancing down, Rhonin found that he did indeed wear the dark blue travel cloak and robes over his shirt and pants. Without so much as a word, his companion had transformed his clothing to something more suitable.
  • The Moon Guard in particular savored the turn of events. They hunted the felbeasts especially, turning some into gnarled bits of wood, others into rodents.

The Demon Soul

  • With a snarl, the sorcerer gestured at another rock nearby. It transformed instantly into a recreation of his brother's face, so much his own and yet not. Illidan clenched his fist. The face shattered, fragments crumbling into a loose pile.


  • She pointed to a squirrel perched in a high branch, nibbling on an apple, and murmured a spell. At once it transformed into a sheep, a look of comical surprise on its face as the branch broke beneath its weight and it started to fall. Immediately Jaina extended a hand and the squirrel-sheep halted in midair. Gently she lowered it unharmed to the ground. It bleated at her, twitching its ears, and after a moment again resumed the shape of a very confused-looking squirrel.

The Well of Eternity

  • The wizard cast a spell that solidified air above one section of the horde, literally dropping the sky on them.

The Sundering

  • A female spellcaster threw what at first appeared a tiny stick. However, by the time it reached its target, it had stretched out into a full lance, which pierced the felbeast in the chest.
  • With each step toward the stag, Archimode swelled in size until he stood as tall as his adversary.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Although by Kalec’s estimation, the murky figure was barely taller than a nightelf, the more Kalec studied it, the more the blue dragon could not help thinking that what he saw was not what actually stood there. He had the feeling of a being far more imposing than this, a being thatinstead of gazing up at the proto-dragon, should have been gazing down.
  • He flew around Tyr, going such a great distance to the side of the cloaked figure that Kalec could not help but wonder if the proto-dragon also sensed that while Tyr appeared tiny, he was in actuality something far larger, far greater. Kalec and his host both expected Tyr to materialize before them, but there was no sign. While Malygos took heart from this, Kalec could not fathom why Tyr would simply let the proto-dragon go. Suddenly, what appeared to be a wall stood before the racing Malygos. He managed to bank at the last moment, and as he did, something unsettling about the wall registered with both the proto-dragonand Kalec. It was not a wall but the torso of some gigantic two-legged form. But as Malygos spun back, he found no giant… only Tyr. Still, even the young proto-dragon understood that he had caught a glimpse of what Tyr truly was.
  • Something that did not surprise Malygos when he looked upon the cloaked and hooded form was that Tyr was now several feet taller than before and much wider. Even then, Malygos - and Kalec - could not help feeling that Tyr only wore this size because it was convenient for the moment. He still radiated a presence far greater than his current height indicated.
  • Tyr held out the artifact - which looked to Kalec as if it was smaller than he recalled - toward Malygos.

The Sundering

  • Krasus bent low to the ground. The others watched in horror as his limbs began to turn to stone. “Eredar!” shouted Malfurion. He felt his own limbs begin to contort in what he knew presaged the same dire fate as that striking the mage. “Brox! Seek out Rhonin—” But the orc was in no better state than the night elf. Wounded though Archimonde had to be, it was clear to all that he had orchestrated this insidious spell that struck only them.
  • A night elven sorcerer to Rhonin's right suddenly shrieked and shriveled as if all moisture had been sucked out of his body. A second passed in the same gruesome manner before the wizard could register the first death. Then, Rhonin felt an intense dryness spreading within his own body. Gasping from instant dehydration, he barely managed to throw up a shield against the spell. One of the Moon Guard caught him as he fell, dragging the stricken wizard from the battle. “Water…” Rhonin called. “Bring water!” They brought him a sack, which he emptied without a drop spilt. Even then, Rhonin felt as if he had not drunken a thing in more than a day.

The Demon Soul

  • Drawing an invisible line around them, Krasus uttered another short spell. Crystalline spikes thrust up from the ground, growing to the height of a night elf. Three Fel Guard became impaled on the spikes. A felbeast howled as another spike tore off part of its muzzle.
  • The mist itself wrapped around the Doomguard warrior like a shroud, sealing his wings to his tall, armored form. The demon struggled, but could do nothing. A moment later, he dropped like a deadly missile toward his own comrades.

Blood Ledger

  • When the orc took his last breath, the wound that killed him became irregular. Nobody would be able to tell whether he had died to a knife, an axe, or a spear.

    1. нонейм рыцари без проблем передвигаются в доспехах, их лошади, которые также бронированы, вроде не страдают от этого. Артас уменьшает светлой магией вес ненормальных размеров молота
    2. Высшие эльфы-ремесленники сделали клинок [Стром'кар] не только не тупящимся, но и практически ничего не весящим
    1. Велен любит левитируя медитировать. Саа'ра удерживала труп Калии в парящим воздухе
    2. Мороуз шутит, что Медив надевает штаны левитацией. На статую Антонидаса наложено заклинание, удерживающее его левитирующим на определенной высоте. Иллидан заставляет левитировать себя и предметы
  1. Ронин в сновидении применяет заклинание, чтобы взлететь. Эредары-чернокнижники без крыльев удерживали себя в небе заклинаниями
  2. В Изумрудном Кошмаре кто-то создает подобие черной дыры?

Day of the Dragon

  • Helmed visors with a leonine head for a crest hid the features of their captors. As a ranger, Vereesa wondered how anyone could move in such suits, let alone wage war, but the six maneuvered in the saddle as if completely unencumbered. Their huge, gray war-horses, also armored on top, seemed unperturbed by the extra weight foisted upon them. The newcomers carried no banner, and the only sign of their identities appeared to be the image of a stylized hand reaching to the heavens embossed on the breast-plate.


  • Arthas couldn't help it. He grinned as he grasped the enormous hammer, so large that for a brief moment he thought he wouldn't be able to lift it, and swung it upward with a whoop. The Light, he realized, made the hammer seem to weigh less in his hands.

Saga of the Valarjar

  • Their greatest blacksmiths and enchanters toiled over Strom'kar and imbued it with extraordinary power. Thoradin marveled at the masterwork of the elves. The new Strom'kar gleamed with an otherworldly beauty. It weighed almost nothing in Thoradin's hands, and no matter how often he used it, the edge never seemed to dull.

Prophet's Lesson

  • 1: The figure floating before the Seat had long taken comfort from this column of Light.
  • 2: The Prophet's back was turned to him, and Velen levitated in a meditative pose the boy had seen many times in the previous weeks.

Before the Storm

  • Calia Menethil’s body hovered in front of Saa’ra. She lay in the air as if she were sleeping, her hands folded on her breast.

The Last Guardian

  • “Puts his pants on one leg at a time,” said Khadgar, sighing.
    “No. He levitates into them,” said Moroes. The old servant looked at Khadgar, and the youth caught the slightest tug of a smile along the old man’s face.


  • The image of her friend had had a spell cast upon it so that it hovered about six feet off the grass.

Before the Storm

  • It had been she who had commissioned the statue, which hovered a few feet off the green grass thanks to a spell.


  • At the exact center of the chamber, he spread his wings, let them beat once, and hovered in the air. He pulled his legs up underneath him into the lotus position and invoked magic that let him remain hovering above the ground.
  • He spoke the words of another spell, and the disk floated in the air behind him, slowly orbiting his form, the runes on its surface glowing with sinister greenish-yellow light.

The Well of Eternity

  • Rhonin cast a spell to make him rise up in the air, but as he did, the castle grew to match his efforts.

The Demon Soul

  • There were Eredar warlocks, scores of them. They had no wings, but kept aloft through spells.


  • A great black gap opened in front of the pair. The druid blinked. Not a gap. A deep and terrible maw. And from its depths erupted the screams with even more force. Although he could not make out their words, he sensed their fear. Yet that fear was also a weapon being used against Broll and the dragon by the Nightmare Lord. The druid noticed that the green dragon was no longer trying to fly forward. Her wings now beat hard in retreat. Yet they were still heading toward the evil gullet. “It—is the power of their fear—the fear of the screaming voices —that pulls us! It is chaos and evil stripping their sanity to the core that fuels the Nightmare!” his mount roared. “Such force! It is as if I fight against thousands! It is all I can do to—to keep us this far from it!”

  1. Некрос, используя Душу Дракона, призвал огненного голема, которого уничтожила его же атака, отраженная барьера Ронина
  2. Малигос создал ледяных големов для атаки Смертокрыла
  3. Тиранда призвала стражников из света Элуны
  4. С помощью темной магии можно создать существ из тени, используя волю, кровь или осколок души существа
  5. С помощью тайной магии можно создавать примитивных элементалей
  6. Хаккар связан со своими зверьми скверны, узнает то, что узнают они
  7. Некромантия - искусство анимации неживой плоти, для которой может быть использована не только Смерть, но Свет и другие силы. Сильно отличается от контроля демонов. Некроманту необязательно отдавать голосовые команды подконтрольной ему нежити
    1. Крас, будучи слугой Жизни, знает Смерть и владеет некромантией, которую использует, чтобы воскресить гоблина и узнать путь к нужному месту. По ходу дела, движения воскрешенного гоблина становились лучше, вплоть до создания впечатления, что он воистину воскрес
    2. Саа'ра, Алонсус Фаол и Андуин воскресили Калию Менетил как (свободную?0) нежить Света

Day of the Dragon

  • Instantly, the very air around the entrance flared. Tiny balls of flame burst into being, then immediately merged. A humanoid form began to fill, then overflow, the entrance. Something vaguely resembling a burning skull formed where the head should have been. Armor that appeared to be flaming bone shaped itself into the body of a monstrous warrior that dwarfed even the enormous orcs. Nekros felt no heat from the hellish flames, but he knew that if the creature before him touched the orc even lightly, pain such as even a seasoned fighter could not imagine would rake him. Among the other orcs it had been whispered that Nekros Skullcrusher had summoned one of the demons of lore. He did not discourage that rumor, although Zuluhed knew better. The monstrous creature guarding the dragon had no sense of independent thought. In attempting to harness the abilities of the mysterious artifact, Nekros had unleashed something else. Zuluhed called it a golem of fire—perhaps of the essence of demon power, but certainly not one of the supposedly mythical beings. Whatever its origins or its previous use, the golem served as the perfect sentry. Even the fiercest warriors steered clear of it. Only Nekros could command it. Zuluhed had tried, but the artifact from which the golem had emerged seemed now tied to the one-legged orc. “I enter,” he told the fiery creature. The golem stiffened… then shattered in a wild shower of dying sparks. Despite having witnessed this departure time and time again, Nekros still backed up some, not daring to move forward until the last of the sparks had faded away.
  • The mouth of the ghoulish warrior opened incredibly wide— A fearsome spout of black fire nearly engulfed Falstad. Only at the last did he manage to roll away, but not before his clothing had been singed.
  • The golem paused in his struggle with Vereesa and the dwarf, his deathly gaze shifting to the escaping Kryll. His jaws opened— A burst of ebony fire shot forth from the skeletal maw, completely enveloping the unsuspecting goblin. With a mercifully short cry, Kryll perished in a ball of flame, so quickly incinerated by the magical fire that only ash drifted to the floor… ash and the ruined medallion the goblin had carried in his belt pouch.
  • “And we are certain to be next!” reminded the elf. “Even though I feel no heat, my blade has half turned to slag from the flames surrounding his body, and I doubt I can dodge him much longer!”
  • Utilizing raw will, Rhonin countered, throwing up a shield as powerful as any he had ever created. The dark flames struck the invisible barrier with their full fury… and rebounded back at the golem. Rhonin would not have expected the creature's own weapon to have any effect on it, but the flames not only took hold of their wielder, they coursed over him with hunger. A roar erupted from the golem's fleshless throat, an ungodly, inhuman roar. The monstrous creature quivered—then exploded, unleashing magical forces of hurricane proportion into the tiny mountain chamber. Unable to withstand those forces, what remained of the ceiling collapsed atop the defenders.

Day of the Dragon

  • In response, the chill-looking, silver-blue beast opened wide his maw. A torrent of ice shot forth, washing over Deathwing with incredible accuracy. However, as soon as the ice touched the fearsome
dragon, ittransformed, turning into a thousand thousand tiny crablike vermin that sought to tear at the scales and flesh of their host. Deathwing hissed, and from the crimson veins acid poured forth. Malygos's creatures died by the hundreds, until only a few remained.


  • Before Malfurion could ask who she meant, Tyrande brought the glaive up in a salute and murmured something in the hidden tongue of the Sisterhood. At that moment, the satyrs regained their courage and charged. The Mother Moon’s light shone down in front of Malfurion, bathing both Tyrande and the areas to each side. As Malfurion stared, a line of glowing figures somewhat resembling priestesses in battle garb took up a stand with Tyrande. Indeed, each even bore some resemblance to her. Tyrande had prayed to Elune for aid and it had come as she needed it, in the forms of guardians created from the moonlight. With glaives, bows, swords, lances, maces, staves, and other weapons, the gleaming line decimated the foremost satyrs.
  • She was the nexus around which the guardians drew their substance. If she fell, they would quickly dissipate.

Chronicle 1

  • 154: Thaurissan’s wife, the sorceress Modgud, led the second army against Grim Batol. The Dark Irons besieged the mighty fortress and called upon their dark magics to break the Wildhammer's will. They brought the shadows of Grim Batol to life, transforming the bustling city into a realm of nightmare and terror.

Word of the Conclave

  • She slid her enchanted dagger over her palm and let her blood spill onto the stones. Modgud's foul ritual brought Grim Batol's shadows to life. They sprang from the city's dark nooks and crannies, falling upon the Wildhammers with blades forged of night.


  • As punishment for conspiring with Maiev, Illidan had drawn part of Akama’s essence from his body. In the darkened hall of the refectory, he had subjected Akama’s soul to unspeakable sorcery and turned a portion of it into a shade. His spirit, his most sacred possession, had been turned into a weapon against him, the instrument by which Illidan bound his will and, through him, his people. At his whim, the Betrayer could unleash the shade, and it would devour Akama from within. It would corrupt the rest of Akama’s followers through the spiritual ties that bound them to him. It had not been merely his own life that was at stake, but the lives and souls of all his people.
  • He imbued the shadows surrounding his body with a fragment of his will and then separated them off to bedevil his attackers. He did this again and again as his opponents attacked.

Tome of Blighted Implements

  • Thal'kiel was a sorcerer of unparalleled talent, and he and his Wakeners pushed the limits of summoning and binding magics, conjuring the arcane entities that helped build the capital's wondrous architecture.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • He formed energy into a shoulder-high teardrop shape, then filled it with power. Two arms appeared, and the arcane elemental opened its eyes. "I serve," it said.

The Well of Eternity

  • The felbeasts were not exactly the simple creatures that even Brox and Rhonin, who knew of them from their own war, assumed them to be. No creature that served the lord of the Burning Legion was without some wit, save perhaps the rampaging goliaths called Infernals. The demon hounds were a part of their handler and what they learned, Hakkar learned. And from this lone survivor, the Houndmaster would learn much about those who might stand in the way of the Legion’s coming…


  • Controlling demons is one thing, understanding Dreadlord rezzing magic and undead is entirely another area of study.

dialog/Margrave Sin'dane

  • Necromancy is the art of animating unliving flesh. Here in Maldraxxus, we use the magic of Death to accomplish our craft. But whether these rituals are empowered by Death or Light or any other magic, necromancy is necromancy.

We Ride Forth

  • 2: Nazgrim’s voice trailed off. The three minions were already working, commanded by his will more than his words. Purple flames started to flicker in the runeforge’s furnace. He was wasting his breath. There’s no joy in barking orders at someone who can’t disobey you, he thought.

The Sundering

  • Of the goblins he could see, all appeared dead. Then he saw the one who had struck the rocks rise awkwardly. At first, the weary orc wondered how the creature had survived such an impact—and realized swiftly that he had not. “We are the servants of Life,” Krasus whispered with clear distaste, “which means we know Death equally well.”
    “Rest easy, my friends. I am only resurrecting the memories of his path. He will walk it, then that will be the end of the matter. I am no Nathrezim, to relish in the binding of corpses to do my will.”
  • Curiously, the goblin's movements grew more adept as time passed, almost to the point where he seemed to have actually come back to life. “And so we can put an end to this obscenity…” Krasus waved his hand and the goblin turned. The animated figure crawled over a rock, vanishing from sight. A moment later, the dragon mage made a cutting action. “He will be found… but after we are through here.”

Before the Storm

  • Light and dark. Forsaken priest and human priest. Together you shall bring her back as the Light and she herself would have her be. Anduin’s mouth was dry, and he trembled. He looked at Faol, but the priest only nodded. They moved wordlessly to Calia’s side, standing as she hovered in midair, and each of them took one of her small, pale hands.
  • The Light limned him in its warm hue, and it chased around the still yet completely intact body of the queen of Lordaeron and whirled about the Forsaken archbishop. Anduin felt it swell like a wave, then crest and break, emptying him but not depleting him. The cold hand in his squeezed. Anduin gasped as Calia opened her eyes. They glowed a soft, gentle white, not the eerie yellow hue of a Forsaken’s. A smile curved a face that had no flush of life to it. Slowly her body tilted from horizontal to vertical, and her feet settled onto the stone floor. Calia Menethil was dead, but she lived. She was no mindless undead, but she was not Forsaken, either. She had been raised by a human and a Forsaken both using the power of the Light, bathed in the radiance of a naaru.
  • Resurrection? No, she was still dead. Dark gift? That wouldn’t be accurate either, because it was the Light that had been present today. There was nothing of darkness in this undead woman.

  1. Использование темной магии для вытягивания жизненной энергии и душ существ для подпитки заклинаний, усиления себя, своих заклинаний?
  2. Звери скверны поглощают магичеcкие энергии для призыва своих собратьев, в том числе жизненные энергии своих жертв, оставляя иссохшую оболочку. Чернокнижники способны за счет украденных жизненный энергий поддерживать свою молодость
  3. Охотники на демонов могут исцеляться поглощая души поверженных врагов. Иллидан поглощал души демонов?
  4. Маги могут черпать силы из артефактов, предварительно сломав их физическую оболочку. Могу-маг черпает энергии из окружения. Малигос истощает питающую големов и конструктов магию. Высокорожденный черпал энергии из Алунета для усиления своих заклинаний
  5. Поглощение тайной магии в больших дозах притупляет эмоции. В ходе поглощения магии тело вырабатывает к ней устойчивость? Поглощение драконов Пустоты Малигосом прояснило его разум?
  6. Дочь Теразан, Терадрас, чтобы восстановить свою физическую оболочку вытянула жизненные энергии из окружающей земли и растительности. Спорокурганы поглотили жизненные сущности из окружающей их растительности, чтобы изменить свою форму и обрести ноги. Последний Спорокурган вытянул жизненные сущности из павших собратьев, чтобы увеличиться в размерах
  7. Рагнарос пировал сущностью Громораана, но не мог её полностью поглотить


  • Magical energy surged around her as the blood elf and naga spellcasters returned to their interrupted ritual. Black spheres swirled above the battlefield. Long tentacles of darkness reached down and touched the wounded and the dying. Where they did so, the victims screamed and aged years in heartbeats, as if all their life force was being drawn out of them. Black sparks emerged from their bodies and were sucked upward into the unholy spheres. Maiev realized that their very souls were being devoured.
  • Kruul swept his blade through the air and invoked his power. A hail of shadow energy lashed out. A volley of bolts hurtled at the demon hunters. Some fell wounded. Others slumped to the ground. Kruul seemed to visibly swell as he feasted on their deaths.
  • A gigantic hunting beast bounded right at him. He summoned a wall of shadows that began to drain away the life of the beast and all the attackers close by. Their energy flooded into him, fueling his spells.

The Well of Eternity

  • True enough, wherever the macabre tentacles touched the grass and weeds, the plants withered. One front paw had already been freed and even as the felbeast worked on liberating the rest, it strained to reach Brox and the night elf. “Magic…” muttered Brox, recalling similar sights. “It’s devouring the magic…”.
  • He did not try to strike the monster directly, knowing how little that would probably help. It would simply suck up Illidan’s spell and perhaps continue draining him directly.
  • The felbeast shook its head, then sniffed the air before it. The tentacles eagerly stretched forth, but the demon kept its position. It had grown as it devoured the oak’s ancient magic and now stood almost twice as tall as before. Then, metamorphosis took place. A deep, black radiance surrounded the felbeast, completely enveloping the demon. Within it, the felbeast twisted in various directions, as if trying to escape from itself. And the more it tried, the more it succeeded. One head, two heads, three, four…then five. Each head strained harder, pulling and pulling. The heads were followed by thick necks, brawny shoulders, then muscular torsos and legs. Fueled by the rich magic of the ancient guardian, the one felbeast became a pack. The great effort momentarily weakened each of the demons, but within seconds they recouped.
  • And from those hands, Cenarius unleashed what seemed a miniature sun at the foremost demon. Perhaps the demigod only tested his adversary or somehow underestimated the resilience of it, for the felbeast thrust forth both tentacles and, instead of the sunburst striking dead its target… the demon’s hungry appendages absorbed Cenarius’s spell with ease. The felbeast hesitated, shimmered…and suddenly, where there had been one, there were now two.

The Sundering

  • By draining it out of its victims, the felbeast also devoured their life force. Given time to finish its unholy meal, the felbeast would leave only a dried husk.


  • "Honestly? It's an awesome question. Some 'locks have drained life to keep themselves "pretty". I'll see if I can get an answer."


  • He could heal himself by draining the souls of his fallen victims.
  • He changed the focus of the spell once he knew Ravael was dead, drawing shadowy globules of the defeated elf’s corrupted soul into his own, channeling the stolen power and using it to heal his wounds.

The Sundering

  • Illidan's left hand glowed an eerie green that Tyrande recognized as the same color as the horrific flames surrounding the demons. Malfurion's twin inhaled—and Tyrande watched in horror as the demon literally crumbled to dust from end to front, whining to the last. Its very essence was sucked into the sorcerer's palm. As the horrific vision unfolded, Illidan's aspect became something frightening to behold. Even though he had replaced the scarf over his eye sockets, she could see the terrible fires burning within. The sorcerer wore a wide, almost drunken grin and around him flared green flames as potent as those surrounding any demon. Illidan seemed to swell— Then, the flames abruptly died away and the sorcerer instantly returned to his normal appearance. He wiped clean his hand, then kicked a little at the ash that was all that remained of the felbeast.

Day of the Dragon

  • “I know the spellwork that will return it to them, a variation used by those of my order when trying to draw from other relics, but it demands that the artifact in question be shattered, so that the forces binding the magic within won't exist any longer! I can give back to the dragons what they lost—but only if I can get the Demon Soul open!

Death From Above

  • 3: Xuexing crouched and cupped his hands, gathering every ounce of power he dared, heedless of his proximity to the new huatang.

Chronicle 1

  • 61: Malygos drained the magical essence that fueled the constructs and golems, rendering them useless.

Archive of the Tirisgarde

  • The sorcerer never enslaved Aluneth - the being was far too strong and unwieldy for that. Yet Meitre found a way to draw power from the entity, thereby using its energies to enhance his own spells.

Blood of the Highborne

  • In the early days of the elve's discovery of their magical addiction, Galell had learned rather quickly that strong doses of arcane magic served to induce an emotional numbness that the former priest found comforting. The magic tempered his nightmares and quieted his thoughts, his regrets; it distanced him from his despair. In the grip of the arcane, he felt almost nothing, and most times, feeling nothing was preferable to the reality of his life.
  • Unfortunately his body had developed a resistance to the magic’s effects. And so Galell relied upon increasing amounts of arcane energy, turning to sources honest elves shied away from: the shadowy inhabitants of Murder Row, whose methods of procurement and distribution were questionable, to say the least.

Chronicle 3

  • 162: Malygos lashed out at the nether dragons, absorbing nearly all of them into his being. Unexpectedly, the energies of the incorporeal creatures swept away the haze of suffering and regret that had clouded his mind.

Chronicle 1

  • 144: The millennia of sleep had slowly weakened Theradras’s mighty form. The newly awakened Theradras reached out to the verdant surroundings and consumed their energies. Invigorating power flooded through the elemental, regenerating her craggy form. Theradras’s siphoning left enormous tracts of land desiccated. Plant life across Mashan’she withered and died.
  • 144: The stolen life energies that radiated from Theradras enticed Zaetar, and he became enthralled by her beauty.

Chronicle 2

  • 14: Each Sporemound drained the surrounding forests and jungles of life essence, leaving behind only withered tracts of land. Infused with these energies, the Sporemounds arose to walk the world.
  • 14: The Sporemound leeched the dwindling life essence from the bodies of Naanu and Zang, drawing the energies into itself and growing to a monstrous size.

Highlord Demitrian: The Firelord feasted upon the essence of my Lord, but was unable to consume him entirely.

  1. Иллюзии - искусство обмана реальности, позволяющее делать объекты невидимыми и неслышимыми, менять облик существ и целых локаций
    1. Йогг-Сарон создал иллюзию призрака мертвой врайкульши
    2. Заклинатели тайной магии способны создавать свои копии, практически неотличимые от оригинала и повторяющие его действия. Джайна не сомневается, что Тир мог бы создать иллюзию живого существа
    1. Хаккар создавал на своей ладони изображения врагов, чтобы его союзники могли знать их приметы
    2. Иллидан у себя в ладошках создает изображение юной Тиранды. Заклинатели тайной магии чертят в воздухе руны и создает проекции всяких объектов. Примечательно, что воспроизведение Души Дракона обладало силой, из-за которой тени Аспектов иногда выглядели драконьими, хотя они были в обличье смертных
    1. Заклинатели темной магии могут становиться невидимыми. В истории артефакта разбойников специализации Скрытность указано, что клинки искажают воздух и свет, что позволяет владельцам скрыться
    2. Aльтернативный Гул'дан способен сделать себя невидимым для всех, кто стоит от него дольше чем на два шага
    3. Заклинатели тайной магии могут делать невидимыми себя и своих союзников
    1. Заклинатели темной магии способны принимать облик других существ
    2. Всякие иллюзии от чернокнижников и магов
    3. Шаги Ремула не издают звука, а сам он сливается с окружением. Красные драконы способны маскироваться под части деревьев
  2. Имеется заклинание, скрывающее личность мага в буквально тени
    1. На карте Шадо-пан один из островов был магически скрыт
    2. Древнее заклинание скрывало определенную информацию в магических томах. Книги огров пусты, пока не поднести к страницам печатку императора
    3. Донос шпионов Малдраксуса исчезает, если его читает противник
    1. Голос Велена во время обращения к ограм грохотал в небесах
    2. Саргерас даже после падения может говорить ангельским голосом. Кадгар заставляет звучать свой голос со всех сторон сразу, а Гул'дан копирует этот прием. Иллидан магически усиливает голос, что тот гремит над полем битвы
    3. Голос Фэндрала также исходит со всех сторон сразу
  3. Заклинание, блокирующее исходящий звук от объекта
  4. Смертокрыл наложил на Краса чары, из-за которых тот не мог говорить о Смертокрыле - вместо нужных слов исходили глупости и появлялось головокружение даже от одной мысли заговорить по запретной теме

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Illusion

  • Illusion is the art of deceiving reality itself. The mist of illusion can make a mage invisible or inaudible to the world or twist the image of a location into something entirely different. Illusion can be used for disguise for manipulation. The sell of invisibility is among the most integral in a battle mage's repertoire. As you will often find yourself in dangerous situations and in need of a quick method for a strategic retreat. Illusions can also be used to deceive your opponents into thinking that you are elsewhere, or even trick your enemies into fighting each other. This is no easy task, but the accomplished illusionist can turn allies into enemies - and his or her own enemies into allies.

Chronicle 1

  • 56: Loken called out to Sif again for advice, but this time, she remained silent. Dread overtook the keeper as he realized that her spirit had not existed at all. She was an illusion created by Yogg-Saron.

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Illusion

  • In life, she developed a spell that displayed several images of her body that were nearly indistinguishable form her real form. These images duplicated her actions from different locations, making it nearly impossible for her enemies to find her. It was almost infallible.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • That also brought her back to Buniq, whom she increasingly considered something other than a taunka. It would not be difficult for a keeper to take on such an illusion, either.

The Well of Eternity

  • “Is there a description of this last creature?”
    “Aye.” Hakkar held out one hand, palm up. Above his palm there suddenly burst to life a tiny image. It moved violently and often lost focus, but revealed by bits and pieces an almost full view of the one in question.
  • The Houndmaster quickly obeyed, revealing a green-skinned brute of warrior, a young night elf, and an odd, fire-haired figure clad in hooded garments.

The Demon Soul

  • The sorcerer paused. He cupped his hands, and in the palms he created an image of Tyrande dancing. She was slightly younger and wearing a flowing skirt. The image was her as Illidan recalled from a festival a few seasons back.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 1: Kalec swept his hand through the air, and a series of luminescent runes winked into existence, each detailing experiments his flight had conducted.
  • 5: Despite being an arcane facsimile summoned by Kalecgos, the weapon held power. Bathed in the pale violet light emitted by the Dragon Soul's image, the Aspects noticed that their shadows were flickering between their current mortal forms and their true draconic bodies.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • As Buniq began, the archmage cast a simple but useful spell. Immediately, the air flared silver where the taunka had started drawing. The hunter hesitated. “Go on, please, Buniq.” Exhaling, the taunka obeyed. The silver fire followed as she completed the symbol. Jaina watched with ever-increasing interest, all the while hoping that Buniq had a very sharp memory. The taunka stepped back. Jaina summoned the glowing pattern to her, examined it for a second, and then, with a grimace, turned it around so that she saw it as Buniq had. A crescent star overlooking a stylized bird greeted her, both bound in the center by three simple but significant runes of triangular shape.
  • Turning back to the seemingly empty chamber, Modera raised one hand and began writing in the air. Runes flared before her.
  • With Kalec in her thoughts, the archmage once more re-created the symbol. She then made a second, a third, and so on, until within the space of a few breaths, scores of the reversed image hovered before her.

Legion Class Preview Series/Rogue

  • Subtlety rogues are the masters of the shadows, and they strike unseen. They don’t have the lethal poison-tipped daggers of the assassin or the brawling prowess of the outlaw, but their acumen on the battlefield and ability to hide in plain sight are unrivaled. Some claim the art of subtlety looks like malevolent shadow magic - but no matter from where their power is derived, these rogues are capable of performing devastating assaults on their enemies, slipping away unharmed to strike again without detection. Most rogues train their entire lives to learn how to walk in the shadows - subtlety rogues were born there. Finally, to further reinforce the matter of their relationship with sinister Shadow magic, Subtlety makes use of a new ability called Nightblade, which applies Shadow damage over time.

Blood Ledger

  • These daggers could twist the air and bend light, allowing their wielders to conceal themselves effortlessly.

Chronicle 2

  • 29: The Skalaxi shrouded themselves in shadow to elude the approaching primal army. They reached Talador and stalked unseen through the forests until they found Gnarlgar.

A Good War

  • 2: Lorash stepped back. A touch of Shadow made it look as if he had simply disappeared, but the night elves did not panic.
  • 3: He had taken position in the tree trunk’s shadow and employed a touch of the other Shadow to make himself truly unseen.


  • 3: The insecurity vanished. He gave her a quick grin as he stepped into shadows… and disappeared.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras:

  • Someone was coming. Gul'dan stopped. He listened. He waited. Carefully, very carefully, he wreathed himself in fel power, a simple trick but a useful one. To anyone farther than two paces, Gul'dan would be invisible. Anyone who stepped closer would soon see nothing at all.


  • She mounted up and murmured the spell. She saw Uther grin as he suddenly realized he could no longer see her. "I'll follow him. Come as soon as your men are ready." She would not follow him too closely. She was invisible, but not silent.

Chronicle 2

  • 107: The three friends set off in secret, forging beyond Stormwind’s borders. They infiltrated Stranglethorn Vale without incident, shrouded by Medivh’s magic.


  • The Broken were hulking, ungraceful monsters, bearing primitive weapons in their huge hands. Illidan’s mystical senses detected that more of them were nearby, potent magic concealing them from those who lacked his spectral sight. Akama nodded and gestured. The near-invisible Broken swarmed forward across the open ground and clambered up the walls of the Black Temple.


  • 4: Annoyed, she turned away - then she stopped as a hand grabbed her arm. It was stubby, compared to that of a night elf: shorter fingers, broader palms. Delaryn turned and looked down into the face of a fine-featured human male. “It’s the best I can do, for now,” he said, in the heavy accent of a Stormwind native. And it was only now, with a start, that she noticed the long kaldorei ears. Somehow, impossibly, her eyes had not wandered to them. She shook her head and said, “Change back.” He straightened, and the deceptive shadow he had wrapped around himself fell away.
  • 4: A half hour later, a Forsaken, taller than most and wearing the armor and mark of Sylvanas Windrunner’s personal guard, approached the inn. It took her three full heartbeats to realize it was young Tavar.
  • 4: She leaned forward, straining to hear, and marveled at the strange, sepulchral timbre of the Forsaken in his voice. He was very good.

audio drama/A Thousand Years of War

  • The creature that looked like Turalyon roared with rage and took two stumbling steps toward her.

The Demon Soul

  • And as he struggled to overcome the spell, Krasus's gaze twisted skyward. The clouds had thickened, darkened. They seemed to sag from their immense weight… No… all that he saw was illusion, and he knew it.

Chronicle 1

  • 37: He commanded Loken to weave a grand illusion spell that forced the C’Thraxxi to see themselves—and even Yogg-Saron—as the enemy. As the Black Empire’s forces turned on one another, Odyn swooped in to cut down his confused foes.
  • 87: The surviving tol’vir within Uldum worked to ensure that no one would ever again attempt to claim such power. They shrouded the few mountain passes that led into the region with magic. In doing so, the tol’vir effectively sealed Uldum off from the eyes of mortals. Before the tol’vir shrouded Uldum in their grand illusion, a handful of Thunder King loyalists recovered Lei Shen’s corpse from the region.

Blood of the Highborne

  • Lor’themar crested the hill overlooking An’telas and knew immediately that something was dreadfully wrong. For one thing, he could see An’telas, which meant the magic that should have concealed the open-air temple had been compromised.


  • The druids had not heard the figure approach, as his footsteps produced no hint of a sound. The four, swift legs stepped back soundlessly, colorful wildflowers blossoming in his tracks. As he did, his form somehow blended with his surroundings—both near and far. By then, though, Remulos had already become his surroundings, vanishing as if an illusion created by the leaves, branches, and other flora of the mystical glade.

The Well of Eternity

  • I know you… cloaked as part of the tree, you watch us and the lord of the forest. You wonder who we are, why we are here. Krasus felt a presence stir, however slightly. The observer was uncomfortable with this sudden intrusion in his thoughts, and not yet willing to declare himself.
  • Part of the trunk suddenly tore away, assuming as it separated a humanoid figure of ridged bark. As the tall shape approached, the bark faded away, transforming to long, flowing garments and a slim face shadowed to obscurity by a spell with which Krasus himself was long familiar.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • A part of the tree to his left separated. The facade of bark faded, revealing a beautiful, fiery-tressed woman dressed in form-fitting gold and crimson armor.

The Well of Eternity

  • The shadowed form touched with his talon the small, golden sphere in his other scaled palm, bringing it to life. Within it, there materialized another, almost identical shadow. The light from the sphere did nothing to push back the darkness surrounding the figure, just as on the other end the sphere used by the second form also failed. The magic cast to preserve each one’s identity was old and very strong.
  • Part of the trunk suddenly tore away, assuming as it separated a humanoid figure of ridged bark. As the tall shape approached, the bark faded away, transforming to long, flowing garments and a slim face shadowed to obscurity by a spell with which Krasus himself was long familiar.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 3: In the middle of the cavern stood a humanoid figure, its features shrouded in a strange, almost tangible darkness. He plodded closer until two eyes opened on the statuesque being, burning the color of molten rock. Thrall stumbled back as the shadows veiling the figure dissipated, revealing a grotesque human male.


  • Taran Zhu touched the map near the northeast corner. An irregular island slowly appeared, as if the mists that hid it had evaporated.

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Jaina gasped; she could not say how she knew, but she could tell that what enveloped the tomes was some very old, very subtle spell. It was meant to keep something hidden, presumably the very information the archmage sought. However, Jaina also sensed a fraying in the spell, as if after so much time, the original intent of the casting had begun to be lost.
  • Turned this way, the symbol was also a key. Or, rather, the key. Jaina cast the reversed symbol over the original tome. The archmage watched as it sank into the book. The lavender glow faded not only from the book in question but also from the entire collection. Jaina seized the thick tome and began flipping through the pages. There, where she had expected to find the information she needed, she finally found it.

quest/Empire's Fall

  • The felbreaker's tome is blank? Let me see that. Did you get the Sorcerer King's sigil? Of course - see here, as you run the sigil over the page, runic lettering appears. Oh… this is really advanced.

item/Mawsworn Movement Report

  • The writing on this enchantment is designed to disappear when read by an enemy.

Chronicle 2

  • 56: Velen then appeared on Shattrath’s ramparts, wreathed in the scintillating Light. He issued a single statement, his voice rumbling through the heavens: “Go home, and you will not be harmed.”


  • Even corrupt, he(Sargeras) can speak in a compelling angelic voice.

audio drama/The Tomb of Sargeras

  • His voice seemed to come from every stone at once. A clever idea. It disguised his location. Gul'dan quickly worked out how to imitate that. A small touch of fel, and his own voice boomed throughout the chamber.


  • Magically amplified, Illidan’s mad voice boomed over the battlefield.


  • “So the legendary shan’do returns to grace us with his undeserved glory,” the voice of Fandral Staghelm declared from all around Malfurion.

The Demon Soul

  • Constantly the captive's mouth moved as if he furiously shouted something, yet no sound emerged. That did not keep him from trying, however, especially when he saw the dark leviathan approach. The dragon mulled over his prisoner for a moment, then blinked. Immediately the cavern chamber filled with the venom-laced, rasping voice of the creature.
  • Blinking again, the dragon silenced once more his captive.

The Sundering

  • The scarved face contorted in growing anger. “I want you to be quiet… now.”
    “—” No sound escaped Tyrande's mouth despite her best attempt to create even the slightest noise. Even when she coughed, it was in utter silence.


  • Perhaps the demons had made it so that, to the outside, all was silent here.

The Well of Eternity

  • But as the first words of his tale ushered forth from his mouth, Krasus’s tongue seemed to catch everywhere. Instead of a coherent telling, babbled words of whimsy escaped him. Most of the gathered dragons pulled their heads back, startled by his peculiar behavior. Krasus looked quickly to Alexstrasza, seeking her help, but her expression indicated an astonishment as strong as any. The mage’s head spun. Vertigo worse than any he had suffered so far seized him, made him unable to keep his balance. Nonsense words continued to spew from his lips, but even Krasus no longer knew what he tried to convey. And as his legs buckled and the vertigo took full hold of him, Krasus heard within his head the deathly calm voice of Neltharion. I did warn you…
  • But once more, when Krasus tried to speak of the fiend, the vertigo nearly did him in. It was all he could do to keep conscious.
  • Krasus asked…then touched his mouth in surprise when he realized that the words had come out with no trouble. Apparently Neltharion’s handiwork only involved the dragon himself, not any other matter of importance.
  • He so much desired to tell her of Neltharion, but even thinking that made his head swim.

  1. Хрономантия - искусство ткать время, манипуляци темпоральной энергией
  2. [Замедленное падение] и [Замедление] доступны смертным магам и синим драконам
  3. Ноздорму пытался обратить Смертокрыла в старика, но тот рассеял заклинание до того, как его эффект стал необратимым. Бронзовые драконы своим дыханием обратили демонов в разлагающиеся трупы. Смертные маги также научились ускорять течение времени, создав [Искажение времени]
  4. Бронзовые драконы способны телепортироваться и откатывать объекты во времени, заставляя их двигаться назад во времени или просто мгновенно перемещая их в нужный промежуток времени
  5. Вероятно, разновидностью этих манипуляций является исцеление от бронзовых драконов
  6. Бронзовые драконы способны видеть альтернативные вселенные, перемещаться в прошлое и будущее по ним. "Любой дурак с маленьким талантом" способен при помощи предмета, резонирующего с другим таймлайном, вглядеться в этот таймлайн и увидеть проблеск его миров
  7. Бронзовые драконы способны ненадолго остановить поток истории, чтобы оказываемое на прошлое влияние не изменяло будущее
  8. Бронзовые драконы бессмертны. Благословение Нордрассила Ноздорму даровало бессмертие ночным эльфам

zone/Timeless Isle

  • Weaver Belmaril: The Weavers are arcanists who specialize in chronomancy; the art of weaving time. Amongst the Timewalkers, we alone can repair damage to the timeways, open temporal portals, and other such tasks. These things once came easily to the bronze dragonflight, but alas, no longer.

Time in a Bottle

  • You can recharge it using the temporal energy coalescing around the wildlife here. Unfortunately, that means defeating affected creatures in the forest. The energies were making them dangerous and unstable, and we would have had to cull the population after anyhow…

The Sundering

  • His body suddenly tingled. Brox's movements slowed down, each action growing more and more ponderous. It felt as if the very air around him solidified. Sorcery… Malfurion had not dealt with Illidan, just as the veteran warrior had feared. The familial bond had made the druid hesitant and now that hesitation would cost them.
  • Brox wanted to look up, but his movements had slowed so much now that he knew that the night elf would gut him before he could lower his head again. If this was to be his death, the orc wanted to stare his slayer in the eyes as a warrior should.

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation

  • Spells that manipulate time also fall into this category. The ever-popular slow fall spell is an excellent alternative to falling to your death (and much more reliable than blink at this function). More advanced practitioners of the arcane arts can also learn a spell that slows the movements of their enemies.

On the Virtues of Magic

  • Ask your mage friend to cast a slowing charm on you and take the time to stop and smell the roses. Also fun at races!

Dawn of the Aspects

  • Managing to focus, Kalec cast a spell. His wild descent slowed nearly to a halt. It was a very short-term solution, but he hoped that he would not need more than a few moments. Catching his breath, the blue dragon rolled onto his stomach. Already feeling the hastily cast spell dissipating, Kalec flapped hard. As he regained flight, his spell faded away.

Day of the Dragon

  • Nozdormu cast the sand of ages at him, threatening, at least for a moment, to steal Deathwing's very youth. Deathwing felt the weakness spread through him, felt his bones grow stiff and his thoughts slower. Yet, before the change could become permanent, the raw power within the chaotic dragon surged high, burning away the sand, overwhelming the cunning spell.

The Sundering

  • The monster veered off awkwardly, barely able to stay aloft. The bronze, however, did not let it escape. She breathed once at the fleeing figures…and both rider and mount transformed from menace to decayed corpses that a moment later crumbled to dust. The mad wind quickly scattered the decomposing fragments over the dark waters.

The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation

  • I've heard rumors of a spell that increases movement speed as well, but I've never seen it in practice.

Legacy of the Masters (Part 1):

  • Warriors have readied their war banners, the Death Knights of Acherus have learned to control the undead and it is even said the Mages are researching ways to undo time itself.

The Demon Soul

  • The bronze figures of Nozdormu's flight seemed not to move at all, but somehow were elsewhere whenever he blinked.

The Sundering

  • Bronze dragons swept over the demon ranks… and as they passed, the monstrous warriors moved in reverse. Yet, while Time had turned about for them, it had not for those behind. Chaos ensued as a collision of titanic proportions created utter mayhem among Archimonde's fighters.


  • 1: There was a flash of bronze light. The glass shard in Kairoz's hand shimmered. Garrosh blinked. His hand squeezed nothing but air. The campfire was in front of him again, three strides away, as though he had never moved.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 1: Nozdormu asked as he began weaving spells to reverse the sands of time escaping from the other dragon.

quest/Tarnished Bronze

  • Chromie says: If anyone gets too hurt, I'll undo your wounds.

Chronicle 3

  • 132: Creatures like the bronze dragons, who have command of temporal magic, can see all the countless tributaries of alternate universes and timelines, and they can even move back and forth along the stream to observe the past and the future.


  • 1: "Because most of the hourglass is still in our Azeroth, this piece resonates with our timeway. Call it a glimpse… a glint of time. With a little work on my part—"
    "We can go back." Garrosh felt his heart race and his skin tingle. Plans began to unfold within his mind. "Not just back to our Azeroth. It could take us back to our time."
  • 1: Any fool with a little talent can tap into what you're holding. It will be enough to catch a glimpse of our Azeroth and the spoils of other worlds.

Charge of the Aspects

  • 5: "Time isss not as linear as some might think. My flight will halt the flow of history to negate the impact we make on the past. But we can hold together the integrity of the timewaysss only for so long. When our work isss done, we will return the Dragon Soul to its rightful place…"


  • were dragons other than Dragon Aspects immortal before Deathwing’s death?”
    “It’s safe to assume bronzes were given their power over time, IIRC. Consorts were also given a measure of longevity.”

The Sundering

  • As Alexstrasza pulled back slightly, Nozdormu spoke, a slight hiss in his voice. “Time will be on the night elvess's side once again, for I grant them continued Immortality, forever a chance to learn, for asss long asss the tree stands…”

    1. Астральная проекция Малфуриона в Изумрудном Сне после решения о том, что пламя астральной проекции Смертокрыла является не реальностью, а иллюзией, перестала получать от него урон. Малигос, желая стереть Душу Дракона, создает некую белую дугу, временно оставляющую после себя белую пустоту, но Смертокрыл плевком ее уничтожает
    2. Архимонд усилил барьеры вокруг Источника Вечности так, что они действовали и в Изумрудном Сне. Эредар-ассасин способен перемещаться и прятаться между измерениями, и в бегстве танцует между мирами, но Аллерия вытягивает его из этого танца. Ууна в Темных Землях видит свет А'дала из ВЗТ
    3. Саргерас влил в зубы своей любимой гончей энергии Тени, что сделало их достаточно острыми, чтобы разрезать реальность. Эгвин, будучи Хранителем, находясь на нексусе лей-линий и используя [Алунет] на полную мощность, исказила реальность, чтобы создать Каражан. Впоследствие, проходившие через Каражан энергии также искажали реальность, что безуспешно пытался нейтрализовать один маг Даларана со своими учениками
  1. При открытии порталов, маги манипулируют тканью реальности, чтобы сделать расстояние между двумя точками несуществующим, а в ходе телепортации порталом становится сам объект
    1. При закрытии портала, объект в нем находящийся разрезается надвое. Края порталов не стоит касаться и их дестабилизация ведет. Перемещение через портал существа, подвергшегося превращению в другое существо, вызывает взрыв. Порталы пропускают газы и жидкости, но на последних обычно имеют фильтр, что позволяет открывать порталы под водой
    2. Злоупотребление тайной магией ослабляет/разрывает ткань реальности. Порталы после своего закрытия оставляют разрыв в ткани реальности
    1. Армия Света открывает порталы
    2. Культист Сумеречного Молота открывал портал для подкрепления. Аллерия создает зубчатые, черные как угол вселенной порталы
    3. Порталы скверны в два раза больше и живут в десять раз больше порталов тайной магии?
    4. Хелия открыла портал в ТЗ?
    5. Ремул открывает и увеличивает портал
    6. При создании [Скипетра Саргераса], используя тайную магию и магию скверны, маги объединили бесчисленные порталы в посох и спроецировали в каждый уголок ВЗТ, вплетая его в реальность и создавая нить, потянув за которую можно разорвать ткань реальности
    7. Могрейн использует [Врата смерти] - портал в виде пирамиды темно-фиолетового тумана
    8. Джайна, использовав вариацию портала, зачаровала зеркало, чтобы при произнесении нужного заклинания оно превращалось в окно между ее и Андуина комнатами
    9. Альтернативный Гул'дан оставил для Кадгара ловушку под ногами в виде портала в Бездну
    1. телепортация Архимонда, Кил'Джедена и натрезимов
    2. [Скачок] - самое простое заклинание телепортации, которое в случае наличия твердого объекта в точке выхода может вызывать застревание в нем. Майев применяет [Скачок]. Телепортация Анастериана растолкала нежить в ме